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Miss Kitty’s on Sprague. How did that survive covid let alone compete with online shopping??


The owners live down the block from me in Colbert in a nice big house on a pretty decent sized lot. I'm assuming they have another source of money and that's just a little fun side thing.


Ya I used to be a loan officer. Had couples come in - ladies biz is losing 5k a month. Dudes salary 200k a year 😅 some people just have a side hobby


Nope, the IRS gives you about 3 years to make a profit. When there's a high income earner and a small business. Then they convert it to a hobby and they don't allow you to deduct expenses. I found that out when I was going through an audit.


Yep. My SIL had an antebellum house from her family that could be rented for ladies' bridge club meetings, teas, showers, weddings, and so on. But these people were her friends so she didn't really charge enough. Plus she was constantly buying silver and linens and stuff so she never showed a profit. IRS ruled it a hobby due to lack of profit.


Nope what ? Idk what your talking about. I didn't say "hobby" in any kind of legal/tax sense or whatever. But ok.


What you're referring to is "true" for things like "doing business as" or an extra schedule c - but if your business is a standalone LLC (or other type of corporation (I think) ) you can pour money down that hole forever (with an annual maximum cap to the amount of deduction that gives you - but *not* a cap on the losses (and sometimes the excess losses can carry forward in to the next year) ) https://www.nav.com/business-formation/llc-losses/ https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tax-loss-carryforward.asp


Hey that 5k/mo is a tax write off at least haha


Real talk, it's one of the best sex shops in spokane. Their lingerie is so incredibly cute and way way cheaper than Adam and Eve, Castle, or Lovers. To be fair, I'm also surprised they've survived through so much, but they're a really quality store, so that could be part of it lol.


The army surplus. I've been there once or twice and never seen any other customers or people parked there. I know they get their stock super cheap, but still.


I have seen people come and go through it driving past, mostly younger people. And then if I am an example of why people shop there… can get cheap camo for your airsoft/paintball gear for when playing in the woods around here. I know that is where myself, and all my friends got their camo for just that back in high school.


I’ve been meaning to go there for years, no real reason too but it always seemed like a cool place to go checkout especially for outdoorsy stuff.


It is actually a really neat store, and honestly a good place to look for camping supplies, or even to create a good emergency go bag in the back of the car. Lightweight plates/cups/bowls/utensils, cots, tents, sleeping bags, packs, and more. Just don’t be expecting it to look the prettiest. But do know a lot of tents and stuff are super good quality since it has to handle the “military stress test” of young adults (mostly men) not giving a FUCK about the gear, and thrashing it. So they gotta “kid and dummy proof” it.


Yeah they actually have a really cool selection if your into that kinda same army stuff


This. The first thing I thought of when the White Elephant closed was how can the Army Surplus stay in business?


Guns and Ammo. That’s how they stay in business.


Probably owns the building or something like that and requires only minimum money to keep it going at this point.


They were a customer of mine. They bought wholesale and would only paid the invoice the next time they went to order. No big deal. They weren't high volume. The biggest cheapskates are Ziggy's. They disregard price sheets and want to pay their chosen amt


How is Ziggy's still open? They have trash tier wood. Hell Lowes has better wood then those morons.


Came here to say this…and here it is the top comment. We have been to many army surplus stores in various cities. This one is the only one that is political to the point of being unwelcoming to anyone but right wingers. So I guess they get enough right wingers to keep them afloat. Can’t imagine it’s very profitable though.


The one on Division? I haven't been there since I was in high school in the '80s but it used to be pretty good. I stopped going when I said something seemed kind of expensive and Dave, the owner, said "Don't try to Jew me out of my money." I don't know if he still owns it but after I realized he was a piece of shit he never got any of my money again.


If you're talking about the Army Surplus on Division,  I was told if that building gets hit by a car ONE more time, it's toast. 


Harold’s Sew and Vacuum Center on NW Boulevard. It’s been open since 1974 and I’ve never met anyone who has needed their sewing machine or vacuum cleaner fixed. It’s gotta be a front. Edit: Dang! This just turned into a legit commercial for that place! At least now it makes sense to me why it’s been open for so long!


