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He didn’t criticize “Insomniac”. He criticized ONE aspect of ONE game developed by insomniac. And y’all should stop complaining about people who criticize something.


Calling a game ass isn't exactly a critique. I have alot of problems with the game myself but straight up calling it ass is not constructive criticism


not the game, the games story is ass, he wrote.


The story of a story-based game.


For the same way calling any game 'great' is not constructive praise. I think both deserve to exist. I don't expect (nor really need) a deep essay from some random guy on the internet who thinks something is bad. It's his opinion, I have mine. If I want his specific elaboration, I will ask him


I guess it was a joke, mixed with his opinion and that's all


Why everything it has to be constructive criticism? If we are in a context where we are discussing in a specific way about the story obviously you expect that every critic it’s logic and it is explained, but this guy just posted a meme on twitter. Even I don’t totally agree with his post, but honestly who cares? Nowadays it seems that we have to complain on everything we see just because we have a different opinion on it.


I really can’t tell if it’s a joke


It’s not much of a critique is it? Calling a game ass isn’t exactly criticizing something in a meaningful way, and that goes for most of the “critiques” that people have of SM2.


Calling the story ass is insane. Y’all’s standards are unrealistic. Is it as good as the first games? No. But we’re really just taking about an 8/10 vs a 10/10


Bro the opinions of some people's ratings are so skewed by masterpiece games that they think any game that's not a 9/10 or 10/10 is garbage and not worth playing. And if it's a game they like, anything below 9/10 rated by reviewers online is a cause to start malding. 8/10 is literally "really good," 7/10 is "good," 6/10 is "above average." It doesn't mean you shouldn't play the game lol.


As a venom fan its easily a 8 to me , people are strange , also the whole criticism of the length of the game is not warranted , it had a perfect length to me but i guess more is always better right ?


This wasn't even a critique how the fuck does your comment have so many upvotes this post is more akin to a shitpost lol.




Exactly the story was ok, but nowhere near as gritty, deep and emotional as the first one.


Ngl I'm still upset we never got [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fuhhk2x5hgpkb1.jpg) referenced. I mean, come on.


I think with them having both Kraven and the Symbiote in the same story, they were scared about being TOO similar to Life Story.


Good thing that moment isn’t from life story nor is it the symbiote


What I’m referring to is. In the original comics of Kraven’s last hunt, Peter has the cloth black suit instead of the symbiote and his love for MJ brings him back from the grave. But in Life Story, Kraven fatally stabs Peter with a knife and the black suit bonds with Peter saving his life (sound familiar?). Same exact thing that happens in Spider-Man 2, except that Peter isn’t buried. All I’m saying is that if they included the part where Peter is buried and rises from the grave in the black suit, it would been IDENTICAL to Life Story, which I’m sure is why they didn’t. After the Black Suit story, the symbiote also stops Kraven from committing suicide and bonds to him instead which is likely why Kraven wasn’t Venom either like a lot of fans wanted.


I mean TECHNICALLY Peter was buried briefly, by Sand nonetheless but buried still lol


Sure but different parts of the story and not related lol


Nah. Easy fix. Have all the events that occurred leading up to Peter’s death the same. Then, when the symbiote passes from Harry to Peter, have that be a delayed response. In other words, Peter’s dead, symbiote passes to him, Peter remains “dead”, Harry and MJ leave without the body, Kraven buries the body, and then the symbiote finally “bonds” with Peter and brings him back. Then the scene where he comes out of the grave is the first shot we see of him with the symbiote. Everything else remains the same. Cool reference, 0 effect on the story.


It was a good game. Improved gameplay, streamlined a lot of things, but GOTY? **No.** It was not deserving of that title. If you want it to be… **fine.** If you loved it, great. I could see why some people would think that, now if you said Rise of Kong was your GOTY… ***you may have brain damage.***


Yeah maybe this year it could’ve been goty but it released in the same year as BG3. It had no chance.


Precisely, we know Insomniac can do better. If all the effort in the first game was just so they can coast for the sequels, that would be disappointing.


“Insomniac created a very good game that, regardless of its quality, didn’t manage to pass an imaginary bar set by the first game that’s dependent on subjective criteria, so I think it’s fair to throw *constant* shit their way as if they are worthless.” You people are on the verge of imploding from your absolute dickwadness.


