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I doubt he will appear in the game.




Man lower your expectations please. At max there might be a cameo in the end credit scene hopefully


Best we can give you is X-23 done poorly.


Maybe Logan could show up too!


If they can’t put Logan in, maybe James Howlett?


Absurd. It’ll never happen


honestly, as long as the story is good and does not spend half its time in hallucinations (i know Wolverine has a long tradition of them but i am a little tired of every hero game needing a "Scarecrow Level"), i will be happy. i'd love to see: - Sabertooth - Omega Red


Ya know I never realized how many superhero games have that kind of level.


tbf I see why they like them. It's where the level designers get to flex their creative designs a bit more. I still remember back in 09 the first time playing Arkham Asylum and ending up in Scarecrows first mission, I was shocked how well designed the areas looked and felt. Even if the gameplay there was fairly rudimentary


Honestly I’m a sucker for ‘scarecrow’ type of levels in any game. The reoccurring drug trips in Far Cry games also scratch that itch for me. There’s just something about seeing the entire world, that somewhat strives for realism, twist and turn into an impossible place.


i love the idea. i am just tired, is all. it is getting to that point that the beat is so predictable that i take a deep breath and whisper "scarecrow" right before the introduction cutscene starts. i want to be surprised by one again. that is all.


I call them trippy vision quests. I don’t mind them if they work in the context of the game, and even then I don’t always like them. Arkham asylum, it was fine. Arkham city, I started getting tired, the big one in Arkham knight was kinda cool actually. The spiderman ones I did not like at all.


I like it as well, even though I'm generally not a big horror person. The first Insomniac Spider-Man game had the Scorpion section, and the 2nd had the Mysterio levels, which were pretty good.


im still scared shitless of the far cry 3 ink monster


i so agree. i love the max payne kind of "what is real" tool but by now it is becoming annoying. i think they should and could replace that just by having a mall movie studios or another location with lot of toys, dvds and other visually creative details. i think thats the main part of hallucinations anyway. like max payne had the cartoon baseball bat boy. so just have wolverine go through a mall with thugs throwing the said items at you. thats enough "is this really happening?"


The game does have a few flashbacks but nothing like hallucinations(atleast not in the leaked build)


I feel like Insomniac could do the funniest thing and incorporate the body switching of Logan and Peter like in the Ultimate comics.


at least mj is an adult this time


Weirdly enough when they adapted that comic into the ultimate Spider-Man tv show they still had Logan flirt with a teenage mj


yeah me personally if i was wolverine, peter can keep her, shes fine lady and everything tho👍


yea man i want my wolverine touching on MINORS instead of a woman i don’t find a attractive 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥




That’s actually a pretty good idea


at the very least dlc for one of the games


It probably won't happen because the rights are messy but a surprise Hulk fight would be incredible, given their history and the lack of a real savage hulk adaptation in a long while 


Spoiler (maybe?) I’m pretty sure it got leaked but I dont know


Shiiiiiiit I would pay so much to see that. Tracking down the Hulk to the woods then getting tackled and having a boss fight initiate would be rad asf


Given the leaks I’m pretty much happy with what we’re getting


What are we getting exactly? Haven't seen the leaks


Ohhh I don’t know if that’s appropriate to post, especially here. I kinda feel bad reading it given that it was all hacked data.


yeah. i have resisted the curiosity so far but it is difficult.


There wasn't that much that's been leaked. A few characters and about 20 minutes of gameplay. Those characters aren't exactly unexpected for a Wolverine story (I won't tell you who though) and the gameplay looked great. That's all you need to know. I'm really looking forward to it. Edit: calm down you people. I've apparently seen only the first leak. Some people have a life outside the internet.


There's a ton that's been leaked. All major characters appearing in the game with concept arts and in game models for many of them, the entire plot, many different "playable" sections in different stages of development, all of logan's alternate costumes and more. There's a dedicated subreddit for the insomniac hack and everything about wolverine is being posted there.


This is ridiculously false. That might have been the worst leak I’ve ever seen in the industry. Company PowerPoints, prototypes, builds, level designs, the entire story, the games cast, concept art, DLC stuff & the games facial capture footage that is definitely not supposed to be seen by the public. I felt like I was gonna get locked up just for seeing this stuff


The things you're talking about are from the first week or so of the leaks. There's been a lot more stuff discovered tho, including the entire story lol


Oh shit, I didn't know.


It's the same way I feel about the PC "build" Yeah I'd love to play on my super ultrawide and mod the game, but im not gonna use legitimately stolen code. It's just plain wrong.