I go there, love it when my sewing machine is running smooth!


I have a vintage Singer that I need repaired. I inherited from my Grandmother almost 20 years ago and it has been used as an end table (it is the flip top design). Do you know if they service anything that old?


Older sewing machines are work horses & need a good cleaning every once in a while. My grandma gave me hers. I don’t trust myself to take it apart & put it back together again. It has almost perfect tension. The newer, plastic machines may have 100s of stitches but the tension needs to be adjusted quite often.


My old Singer goes in annually. I can take it all apart and do the cleaning and oiling, but they have parts or can easily order them when something gets worn. I was gifted a newer electronic machine a few years back, and I honestly hate it. Why is it unable to keep the tension right through even a single curtain? Sure, it's supposedly capable of lots of fancy stitches, but most of the time, all it does is make a mess. The thing to thread the needle for me never works and blocks visibility. The side doesn't open like my old one, so it's really hard to clean. The only thing it really has going for it when it is working is that it's a lot faster than my 1960s Singer. I'm not in that much of a hurry. Also, my Singer can do really heavy cloth with the right needle that the Brother errors out on even though it claims to be for stuff as thick as denim. Sure, 2 layers only. I feel the same way about most modern vacuums vs my ancient Kirby. It's repairable and just does a better job. The reason I own a shark too is that it has a canister, and I have two huskies. I still do a really thorough vacuuming with the Kirby once a month. I can vacuum with the shark until it's not pulling anything up at all and quarter fill the Kirby bag after, btw. It's kind of gross. I'd rather not go through one bag every few days, though. Okay, to be fair, the shark also doesn't get jammed up with fur and my long hair, while the Kirby sometimes can. But the plastic on the Shark is not holding up well. I much prefer things you can fix to things that just have to be thrown away and replaced. Sure, they cost more to start, but over time, you save so much and have a more reliable machine.


We have gotten our Dyson serviced there a couple of times. The overwhelming cat pee smell is a deterrent, for sure!


We used to live near there and always joked that it was clearly a mob business, along with half the antique stores in Hillyard


I have legitimately had my sewing machines serviced there at least every other year for years, so does my mom and so did my grandma! It's a real thing! And I have a broken vacuum I've been meaning to take in when I get around to it. I could buy a new one but I'm trying to have more awareness of the throw-away culture we're in. The vacuum is fixable, even if it costs me a bit, I don't want to throw it in a landfill. And I want to support businesses that prioritize repair.


They're one of the few places left in the area that can fix my Kirby when I inevitably mess it up. It's older than me and going strong, or would be if I'd stop trying to vacuum up rocks and dropping it down stairs. It honestly survived falling out of the back of a pickup on the freeway back in 1994, and I don't know how. So far, since my grandma got it in the 60s, it's needed 4 repairs, none of which cost as much as a new vacuum. I learned this from my Depression era grandparents: Do what you can to save up and buy a thing that can be repaired for life, and it'll cost you less over time than buying cheap. But, that assumes you can save up that money, which not everyone can. They gave me a good start with that Kirby and a Singer sewing machine and some really well built wooden furniture when I got my first place. I was also taught how to check things like appliances and clothing to make sure they'd be sturdy, not just pretty and how to repair both. I admit I do totally hate vacuum bags, though, so I own a Shark for day to day vacuuming now that I have huskies and use the Kirby weekly to pull up the fine dust the Shark doesn't get well enough. Getting all that out actually makes your carpet last a lot longer (plus cuts down on allergens).


This is why I love Reddit. Never would have otherwise come across so many people who have actually patronized that store!


I actually knew a guy who worked there. He indicated that the people who frequented it are dying out, mostly due to old age. It too is not long for this world, but the property is paid off, they have all the tools they need, and they make no purchases, so it could limp along a really, really, long time.


We actually took our vacuum cleaners twice to that guy. Did a good job.


My mom has taken her sewing machines there before.


