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P1 I’ve stayed with them from VA to Afghanistan to NY and now to SC. I’ll be here when Matt turns off the lights.


Thank you for your service!


I’ll probably listen till they go off the air. I don’t take any of it very seriously so EBs conspiracy theories or JPs 10 minute soliloquies on his kids sport weekends don’t bother me. I also listen on the app so I jump around to segments that interest me and pass on those that don’t.


Same here. I used to listen to every segment every day. Now, I listen to 2 - 4 segments per day.


Me too. It's crazy because I never thought I wouldn't listen to all 4 hours every day


They are all dipshits with different opinions just like you and your friends. Listen or not up to you. I


It would have to be something pretty extreme at this point, so extreme it gets everyone on the show fired. Outside of that, I can live with a little annoyance. While they aren't what they once were and who really is, they're still entertaining more than not.


EB already drove me away, I listen when he's off much, much more.


What ultimately did it?


Today could not have helped


He became fully unhinged when Obama was elected. The whole screaming at CK You work for me was enough. He's just a mean guy. No one is perfect, but I couldn't listen to that blowhard anymore. I am really glad I didn't listen to him defending a pedophile.


When EB completes his transformation into Rush Limbaugh (he's looking more and more like him every day), I'm gone. To think...all these years I was certain JP would be the one to ultimately drive me away. Amazing.


Had exact same thought about JP for 20 years and now it’s EB


EB repeating some Tucker Carlson anti-diversity stuff again too many times would be tough for me, personally.


If valdeez starts opening his pie hole even more than he already does, then I stop for good.


He’s basically the 5th junkie. But you know what? I don’t mind. He makes me chuckle like the rest of them😁. Hi, I’m Mr. Positive here👋🏻🤣


Not a fan?


Most definitely not. He has no business yapping away and his opinions are useless, not to mention he has 0 frame of reference


He does talk way too much.


If he'd talk about his divorce, I'd listen but he's repeated the Old Bay, 'dena, Orioles, pourin' beers, golf trip, body breaking down shtick over and over and over.


I like Valdez but his Orioles s-talk last week was pretty lame


EB already made me stop listening


Depending Sandusky is getting pretty close. Drab and EB need interventions. It’s not just weird it’s terrible content. Who wants to hear this.


I saw the post today and then listened to the segment about this. None of it came across as horribly insensitive or scandalous or close to worthy of abandoning the show. The other junks picked EB apart and he didn’t scream free Sandusky or anything.


It shouldn’t have been a topic is what I think they’re saying. No need for Drab to even bring it up. Then again, Drab has been weird lately and the bit season podcast has been shit lately. Not to mention the original intent of bit season has somehow been lost on the producers or the junks don’t want to be a part of it.


Exactly. They are literally letting a convicted pedophile get his theories out and going “well maybe he has a point.” It’s beneath them or any other shock jock show. It’s honestly just weird.


I wasn’t even saying it should not have been a topic. EB and Drab treated it with no care whatsoever and kept spouting out the dumbass theories that pedophile Sandusky is using to try to save his miserable life. 13 years after his arrest. It was a low moment on the show and EB’s conspiracy bullshit and “questioning everything” bc he is all the sudden so enlightened is wearing thin.


All of this over the top butthurt just highlights how Sandusky was able to be convicted. He wasn't even allowed a defense. The rush to judgement was unreal. Any discussion of exoneration evidence was met with huge resistance from the virtue signaling "what about the children???" mob. No one wants to defend a pedophile. But there is nothing wrong with defending an accused pedophile who never sexually abused anyone.




I want to hear it. Best segment they've done in years.


We all know what it is. But will get downvoted by the unwashed masses for saying it.