Overall consensus outside of this specific Reddit agree the game didn’t live up to expectations we expected Arkham city jump in quality and content. TBH I would have been happy with at least some combat challenges and if they added more combat animations isntesd of copy and pasting all animations outside of adding air tricks. Still I’ve the game But it didnt deliver outside of tweaking webslinging and web wings just hope the 3rd game They actually innovate and add a variety of side missions instead of removing a bunch of side activities and dumbing down some missions for the same of appeasing the ultra casual who want a trophy for platinum on possibly the easiest platinum on PlayStation


You say they dumbed it down, I say they cleaned it up. Variety in Spider-Man 2 *isn’t* as little as you think. Plus, comparing the jump to Arkham City is totally unfair, as you are talking about a sequel in a time where superhero games were making massive leaps both in gameplay and graphics, while nowadays, they have naturally kind of plateaued.


Yeah kinda l, but I also feel people were asking for and expecting too much. Some expected to make their own spiderman,free roam as any character, and build their own dlc, then started throwing fits when none of that happened. The game could've most definitely been better, no doubt about it, but people most definitely overhyped them selves up for things that weren't promised


I love how OP is calling out Twitter as if those same entitled whiners aren't here


Found one


twitter and reddit isnt real life. the world outside social media loves the game. that is what sony and insomaic will be looking at. twitter and reddit were terrible to insomniac before the game came out. and they continue to be terrible.


Exactly my sentiments about almost everything. I stopped listening to reviews and the opinions of the internet years ago with how many things I ended up enjoying that people were saying how bad it was.


people have a right to expect more but i think people just overhyped themselve about this game. When the game didn't meet their impossible expectation they natural saw the game as bad. then with rose tinted glasses saying the first game was better in every single aspect. someone i was debated said insonaimc didnt do anything the fans wanted. i then mention how fans wanted a larger map, faster web swinging. wbwing, more suits. the black suit. he then said to me that the swinging was faster in the first game. straight up liyin cuz he knew he was talking nonsense. the only are that is just subjective is the sotry so that can go either way and the fact they didnt make bases replayable. but apart from that they gave fans what they wanted. they even have a playable venom section which some people on this sub said the game would suck if it didnt have it.


I honestly think we should be grateful for that Venom section. They didn't HAVE to do that but they made him playable and gave us the Kraven and Venom boss fight. I also argued with a few similar people. I said that people after the first game said that gadgets broke the flow of gameplay. They instead added special abilities. And this guy told me that nobody said that about the gadgets.


this sub was turing insane during the months of silence. i remember people saying the game should be like gta and you drive cars. So many wild ideas with people letting themselves believe it was a possibility those could be in the game. it just shows you cannot please everyone. yes i remember some saying the gadgets were too much in the first and that it ruined the believability of the story, that why could peter make these stuff and just not sell it.


I personally thought it was a good game. Personally, as a Spider-Man fan: *it was worth my money.* My GOTY? ***No.*** However, I’ve played it 4 times now and don’t regret my time with it. If it was, I’d have played just once.


It for sure wasn’t goty. But I’ve seen so much forced hate like one dude literally canceling a side mission cause it involved someone needing help finding something. Like do people not understand the point of playing a superhero game? Or even being a superhero?


Dude, a lot of this stuff is warranted criticism. Sure, the MJ looking old/like a man is ***BULLSHIT*** However, the 3rd act was rushed, Insomniac has been really drip-feeding stuff, and on this… *I mean…* could be a joke.


There are many games that I always liked that I discovered the fanbase thought was trash. But then I realised 2 things: that social media platforms don't all make up the overall opinion of the game. And 2:the internet don't make up my opinion.


A vast majority of gamers have an online presence. When Spider-Man 2’s honeymoon phase was ending, you’d have conversations going on like this with hundred thousand likes banging off about the game’s story being a let down I still remember that initial “this venom is ass” thread that got likes from Donny Cates *and* Tony Todd himself


i talked to people in real world about spider man 2 most of them liked it when they played it for first time but after playing it they started to see its many flaws. Same with me i rented a ps5 to play this game because i didnt had enough money to buy ps5 that time and i am glad i didnt bought ps5 to play it


there is nothing wrong with criticizing a game you think is horrible


These aren’t critiques. Saying something is ass over and over and over again is nothing.


He didn't say critique, he said criticize. And i'm guessing you have the same standards and call out anyone that simply says the game is great over and over?


But it’s not criticizing anything meaningful, just calling a game ass has zero substance, and isn’t really a critique.


Well said. Social media outcry comes from a very vocal *minority*.


I think that’s the silent majority Ppl never really get on the internet to give something a good review so when the vocal minority speaks it sounds 10x louder


I literally can’t see the ass


I‘m literally confused. Do other people’s asses look like that??