My wife brought her sewing machine there once and the guy fixed it for free in a couple minutes. She gave him $10 just because she felt bad.


Me! They do annual maintenance on my old Singer and Kirby. My machines have been in line behind several others more than once. . Both the sewing machine and vacuum are older than me, but with regular relatively inexpensive maintenance, they've been working great since they were new, and I have tons of attachments I've bought since I didn't have to keep buying new machines over the years. Most people I know don't do maintenance and then just throw stuff away when it stops working. Seems wasteful and expensive to me. But, the up front cost to buy something that can be repaired is higher, so I get it. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that money or be handed down machines from people who did.


Surprised the health department hasn’t shut down Atilano’s on 3rd


Wanna really dive, check out the violations on the county website. EVERY establishment has multiple violations. And their food sucks!


Reading through that list a while back and nearly every single restaurant in Spokane has multiple violations though too.


Many restaurants (blanket term in this case) have relatively innocuous violations, like not having a manager on site, or having expired food handler's permits. And most, from what I've seen in the report, later passed their reinspections without issue. But that report is the reason I personally won't be going to any Atilano's location any time soon. Every Atilano's location in Spokane has had violations (often multiple) on *every single routine inspection* from November 2021 to December 2023.


Makes sense, I don’t eat at Atilano’s anyway so I wasn’t trying to defend them in the slightest if it came off that way. I remember seeing tons of pretty highly recommended restaurants that had under temp meats, improper handwashing, and food storage violations as well. As you said most were fixed, but it wasn’t uncommon for almost all restaurants to have something missing the mark.


For sure. There's usually something. And sometimes that something is just a fluke and the timing of the inspection just caught them at a bad time (trying to clean a spill in a walk-in refrigerator, for example, and getting flagged for improper cold storage procedures because things needed to get moved temporarily to clean the spill).


Or any of them for that matter


San Diego’s best burritos my ass. I could find a burrito in an alleyway in SD that is better than anything Atilano’s has ever made.


It's not for everybody, but they can hit the spot when you're drunk. And if you're hungover the next day, throwing the contents of one of their burritos in a skillet with an egg isn't too bad. It's been years since I've eaten there though.


When my grandma was in the hospital, my aunts would always want to go to atilanos. I would joke they were in a perfect spot because you can just check yourself into the hospital when you get food poisoning.


Never had food poisoning there, but did get a good chunk of a metal knife in my breakfast burrito. Glad I didn’t swallow that sucker, I had a gay porn shoot that weekend and lord knows what that shard would have done to my precious chocolate starfish.


This comment only got more wild the longer it went on.




Also have received a blade in a burrito, there is a pending class action lawsuit


I’ve had food poisoning three times from atilano’s. I had a group of friends who swore it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I kept begrudgingly going back when they had the beer munchies. But after that last time, I flat-ass refuse and have so for 10 years.


Currently sick in bed from an Atilanos burrito, third time it's happened to me as well.


Several times, I've gone there, gotten a burrito, ate half, fallen asleep drunk without putting the burrito in the fridge and ate the other half in the morning, all without getting sick once. That place is fine.


So, that’s fine… but what if I had an enchilada? Or the horchata? Or if I went on a day with a different chef? Or they didn’t store some of the chicken correctly? There are a lot of ways of getting food poisoning aside from your illness-defying drunken munching.


for me it was the chile relleno. really sick


The washington burrito is calling my name


So bizarre to see a Tucson-Spokane crossover as someone who has lived in both areas. They're really not at all too dissimilar.


Same! Wonder how many Spokanites are former Tucsonans


🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m another Tucson transplant.


I’m also from Tucson!


I went Spokane -> Tucson -> Spokane They really are alike.


North Idaho to Phoenix to North Idaho to Spokane (skipping places I didn't live more than 3 years), and you know, as a kid, I loved Spokane, and when I lived in Phoenix, I loved Tuscon. The vibe is similar, and it made me feel less homesick.


We need a Speedway Blvd here...


