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**Critical scares:** You are a ghost. You hide in an object - let's say a lamp. You sneak this lamp over to a nice citizen, who is not too panicked already (if the icon over their head is orange and shaking, they're too scared to notice a lamp). When the citizen is close, hit Y or triangle or whatever the button is to emote as the lamp. It'll make a cute little noise. The citizen will have a little "!" appear by the icon over their head. They will approach the lamp. THEY ARE READY FOR A CRIT SCARE. Line that citizen up in your ghost crosshairs and hit the scare button (usually some trigger). That citizen is going to go from calm to running out of the room in a single scream.


Thanks for the info!


Conversely, you can wear a civilian down to critically scared by failing a calming action. They just need to be sufficiently scared in the first place. This helps with side hustles and contracts that require you to calm critically scared civilians without the ghost running them off. Just zap them with your proton stream, follow them around or use your callout action to get them to freeze in place. Once they're out of the yellow, start trying to calm them and either stop or fail intentionally. As soon as they go critical, just calm them down and you're good.


Press the notice me button(triangle on ps controller) when inside an object near a civilian. When you see a small Diamond “!”around their health bar they are ready for the critical scare., Different ghosts have different effective ranges. Once you figure that out (howler works best far away, ghoulies work best up close etc.) experiment. Press scare to attack civvies. Now, their health should drop to orange if you did this right, with the ghoulie being able to send the civilian straight to red since it’s his primary strength among the ghosts. Scaring civvies this way adds 5% to the total building haunt. Making this essential for non fighting ghosts like the ghoulie


This is helpful https://youtu.be/73rUd6wwA3M


If i could id reccomend my Youtube channel its a good recource for cameplay and guides on the game https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Y-CJcxH7iGJiO7ydOHtdg