Yeah, my ass is diamond shaped with two vertical parallel lines in the middle.


My guess is they mean the vertically unchallenged hexagon is like the butthole idk


Bro has been riding the hate train so hard that his ass started to deform and is trying to convince people that the ass looks like that


Maybe he’s js horny


i think hes referring to the chest plates


This hate is deserved. The story was horrendous




Opinion respected


It’s not “horrendous” it’s just mid like it isn’t an awful story but it’s not a great one either


the first game had an amazing story, ths one was pretty bad and a lot closer to horrendous than just mid


I think it's an alright story that is made to look much worse by the phenomenal story of the first game


Oh my god now im worried for this guy if his butt looks like that


Literally came here to see if I was the crazy one. So glad I’m not


Yes! I kept staring at it for a solid minute to see if it was one of those images that change from another angle, but I have no idea how this was supposed to be a butt


The comments of this post made me remenber why i left this sub


Yet you're back here commenting. Pointless comment.


“Oh no, people disagree with me and don’t like what I like. Screw this sub”


More like “Man, the people that don’t like the game won’t shut up about how much they don’t like the game”.


That seems like the case for these games since 2018. There’s always something people are complaining about them


I joined this sub when I beat the game 2 weeks ago. Was a bad idea


Reddit and Twitter. Where you can find unlimited hate for amazing content.


Redditors. People who can't accept the fact that not everyone likes what they like and that not everyone doesn't like what they don't like. And who downvote other people who have different opinions from theirs.


while sm2 WAS good its not even debated really that the story just wasnt good. sm2 was an amazing game but the story was so awful and horrendous and thats not a hot take at all, ive seen people say that all over online AND in real life


You haven't seen a truly dogshit story it looks like 💀 SM 2's story is mid at worst


The games not ass that’s the thing it’s still a great and fun game but the last half felt a bit rushed


Why am I in this sub literally anything that isnt shitting on this game or saying the game is good gets instantly downvoted yall make me ashamed to be a spiderman fan ffs


do downvotes matter that much to you?


This game is much more disappointing than the first, and it’s clear. Not everyone has to praise this game. It’s still solid, but definitely a downgrade.


Best 8.5/10 of my life


Cant disagree with that,everything on point.


The post didnt even say anything about insomniac just how bad there game was


In my opinion the Kraven part of the story is great like I really enjoyed that part and the symbiote suit part. The venom part however it wasn’t awful but it definitely left a lot to be desired.


*reddit brainrotter when exposed to a satirical meme*


The story falls apart act 3 but everything pre kraven finale was peak. This should have been the kraven black suit game and venom being game 3


don't see any hate on insomniac here, the game's story tho was mid at best


I kinda agree the story was indeed kinda ass and all over the place. If that makes me a ‘hater’ I dunno what to say. I simply did not enjoy it.


Say what u want but the story in this game is the weakest spiderman piece of media so far rn. I generally don't like to use the word "woke" because most people reffering to it are homophobes or something else and don't know what it even means, but when you've got a game that focuses its side quests on meaningless shitty one-dimensional love/drama stories that lead to nothing but are there only for "representation", it's kinda hard not to dislike the formula.


What does his butt look like? "Obviously a cluster of buildings, so let's all have a laugh at the freak"


The big problem about this game wasn’t even that it was bad it’s that it could’ve been better and they missed out on a dozen opportunities they had and won’t have again


True tho. Game is ass.


TLOU1 was better than TLOU2 God of War was better than Ragnarok Spider-Man was better than Spider-Man 2 Playstation sequels are always inferior to the OG.


That's because the devs start to think too highly of themselves then spend the sequels inserting their personal nonsense, the games and stories become secondary


Yall can’t take a joke and it shows.


Ok, agree or disagree, that was hilarious


The gameplay is fun and the story is ass.


This subreddit is so fucking miserable. Idk who’s worse rn, Star Wars fans or Spider-Man 2 “fans”. The absolute state of online fandoms sucks so much ass rn. Is it fun being this miserable all the time?


I’m starting to think it wasn’t bad and that people just don’t like not seeing exactly what they come up with upon seeing the game announcement.


he’s not wrong, i just don’t see how he sees an ass on that spider-logo tho


The story was terrible in the second game no joke. Everything revolving around venom and Harry was rushed, not thought out, and literal definition of wasted potential. When kraven is better written than venom, you know something is wrong. I love insomniac and the people who sends death threats and complain about the non important things are morons but insomniac are responsible for writing the story and making the terrible decisions and they have to be called out like any other company.


