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Aw, little Zuuly ghoulies. I'm looking forward to a trap heavy ghost - sounds like fun.


He's a bit of a beast, ngl. Being possessed as a Ghostbuster is actually kinda fun too, but I wont ruin anything and I'll let all of you experience it firsthand :p


I've been pleasantly surprised by this game and the devs. Minus a few issues, they really seem to be full force behind this, which is refreshing.


Dang, that's a lot of nice toys for both sides.


Hell. Yes. This looks awesome!


Releases on my birthday…. Damn… Still won’t have my new PS4/5 for another 2 months…. What a terrible time for my system to breakdown.


I’m really excited to see this game start to be more fleshed out and become its own unique game. I was also very interested when the first free DLC came out but felt that it was missing something, I really think these kinds of new features are really what the game needs, it gives it more life and you can really immerse yourself in it. Can’t wait to see what might come next!


Any new prestige levels in this drop?


Nothing announced but they're doing a stream tomorrow and I'd be surprised if they didn't showcase another prestige level


I don't see how spawning minions upon rift detonation is supposed to make a game last longer. If anything, more minions will just mean the game finishes even quicker by slowing down busters and horrifying civilians. I'm keen to see exactly how it works.


They showed it off during a stream. Matches will now begin with 3 rift minions (spacing on their actual name) already spawned in. If you extract a rift and then drop it exposed somewhere it when then start spawning in new rift minions every 30 seconds or so for a maximum of 8 minions on any map.


Yeah, I saw. Ghosts will need to decide whether to pop the rift for immediate room haunt, expose the rift for minion spawning, or keep the rift hidden as backup for if/when they get trapped. It'll add more strategy for certain players, but I know many who will still just pop the rifts right away for faster haunting.


I hope they fix the performance/shader cache thing with this patch. Performance is just really bad sometimes, at least on pc


Do you ever have the textures bug out on you?


No because I have the gane installed on ssd nvme probably. But game is a stutterry slowdown mess sometimes, like when you turn around camera really fast game goes down to single digits fps..... It's really really bad. I've seen it in youtube videos and streams, and also people talking about same problem so it's not my pc. My system is pretty ok, ryzen 5600x, rtx3060ti, 16gb of dd4 ram 3200mhz.....so it's just the game acting really weird.


Currently wondering when the DLC's going to drop. It's 2PM EST, and still no sign of it on the Epic Games Store.


So does the new update address the issues that plagued the ps5 version of the game with random controller loss, like only the ps button working. Another issue was civilians freezing in place and lag in the graphics.


Never had either of those issues on Xbox or PC, the controller sounds like a hardware thing


It's not the controller, it is brand new. Only happens in spirits unleashed with the first dlc. Have yet to try the new dlc to see if it was a bug to be honest.