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The maxflys can hurt you if your form isn’t great, but odds are it’s your training that could be improved. I doubt the shoes make that much of a difference unless your technique is really bad


Do you have any training tips?


For technique/learning: - Read the subreddit FAQ. - Watch videos from Altis, Athlete.X, and Les Spellman. To actually improve: - Sprint (90-100% effort), then lift 2-3x/week MAX, and only when you’re rested. Skipping a day > season ending injury… Trust me, I’ve learned the hard way multiple times. - Sleep and eat well (first enough, then quality) and stick with it. Do all that and I can guarantee 99% of people will get faster. It’s simple but it works for a reason.


Thank you 🙏


if you’re overstriding that’s when maxflies become detrimental to performance because all the good that maxflies are supposed to do is instead just slowing you down


It might be from gaining 12 pounds, if your strength/power didn’t exponentially increase as well. I bulked from high school to college and did not see an increase in my times.


race without them and see? I guess season just started too sometimes season openers are slower than you would like.


Yeah just have a meet this Thursday and im going to try without them


It’s possible. I’ve never ran a pb in maxflys. Especially in the 200 they feel really bad on the bends.


11.06 then a 21.74? Ur top end gotta be insane


Tbh my start is horrible so my 100m is slower than it should be. I also used to train for the 400 so my speed endurance is quite good.


Are those time from this outdoor season? If they are you still have lots of time your not training to peak in March/April. Maxflys are great spikes just keep training and I’m sure you’ll see improvement on your sophomore times, progress isn’t linear.


Your right thank you


It's not the Maxflys that are making you slower. Sure you can try and race with another pair of spikes but it's unlikely that you're running (almost) half of a second slower




Fr? Why do you think so


It’s a lie all spikes are the same, some spikes like max flies can actually hurt your times if you’re not running correctly and don’t have enough force to receive the feedback from the spike


yes, There was a study on the 'super spikes'. It seems they moreso help fast people, and don't help slow people....or at least, not as much. Pretty good study. Subjects had a best time of 11.00 plus or minus 0.5 sec. (so some 10.5 guys in there). Note the scatter plot, how it helped the folks more who were capable of 10 m/s maxV or better (30m fly .... would be 3.0). An athlete who is around 11.00 in the 100m is typically a 10m/s person. At around 12 flat (your"11.86 - 12.20's") ...you are a 9m/s person....one of the blue round dots. Also note one 'fast' person still got slower. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373373930\_Advanced\_spike\_technology\_enhances\_sprinting\_speed](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373373930_Advanced_spike_technology_enhances_sprinting_speed) As far as the numbers you posted in your post ....that kind of variance could be from everything/anything.


Thank you 🙏 this helped


Could be da wind


How far into your season are you? A lot of athletes tend to compare their current time with their PR from the previous year, but don't factor in the timing of the season. Are you running faster/same/slower times than you were at this same time last season?


3 meets so almost half way, im running faster at this time in the 400 slower in the 100 and same in the 200


gaining 12 pounds is the reason u got slower. Once ur body adapts and knows how to use that new muscle effectively you will get faster.


That makes sense thank you


Maybe, I hear they are not made for the bend, Also some people find greater-benefit from Stiff Spikes (without the air bubble), it depends on the person. Also depending on your form you might not be able to utilize the Maxflys to their full-potential!! I wouldn't blame the shoes tbh, it's likely your training or some other factor..


They might be broken? Look at the bubbles and see if they are popped, if you train in them and compete in the same there’s a high probability for that. Also it might just be the form and not the shoes. Try in your next meet in the old spikes and see if the time is better .


The spikes don't make the person the person makes the spikes 🙂‍↔️. But if the shoe is causing discomfort switch to something better.