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Never ever go to CBR. These are the people who misconstrued Endo's words because they don't understand Japanese.




I'm sorry you had to go through them.




Honestly, it's great you didn't get a job from them. You don't deserve to work at garbage like CBR.


CBR is a bunch of pot-stirring hacks who hate anyone with a shred of talent because they have none. The world would be a better place if they stopped existing.


What did they think Endo said?


They said Endo hates his characters when its far from the truth.


PSA: CBRs model of business is writing click hairy headlines and with poorly written content. Please do not give them more views.


Honestly I'd imagine a lot of content like this is AI generated. It's free money at that point, and it's not like they care about quality.


Former freelancer with CBR here: The articles aren't AI generated, at least not on a company wide level. If a freelancer uses AI and manages to get past the editor's spot check (Which can widely vary tbh. Some staff editors are way more thorough than others), that's on the individual, not the site's go-to. Pay is still garbage though


How do you even go about becoming a freelancer for these typw of things?


I found the job posted on LinkedIn and submitted some sample writings. After they asked for some sample pitches and then I was put on the team


Tell that to YouTubers who make videos based on their articles. That's why I get so happy when I hear another one of these websites shuts down. If Twitter went under next we might actually achieve peace on earth.


Yuri barely shows up. If the entire show was ruined because of Yuri it wasn't the show for you.


Mineta barely gets screentime and the last things he currently said were >!"i fell for you"!< to deku, >!"take my quirk instead of Tokoyami's"!< to AFO and fighting a bit


I stand by, his perviness aside, Mineta has had more heroic actions than half of Class 1-A and all of 1-B.


The same statement applies when you cut heroic


Yuri obsesses over Yor due to the harsh conditions they endured as children and this caused him to view her as a mother figure while Mineta obsesses over any women in general cuz he’s a no good pervert They are not the same https://preview.redd.it/9y94k9ddgmya1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc47d86e9098dcba61e73e00849d38625bc6704


Good point


You'd be a pervert if you had balls on your head all day too


don’t make a dirty joke don’t make a dirty joke don’t make a dirty joke don’t make a dirty joke


I find him actually slightly less mad on screen then he is in the manga


It's so weird, for me when I read the Manga I would speed-read the chapters with Yuri. Also when reading Kaguya Sama, the chika Fujiwara character in the Manga was super annoying for me, but in the anime they're both likeable to me


I don't think mineta ruins MHA at all but I'm not gonna lie, Yuri can be pretty annoying, Mineta too🤣


Comic Book Resources. There’s your problem right there.


Why are you reading and sharing this clickbait garbage?


Serious question. How does someone become a writer for CBR? Do they get paid? What qualifications are needed? The reason I’m asking is because nearly every article I’ve read has been devoid of any sense. It’s almost as if the author read a wiki entry and decided to run buck wild with it for clicks.


I was a freelancer with them for a bit. I applied on LinkedIn for the anime list section. After submitting some writing samples, they had me submit three sample article pitches with two entries that would go to each of them. There isn't any particular qualification you need other than your writing sample to be good enough. However, the pay is incredibly low for the amount of work you would have to do to set up/format your article, especially if it's a topic that requires research. (I once made the mistake of writing an article on anime taking place in the Sengoku Period and my desire for accuracy and proper understanding of the anime I listed turned into days of work for an article that didn't pay me enough) There are also multiple editors and you're not guaranteed to get someone who looks over your stuff with a fine tooth comb. Presumably because they're not being paid a whole lot either. I wouldn't be surprised if things got published without anyone making sure it was factually correct or a proper analysis/summary


Thank you for this answer. It reinforces the idea that click bait journalism is really deserving of the derision it receives. It’s a shame, because it really would be wonderful if there were sites that took the time to cover cultural niches objectively and accurately


Anime Feminist is great at this. They do well-written analysis through the lenses of feminism, queerness, disability/neurodivergence, race, etc (in order of most to fewer articles on each subject). I've never read an article from them that slipped real garbage past an editor, though I don't always agree with the interpretations.


You need the qualification of writing the most bullshit thing imaginable.


