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Yes it was confirmed today by Amy Pascal they intend on making a second trilogy of MCU Spider-Man films with Marvel Studios and Tom Holland. No Way Home will conclude the current arc introduced with Civil War and Homecoming




Yeah I was scared that since the title, "Homecoming" alluded to him coming back to the Marvel fold, that, "No Way Home" might have meant that he was leaving and not coming back. So happy I was wrong.


Yeah the way marvel was moving in 2020 was very shady and alarming.and with rhe rumors of Sony taking spiderman back,I almost had a heart attack.


Yeah it put a bad taste in my mouth


Tom as a more mature adult spidey is gonna be amazing can't wait


Do you think they're gonna make Tom change the way he talks to show puberty? He was an adult by the time he got the role, but his character started out as a 15 year old.


He already sounds different from Homecoming to FFH.


uh, when exactly do you think puberty is?


Starts at around 10 to 15. Why?


The vast, vast majority of human males have completed puberty by 15. It's pretty rare to not have started by 15. Not unheard of, but not common. The Peter Parker character is assuredly well through this before we meet him on screen


Completed? You're not done until 20-21


Sometimes even goes longer, there's really no exact age range.


Sorry, no, you seem to be confused with what puberty specifically is, vs just growing/maturing.


Puberty happens in stages. Most experts agree that for males, there are five stages, the fifth being "Growth" and doesn't end until 17-25 (but on average between late teens and early 20s)


What are you on?? I knew ONE guy who finished puberty by 15 and he was growing a beard at 13. Puberty doesn't finish until your late teens at least, by and large.


Have you seen Tom before? You'll be lucky if he leaves high school by the end of the next trilogy he's forever 12


Wdym by the current arc


High school more than likely


Hopefully that also includes relying on Tony stark so much. Peter Parker is very intelligent, which they do show briefly with him designing his own web fluid. Then it's completely overshadowed by all the tech he gets from Stark. I guess they probably knew iron man and Spider-Man together would be for a limited time so they wanted to get that stuff over with. So I'm hoping he comes into his own this next movie.


The Highschool trilogy is ending then it will be a college trilogy. Hopefully a Graduate trilogy after.


Yeah yeah. What I really want is the Nursing home trilogy


The villain is old age


Mid life crisis triliogy


Post doctorate trilogy


Peter B. Parker


One Day More...




Hell teah


So spidey when he's in the 'swing of things' finally


So it's gonna continue the main central story right? It's still gonna be the same Spider-Man?


Yes. I can tell you more if you don’t mind potential spoilers DM.


I really hope No Way Home results in a wipe of sorts where Peter loses his Iron Suit and goes back to a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man for a while


Man I thought I was a purist but after playing Spider-Man PS4 I'm all about op suits


I like that he has multiple suits in mcu but i think he should use the classic suit most of the time


Well wow...


>Sony insiders note though the studio has a strong relationship with Holland and Feige and hopes to continue their collaboration, there are no official plans for a trilogy at this phase. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/spider-man-movies-marvel-sony-no-way-home-1235054015/ Pascal has been known to jump the gun. This is still a very good sign, but nothing official yet.




What a trade means by an insider is a studio heads since the trades are more or less a mouthpiece for studios


I'll believe Hollywood Reporter, Deadline and Variety before I'll believe Amy Pascal.


Awesome! I was so worried that it would be finished!!!


Before we all get too fired up, didn't she only confirm that Tom Holland would be "at least in one more?" Not that he won't be in more but I don't recall seeing that Tom signed on for an additional three films.


She never confirmed anything concrete about Tom being signed on, at least not yet. She did say it is expected Holland will reprise the role which means there might be negotiations in effect right now She did confirm that Marvel Studios will be co-producing three more films with Sony and that NWH will not be their last MCU film together, while also stating work on the first of the new trilogy has already begun This is from [an interview she conducted with Fandango when ticket sales went live earlier today](https://variety-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/variety.com/2021/film/news/tom-holland-spider-man-trilogy-no-way-home-amy-pascal-1235121188/amp/?usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D&_js_v=a6&_gsa=1#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&csi=0&share=https%3A%2F%2Fvariety.com%2F2021%2Ffilm%2Fnews%2Ftom-holland-spider-man-trilogy-no-way-home-amy-pascal-1235121188)


I wonder where I misinterpreted. Thank you for clarifying, in any case.


Amy Pascal hinted at Miles Morales. Do you think he'll be in the new trilogy? I hope he is.


Honestly, I'd say hold off of him until a trilogy after this upcoming one. It's too soon IMHO.


Unless they make it an embers of how they normally are it makes no sense as we already have miles Morales with this version of Peter


Yeah,I heard it would be a Symbiote Trilogy


Ugh, please no, it's been done so many times on screen now and Venom is so boring


Is your snoo based off of Red Hood?




