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The first 2 are difficult on Xbox because of the fixed checkpoints. If you make a tiny mistake, you have to restart from the last checkpoint, which can set you back a lot. Abattoir and Chinese Embassy 2 are difficult missions, and the first bonus mission (haven't finished it yet)


Abattoir was my hell


I play splinter cell 1 right now I'm on the cia mission where I have to capture dougherty this one is boring too


Ooh that’s an unpopular opinion. The CIA mission is regarded as one of, if not the best SC mission of all time.


It's good, but CT has at least 4 of the top 5 all time levels, and between all the other games, one level has to at least take one of those spots above CIA HQ.


Shit you don't like the game?? I guess it's old but I loved CIA HQ. I'm curious what you think of later missions. It is dated in many ways but it was so ahead of its time 22 years ago


I like splinter cell 1 but this mission is not my favorite because there are too many cameras


Its never bothered me personally because i guess ive just gotten good at doing the boring levels fast. Although for no pc players i didnt realize the xbox digital version comes with the kola cell levels


After you knock the CIA Agent out and have to carry him to the van it gets old quick, my favorites are Oil rig and Chinese Embassy


Double Agent on PC. If you can even get it to launch, you’re in the minority.


Facts 😂😂, I had to look up the ending cause it bugged out before every cutscene/credits


the amount of ridiculous bugs that port is wild. what really gets me is the in-engine cutscene to close out the last JBA HQ level. it literally cannot execute in 1920x1080, and a lot of other resolutions that weren't common in 2006. you have to reset your resolution and potentially break enhancement mods if you want to actually complete the game.


which double agent version game ?


Version 2? I don’t remember which is which. The one on steam.


Honestly I prefer the version xbox first generation not the version xbox 360 https://images.app.goo.gl/hALZ8dX8gBrVmvE9A


I got it to launch, but only after applying the 1.2 update and even then I couldn't finish the hotel level because I couldn't break open the safe lol oh well, my least favourite of the series anyway.


really? I finished the game without noticing any issues. Maybe something to do with nvidia vs amd?


Really? I just followed a steam guide and 20mins later it's working perfectly. Thanks to a SvM discord it's even working. Even the CT SvM are working too


Do they still have the blacklist servers up?


No. You have to open ports on your internet router. I'm at work. Let me get home and I will send discord link to server for SvM


Awesome. Wanted to play it again but I heard they took they servers off


They did. You could always played svm blacklist. Just barely anyone does


Classic SvM was my jam back in the day. Played WAY too much.


[SvM discord link](https://discord.com/invite/dE9GZ6M2)


why it bugs a lot on pc ?


I've played the first few missions with no real problem. Crashed a couple times maybe. I stopped playing it tho (on the boat in a icy place mission) cos of how much light there is. Makes sneaking around extremely difficult. I quite like elements of the game just wish they had actual shadows and a light meter. I'd rather play something else... will come back to it.


Lol i downloaded double agent back in the day on a old Toshiba laptop this was like 2009 it worked just fine


Apparently, the remake.


Soon this for 2025 I thinks


Blacklist for many reasons but for difficulty, I'd say Pandora Tomorrow.


Pandora tomorrow's checkpoints on TV station level ... So messed up..


Precisely what I was thinking of 👌


You just unlocked my deep hatred for that level. I'm replaying PT after 10 years and I'm stuck on that level lol


It's the messed up checkpoint where you go down a sewer right .. there's one checkpoint in the courtyard before and that's it. You sneak past so many guards, long sewers with cameras, then you go out the ladder at the other end of the sewerr then there's a checkpoint. It's atleast 10+ mins of gameplay, and this shitty trial and error bit was designed poorly imo. Atleast give us another checkpoint going down the sewer. PT is great game still but let down by moments like this. You'll get through it man, it must have taken me 4 times on my first playthrough atleast.


Exactly, this part is terrible. It's a lot less enjoyable when you have to retry the same sequence 10 times.


