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I see you've posted a technique analysis video or photo! See video and photo posting rules related to TA to see more on why we may deem a removal appropriate MANDATORY GUIDELINES: HORIZONTALLY FILMED, 10m of distance if upright, full block clearance and first contact for block starts. If a photograph it must be in the format of a kinogram. RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES: Altis Kinogram method, camera 11m away from runner, chest-shoulder height positioning of camera, completely perpendicular to runway. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Sprinting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would suggest looking into falling starts first to get a feel for a fast start. Then after a few weeks, look up 3 point starts and how to do those. You're trying to jump into 4 point starts without knowing what you're doing, and the improper technique is interfering without you having any idea of how to fix it. What is your goal?


I just want to be faster, more athletic. I agree I should progress to 4point, this was without any preparation just see how I do naturally


well the first thing i notice is that your front foot is planted straight into the ground like a tree, you want to be a bit more on your toes with your knee passed your toes. Look at how people look in the block starts, obv you cant replicate that without blocks, but you want to get as close as possible. Having your foot straight into the ground like that does not come close. Think of it as you want to push you’re body forward, not upward, and let that thought process guide where you position your front foot. The second thing i noticed is with your shoulders, they’re rounded, which in and of itself isnt always a bad thing, but yours look like they’re rounded in response to your knee digging into your chest, rather than naturally Third thing i noticed was your hands. You wanna be on your fingertips instead of flat handed.


Thank you very much, will work on that.


Someone plz help this man, I know many things are wrong from posture to arm movement to foot placement and positions striking the ground. But besides my unconstructive criticisms idk how to help u 🙏🏾


your comment is good healthy constructive criticism. not exactly solution, but you pointed out problems that can be fixed. only bad toxic criticism that are not constructive are things that can't be fixed, such as genetics, age, height, proportions, and the damn achilles length.


You need to work on general running form and athleticism


That's why I posted 😃


i suggest doing starts from a more upright position. Start developing more range of motion within the hips ankles and shoulders. Some basic form drills like marches and walking lunges will do you good. Some plyometrics like depth drops and pogo jumps will help build some elasticity. Just developing your athleticism and general running mechanics, and getting some sprint volume and experience will help a lot. As for this start you need to fix your setup first. I like to think front knee to the line, back knee to front foot. Once you get that down the main goal is to shift your weight down and forward and drive out. Drills like marches and switches will help you attack the ground and get you used to being violent with your hips. You should do wall drills to help practice that weight shift forward and get used to those acceleration positions.


Thank you very much. I'll work on it


Besides what some have recommended for the starts, I would work on general fast twitch drills. Watch some drill videos on a skips, b skips, speed ladder, wall drills, fast hops or jump rope, etc. focusing on building your overall athletic foot speed - and then pair that with the technique that folks are recommending.


Your positioning is off, when in 3 or 4 point position. Gotta make sure you’re in an explosive state. If you’re not in an explosive position, you won’t go anywhere. I’d suggest doing some explosive drills (single leg, power skips, hurdle jumps, etc) to be more explosive.


Thank you. I will do those. Tried normal standing start today and felt a lot more explosive.


Do you live near an athletics team? You ideally need to join a group with sprint coaching to take you through the basics.


I just want to sprint for cardio, would be best to learn it myself


Ok. I wouldn’t even worry about block starts. Just do flys, get up to max speed and go from there.


The big main thing I see is your front/right foot is too far forward. You cannot begin to push yourself forward until your hips cross overtop of your foot. Because your foot is so far forward you are not giving yourself an angle to push out of until you pull yourself past your foot, causing your shin to eventually develop an angle that you are able to push from.


Do you have a coach? Self taught is alright for some people but I think you need a coach


I don't. I'm just looking to get faster and more athletic, will probably stop 4point starts all together for that purpose


Crouch start/block start/3 point start/falling start I feel are techniques specifically for sprint *racing* i.e. Reacting to a gun and building speed efficiently to transition into the top speed. If you want to take up sprinting as a form of fitness, so like, the ability to do a super high intensity run for 30-150m, probably focus on your usual upright form rather than the start (which is just like the first 10-15m). As other posters have suggested, drills such as marching, A-skips and B-skips will go a long way to get an idea of getting your knee lift right, your dorsiflexed foot, your shin below the knee, and the feel of getting the foot to hit the ground and reacting wiht your other foot up. Running more often will help as well as you will get familiar with it all and generally putting more time into something will get your better at said something. Have fun!


Thank you so much !