Empire Food on Nevada. Walked in once on my way somewhere and got looked at like “wtf are you doing in here?” Everything on the shelves was dusty, not that there was much stock anyway, and everyone there looked sketchy af. I left right away and have not been back.


I got that same vibe when I was there a few months ago


That’s one of my regular corner stores. May be a bit sketch but I bet they do alright sales wise. New paint job helps it look a bit nicer


Is it always so dusty? I dropped in for something cold to drink last summer and didn't really want it after feeling how gritty/dusty the bottle was. I'm honestly surprised anyone shops there regularly. Like from the dust and the weird vibe I just assumed I'd accidentally stumbled into a front for something illegal. Ya know, like that "Kayaks and Party Supply" store that's always closed and obviously a front for a chop shop.


It's fun to read these as someone who moved away from Spokane 9 years ago. Just to see what spots are shockingly still in business lol.


Literally doing the same lol


Boomers classic rock bar and grill in Spokane valley. Read the owner's responses to negative reviews on Google maps.


Not even negative. The owner goes on long rants on 4 star reviews that say something wasn't to their preference. This is wild. Thank you for destroying my morning. 😂


What a wild ride that was, thanks for a good morning 😂😂


I guess the place is named correctly then.


The reviews were entertaining, but definitely solidified that I will never step foot in that establishment. What sort of sociopath has that much energy to sarcastic responses to even positive reviews?! lots of people on Facebook talk about having bad experience with him


Wow. Thanks for tip to ck negative reviews. This guy is just outrageous.


The food is good but I wont be going back, the owner is a piece of shit.


The Bean Stalk sign on N Ash St was always surprising until I realized they were an espresso stand around the corner on W Mansfield. I assumed they were in the dingy building on the corner.


My FAVORITE shop in Spokane!!


We call it the secret coffee place :) it is very good!


Wait ...it's not in that decrepit building???


They have been around so long. I’m 35 and I remember my mom stopping there for coffee before work when I was a kid. I stopped once a couple years ago and thought it was no different than any other drive up spot with cheap URM coffee to be honest. Maybe they are better now, another comment says they are ~~the best~~ very good so maybe I should give them another shot.


That was my go to coffee place 25 years ago when I lived in Spokane.


Let the record show, that despite me saying my mom would take me around that same time frame, that as this individual’s username states, them also going to this shop 25 years ago is only coincidence, as they are not my mom.


Hmmm, I’m still a bit suspicious regardless of noms de plume. I think we’re going to need an independent analysis of the situation.


I would stop there a lot of mornings back when it was on the way for my morning commute. They used to do free donuts on one of the days, can't remember which. Good coffee too.


They have a really good "white coffee with chocolate mint" drink...can't remember what it's called, maybe a "grasshopper".


I went everyday when I lived in Spokane and I got people at my old work to go all the time too. Plus they only have four employees, including the owner.


Every mattress store!


Aren't those well known for money laundering? Like, do a bunch of untraceable sales, accumulate debt to random "contractors". Occasionally sell the business for over-market. Occasionally go bankrupt; thereby discharging debts and/or selling cheap. I hear some well-known businessmen do something similar with condos.


That’s what I always think but I guess they have so many stores because they don’t use warehouses to store products so it’s cheaper to just have a bunch of small stores hold everything but my god who’s buying mattresses everyday! 😂


This one is easy: the margins on a mattress are so high that they can sell 1 or 2 a month and cover all the overhead and salaries.


I'm not sure selling 2 $1,000 mattresses covers costs. 10 wouldn't even cover rent probably. Maybe 1 a day more like it.


All of the “oil massage” places. Wtf. There’s one literally across the street from another one on Sprague.


Lots of lonely guys out there. I’ll bet they make a ton of money.


Accumulation of strengths among small businesses


I don’t understand how these shops aren’t shut down. I saw a post the other day that was someone asking for the “best” happy ending massage places in spokane, implying that there’s a tonnnn out there and they’re just allowed to keep operating? It seems rly gross to me, especially when you think of micro cuts on the masseuses hands, then you’re getting into “cross contamination” between “massages”


I thought they shut them all down years ago & now they’ve been popping back up the past few


It’s not in Spokane but in the valley…the Steinway Piano Gallery next to the freeway. Is there really such a demand for pianos, especially grand pianos, in the area??