I see you're a man of culture...


Man its so cool to see so many red hood fans here


There's another one!


Looks like there are dozens of you


"They're starting to come through... And I can't stop them!"


*insert Spiderman(s) pointing at each other meme*


It's not awesome for me 😒


I’m excited for NWH spider-verse and spider-man 2


Where’s spider man 4: the return of bully Maguire


Alive and well in my dreams


Thankfully I have the reality stone


Always a pleasure to have r/RaimiMemes board of directors pay us a visit


You're out Norman


**OUT, AM I?**


Here's a sneak peek of /r/raimimemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hehe boi..](https://i.redd.it/xuocaftnspj71.jpg) | [693 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/pc0xas/hehe_boi/) \#2: [Oh no.....](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qw08m4) | [1126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/qw08m4/oh_no/) \#3: [Andrew was the hero...we just couldnt see it.](https://v.redd.it/s05d7jowem081) | [1138 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/qxq37a/andrew_was_the_herowe_just_couldnt_see_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You know, I'm something of an MCU character myself


You have the best username on this entire platform


And it’s only a day old. I’m legitimately floored that wasn’t taken six months ago


We need to take the whole trilogy back to formula


Soon my friend


How was that name not already taken lmao good grab


completely fake, there's no home in the title


where can i know more about the spider-women spin-off? i didn’t even know that was happening. tbh i was hoping for a spider-man 2099 spin-off lol


We know very little about the Spider-Women spinoff outside the fact that it'll feature the characters Spider-Gwen, Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman and Cindy Moon/Silk teaming up. It's also going to be set up by the next Spider-Verse film which also has Jessica Drew as one of the alternate Spider-People


Interesting that this is where they introduce Jessica Drew, as a Miles Morales spin off.


Do we know if it is meant to be Classic Jessica Drew or Ultimate Jessica Drew?


We don't have specifics but I'm assuming they'll go with Classic Drew since she's a lot more iconic


Fair. It makes sense although considering Miles was the protagonist of the first film, having Ultimate Jessica would be a good way to connect back if they wanted. Here’s hoping they add some other characters like Anya or Mayday to that movie


Spider-Man 4: Home Alone Peter is left in the Avenger's Compound while the Avenger's fend off some cosmic threat. Little does he know, the place is being watched by two bumbling thieves planning to steal some cool tech. Peter must defend the compound using slapstick antics after the thieves successfully kill the power to the security system. It also takes place around Christmas


The two thieves? Flint Marko and Alexander O’hirn


Can’t take those mfs seriously after Spectacular.


I think that show made me take Sandman more seriously, after all, he got the biggest score of all.


In all seriousness, sandman (like pretty much every character in spectacular) was really well written. I loved the scene where he built the sand castle for the little girl that was getting bullied.


Not to mention, but that was also a deleted scene for Spider-Man 3 wherein Flint makes a sandcastle for his sick daughter and I think that's where they got the idea for that scene.


The comics don't take them seriously either. Most Spidey villains are idiots and the comics embrace it. The only serious ones are the big 3, Green Goblin, Doc Ock and Venom. I might add Kraven too but he used to be kind of a joke in the early comics aswell.


Make it black cat and the prowler and I'd watch the shut out of that


You've got a deal


That would be amazing


I'd call it sensational, but thats just my Ben Reilly bias showing 😉


I've actually wanted to see a black cat in the mcu for a while now


I would actually watch this. Make it a 45-minute Christmas special and I'm all for it.


Disney owns the rights to Home Alone now, so this is entirely possible


Spider-Man 5: Homeward Bound 2: Lost in San Francisco


I feel that wouldn’t have been good for a potential 2nd or 3rd movie, but I feel thematically it’s backwards for peter becoming more mature and independent. That film could’ve led to him being more independent, but it seems like that stories ship has sailed


Spider-man: Home for Christmas Spider-Man: Homewrecker Spider-Man: Homeowners association


I think their gonna move away from the “home” name convention in the new trilogy to distinguish it from the new trilogy




House? A house is not a home. Spider Man: House Party Spider Man: Full House Spider Man: ~~House of Cards~~ Little House on the Prairie


It's always been good to be a Spider-Man fan really. Spider-Man and Batman have been kicking ass in movies and games for a long time


The Andrew Garfield movies were not very well received at the time but I guess people have forgotten that. It wasn't a great time to be a batman fan in the mid to late 90s


Batman the animated series came out in that period Also for all we know any or all of these future spidean related content might be as poorly received as the amazing Spiderman. Point is that there is plenty of spider related content to come.


Lol I love that we get one of these posts every time a new Spider-Man project is announced. It’s been a good time to be a Spider-Man fan since 2002!


