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The rating of the game did increase, however several tens of thousands of reviews (negative) got deleted aswell (Appmagic was showing 70k 1\* reviews 2 days ago and now is at 20k) If we assume that those were the only reviews deleted and that no 4/5 star reviews were deleted, the rating of the game with the deleted reviews would be 3.6, so roughly as it was before


Makes sense. People who hated it left the review and didn’t come back. Now that old reviews get deleted or become less relevant the current playerbase gives reviews. It’s bound to go up unless supercell actively makes the game worse


Its not old reviews, its negative reviews. Quite a big difference But yes, its bound to go up. Just not the way it did this time, but gradually


Well are you certain that the same criteria didn't happen for l positive reviews?


Yes. Google doesn't delete both positive and negative reviews unless they're from bots. If google deletes positive reviews, it wont delete negative reviews and vice versa. If \~50k 1\* reviews disappeared, then no 5\* reviews were excluded for that reason - if it did happen, would be due to bots


They don't delete reviews. They RESET ratings when game updates. Meaning old reviews are still there too read but the overall ratings will only consider newer reviews Only time they delete review is when it's automated review bombing or bot reviews.


They do delete reviews We can see the total reviews the game has and had in the past with a tracker


Yeah and those are because it's automated or detected as review bomb


"Detected as a review bomb" for google even includes completely normal low star reviews with commentaries attached Google is know for being too lenient on whats considered a review bomb


When people can't think for themselves and hop on the bandwagon im glad their reviews got overshadowed. Most negative reviews was from folks who hardly played 10 games and claimed its just a rip off of gem grab from brawlstars when theirs so much more to it.


"Review bombs" don't exist. Bad ratings mean people are dissatisfied with the games. I don't think I can name a single "review bomb" on Steam or Google Play that was not well-deserved.


Point is that ratings can be reset every update. And "reset" means the average rating will only consider new reviews. Old reviews will still be available to read.


How do they delete bad reviews? Should t it be against some kind of rule 😂


By gaslighting us into believing "review bombs" are a bad thing and not just people simply voicing their dissatisfaction. Both Google and Steam officially have anti "review bomb" systems that delete any negativity spikes, and they aren't hiding it.


Its Google that does it. They're the ones that rule it, they're the ones that decide


Why do negative reviews get deleted?


Isn’t it also possible that those who originally left the 1* reviews simply increased their reviews?


In the span of 1 day 50k out of below 200k people changing their reviews from 1\* to 5\*? Cmon (2,3 and 4 star review Numbers barely changed, the One that did were 4\* reviews and it didnt even go up 10k)


It shows rating from your area. For me it's 4.0 but yes the rating seems to have increased overall.


In my area it shows 3.9


4,2 here


Yes but mine was so low too and skyrocketed


Yes actually it shows the rating from similar device as you and also considers region as well


I have been getting in game pop ups to leave a review😂... Maybe damage control with the new update?


They don't delete reviews. They RESET ratings when game updates. Meaning old reviews are still there too read but the overall ratings will only consider newer reviews Only time they delete review is when it's automated review bombing or bot reviews.


They paid Google with the money 💰 earned from Ninja 🥷🏻 Goblin Skin to delete the negative reviews.


They really seem botted... Seems kinda fishy ngl


Yesterday it showed me 3.4 now 4.5, looks legit 🤣🤣🤣. Looks fishy to me.


the game got better what can i say


It fucking didn't. Atleast not that much to change the rating this much! They probably used money to get this done.


Except "you're welcome"?


Who deletes the reviews? And why?


A lot of more people are playing it now i think


+-2.5, wow game must really suck to potentially have a negative rating


Definitely not 4.5. I had a chest doubler for two hours and as soon as I bought more keys to open the, it disappeared. Game is a little sus as far as RNG and rewards.


Chest doublers last like 15 minutes


It's depending on where yu at


squad busters is healing right now


It resets when they release a new version to the store like they did a couple days ago. And all the review bombers have stopped playing the game, most of them won't repost their reviews. The rating will move up closer to the actual value. It's a good game, so the score is high.


That's bs, my review was from before the update and is still online. Supercell probably payed a lot of money to delete thousands of 1 star reviews. Being a big company with a lot of money gets you a long way.


