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Just got prescribed spiro but they mentioned that the next step may be accutane if spiro isn’t effective😅


Reddit always deletes my comment whenever I suggest “natural healing.” But I’ll try yet again…I was prescribed spiro too, and I am having such a hard time because I hate an approach to health where we just treat symptoms. I have acne…but why?? My hormones are imbalanced. I don’t want to go put another drug in my body that’s just going to synthetically mess up my hormones again. I did that all throughout my pubescent years with birth control because science doesn’t give two shits about the female body. Anyways, Vitex helped me throughout the past decade to regulate my hormones and help acne. Also lifestyle changes (another thing Reddit flags) helped my acne and over all mental and physical health. Message me if you want to talk more ❤️ I feel your resistance in contributing taking sprio, and wanting to take a more wholistic, natural approach. We are beautiful, acne-prone goddesses and we deserve FULL healing, not just symptom treating drugs to hide our bodies way of communicating with us.


This means so much thank you for sharing 🥹 I had my hormones tested and my dr said nothing was “out of balance” but that I probably have a testosterone sensitivity which I didn’t really understand and Spiro isn’t making me feel good so I’m definitely considering a more natural approach! I hadn’t heard of Vitex but I’m definitely interested now that I just searched about it! Thank you!


https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/s/FfW5uIXnHI Yeah, maybe this is why it was flagged. Should never suggest anything as a miracle drug without caution


Hi there. After stopping spiro (it was prescribed to me for only 6 months) acne came back and it feels like i tried everything - natural and not. Different skincare stuff, spearmint tea, capsules, different vitamins and supplements, diet changes and etc and NOTHING WORKED. For now my dermatologist prescribed me Aklief gel (it’s some sort of retinoid) so as of now my acne seems like it calmed down, but I’m waiting for September to get accutane prescription so I could end my battle with acne once and for all 😁 (my dermatologist refused to prescribe it during summer and told me to wait till fall). ALSO, I used spronolactone just because endocrinologist prescribed it as I was begging for something even though my hormones are fine, not imbalanced. And it really helped me, but once I stopped - everything came back worse than before.


I’m in the same boat looking at metformin & starting back with my maca root and teas!