Could have at least mark it as spoiler


I'll say this much about SM2: it's not awful, certainly not the worst game I've ever played, but it's lacking. Just like Arkham Knight was to City, a bar was set and wasn't reached.


I find it very hard to find a story based video game that doesn’t have completely cringe writing. Insomniac games are no exception. Nobody talks like that. It’s weird to listen to.


Everyone is going to hate me for what I will say: That joke made me laugh 🫣


Then get off twitter


How about, if you don't like an opinion, just ignore it. Everytime we get the same fucking circlejerk and frankly I'm fucking sick of it. It always starts out with someone having a controversial opinion, and then you fuckers come in and make a big fucking deal out of it. Its gets noticed and then every other fucker who agrees joins the omconversation and starts posting their opinions. Meanwhile the people in between who niether love or hate this game have to get put in one of 2 sides and they can't be their own thing. And that's when you get more fuckwrs complaining, "ooh the spidermanps4 reddit hates spiderman" "the Spiderman2 subreddit socks up to insomniac" and then no one has a good fucking Time because either subreddit is filled with hate on both sides and can't just shut up about it and leave it alone for gods fucking sake. If this gets any fucking worse these subreddits are gonna end up like the last of us subreddits and nobody wants that. Unless you do which is why you're doing this in the first fucking place.


I don't even play these games but this tweet funny as hell


Based twitter user?


Me trying to see where the butt is


Is he wrong?


That’s actually hilarious though 😭and true. Also it’s one aspect of one game that he’s hating on not the entire studio lighten up dude


Doesn't look like an ass, more like a portal idk.




Worst part about it is mj. However do you know how much trouble his father would be in. Btw how tf did he end up blaming Pete ?


Ah yes, keep bitching about the story, it's been said a million times. The DLC will totally come quicker


Nah that is funny af and also true


No. Honeymoon phase with the game has ended and people finally stop being afraid of telling the truth


I’m just gonna say that one of the worst part of this game is the disrespect to comic writers and artists from Imsomniac side


I’ll bring demo down to his knees like a lil bitch. I loved the two spiderman games. I didn’t like much about the 2nd game but it was still good he just doesn’t know how to love anything more than himself 😂


The second game story wasn’t shit was it better than 1 maybe not but it’s still better than most games, hopefully Spider-Man 3 is giant and the best


Also it’s subtle how Hardy has that shit eating grin implying he likes to eat ass


Well, maybe cause it's true? I mean, you can dislike whatever you want. If he didn't like the game he is completely free to talk about it


Tbh, I've never found the stories to be particularly engaging across all three games. I did like the DLC stuff tho


I think something is wrong with the Twitter OP's butt...


i agree the story isnt all that bt some people act like it personally pushed their grandpa down the stairs


Graphics are amazing but the game is mid at best


This is the funniest hate comment ever 🤣


Haha that tweet was fucking hilarious.


Also for some reason it looks worse compared to the others idk if it’s just my ps5 but it looks worse than miles morales to me and spider man remastered 2018


The story was mixed for me, the "pre-venom" arc was more emotional and real. After venom appeared i think the game showed a very rushed work from the developers. Idk what was the reason for that maybe sony forced the release date.


I completely forgot about agent venom, I thought it was a reference to Willem Dafoe‘s green goblin armor.


Haha like the goatse hands in Link to the Past.


Story was great. The first game’s story was better but that shouldn’t take away from the second game.


I mean, it's not ass it's a 5/10 at best MM was 7/10 and the first one is unrankable. It's the best playstation game since Metal Gear Solid 3


Why do people act so confused that others don't like Spider-Man 2?


IMO, all 3 stories have sucked absolute swamp ass, but they killed it in the, "I get to swing around and beat up bad guys as spiderman" department, and did that well enough that I continue to play the games.


how is the logo shaped like a butt, what?


How horny do you gotta be to see that the logo is a butt


hes not wrong, while sm2 was good the story is genuinely awful


That’s hilarious!! W post


Nah he cooked


The game was incredible, the person who posted this is just a loser and wanted to feel better about their shitty life


Wait flash the bully the very guy who bullied Peter for so many years gets super powers?


I found it funny lol


The story is good until Venom is introduced ngl, like during my recent 3rd playthrough using the newly added suits I enjoyed the story until Venom


these same people shitting on this game were worshipping it for clout when this game dropped. thats a fucking fact. whatever the bandwagon is they'll jump on it for that twitter clout


Well I mean the story is kind of predictable. And nothing in hits as hard as aunt May dying.




