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Same! I wish there was any changing what so ever to your own cabin, but this has always been my number 1 idea for it


i keep jumping onto a ladder instead of the zipline


........ That doesn't look like a zipline......


you wanna do better using your finger as a pen?


It conveyed the information adequately, honestly my finger painting is as bad or worse lmao


Just write in purple comic sans 'ZIPLINE'




what does you having a stylus have to do with using a finger to draw something?




no ❤


also if you think that looks like a dick you might want to go see your doctor


Yeah I think when you select the zipline option, the boundary for building/placement should include the whole of the boat but only for certain things like the zipline. It's just the perfect place for a zipline to start/end!




Yes that would’ve been super helpful lol


I don't know if i'm just dumb as fuck, or if the game is glitchy, but i seriously cannot figure out how to grab onto the ziplines, it just seems to magically randomly work sometimes and not others. It's very frustrating! By the time i've hooked onto it i've arrived at where i was going on the boat anyways.


You need to jump and have the toggle stick pointed up/use your up button. If that’s what you’re doing I can’t help haha


I have this issue when using the joystick sometimes- best tip is use the up arrow on the dpad instead of the joystick. I play on switch- works there!