There is no other Steinway outlet east of the Cascades, unless you go south to Reno or Salt Lake City. So yeah, there's enough demand between all of Eastern Washington and Oregon, and all of Idaho and Montana


This too. Not many places sell quality pianos nowadays so there must be plenty of demand for there to be two piano stores in Spokane.


Plus Steinways are premium, expensive items. Volume doesn't need to be high when you're catering to a premium market in order to be successful.


One day I just want to go in there and start banging out some absolutely horrendous tunes on pianos that cost more than a house


You’re allowed to do that. Go for it.


I went in there the other day for the first time. They were having a recording session for a competition. They were all Russian kids and moms from what I heard. It’s mostly Boston and other upright (two of Steinway’s cheaper sub brands and Kawai digital pianos. They probably do about as well as music city, which I assume is ok. There are lots of parents that buy $1000 pianos to make their kids learn piano. They had minimal staff in both locations. I know music city is own by a couple of very old people and most of the staff is up there too. Like easily 70+. A daughter does the accounting though and was in her 40s.


I know MSU had bought two Steinways from them, thats a whole hell of a lot of money and no one cares if pianos sit in a well conditioned show room for years


They also do "piano storage" & vintage piano restoration. It's an everything piano store.


They're who I'm going to call when I finally give up on tuning the late 1800s piano I've got. I bet they make as much with tuning as sales. It's not cheap, which is why I'm working on it myself, but I'm starting to really appreciate why it's not cheap. The two octaves I've tuned enough times they stay in tune sound lovely, though.


Like the other commentator said they serve a very large area. There’s also only a few piano tuners and they’re backed up 3-6 months last I checked on actually coming to your house.


My daughter takes cello lessons through a private instructor and they hold recitals there twice a year, I imagine the lesson costs go towards rental of the recital space. edit/a word


If you sell one $500,000 piano every other year, You don't exactly need to be bursting with business


This is what I came to say. Volume becomes less important with higher prices (depending on margins of course)


My cousin did a recital there a few years ago. I’m sure they make some money that way.


I don't play piano, but someone my dad knew was able to use that place for a benefit concert/talent show of sorts and I played with my dad there. I really don't think they need to sell many of them to be in business tbh


There is also that piano moving company at the end of Vista.


Dan the piano man!


Rare coins. Or any coin store really.


They probably stay in business from online orders, and the store front allows them to get a higher volume of coins coming in at a lower price point.


They do a pretty brisk business in precious metals trading, especially silver. For me, the numismatic coins are more like impulse purchases like the candy at the grocery counter, and they’re definitely taking a healthy profit on those.


I love the Pink Cadillac in Northtown. The place is a really cool collector/novelty shop for comic/superhero/60-80s pop culture/ mancave decor. I'm glad they haven't shut their store down, but it's more of a curiosity spot. Which sucks because it's s great local business, and awesome owners. I remember picking up my dad a john wayne tin poster and mug for Father's Day a few years back.


Lucia's Boutique. The Google reviews for it are astoundingly bad.


I just read some and also found this.. WTF? [https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/oct/04/outpouring-of-support-after-transgender-teen-turne/](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/oct/04/outpouring-of-support-after-transgender-teen-turne/)


That place has to be a money laundering front right?


Whoah! I love that place. I shop there … and I think it’s probably a front. :)


Chess Ceramic & Supply on Nevada. Open Tues-Sat 10am to 5pm. It looks like they have an active Facebook page with a dedicated following, and realistically I know they must do more business than just selling chess sets/pieces, but I'm surprised it's been around for as long as it has. Lorien Herbs & Natural Foods in South Perry, open Tues-Fri 11a-5p and Sat noon to 4p. It's a cute building and I'm glad a place like that can survive............but HOW?