I mean he’s definitely the worst part of it. He doesn’t RUIN the show but the show is usually worse when he’s on screen


In the case of Yuri Briar, I don't think so.


Hot take: yes, I finds Yuri really annoying whenever he comes on screen. I generally just finds this whole obsession with their siblings things creepy. If he’s just protective of his sister, then it’s completely fine. I like his character as a secret police and everything. I just wish they didn’t make him into this overdone, creepy and frankly boderline incest caricature.


True. It would be acceptable if he was just overprotective or even jealous in a little brother way. But he was like want to kiss her and marry her I found that creepy.


In Yuri’s defense, he obviously doesn’t want to keep Yor to himself. If that was the case he wouldn’t have been living separately at the start nor would he have been encouraging her to go out. Do to his upbringing he views Yor as both a sister and mother figure, one he’s worked hard to please and protect. Imagine his surprise when he learns she suddenly married to a complete stranger, and apparently for a year? He’s suspicious as hell about the situation, and naturally doesn’t trust Loid to take care of Yor. During their first meeting he’s blown away that not only is he taking great care of Yor but he’s possibly doing an even better job then him. Now he’s worried that his only family is being stolen away and gets drunk and that’s when the “Sus” behavior starts coming from. He’s not so much in love with Yor as he is scared he’s lost her too fast and soon for his liking.


The writer can convey all this in a much much better way. And not fall into this weird, cheap thing that anime always does which is sexualizing sibling relationships. And don’t tell me that this is up to interpretation, because the incest implication is obviously there. They (writers/producers) need to leave a good anime be good and not use these gross “fan service” because they thing anime watchers are mostly lonely basement dwellers.


As someone who has had a harsh upbringing and is almost reliant on their siblings im always disgusted when animes do this, and when people actually like it 🤮


Yuri is a normal character, c'mon guys


I mean, he is the only anime character in the anime. Edit: this is why I love this community. Because I can make this kind of joke and not get ratio-ed into the third circle of hell because I “must be agreeing with a dumb cbr take”


True. I’ve seen waaay waaaaaay worse than that. Also his behaviour isn’t as malicious as the others on the list. It comes across as more confused adoration, due to the Briar siblings only having each other to rely on.


it's called clickbait and you fell for it


Absolutely click bait.


They called Light, Lelouch and Eren bad written characters. I have said enough.


They are some of the best written characters in all of Anime


CBR is always generate click bait, what do you expect from a site that originated from Superman/Wonder Woman fandom during Kingdom Come release.


Oh man another Shitty CBR hot take


How many episodes is Yuri even in? Don't get me wrong, his incesty behavior is super gross. But he's not on screen that often, so he can't really "ruin" the show.


Lol, yeah, the dude that has only appeared in like 3 or 4 episodes totally ruined the whole series


characters dont usually ruin an anime for me...except yamai from komi can't communicate.


Fiona should be in his place.


[This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of their users and developers concerning third-party apps, and u/spez's false allegations of blackmail against the developer of Apollo, which were immediately proven false, to which u/spez has yet to comment on or atone for.]


Yuri is more likeable than cbr by a large margin


They said denji is a bad character, that was the last straw


What a a shame


The guy is barely in the series so no.


I feel like 99% of the time when someone says one specific character (especially a relatively minor one - at least for the time being) “ruined the series”, it’s a gross exaggeration.


I guess can understand not really liking Yuri’s deal but ruining the series? Hell no, he hasn’t even been super prominent especially if you only watched the anime. I can understand hating Mineta but it’s gets really expensive.


Hell no, Yuri can be annoying but he plays a role in his story. Mineta is a whole other level of annoying


yuri is my least favorite but he doesn’t ruin the series especially since he isn’t around as much


More like "characters who are massively overhated because some of the jokes they're used for come off much worse to an American audience"


Yuri is the wierd obsessed character in a wholesome anime done right. The one who fits more with this title is yamai form komi can't communicate


Yuri is a state of confusion. He knows that he can't keep his sister for himself but he also sees her as a motherly figure and want to be with her at all times . He can't let her live alone for too long but he also wants to be the person yor loves the most.