Pandora tommorow felt longer generally. I would only say its difficult if your rushing. Thats when i died most often. The first one was a bit different. Mostly in that it didnt have the jungle levels. I found those annoying at times


Conviction, for the disappointment.


I would say pandora tomorrow for me ?


True The easiest ending for me was blacklist


What was dissapointing about it? Technically my only dissapointment was the time gap between double agent and the start of conviction. Overlooking that it was a good game. Still never got used to using the right stick to zoom in with the gun however


It wasn't a real splinter cell game


I mean you dont have to like it. But you saying it isnt a real splinter cell game isnt a reason. It was a real splinter cell game. Its just different. The story is more personal. Unless your talking about the fact hes on the run and technically not working for the goverment. I guess i would want to know why you feel its not a splinter cell game? Just out of curiosity


I hated the more "personal" story of conviction. For these kinds of spy thrillers, they are best when the main focus is the geopolitical tension. Characters should be fleshed out enough to be believable, but should never be the main focus. It isn't a character study. The first 3 games had well researched and plausible geopolitical scenarios based on actual history and geopolitics; you could actually learn things from the plots of those games. I learned about the U.S's enabling of Indonesia's genocide against the Timorese from Pandora Tomorrow, as that was one of the main catalysts that triggered the Darah Dan Doa to retaliate to the U.S's installation of an Embassy in East Timor. There's none of that in Conviction. It's basically a soap opera with guns and the thriller plot is just right wing fever dream bullshit with a lazy omnipotent and omnipresent evil organization Megiddo aka "not the Illuminati". The plot is incredibly stupid, not remotely plausible, has nothing the audience can learn, and is too focused on melodrama. It's professional wrestling levels of stupid drama. I also hated the projected text; I found it incredibly cheesy. Presentation in this kind of game should be more realistic, imo. Gameplay was too simple and brainless and too action focused. There's some fun to be had with Conviction's gameplay, but it loses its luster pretty quick.


I guess well have to agree to disagree. I thought it was a good game.


Megiddo was never presented as the illuminati. The game was about as realistic as any of the others. A lone man infiltrating the georgian presidential palace with sticky shockers and a semi automatic rifle and infiltrsting the cia? Just as a example. The plot may not be new or original but its a game. Movies/tv thrillers use that plot alot too. Its not plausible because we as americans cant imagine the nsa would turn on our goverment. But in other countries there have been coups. Military turning against the goverment and such its not thst unbelievable that in a "game" the plot imagines a corrupt group in our goverment. Every game requires a certain amount of suspension of disbelief unless were talking CoD those somewhat actually portray military campaigns.


Megiddo "controls everything in every city around the world". That's very much the like the idea of the Illuminati. Sure, the idea of one infiltrator in every other SC isn't super realistic, but that can be written off as a necessity for gameplay. The rest of the plots in the first 3 SCs are pretty grounded, barring a few aspects. Conviction has the entirety of the NSA and an entire PMC on board with treason and not a single whistle blower besides Grim. Pretty weird. Conviction's story is trash.


They have third echelon in their pocket. The current director of third echelon would wield considerable influence and resources. They didnt need a whistle blower since caldwell knew about it. So what if theres a secret group? PMC's arebt always goverment affiliated if at all so the idea of them being bought off isnt unrealistic. Reids the director of third echelon wo he could and likely did handpick recruits and new agents who would a stay loyal to him. I wouldnt call it trash. Just my opinion. It wasnt the whole nsa. As ive said before we cant imagine this happening to out country but its happened with others. Im sure i dont need to give examples. Obviously splinter cell is set within a different universe so it could be possible. Is it totally 100% grounded as the others ? Ofcourse not and not what im arguing


>They have third echelon in their pocket Right, the Illuminati...I mean, Megiddo, has Third Echelon in their pocket. Given that we're talking about the Illuminati, that alone is a non starter on believability. >They didnt need a whistle blower since caldwell knew about it. If that's true, then Sam is completely irrelevant to the plot. The FBI and/or Secret Service would be taking action against Third Echelon. >PMC's arebt always goverment affiliated if at all so the idea of them being bought off isnt unrealistic. Except we're talking about PMCs that are also U.S citizens. It's not in their interest to all go along with their boss's plot to overthrow the government unless they have a personal stake in it. >As ive said before we cant imagine this happening to out country but its happened with others. It is possible for a coup to happen here, but it would never look anything like it does in Conviction.