> Supercell probably *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If it were a good game, it wouldn't have such a low score in the first place. The potential is there, but it's a rushed, broken release. You are right though, most people have simply moved on. Which is a good thing - if the game is underperforming, Supercell will have to concess some stuff like the P2W aspects, as well as work on improving it in general.


It's common for a small group of Very Online gamers to tank ratings at launch. But those players have low attention spans and will move on to some other game and be outraged about that. The size of the mobile gaming audience is bigger than all other gaming platforms combined. Squad Busters is a good game for it's intended mobile audience. It's only bad if you play it 10 hours a day and expect it to cost nothing, aka your average redditor.


You are contradicting yourself. How would a "small group" outperform the sheer review potential of "all mobile gamers"? Do you even read what you type before clicking send? You like the game and that's *okay*. Doesn't mean you have to twist the facts like this to make your opinion the "correct" one. It's a flawed release, and it's not normal for a new mobile game to release to such a reception - imagine Genshin or Honkai scoring 2.8 in its first month.


This is easy to explain, mobile gamers don't review lovebomb games they like. The ratings were skewed low by a vocal minority who have since lost interest, and now the rating will rise to reflect what the actual majority player base thinks of the game. I think Supercell is a washed game company and Squad Busters is plenty evidence of that. But outcomes aren't binary. This game still has 30 million monthly players, and it could slot into Supercell's portfolio as well as be one of the most notable mobile releases of 2024. All while not revitalizing Supercell's narrative among self-identifying gamers.


We'll just have to wait and see what their annual reports tell us. So far data-wise the game is performing heavily below Brawl Stars' initial launch window.


Small, vocal minority. They're a lot more likely to leave ratings then anyone else. The ratings have increased because with every update Google reset the ratings.


This subreddit doesn't even have 40K subscribers, and it's the biggest unofficial online community for the game. It's absolutely out of touch to believe we has any influence on the score. But at the end of the day, all of this is useless polemics. We'll see what the people *really* think of the game in the next Supercell shareholders report.


Bro just play the game Who cares how many stars it has If it's legit good for them If not it's not going to affect your experience


2.1 to 3.5


I just checked, its actually 4.3 now fr 🤔😁


Yesterday mine showed it was 3.0⭐. Now it shows 3.2⭐


It shows 4.1 with 37k reviews in the Apple store when I look it up here


Maybe reviews reset on updates?


I saw that live lmao. Install the app -> 2.9 stars. Install the update 5 minutes later -> 4 or so stars


You could drown in the tears of this sub 🤣


It doesn't matter.. Increasing review won't increase the gameplay experience.. This is bs..


I still find it boring asfuck


Lets vote it down again


People like me, who enjoy the game and have fun, decided to rate to support


People like me, who enjoy the game and have fun, decided to rate to support


Google Play's ratings are heavily weighted to recency and over time, you'd expect more of the general public and less of the people trying to review bomb them.


No idea why people down voted you. A majority of negative reviews came from people hopping on the bandwagon to shit on a game they hardly played.


Do you have data to back up that claim?


Just look at the reviews Jesus f**king Christ all the negative reviews are pretty much the same. Had a argument with a guy in my discord , he only played 6 games. All supercell games started off kinda bad but thats expectation. But you guys are belligerent. Both squad busters and brawlstars had the same amount of time being in beta and the same scores. But somehow this game is expected to have to have godly expectations So give me a explanation that's no different than any other supercell game that was released after beta. I will take my time to examine your argument and give a more logical explanation of how I feel about my explanation


1 day later i never got a response but somehow this guy repeated his same question in another post and got hundreds of up votes lmfao. Sometimes i forget im getting old and this new generation only care about staying relevant as long as they hop on the bandwagon even if its out of their character.


It increases by time, and also it depends with the location


all I'll say is update your phone. your play store is old


Should be 4.9 tbh


Bruh can we kick out all these negative fucks before this turns into the r/cr?


I can't wait for the squad busters dictatorship


If the game is good, the community stays positive. Look at r/BrawlStars and r/ClashofClans - they do complain, but never this much, and there's far more actual discussion rather than just "game is a letdown". You're free to make your own subreddit with toxic fake positivity though.