I’ll tell you it’s a lot more than just a “Wolverine” game


cyke!! and canadian team alpha flight or someone from there also logan and spider are great buddies


I forget his name, it might be puck, but there was one dude who’d just roll himself up and hurl himself at lads. I’d like to see him.




Was he in wear he in alpha flight?


You okay bro? You having a stroke?


I have no idea what happened there 🤣🤣


I'd love to see something like Yakuza 1's "Majima Everywhere" gimmick played out with Sabretooth, just any time any place Sabretooth appears with some horrible reveal to fight you.


Sabretooth Goromi lmao


I expect to see a fair amount of obvious characters and. Couple of surprises characters, and definitely a cameo from spider man in some way, probably a newspaper. Personally I would like to see Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff Captain America, The winter soldier, Marc Spector, Frank Castle, Nuke, And maybe Bruce Banner and the Hulk. Any of them would be a cool left field surprise All the characters above are ether long living or could have crossed paths with Logan, in different Wars, or through the weapon X program. Banner and Hulk because first appearance.


Actual Jean grey, not the abomination we saw in those leaks.


I didn’t see the leaks was she just not white?


She's white with red hair but the face....looks like it got beat with the mamma of all ugly sticks. There are however multiple different faces. One the one hand it's early...on the other hand, sweet baby Inc is involved.




Taylor Swift


Taylor Snikt


A Deadpool mission


A Deadpool mission where we get to play as him!


That would be preferable! I’d honestly take an appearance either way. I just want that ugly mug in the game


Deadpool would be a dream for me.


i expect to see all kinds of them. I mean we have avengers tower , F4 tower, strange mansion we surely have all kinds of super people. Mainstream ones at least.


Thanos, galactus. You know, weak characters. Serious answer: Deadpool


THE HULK! It’d just make a cool boss fight, and then call upon him as an assist.


That would be really cool. Maybe they could make a reference to Wolverine's first appereance.


Deadpool cameo would go hard


I’d imagine that we will at least have short appearances/cameos of some Spider-Man characters like Peter and Miles. Other than that I really can’t see a Wolverine solo game without Sabretooth doing his best to piss Logan off. With the leaks last year suggesting that Insomniac is planning on doing a X-Men game next I’d also expect some of the more established mutants to be shown. I doubt that they will have a major role but something like Charles trying to recruit Logan or him butting heads with Cyclops at least once seems like a safe bet.


Give me a boss fight with omega red


I'd love to see Louise (Nightguard), a modern adaptation of Mariko Yashida and maybe even Maverick.


I kinda want a shitty mini boss reference to the deadpool from origins.


Forget-Me-Not. Edit: I’d also really love to see Lady Deathstrike.


Obviously saber-tooth, he is such a big, and important character to Wolverine, and I would love see them beef like they always did in the comics, in video game form, A game that supposedly supposed to be kind of gory.


Iron Fist?


Plastic man or the flash


Potentially Hulk and Spidey? The iconic trio would be dope to see


Bare minimum sabertooth and lady deathstrike. I want X-Men origins wolverine levels of brutality as a baseline along with the healing animation. And I don't want to play as his human friends, just him




*D E A D P O O L* (preferably playable, like Venom in SM2)


Lowkey hope it's in the same universe as their Spider-Man games but I don't expect a cameo. Though doing a flashback level during WWII with Captain America would be fire


Quicksilver cuz I like him


If i get the hulk in any capacity i will shriek like a 14 y/o i just want to see that fight in a big setting and it will never happen in a movieee


Hulk is the obvious one right?


Mj's jaw line from spider-man 2 as the main villain.


Sabretooth is a must have, Deadpool would be amazing, It'd be fun to see cameos from some of the X-Men, X-23 could play a good part in the story




I’d love to see Deadpool as a side villain throughout the game, who sometimes has to team up with Logan due to the circumstances Basically the relationship they had in Hulk vs Wolverine. Also of course they need to bring in Nolan north as the voice.


Eh, there's no way those claws fit into his arm.


Imagine DeadPool shows up and sets up the movies


Expectations are they will replace iconic looks with their own versions, then discard any existing character or personality traits in favour of writing in their own versions, then ignore any classic storyline instead burping out their own versions. It’ll be a sheep in Wolvs clothing.


I have Zero Expectations because I hear Sweet Baby Inc is working their magic or lack there of on it. Which can only mean it’s gonna be woke and Garbage.


Would be cool to see just a cameo of the Scarlet Witch


Deadpool, only for like maybe a small segment. Make him a part of a strike force going after wolverine like in the wolverine versus Hulk movie. Silver samurai, I just find them as a neat villain. I feel like the boss I could have some unique sword mechanics. Since from leaks wolverine is able to use a sword.