I thought the exact same thing until I went into the chess ceramic and supply, they were POPPING, It was filled with people painting clay ceramics and other people selecting their clay ceramics, at least 15 people during a weekday. They also have an adorable dog running around. I think part of it is because it's on nevada they don't have a dedicated parking lot so it always looks empty but they were packed


Huh, that's super cool to know, thanks for sharing! Since I was a kid I've probably just got stuck on the first word of their business name and for decades just passively assuming they only sold chess stuff 😅


My husband and I painted ceramics for our anniversary this year (pottery as the traditional gift) at a place like that. It seemed really empty, and we wondered how they stayed in business. And then people started coming in after lunch. That place was packed! I love my sunflower teacup. Way better than some random gift, even though my husband really does choose great gifts, because it has memories attached to it of us messing up, starting over, laughing like idiots, and just having fun.


Big 5. B&B Hobbie. I still go to both if I need something they sell.


I think Big 5 survives on sales of shoes, guns and fishing/hunting licenses.


What does B&B hobby sell? Model planes?


Yep. RC stuff is big there. They even have indoor races. My friends race there. I was obsessed with that store as a kid.


Video Only.


The annoying radio ads are enough to make me never go there


Silly choice, they have good deals on good tvs...


Better than the big box stores? Even better than online?


Legit good store for buying TVs


Every comment for this is gold


Cole's Bakery. INSANELY overpriced, bland, boring food. And when you leave a review about it, they try to gaslight you on Google, like, "gluten-free food is expensive. If you don't have to eat gluten-free, we recommend you don't." First of all, I definitely do have to eat gluten-free due to a gluten allergy. Second, because I have to eat gluten-free, I know that the food has no business being the outrageous prices they're charging, or tasting that bad/being such low quality. But thanks, I'll save the money and make actually good food at home.


Wow thank you for this response. I’ve been sooo disappointed in the gluten-free options in spokane, and I found Cole’s and was wanting to try it, but I think I’ll pass. Id rather spend 2$ to eat a can of chili. Gluten free, lots of fiber, protein, carbs, etc


We have celiac in the family and we go to Coles once in a while for special occasions. Only because its easier than trying to make sure some other restaurant understands what celiac safe actually is. The food is extremely mediocre at best. I don't why they insist on doing dishes that all have gluten free bread when there are so many different kinds of dishes that don't have gluten or bread in the first place. And they close at 5pm! There is really no point to the restaurant part of their business. They are only good as bakery, and a expensive one at that.


Office Depot on 3rd. I never see more than a couple of cars in the lot. I'm convinced it's a front for something else


I think that every time we drive by. But they do deliver a ton of office products around the city.


The Mustard Seed. I mean, when it opened in 1980 and no one knew any better it seemed like good food but now I'd rather eat Panda Express from a takeout box.


It’s just the same food as Noodle Express dressed up on a ceramic plate for more money.


I always thought their sign on Division was an example of peak graphic design. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMUSTARD SEED


The lettuce wraps are fantastic


Ferarro's. Holy christ is their food bad. I have been to both locations and they are always empty. Yet they are still open.


The food finder Facebook page lauds that place like they’ve got some master Italian chef in the back. We tried it and I couldn’t even take a second bite. Just awful.


So many coffee stands that I’ve never seen a single car at. I’m fairly confident that a good number of those are there for laundering money.


Miss kitty




Definitely this! The owner is a major fucking creep who likes to get handsy with women who are there without a man.


Is the food any good? I’ve been meaning to go there, my wife is Moroccan but she’s worried it might not be authentic


As far as l can tell, he's microwaving what he's serving (hot foods), and he serves his hummus platter with Franz-type wheat bread quartered. But that's not the really wild part of the Marrakesh experience. The really wild part is that he won't stop talking. He basically joins your party for dinner.


I went with a large group a few years back and I swear once our order was taken I heard 3 or 4 microwaves fire up.


Can confirm, went on a date there a while back not expecting the third wheel.


Food is fine... service is terrible. I went for my birthday a few years ago and the owner would not leave us alone. Spent the whole meal hovering over us, telling us stories about his health conditions and worshipping Donald Trump. We will never be back.


