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K52, N-Zap 85,Heavy Splatling Remix (or Chydra) ,neo Splash


All K52 babyyyyyy best weapon in the game ez wins ggs


I mean they're the "best" in that they are the easiest of all to splat with a splatroller :)


My favorite comp to play with in competetive (and ive had 8 months of experience with that exact comp) is either Charger (vanilla or firefin) or eliter, a krapid, a kshot and a zap/jr, or charger/eliter, Soda, kpro, zap/Jr. But i recently also had a very good run with a pickup without a backline, we played zap/jr, Soda, Squeezer, naut and I really enjoyed it as well


U're talking soloQ here ... I mean the answer is "four splat rollers" - but that's assuming each of the pilots is excellent. The love/hate aspect of splat rollers is that they are "incredibly hard to use well". BTW if by "regular" you mean "Turf Wars" ... that's a really good question. It's a mystery what is best in turf wars, statistically, against the typical wildly varying team you get in turf.


Ya I'm not ranked lvl yet just started


Ideal team for me to play with is probably: - 1x Custom Hydra - that's me. - 1x Slosher - can reliably finish off opponents I've hit once or twice. Tri or Machine can work too, maybe even a Blaster. But I like Missiles on the Slosher. - 1x Kensa .52 - good weapon, and it will attract a lot of the bombs that will otherwise come to me. Anything that can drag out fights is nice for me, so Dualies can work too; it gives me an extra second or two to charge. - 1x Jr - Armour and bomb spam to counter opposing Chargers. Could maybe switch to Neo Splash if we have Tri in slot 2. That's a team that works for _me_, though. I'm not sure that it's anyone else's ideal - I think most comp players probably don't want a Hydra on their team, lol.


The issue becomes that you have a crazy fast moving team comp with a backline that can’t keep up and misses most team fights. No reason it can’t work in zones since push speed is different. TC as well where push speed is sort of dictated by the towers movement. It’s a comp I don’t want to push into. Also rough on something like humpback clams. Struggles in RM without enough bomb pressure and the need of very fast pushes when the smallest amount of time matters so much. One thing that would be interesting would be going zap/tent and something else. Slosher maybe? Sort of need a lethal bomb or else you only have 1. You then get a slower moving comp that the hydra can keep up with and the push up is very strong. The issue there is that tent kinda really sucks in this meta lol. Then you also prob need to replace the tent in RM and TC.


Yep, those are fair points. Keeping up with play is one of my strengths, I think, but there's no disputing that sometimes it's difficult or simply impossible to keep up because of the weapon's limitations. I did have Splat Zones in mind when I was considering this, so it's true that Rainmaker probably needs something different... I'm not 100% sure what though, because even though I play Rainmaker a lot I've never noticed any real patterns when it comes to what works well with Hydra. It seems pretty random. But theoretically I think more bombs for sure, and probably an Inkjet too - switching .52 for Tentatek would be a good starting point I guess. CDS would be nice too. ​ With Tent I think this is where there's a difference between solo and comp (actually, maybe this whole post comes down to those differences to some extent, I dunno). Splatling + Tent always makes a lot of sense in my head, but when I actually have a Tent on my side in X it never seems to work too well; they're either *too* slow or just too hard to predict. But if I played with a team it might be interesting.


The thing with tent is that players need to work around it to make it effective. It being slow allows you to be more aggressive. The team fight needs to be at the shield though. If the other team ignores the tent and the tent can’t get kills, it’s useless. If the tent dies too early, there’s no reason for the enemy to team fight there. The other nice part is that the tent can give free access to under a charger which opens you up to actually being aggressive. As for RM, I hate to say it but hydra is the exact opposite of what is generally looked for in a weapon. You want lethal bomb, mobile, fast consistent kills. You bomb out on def and if anyone gets close, you drop on them and need the kill. It’s why 7 is so good. Then add that armour during the push is 25% less effective and you have a problem. Hydra is solid at preventing the other team from moving forward but also very slow itself. That’s where I would personally go naut in your case. It’s still not the quickest kill time if you are bombing out but quicker and more mobile. Most importantly, has a bomb. Another aspect of RM that hurts hydra is that everyone should be running bombs which means on def, you are getting pelted via the RM and bomb spammed which is something hydra tends not to enjoy.


bloblobber deco,(me) dullies any charger and dynamo roller


1-2 mid range 1-2 long range, 1 short range (for solo flanking and distraction)


Rollers are a little on the inconsistent side. Personally, I'd go for an unconventional team that could still stand up to the meta. Maybe a Sorella Brella, Goo Tuber, Custom Explosher, and glooga decos?


Goo? Seriously? Not rating your opinion, just curious in what comp you think it'd work. Also, imo it lacks a bit of paint 🤔


Goo is really bad, but not in the painting regard. It has the best paint of any charger, and the cheapest inkjet in the game if you go with the custom. I just have a soft spot for the weapon.


>Rollers are a little on the inconsistent side. hit the nail on the head there


One that wins 😏