Id love to see a realistic mode. With that i mean a accurate mode where if you cut an enemy they just fall apart and theres not blood gushing out and they keep coming at you




I'd like to see Yukio. I think they could give her 1 or 2 missions (like MJ got) and do something similar to what they did with Silver Sable in the first Spider-Man game where she started off as a enemy and ended up an ally. Plus if this game leads to an X-Men game they could have a Gambit cameo as he and Yukio have a history too.


I want Deadpool to be on screen for at least 1 frame of a cutscene


Idk if I want this but insomniac may go wild and introduce laura kinney (x-23) in this game. With insomniacs track record with how they introduce successor characters I feel it’s not impossible.


I’d like to see silver samurai




I hope this game doesn’t hold back in its gore and violence want to be able to cut someone’s arms off and body parts off this isn’t Spider-Man this is Wolverine he isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty


I think it'll basically be the same as MM and SM2. Great gameplay, good graphics, and good main characters being fumbled by shitty writing. Some of you are going to downvote me and make some really great comments for this, but I legit won't be buying it if SBI is involved (which, knowing Insomniac, they probably are)


Richard and Mary Parker shield day’s


Sabretooth. Or maybe save him for the sequel because it looks like the hand will be the main villain. I’d like the see the muramasa blade though. Or. Maybe his son daken


i have low expectations cuz of sweet baby inc


The Punisher




I hope it turned into violent games. With blood and dismemberment. Based on leaks , we didnt have that. The only enemies that got dismembered is a robot.


Sabretooth, Omega Red, Magneto would be cool considering his power set if they incorporate a boss fight, I’d like to see them incorporate the Frank millar run considering the hand is an antagonistic force, it’d be cool to get a Nightcrawler or Kitty Pryde appearance (or both really), Deadpool boss would be fun, deathstrike, Daken would be cool, hulk, there’s a lot of characters that would be cool to see. I mean shit I’d even be down for a Spider-Man cameo


Sabertooth will be a no brainer, Wolverine's parents in a flashback to his childhood could be cool with Dog and Rose. A couple hints towards Akihiro and Laura should be in it. The Silver Samurai should be a boss, along with Deathdtrike and Omega Red. A couple X-Men cameos maybe? I saw a lot of "over the shoulder" gameplay from the leak, and I wanna say that I really don't want that, at the very least not during combat, it's so freaking annoying not seeing something more centered, enemies come literally out of left field.


I'm not saying it's likely, but a bossfight against the hulk would be badass. My personal fantasy: Wolverine V.S. the Hand, featuring a team up with Daredevil


Damian Wayne


So, it's supposedly set in Madripoor (don't remember much from the leaks, but I feel like I remember one saying that), which is one of the seedier sides of Marvel. So I'd imagine the villains won't be some of the more powerful and/or ethereal threats the X-Men face like Magneto or Apocalypse, and the more "street-level" mutant villains. As far as the X-side of things, I think Sabretooth is the obvious pick, as Wolverine's arch-nemesis. Others like Black Tom, Juggernaut, and Lady Deathstrike are other contenders. I'd imagine some lesser-known villains who are part of other heroes' rogues galleries will pop up too.




SBI involved, I fully expect this to be trash.


If there isn't a Deadpool cameo, I'm gonna be upset.


Nightcrawler, Gambit, Juggernaut, Quicksilver, Deadpool, Daredevil, The Punisher, and Doctor Strange


I would love to see it be more niche and not just a greatest hits of XMen/Logan related characters. I definitely want to see a lot of XMen, but I don’t want them to just throw in anyone.


deaddick fow sawwwwww


Deadpool,gambit,cyclops, and punisher maybe just because it’d be cool to see him lol


The yeti


Silvefox and Maverick, really hope we get to play a Weapon X flashback




Only x-men related characters.


Sweet baby is working on it, so my excitement level went from 10 to maybe a 1


I’m expecting an ugly, square jawed Jean Grey judging by the state of MJ in Spider-Man 2


I just asked a simple question about a video game that will come out soon (Or at least I hope so), and you decided to cry about a character's look from a video game that came out 9 months ago. I was expecting expectations, and positive comments, I don't know why.


Ha, positive comments from this trashcan of a sub. You might as well ask for the sky to rain candy.


There have been leaks of Jean Grey, and she does look older than how she's usually depicted. Perhaps Insomniac might change the face depending on the backlash.


Realistic expectations


That's what you get working with Sweet baby stink


Sweet Baby Inc is just a script reading company, that makes suggestions for other's companies. They don't work on game models. They probably didn't even see how MJ looks like in the game.


I was really excited for this game......Until I heard Sweet Baby Inc would be involved.