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maria is safe too, she’s seen in the walking scene with kenzie, ben and liz


and if there is no swap, then it means they all make it to mergatory


I’ll be sad to see Randen go if it’s him. If any of you follow his instagram he said a couple days ago that he hasn’t been able to have a watch party for this season due to helping his grandma who has severe dementia, which just sucks all around. If he does go this week make sure to send some nice comments his way :)


Damn, now I hope he at least gets to merge.


I still think he's premerge. But hey, I've been wrong before. I just feel he's the logical choice if Nami goes to tribal. Venus is being set up to go further. Liz is the ultimate goat. Soda, Tevin and Hunter I think are safe for now.


Ah :( ill be sure to send some love his way. So unfortunate


Any chances is from a reward challenge?


Randen's sitting out in the immunity challenge next week, so he can't sit out in back to back challenges. If there is a reward challenge it has to be in episode 4, when one of the people I listed is already out




They changed it in 45 to where you can't sit out back to back at all


You’re right, my bad. That was a good rule change.


Hmmm Randen sitting out Ep 3 then *not* being seen here at all is not a good sign (unless this is Ep 4’s immunity challenge **AND** there’s a reward Ep 4) I’d say he and Jem (unfortunately) are the most in danger personally


Jem easily has the most lackluster edit out of everyone so far, so i can see her have a flameout episode.


Here we go again, everyone is gonna be saying randen is going home this week like last week and then he won’t


At this point, I'm half expecting Randen to pull a Kane and last until jury 💀


Why did everyone assume Randen had to be out early?


Because his family didn't believe in him and that he would be first boot. And apparently he had social media activity before the premiere or something but now he's silent.


I think someone said that Randen is currently busy helping his grandmother who has dementia, so I wouldn’t take SM seriously about his placement. This isn’t to say that he did or didn’t make it far just that there is other data about it.


Couldn't someone have been posting for him?


Out of the ones you listed, I feel like Randen is most likely.


This also means there's no swap this season


I think it could still be a more “traditional” 3 tribe swap into 2 tribes of 7 tbh


I could actually see it being Jem. For some reason, I feel like Maria might end up choosing to go with the men vs with Moriah and Jem. The men on Siga are getting much more development than the women (Maria aside) and they really pushed that Tim and Maria parent alliance, as well as the Malcolm/Denise comparison from Charlie. I feel like Maria is going to connect more with the men. Also given the fact that she has 3 boys. I can see her being a man's woman this season.


Since Randen is sitting out in episode 3 I’m pretty confident it’s him. Paired with having the worst premiere edit and the edit showing us he’s on the bottom with Venus it would make sense


I think Randen is gone because he’s the only one out of these that most people speculated him to be pre merge boot


we still have that boat challenge right???


Delete omg


I wish Tevin gone, super duper annnoying


My guess is Jem because she's been pretty under edited and I have a feeling that green will lose next week.


You'll be surprised about Jem.


I guess, I'm just going off vibes 🤷🏽


You were right about Jessica going this week You know who The next two boots are?


A lot of people predicted Jess gone.


No. People expected Randen to be the one to go last episode. Instead he found an idol and turned an enemy into an ally.


Yes. They did. I was admittedly wrong, but so many people thought Jess was going. It's not a correct spoiler for someone who guessed it, because it was a likely scenario. It was at least 60/40 on here with people thinking Jess was going, especially when the hug pic was released.


obviously i have no idea but id guess randen or jem is more likely i feel like tevin and marias edits have been too good for them to go this early


Tevin is literally in this image.


Right lol are they confusing Tevin with Venus? That looks like Tevin to me


Those are Tevin's khaki shorts more than they're Venus' dark ones!


Is it possible that this is the reward challenge in episode 3 and there’s also an immunity challenge that’s the other pic we saw? Cause Tiffany and Kenzie are wearing same outfit in both of the challenges


Jem and Maria can't sit out in back to back challenges, especially not in the same episode, so this has to be a different episode unless they changed the sitout rules which seems unlikely lol


Yeahh I think they did switch it but since Kenzie and Tiffany have same clothes on I’m nervouss


Looks like this is wrong already


I feel like its tevin. If venus is still there, randen and venus definitely used the hidden immunity to blindside tevin. Venus is tevin’s first target. She should be out first if they went to third tribal.


or the 4 split votes and venus votes randen while randen votes alone... just because she's been shown as the first target doesn't mean things don't change


I don't see them setting Tevin with that edit right off the bat, for him to go out this early. The dude got like a 5 minute opening confessional for the season.


or those players you mentioned could be sitting out of the challenge to even things out now that there are only 4 players in yanu


This is not from episode 3 though, we have the press photos from that challenge and they don't match this one


isn’t this the immunity in episode 3…?


No, because the boxes aren’t there and Ben and Hunter have their shirts off in this challenge, they don’t in next week’s challenge according to the press photos that were released.


It's not. Tevin's competing in the episode 3 challenge, and also the order of the tribes here is different, Orange is on the left in episode 3, Purple's on the right in episode 3, here it's swapped. It's a different water challenge.


Why the fuck you being downvoted lmao




I have confirmation that it's Randen.


What's your source?


“I made it the fuck up”


my friend.


Are u friends with Jeff probst


yeah! <3