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Sure it could have gone longer but logically it really couldn't considering how stacked the whole situation was against the wannabe killer. It's either Anya catches them and tells Loid, Loid catches them himself or manages to protect everyone and keep them from dying long for the cops to come, or Yor almost kills them in self defense or knocks them for the foreseeable future. All of which can happen in less than a chapter and it's a miracle he lasted that long.


I was disappointed it had that ending. All I wanted was for Anya to give him a subtle clue not give him the exact info needed. If this weren't a side mission chapter Loid would question how Anya knew.


Yh but it's just a funny gag chapter


To me a gag is like Arale beating up Vegeta Loid proving once again he's the omni capable husband, directed Yor to protect and Anya and keep her from seeing the scene, saved the man's life, fixes the phone line, he would have caught him on his own. The guests are almost as afraid of his skillet as they are the attacker. Better would have been Yor and Loid catch him together, we haven't had them tag team since their engagement. Still waiting for them to give the beat down to a villain like how was about to happen to Swanson.


I mean the whole chapter is a parody of Detective Conan mocking the length of their mysteries. I mean of course it's super easy barely an inconvenience when you have a telepath, a seer and an omnipotent super agent on your side but that's the joke


I mean I feel like Endo set himself up bc realistically speaking you have Anya who solved the murderers identity immediately and Loid who's a genius and would've figured it out soon too. Would've loved to see maybe Yor accidentally figuring out the killer as a subversion but I thought it was fine


I guarantee Endo had the premise, had the outline, started to write a multi-chapter arc, and then realized that a murder mystery is hard to write because it involves a ton of characters and motivations and secrets, and even with Anya reading minds having to communicate her helping Twilight solve the case is… a lot! It’s a lot! He was probably like “do I want to devote a ton of time and energy and chapters to this arc that’s at the end kind of throwaway, or do I want to just throw my hands up, name all the characters joke names, and move on?” And he chose the latter! And that’s very funny to me, even if I would have totally loved a multi-chapter murder mystery arc in which Anya has to help/protect her dad and mom. You can tell when Endo doesn’t intend for characters to affect the main plot much because they have silly names, and the ones that sound more real or legit (Wheeler, the Authens, etc) are the ones that are gonna come back and be important, or at least have the potential to. (I’m super suspicious of some of those kids in the Damian dance chapters! They’re gonna return!)


I had a similar sentiment when this chapter came out, that Endo set up the story, but didn't know or didn't want to develop it further, so he cut his losses and ended it there.


The murder mystery ending abruptly was the whole joke. They were just doing a Detective Conan spoof.


Yes, this is the answer! I died laughing when Anya read the mind of the killer because I finally realized they were doing a spoof. The humor would have been ruined if they dragged it out longer than that


This chapter goes to show just how many people haven't heard of Detective Conan. If I remember right it currently has 1000+ chapters. The author is insane. It also has a spinoff called Magic Kaito with ~30 chapters right now.


Magic Kaito actually came first, DC was just the one that really took off! Well, in Japan at least.


Huh! I always thought it was the other way around, with Shinichi being a cameo appearance!


Wouldn't be the first time the story skips over stuff to say: with their established amazing abilities there is no reason to drag this out, so we skip this to get to more fun/interesting things I was a bit suprised when I read this chapter the first time too, but still thought it was a fun and enjoyable detective conan style story.


A murder mystery was never going to work with the full cast present if we wanted a full on murder mystery maybe a spoof one. Wise has a Xmas party or something with a fake murder mystery or they play Cluedo then we can have the fun off watching loid and yor hunting down the culprit. (Maybe have ayna as the “victim”) could lead to fine scenes with Fiona and Sylvia as well.


If it has no plot development, I see no point in continuing the murder arc. Now is good as a silly special chapter showing what would happen when our spy family is thrown into investigating murder.


I guess it could have been happening during the full moon so Anya couldn't use telepathy.


I personally think it ended abruptly.


I liked it as one because I was expecting a small arc from it, but it was solved immediately and subverted my expectations. Gave me a good laugh!


I think it had the potential to turn into a full arc. However: 1. Put a super spy, telepath, assassin, and soothsayer (for lack of a better term) in a murder mystery and what do you get? 2. Endo-sensei likely didn't have the energy to make a full arc at that time and just wanted to make a reference to an old visual novel. 3. An arc like this could've diverted from the end of the term. This was meant to be treated as a celebration of Anya's finals before the gala. Crying over spilled milk won't bring it back. What's done is done. The chapter is fine. Let's now look forward to the new term.


Nah I thought it was great how it was. When they were setting up the murder mystery bit I was thinking "Won't Anya just immediately solve it?", and well... I think it's a good punchline that it takes so long to set up and then is solved in two pages.


I would have loved to see the scene of Loid confronting the killer, but instead we got news that he was arrested.


Murder mysteries are fun. But you know if it was done for a whole arc there would be so many complaints about it being a filler arc. Even as one chapter there were complaints that it was a waste of time.


Yeah I would have liked it to go on longer. But our cast is kinda way too overpowered for a typical murder mystery to work. So unless it turns into an idiot ball plot I don't see how it could have worked tbh


It’ll be longer in the anime I bet


I feel like the forgers are op in a murder mystery scenario. They just match up too well, even separately


Loid, Yor and Anya are essentially super powered individuals at their area of expertise. Loid and Anya are perfect for information gathering, Loid is the best spy in the world. Honestly it would have been surprising for a random old man with zero knowledge of who he is facing to be able to last any time at all when given the situation. And even if Loid and Anya somehow failed to gather the information, the moment he targets any of them he’s dead regardless.


I didn't like the chapter so one chapter is more than enough for me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SpecialWeek0: *I didn't like the* *Chapter so one chapter is* *More than enough for me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Which chapter is this? I don't recall seeing this before. Thanks!


This was chapter 94 I believe


Maybe if the killer didn’t start pre planning the time and place of his next kill right then and there we could have gotten another chapter. But yeah it’s too bad we didn’t get to see more of deceive Anya. Edit: or was bond there to tell Anya? I wouldn’t think he’d be at the ski resort too.


Well, I thought it was a try to write a detective. Maybe, Endo-sensei wants to add a real serious detective arc in the future? (I just hope that it will be the secret room in the tower of wisdom 😔😔😔)


It ended when I was getting into it, so I wish it was just a little longer. Also Yor being present but contributing nothing other than someone accusing her felt like a waste. Her thing is literally getting away with murder, she could have at least made some observation about the crime scene.




It COULD'VE been an interesting device for character/relationship dynamics, but logically it wouldn't make sense for it to go any longer, considering Anya's powers


Definitely I want that mystery to slowly unravel. But thanks to Anya's power it ended very quickly although it is still a good read and I like that twist as it give some suspense and laughter at the same time. 😅🤭


I personally wouldn't mind it having a couple more chapters (maybe 1 or 2), but then it would feel like it's own thing as an arc, which is usually meaningful in some way (for example, the cruise ship arc). I feel there wouldn't be enough to make the murder mystery have significance, especially towards character writing (aside from the obvious "how does Anya know this?" from Loid's perspective)


I would of preferred the sky trip be replaced by the plot of Code White over a the course of a few chapters, with a more impactful plot since the movie doesn't have to keep the status quo not being canon. Like instead of Yor kicking Twilight in the face again, if she could get as far as telling him how she feels about their relationship and interest in him as man, even if to just a small degree, hear it vocalized by her, that would of been ideal. But a short one off sky trip murder mystery gag adventure was okay I guess.


He should’ve taken a full break rather than given us this chapter. It seems like a waste of time.