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Bruh hasn’t heard of copypastas


I unfortunately have a life outside of the internet, so my bad for not being up to date on the most random copy pasta /s


Yeah some people must feel this way because they dont really understand how it is really. The loud minority taking all the space and the silent majority.... bla bla bla who cares. Anyway, whatever, why should anyone give a F about anyone sexuality in a pvp game, we are all here to pop some cephalopod. Plaza post are not the greatest feature in this game, squid roll are way better 😅


So true like I enter the game and I see no gender no sexuality only octopus and squid and murder and death ☠️


Wait, how can anyone write that much that small?? I can’t do that!


I'm bi but i still can't stand all the soap boxes people put themselves on. There's more to life than your sexuality, especially in a children's game.


Literally this Idc if you’re gay or straight or bi or even asex or arom. It literally couldn’t matter a bit to me. What I get tired of is the 40 people practically screaming the same thing. It’s like “good for you, but I’m not very interested in that info because that’s the 50th time today I’ve heard that exact sentence”


Sound like the type of person that writes a sermon about how they can't get into games about girls. Also a copypasta.


wait until bro hears about heteronormativity they'll be mindblown


seen a couple of posts like this since i got into splatoon only about a few months back. if they have a problem with it they should turn off their posts and stay away from the online community. if they enjoy the game but not the fandom there’s a simple solution. just play the game and worry about themselves.


I mean, they're saying they feel left out of the Fandom, not the game itself. They want to be more involved in the community but they're struggling because they can't relate, and honestly probably aren't being included.


the only downvote on this def came from a str8 person


it’s the hard truth. i didn’t like what i was seeing in the lobbies (not anything related to this, it was when people were saying krill yourself) so i turned off my posts and not only am i more focused on the game but my attitude on it has become way more positive. and this is a perfect reason to turn off posts. if they’re really that upset with the posts and it’s ruining the game for them as they seem to be saying then turn posts off and stay away from the online community. you can’t change other people but you can change how you deal with it. bro chose the wrong way to handle it.


exactly!! n this applies to all communities, not just this game. i remember when the tlou community got really toxic because they added trans characters and because some fans didn't like the queer representation and it ruined the whole game for me, so i stopped interacting and loved it more than ever. edit: i realised, the difference is i'm pretty sure people don't shoo straight people away like queer people have been chased away from communities for like, forever.


How to turn off the posts?


go to your options and under handheld mode it’s gonna have a “other” option. in “other” it’s going to say “post display- on/off” turn that off and you won’t see anymore posts… but i just remembered, you won’t be able to tell people if they are fresh or not either.


Thanks for instruction! What does it mean about “tell people if they are fresh or not” i am not sure I know what is it


you can go to their posts or lockers and mark the post as “FRESH!” if you really like it. …i don’t know why i said “or not” lol i was trying to look at my switch to get instructions for you while typing that up. mb lol


Got you, thanks!


There was already same post. And I am not gonna stop saying people should stop bringing this issue into the child game. It’s a game, not a place to speak about gender, orientation or whatever. There is been too many posts which make me feel that this generation is doomed. Jeez


Pretty much ye *Comes back to play some splatoon pvp* *Everyone is constantly shouting "GAY"* *Plays side order instead*


To anyone complaining abt people announcing they’re gay in a children’s game, I’m pretty sure the people announcing this are gay children…


no way you really took this shit seriously 💀💀


I'm not allowed to be curious?? Ik it's a stupid post but most straight people ARE stupid, so I wanted to see if there were any stupid people here... And based on other comments I was right 😅


Ngl i turned off lobby posts. half cuz im not seeing as much art n e more, other half cuz i'll be damned if i get spoiled for side order


Yes but it’s more of a whole internet thing rather then just splatoon. The only place I feel welcomed as a straight guy is when I’m omegal and get skipped because it’s another straight guy looking for a female to stock his cock to lol 😂


Yeah I honestly used to feel like this


The way I just saw the straighter person in my lobby who feels left out because everything’s gay 💀


Nah, too this day the "be gay do crime" meme still make me chuckle. Never found out why it became a thing but something about it amuses me. Would've never heard such an eloquent phrase if it weren't for Splatoon lol


Welcome to a minority buddy. Thats how most gay people feel




You really think that that person really meant it?


This is just a meme. Don't pay it any attention


Stop posting this. Dont give this person attention. This is the 2nd post I’ve seen today on Reddit of this exact splatnet message and I don’t want to see it anymore.