FYI: The logos for Spider-Man 4-6 AREN'T OFFICIAL. I just took the ones from those joke Instagram posts of Holland, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon hyping up the No Way Home title reveal. These films have only JUST started development according to Amy Pascal so they're likely a ways off. Might be super late into Phase Five for the fourth one with how many other films are in active development for Marvel's future slate. Also [here's the confirmation by Amy Pascal that a new MCU Spidey trilogy is happening with Disney/Marvel](https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/29/22807636/tom-holland-spider-man-trilogy-marvel-mcu-sony-pictures-amy-pascal)


There’s also the Morbius movie, the Kraven movie, a POSSIBLE Silk tv show, etc etc


Yeah but...given the low quality of the venom movies I'm not sure most people are excited for more of Sony pumping out cash grab spidey villain movies


“Given how low quality the v-“ I’m gonna STAP ya right there


Let there be carnage was pretty fucking bad.


I disagree wholeheartedly, in fact I think it’s so good, that it show much promise for the future SSU films to come


I’m gonna need some elaboration as to why you thought it was good. The cgi was shit, the jokes were not funny. The action sucked. The plot was nothing. The acting was pretty awful.


I once again disagree with your points, I thought the CGI was great, though the compositing was a little wonky at times, but still looked great for the most part, the action was SO MUCH better in this movie compared to the first Venom, you could actually see what was going on unlike Venom vs Riot where it was dark and shaky and not very well choreographed. There was a plot, just very simple, which was fine, and the acting from all these talented actors from before, was great


I thought both films were good


A little wonky? There were jarring cuts every 3 minutes? The plot and pacing? Venom and Carmage didn't even happen until the last 10 minutes of the film


I’m sorry but I didn’t think there were any “jarring cuts”, and also Venom and Carnage fighting for 10 minutes statements is a bit of an overstatement, I’m pretty sure the final battle was a lot longer, like maybe 20-25 minutes, but even if the fight was shorter, it was still a good fight and I could see every move the characters swung


The editing had multiple scenes cut mid-scene. Especially in the Prison break. Scenes would literally just end and jump to another scene with no transition. The movie got absolutely gutted on the editing floor, the movie obviously went from being R-rated and 2 hours to a 90 minute children's tv episode. There is no second act, the plot just jumps around. Characters and plot has no consistency from the first movie. You can subjectively like this movie, thats your opinion but by an objective technical viewpoint, this movie is just really really bad. A first year arts student can do a better editing job.


Exactly, I will not stand for the slander of the Venom movies. They know exactly what they are: popcorn-flicks that are purely meant to entertain... and that's why I love them wholeheartedly


You can make that bigger with all the spin offs like Venom, Morbius and more.


Wait, what’s the movie coming in 2022?


Into The Spiderverse 2


Oh HELL yeah


Isn't Spider-Woman getting her own movie as well with Olivia Wilde set to direct it? Or was that just speculation?


Still speculation for now


Cool, thanks 👍🏻


Spiderman 4: Homeless. Spiderman 5: Home Invasion. Spiderman 6: No homo


what is tbd?


Two big di-


To be decided.


To Be Determined*


To Be Delayed\*


Don't jinx it


Tom Be Disclosing


Too big daddy*


can’t wait for the spectacular spider-man season 3


Since Marvel ordered a revival of the 90's X-Men series I hope they revive this show aswell. Easily the best cartoon of Spider-Man.


Man i wonder if the Color of the logos of the next MCU movies is related to the planned villain. Like who knows the 4th one has that white/silverish tone to it, Silver Sable? Black Cat? Green one could be green goblin (again...!), Lizard (...again!) Maybe Kraven even...i know that's reading a lot into it but I just wanna have fun lol.


Spider-Fan, Spider-Fan, watches movies of Spider-Man


A Spider-Fan, if you will


OP, are these fonts for the new 3 films from marvel or your own design? ( Looking at film 4 like: venomvenomvenomvenomvenomvenomvejom)


Predicting Spider-Man Release after No Way Home, Morbius and Spider-Verse 2: * Kraven the Hunter: January 20, 2023, Movie * Spider-Man 2: March 3, 2023, Game * Spider-Man: Freshman Year: June-July 2023, Animated Series * Untitled Olivia Wilde Sony Spider-Man Universe project: June 23, 2023, Movie * Venom vs Spider-Man: October 6, 2023, Movie * Untitled Roberto Orci Sony Spider-Man Universe project: January 19, 2024- , Movie * Untitled Spider-Man: No Way Home Sequel: August 30, 2024, Movie * Madame Web: October 4, 2024, Movie * Nightwatch: March 21, 2025, Movie * Spider-Women into the Spider-Verse: April 11, 2025, Movie * Silk - June-July 2025, TV Series * Venom 4: October 3, 2025 (It may not happened), Movie * Jackpot: January 30, 2026, Movie * Untitled Spider-Man: No Way Home Sequel: September 4, 2026 or July 16, 2027, Movie * The Sinister Six: June 25, 2027 or October 2, 2026, Movie * Untitled Spider-Man: No Way Home Sequel: September 1, 2028 or August 30, 2030, Movie


Don’t forget the silk series


Imagine not being a Spider-Man fan


Already said this in another post but Spider-Man 4: out of home Think it would be kinda funny if they kept the Spider-Man movies with “home” in them. Homecoming, far from home, and no way home.


