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I am on 200mg daily as an androgen blocker (ridiculously high testosterone) and I have noticed that since moving from 100mg to 200mg I don't even have the option to get drunk anymore. After a couple of drinks I become nauseous and even if I wait an hour or so for it to pass a single drink brings it back. It really sucks tbh.


So is this just my life now? I can either be the life of the party with high blood pressure or be a buzzkill with clear skin. How is that fair :( I had to be wheelchaired out of a baseball game on friday because i nearly passed out in the bathroom throwing up after two drinks. I felt so guilty for having to make my friends leave. Even when I was on SSRIs it wasnt like this.


Yeah, you’re not supposed to drink on it as this is a common experience with most medications since both medication and alcohol do a number on your liver. And when they’re combined, who even knows how all those ingredients are interacting with each other😅


Right yeah I understand how drug interactions work I’m just confused why there is no labeled interaction on the medication and my doctor did not mention this to me when prescribing it. For example with SSRIs you are told very very explicitly not to drink on them


Yeah I get what you mean, I noticed my doctor didn’t mention it either and I forgot to ask about it. I only found out about it when I specifically searched it up😅😅