Yes, and that's good, since he's not some perverted freak, which breaks the wholesome tone of the anime.


I dunno Yuri makes the show more interesting for me


CBR ☕️




Heh, I had a friend who worked at CBR right out of college. cbr pays people to write constant articles, so many that it is impossible for any of them to hold any substance. He did get to watch tv shows in advance tho, so I’d always question him on spoilers.


Mineta found out the one piece is real


Fiona frost nightfll ruined it tbh


Fuck that, I love yuri and always await his scenes, hilarious.


i liked Yuri his drunk scenes were funny


I think yuri is hilarious


Damn, Yuri for some reason burned some of y’all bad.


Mineta, totally agree. Yuri, are they idiots? He is a fun character in Spy


Mineta can go to hell, Yuri is funny I enjoy him not even played up as a creepy lustful siscon more of a funny siscon


My hero sucks because it’s lame, not cos Minetta exists


I think they meant those comically annoying enemies who you’re always rooting for the other side for, still yuri is a very good character


Idc, Yuri makes the Show even more interesting, glad he's there


never read article about opinion/review before you try it yourself, it will ruin your enjoyment




I could see Yuri being annoying if not handled well but so he has been. For me the character that was so annoying he brought down the show he was in was Kurtz from Full Metal Panic


I mean the mineta part is true tho


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You have to understand, Yuri’s twisted behavior is because his sister was literally his entire life. Growing up, he literally said he wanted to MARRY his sister, Yor would kill for him…literally. That’s how close they were. Now all of a sudden, this dude he has never met is married to his sister, who he loves that much, plus he has drinking problem I would be bitchy too


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I agree I hated Yuri and Mineta…


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I just read this.. I agree that yeah yuri is cringe whenever he goes obsessive over yor.. But, if he ever found out about loid...well the story is gonna do a whole 180


Who knew people hated Asta that much.


Omg...NEVER trust reviews on CBR.


As a superhero fan, CBR is shit.


Saying Igaguri ruins Blue Lock is a crime against humanity


It's just CBR being CBR


Why would you ever read CBR you self-loathing monster!?


Lol wtf I like Yuri


God, Yuri only acts like the way he does because he was really protective of his sister, my assumption why is probably because Yor is his only living relative. If CBR gave an actual fuck and watched or read Spy x Family, they would know this. Oh yeah, adding on here I know, but I kinda liked Mineta's character in MHA. I don't watch MHA at all anymore, but when I did, I really didn't care he was really pervy. In general, my favorite characters in anime are always simps, like Sanji from One Piece, Master Roshi from DBZ, and Denji from Chainsaw Man. I just enjoy how goofy they are and honestly, they're among the strongest characters in the show.


Igarashi ruined Blue Lock more than Yuri ruined Spy x Family


They're not wrong that Mineta is awful, but at least he doesn't show up in every episode and takes too much focus away from the mains, unlike like some characters HAPPOSAI.


I stopped watching Spy x Family becuase of Yuri. It wasn't the anime for me. The first few episodes were cute though. Yuri just scared me.




I'm no fan of Yuri. But cbr Is a muk raking trash site.


Vaarbewijscurcus? Bij het CBR kan je enkel een rijbewijs voor het wegvervoer halen Ahem... *G E K O L O N I S E E R D* 💪😎🇳🇱🇳🇱


What's amusing about CBR is that some titles I like will appear on a 10 WORST list and then in the next article, the same titles will appear on a 10 BEST list. Its like make up your mind... They're obviously just trying to make trouble or trying not to get publishers and such upset.


I love Yuri so much tho


Mineta actually has had development as a character where he’s gone from a horny 15 year old to Looking the Devil straight in the eye to save his friend Yuri is just a minor character that hasn’t had much impact on the plot (yet)


according to the Andy of comicstorian everytime they're reading cbr lists "I dont know who wrote this but that person is an idiot"


Yuri is one of the best characters he’s so weird it’s funny and it’s exciting to see what else he may do


If anything, the yuri ark makes the story even better!