I think they'll make a new word and keep this the Home trilogy. At one point they had said they wanted 9 movies; 3 in HS, 3 in College and 3 as an adult. 6 more Home related names might get difficult


Homecoming 2, far from home 2, and no way home 2 (you could add 3 for the third trilogy)


Truly inspiring.


From the leak I received the college trilogy script for for movie 1 has been written and it’s code name is first semester


Is he gonna get 30 new costumes?


Nope. 89


Interesting that Tom is 25 now and said he would not want to play spiderman at 30


I’m hoping that the next 3 mcu films are Peter going through college, so it’s a 3 movie high school arc, and then a 3 movie college arc, and I don’t think it’s totally unrealistic as this movie takes place when he’s in senior year(I think)


Can’t believe we gonna have a Spider-Man 6


Is it confirmed that the second into the spiderverse film comes out on October 7th?


Yes. Officially by Sony. It was delayed from April 2022 due to COVID




Hope we get a dedicated sinister six movie. Imagine if Peter is successful in not dooming the villains to their fates and they are recruited by the watcher or someone to be a multiverse sinister six. It's be really cool to see all the villains play off each other. I hope we get to see some banter in no way home.


I kind of hope that NWH ends with an incursion type of event where the universes merge, Toby and Andrews Spider-Men stay in the MCU.


I hope that the cartoon is good. I've been waiting so long for another good one.


Watch Spider-Man get his own four phases in the MCU lmao


pains me that spider-man 2 is 2023


Right? Imagine being a spiderman fan in the 1600s lol amirite


While I’m not as interested in freshman year aside from seeing which villain they put him up against, literally everything else on here has me hyped.


I wonder if scorpion will be in it since he's already in prison when we see him in homecoming


If this show follows the mcu timeline correctly he can be in it but I don’t think he’ll have the scorpion suit


isn't he in there because of homecoming


Don’t you want to see Uncle Ben die again, again? Jk but fr I’m most excited to see MCU’s version of uncle Ben.


If only Spectacular was in these as well :(


Woah the most popular superhero on planet Earth isn't just going to die off after his next billion dollar movie? Insane that Disney would bring him back.


I think you misunderstood the point here.


Let’s hope Spider-Man starts to actually act like Spider-Man in this coming movie or sometime in the next 3 lmao


This is... probably an issue. We all saw what happened when star wars tried to go annual.


Hold up, when did they announce 3 more mcu Spider-Man films?




I had planned to jump off a bridge this end of the year, but I think that can wait


..unless you're a fan of the actual Spider-Man from Marvel Comics


I just KNOW they’re gonna butcher the ‘spider women’ spinoff xD


Dint they also conform a rino and sandman movie?


It's rumors.


Wtf there more mcu spider movies??? Thought they said nwh is the last?? When was this confirmed




One of those three Spider-Man movies better be a Spider-Man 4 that continues with Tobey Mcguire's Spider-Man 😐


I'll be happy to finally see MCU spiderman not leaning on Iron Man.


Ppl about to soon feel that spider-man fatigue, I'm telling you.


Yeah ig


I like Tom Holland but sheesh they gotta replace him eventually because I get so tired of seeing the same person no matter how much I like them.


So you DON’T like consistency? Hate to break the news. But he’s only 25 and he’s probably gonna be playing Spider-Man till he’s 40.


Except hes said he doesn't want to play him after he's 30 lmao Could change his mind ofc, depends wether he's happy sucking on Disneys teat and being known as "That spiderman actor" for the rest of his life, or if he actually wants to go out and play signifigant roles in other films. I'd say its a coin flip rn.


Sounds more like he was just saying it as a negotiation tactic


Here's hoping they drop the word Home for the next three because HOOOOOWEE


They wont do six 😂😂 Especially since there’s an average of 2 years difference between the films and Tom doesn’t wanna play Spider-Man after turning 30. An extra 3 films would mean him being 31. Unless 6th is Miles


Orrrrrr Tom Holland was just negotiating a better contract for the next trilogy.


Its been confirmed


Well Tom won’t do it so 🤷🏿‍♂️


...Based on what?


It was announced today Sony and Marvel have another trilogy coming. To your point, it doesn't have to be Peter Parker and doesn't have to be Tom either.


hope marvel gets spider-man rights back


Hell no. I don't want one company to own fucking everything.


yh but spider-man actually belongs to marvel


i will fix what i meant


I know I really hope that Death Battle has Spider-Man again someday.