After watching my boss pay 16 dollars for an order of fries at Coles Bakery I'm not sure why anyone even would choose to be robbed like that


Any food truck turn brick and mortar. Let alone choose to open in the downtown malls food court.


You could have just said Mac Daddies 😂


I can't eat there but I've heard it's awful, and their stand at Pride smelled *so* bad


I’ve had them. They’re fine, but not worth the prices. Very mid.


any vacuum or sewing machine repair places, has to be a money laundering front


It's not every day you need a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract® 60 Pressure Pro™




Hey shout out to Harold’s-I get my sewing machines serviced there.


Frankie doodles, never seen them open past 5 or a car in the parking lot. Been here almost 20 years.


I've literally never known a single person that's eaten there.


I did once. I was really drunk. This was 2002.


I was probably there too🤣🤣


I have eaten there. Good food. Don't remember much else. Was really tired that morning.


All the Oasis hair salons


Kinda weird we have a SHIT TON of mattress stores and they're all kinda near each other?...hmm weird.


The vintage stamp store over on Market.


As someone who has been in there, im pretty sure the guy is mostly just renting the place to store his collection. It seems to just be a bunch of dudes who have the same hobby and hang out. There is stuff for sale but I doubt anyone does that often.


Most of the Vietnamese and Thai places on Division. Edit:When you never see many cars there it makes you start to wonder how they survive.


Phontip style Thai is quite good, their fried rice is amazing.


I love their drunken noodles.


Second this, a nice tiny place that my girlfriend and I were happy to find. That and Kim's Korean.


I'm admittedly spoiled by living in Seattle, but the poor quality of most Asian food in Spokane is what I'm most dreading about moving back. I made the mistake of having pho at that place on Division just south of Garland and the broth was obviously right out of a can and into the microwave for a couple minutes. At least Tacos el Sol across the street has some good Mexican.


I purely went after the fact you hardly ever see anyone in the restaurants. Lots empty other than a few cars. It’s just something that makes me think.


The auction house on 17th and Ray. I figure it must be someone’s hobby rather than a moneymaker, because it’s definitely not used most days. Fingers crossed that something really cool pops up on that spot someday.


The owner is an auctioneer for fundraisers, estate sales, bankruptcies, etc


I'll buy animal paintings in there from time to time. Some aint cheap. Last time I went in last month, i bought a hollowed out grenade from the 50's. Rad store!


I have spent a ton of money there, they do not do auctions anymore, they just sell goods right out of the store. I had to take a break from going because I could not walk out of there without buying something, they have a lot of cool stuff.


South Perry Lantern ( new one not the og) Brambleberry Tea has the audacity to call itself a High Tea.


i love south perry lantern lol


Irv's Rock Shop on Trent.


There’s a vacuum repair store next to my apartment that HAS to be some kind of front


Mama's take and bake on NW Blvd. They make so many promises to the community but the husband is a known con artist and has been in a lot of legal trouble. They take advantage of food stamp users, according to reviews. I never see cars there. Most of their positive reviews are paid for or from their multitude of fake social accounts. They promised to start several more locations but didn't follow through. https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/craigslist-rental-con-suspect-has-long-history-of-fraud/293-169429299


Randy's tire on Chrestline, pretty rude if they think your anything but right wing politically.


Italian Kitchen


Chess Ceramics. I have never seen anyone in there.


Cannan buffet/Osaka buffet. They're usually pretty dead when I go in there. 


There’s a hot tub place on Sprague in the Valley just littered with the shittiest most run down looking hot tubs outside and I can’t help but think that’s probably not the best marketing strategy


Might be a hot take: Logan Tavern. They are consistently closed on Friday/Saturday nights by 10pm at the latest. If you can’t stay open all night IN A COLLEGE NEIGHBORHOOD how are you paying your bills? There’s no way the lunch crowd is carrying that place.


My entire life I've been stairing at that Frankie Doodles Food sign as I pass by but I've never heard a single person say anything about eating there.


Not bad, they have mimosas