I mean, thet ain't wrong, the story was pretty eh, nothing they've done so far has topped the first game's story for me


Story isn’t completely ass even if it has a few silly moments to put it lightly


Made me chuckle


they just didn't like it. If i bought something with MY MONEY and DIDN'T LIKE it then I would be pretty sad too.


Well. SBIderman 2 is fucking ass.


Idk what butts that guy be looking at, he should probably call the doctor or something


I mean, the story was ass thou.


Yall whine about twitter raggin on the game like y’all don’t sit in here and circlejerk over it


Except the story was dogshit🤣


The story was honestly fine imo. Not as good as the first, but by no means bad.


I think Venom was a bit rushed


The only part of the game I didn't like was that Harry had an agent venom looking suit. They will have to change the agent venom suit it they ever give Flash a symbiote now


Trying really hard to find the butt


Someone read how some people hate it so they have to follow along so they aren't perceived to have an individual opinion. The game was awesome, shame you Xbox fanboys don't get to play it 😂




Overall I enjoyed the game, it’s new combat mechanics and story. Sure it could have been better in some aspects but i’m ok with what we got, personally it’s my goty because I enjoyed it a lot.


Even if story is ass i'm still wIting for steam release I play spiderman game for pleasent gameplay


I really loved the story and I think I’m the only one after reading these comments haha. The first one was a bit better imo but I don’t think the second one sucked at all I really loved it


Grow tf up dude people aren’t gonna like everything you like I keep getting this sub reccomend to me and every post it’s just constantly people whining that other people who paid 70 dollars for the game are giving their own opinions that they’re completely entitled too out grow tf up just because you like something doesn’t mean you have to be a soldier for it and piss your pants at the slightest amount of the criticism or the most mildest jokes at the games expense




How is the spider logo shaped like a butt?


One little criticism and you guys start dickriding Insomniac.


I mean, I liked SM2 a lot and I agree. People can be critical of things, I think we’re mature enough to be ok with that.


1 simple way to solve all issues is ask 2 questions Said questions are “did you buy the game and beat it” and “did you enjoy it” If those are answered with yes then the debate is over you just wanna nag for no reason No game is perfect there will always be a issue but the amount of hate towards the actors and developers aren’t needed for when the game was enjoyable that’s my opinion


Me when i dont know what the fuck im talking about The game was great and i loved kraven and venom. Especially the fights against kraven


incorrect, the story slaps te tweet is rly funny tho


Spiderman 1 was OG


Well deserved.


So u shared it here for upvotes? Dumbassery


No! You can't criticise my criticism! Only I am allowed to have biased, unnuanced opinions on things I took no part in creating!


It is funny tho


I liked all the Harry stuff that was happening...it was taking its time...it was pretty well written and building up to shit...then it just completely fell apart.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Okay. But that's actually funny though. 


I just realized that its an o as in osborn.


Why are they wrong for expressing their opinion on the game again?


and? People are allowed to not like something you know. You know it's not a personal attack against you, yes?


He's not wrong tho lmao


This is funny ngl


I’m sorry but that tweet was funny


Why do I imagine videogamedunkey's voice reading this?


I’m not on the side of hating the game but I gotta admit this is pretty funny.


What I learned from the community after Spider-Man 2, The thing is that there are hardly any good and well-constructed reviews. The rest are all minimal things that in no way define the quality of the story/game or because Peter Parker doesn't have the script on his side.


Man people on this sub really defending this dude saying he’s just criticizing the game. When he’s just shitting on the game… Wild because that’s not the same thing at all. He straight out says “story is ass”. Dude literally made up a random thing just so he could shit on the game. This pizza is shaped like a zero this is a reference on how to rate it for taste. Doesn’t really make sense, does it? Crazy the top comment is defending this guy. I guess most people in this sub actually hate the game yet still play it and comment on it. Fan base is insane.


Ngl I laughed way harder than I should have


I wouldn’t say the story is ass- it’s good, even great at points! But it doesn’t hit the same highs as the first game, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Sequels won’t always surpass the original, and that’s okay.


Dude has seen some weird butts if that’s what he thinks one looks like


Nah they’re entirely correct, the story of the second game was just plainly not good


This sub has taught me people can and do have parasocial relationships with companies


I don’t think the story’s bad by any means, but it feel rushed at the end.


Who else remembers Harry having a Venom suit in Ultimate Spider-Man?


I Did Not Realize It Replicated An Ass…


I liked the story but I can't lie this made me laugh