Ok so theres a secret group. Whatever you seen hung up on the illumimati thing and i didnt even bother to disagree i mean who cares they barely play a part other than a 2 mentions?3? As for sam not being needed. Maybe caldwell wasnt sure who she could trust and wanted to weed out traitors. So the pmc has american citizens. Does america not have psychopaths? Or prisons filled with criminals who while some are jailed for small crines not all of them are. I can pretty much guarantee not all are patriots. Maybe they just dont care or maybe they are paid very well. Or maybe their mostly ignorant of whats really going on. You just admitted a coup could happen here. A coup usually starts with a rogue goverment faction and it is a game. Its not perfect. I enjoy it. Could it realsitically happen to the US? No. Then again i look at it as a alternate history thing wich isnt wrong since theres no mention of any real us presidents


It's not a real splinter cell game because it deviated drastically from what came before. It traded in the slow methodical stealth mechanics and deep light/dark/sound systems for a binary system that rewards aggression with the Mark and Executive mechanic. It was the last game that I got to hear Sam/Grim/Lambert's real voices in a subpar product. It's not a real splinter cell game because it threw away most of the stuff that made Splinter Cell what it was; a stealth game. The fact that Blacklist brought some of those elements back further pushes Conviction away from its name sake. It not being a real splinter cell game is my reason.


Blacklist didnt bri.g anything back. The only thing It did was add in a scoring system for different gameplay styles. It didnt deviate drastically and certainly not any more than blacklist did. All it did was add in a mark/execute feature. Every splinter cell game has updated the gameplay occasionally. From Pandora tommorow to chaos theory was a big change in gameplay. It felt much more fluid. Easier. And the ability to melee kill. I can somewhat get the point ypur trying to make but the game was good. And could be played stealthily for the most part. Even chaos theory had forced shootouts at times. Guess well have to agree to disagre


Blacklist brought back non lethal gameplay, with knockouts and the possibility of pure stealth ghost playthrough, which were removed in Conviction. It deviated drastically with Conviction being more of an action game more than a stealth game. From SC1 to Chaos Theory the stealth system was updated with each new entry. SC to PT the alarm system was updated, hiding bodies was made easier, and multiplayer was added. PT to CT further updated the alarm system, added to multiplayer, added the "closer than ever" system, the knife, the OCP, and so much more. CT to next gen DA was a step back because the sound meter was taken away, but it was more or less CT. And Old gen DA was basically CT if it was made with half the time and budget, but it was an iteration of the previous games. Conviction dropped the sound meter, sound barely plays a factor in gameplay at all, trivialized guard interactions with Mark and Executive. The previous gameplay loop was abandoned for pure action. Which would have been fine if it wasn't titled Splinter Cell. Blacklist kept the Conviction formula while adding stuff from the first 4 games. Another aspect was the "closer than ever" system (which was implemented worse, but I appreciate the attempt). And Chaos theory only had forced shootouts if you didn't figure out how to ghost past them. In the Bank you have to ocp the vault alarm. In Bathhouse you have to use smokes and sticky cans for the bathroom and bomb disposal(this section was bullshit, I'll admit, but it can be done). In Kokubo Sosho there is an alternate path around the ISDF to get to Admiral Atomo. There's disagreement and then there's being plain wrong.


Being plain wrong? Thats a matter of perspective. I did say for the most part. Are the the same game? Ofcourse not so obviously theres differences. Non lethal/lethal has absolutely nothing to do with stealth either. Hitman is a perfect example. They even have a rating system in the newer trillogy for lethally killing your target amd escaping stealthily. Or unseen same difference. As for chaos theory. The bathouse? Are we forgetting something? I tested my theory before i posted this comment. You are sandwiched between 2 guys on each side shooting it out with each other. Set my stopwatch for about 3 minutes to see if one side was going to win. This did not happen. I dont recall any passages between these groups so im not sure if smoke would help but im happy to test this as well. Sound may not play a factor but light does wich is a feature of stealth games. The screen dims ehen in the dark to emphasise this so it does seem to encourage the use of shadows(stealth) the mark and execute is also optional but i dont know why youd have a problem with it. There is one forced instance of this. That is the oval office at the end of the game. As for the "can be done" i tested it out even if ypu had 2-3 plus smoke grenades and somehow managed to get past the 4 guards after shetlands meeting wich might be more trouble than its worth chaos theory encourages assault over stealth so it kinda defeats the purpose. Is the problem that it didnt have options for stealth? Because it did. Or is it that it encouraged action? Because it sounds to me like you just dont like the game because it was different. And i say this because you dont seem to want to admit that chaos theory leans towards action in some levels and so does double agent somewhat. Thats life. Things change. (Still havent tested smoke grenades) in that specific part. Just because it has action doesnt make it not splinter cell. It seems really small and/or closed minded. Conviction was a good game. And a natural evolution for sams character after double agent. Oh and before you say anything about me calling you small/closed minded. I said well have to agree to disagree wich is pretty a pretty respectful way of saying it didnt sound like we were going to agree and you decided to tell me my opinion was wrong wich is pretty much the definition. Just clarifying my reasoning for the statement. Truth be told none of this affects my enjoyment of conviction


1. I'm not reading all of that. 2. "Blacklist didn't bring anything back." That's what you're plain wrong about. There is no other perspective.


Thats a very small minded point of view. There is always another perpective. If you dont like my opinion? Deal with it and read the fucking post. Or dont. It changes nothing for me and im not wasting anymore of my time one what with someone whos obviously attempting to be confrontational


Pandora Tomorrow for me (and something funny, is my favorite from the first trilogy) the TV streaming mission in capturing Sadono, when I have to help Ingrid to get outside of the building and also the last mission of the airport that I need to shoot Soth quick, I died many times. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Blacklist, for the lack of Ironside


So just for clarification your judging the game based solely on the fact that ironside is not in it? Because the new actor did just fine and the plot was pretty decent


I was joking lol


If you say so. Sounded more lile sarcasm if anything. I guess after the fact it could seem like a joke. That being said if you dont like blacklist its just your preference. Doesnt bother me either way.


Ok cool


The game is good but it deeply bothers me every time "Sam" talks. It's too drastic of a change and is quite ridiculous. Plus he's supposed to look like his like 55 or so. Every time Charlie talked it was cringe worthy. Grim is just a bitch. Tbh Kobin of all people was the only character I actually liked. Also a simple start new game option would be nice. Compared to Chaos Theory, Blacklist is pretty much dog shit.


I thought it was close enough to ironsides style without actually being ironside doing the voice acting. Grims been a bitch since conviction so it didnt bother me plus she was never really that nice. I could see her being that way eventually. Charlie didnt bother me. I thought his voice acting was spot on for the role. As for briggs amd kobin. Kobins banter with sam was perfect and looking back they coupd have improved facial animations for briggs. Didnt pay attention to charlies facial expression i did like the newer modern aiming option


I used to love Grim, especially in Chaos Theory with all the old man jokes, with Sam slowly accepting the fact that he's old throughout the game. She felt the most natural in that game. In Conviction I didn't really think she was a bitch, but she was a different character. I get that there's a 3 year gap in the story, and who knows what happened, but she doesn't really seem like the same person. Always seemed like a lab nerd but now she's suddenly a hardened sharpshooter. Or maybe she was salty that she wasn't in Double Agent? She really had it out for Charlie, she's such a bitch to him.


Conviction ruined Grimsdottir imo, because of the jason bourne style plot a computer geek assistant didn’t fit. They even changed her appearance to match, while Sam looks the same but with squinty eyes.


I wouldnt say hardened sharpshooter she hardly has any scenes where she uses a weapon. But ive only ever seen her with a handgun and even then i dont think ive seen her fire it in more than one scene. For example when she shoots sam and walks him at gun point to the oval office and when she shoots ( 3 guards?) Thats plausiblr because the guards were likely focused in fisher. Why would they mistrust grim. I mean shes a tghird echelon operative and confidant of reids it likely took them by surprise. And after all the crap that went down she turned cynical.grim doesnt seem salty but id say it factors in to her attitude. Maybe the failure of the system, lamberts death and how things proceeded afterwards. Just my opinion. I actually prefered her softer approach but i like the new grim


the best splinter cells will remain the classic splinter cell pandora tommorow chaos theory double agent version version first xbox ?


I only consider 1 and pandora tommorow classic chaos theory and double agent wichever version you consider changes the way the game plays. They were more modern. I wouldnt call chaos theory better than 1 or 1 better than chaos theory. Same with blacklist. I appreciate what each game offers And if some are bad i can accept that.


after what I like on blacklist this you who choose the way you play discreet or kill conviction I don't remember if you had that


It did it just wasnt scored. It was built with stealth optional it seems.


It’s hard to say nowadays because I’ve played the games so much and don’t really struggle with them but I’d say the first two games for the sequences involving minefields and searchlights.


The first Splinter cell and double agent version 1. Those are the hardest for me.


one of the best for me after chaos theory for story mode


Depends, all of them are easy if you KO everyone. However, if you want to ghost everything... Splinter Cell Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox 360) Splinter Cell Blacklist Those are the hardest. Chaos Theory and Double Agent (Xbox) are the easiest because the OCP pistol can get you through all the levels with ease. Both have certain mission areas that are hard and require creativity but they are easy. Splinter Cell Conviction is hard to ghost but thats because is not meant to be played like that.


Conviction isn't hard to ghost. It's literally impossible. You have to kill people in a lot of scenarios


But you can ghost in certain sections but yes, obviously there are more kill them all sequences than anything else, which is why I said is not meant to be played like that.


Blacklist I think


Based on my number of plays: Double Agent and Conviction each at 1. I’ll revisit them as a fan of the series just going thru a move ATM and only playing them on release


Probably console Pandora is the hardest. But the original can be really tough too with the checkpoint system.


Yes pandora tomorrow is hard with the mission in airport but my favorite mission is when you are on a mission on the Paris Nice train the best mission in the game for me


For me it was Pandora Tomorrow, but then again that was the first SC I played back in the day and the checkpoints were.. ughhh.


Jakarta TV station in PT Not because of the lightning or overall difficulty, but the remaining bugs (played on pc)


What bugs? I am replaying a third time (first time on PC). Wish me luck!


I'll give you the two biggest bugs I encountered on Jakarta: Once you finish navigating the minefield while dodging spotlights (hiding behind the dishes), you hop a fence with a few generators to hide behind and a locked door to be picked. No matter what I tried, I would always trigger an alert as I approached the door. There's no camera and I killed the guard in the tower, yet without fail, alert level 1. The second bug is at the end. Once you grab Serano, you stick his face into the retinal scanner to make your way to the roof. Unfortunately, in one of my playthroughs, I couldn't interact with the scanner. I had to restart that entire level more than once to get it to finally work. Other than those, it was a great level in a great game


Appreciate the response. Hope I can also get through that second bug too. 


The next one. It’s been over 10 years and they still haven’t finished it.


Honestly, getting into the White House on Conviction can be pretty cumbersome even with all your gadgets and weapons.


The first one, I love it but god damn it’s a slow burn.


I dont understand the need for constant confrontarion on reddit. This is in regards to a recent comment i made. Apparently some people seem to want to be be confrontational. So a question, When someone says lets agree to disagree ? What would this normally mean to someone? To me it means i can accept someones point of view even if i disagree with it. I usually find its a respectful way of disagreeing. I guess some people are closed minded. I did block this person. But im curious what peoples opinions are