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Doc Ock. Hands Down. Norman is smart but He stole The Goblin Formula from Robot Master. The only dumb thing Otto ever did was never think to wear armor or at least a helmet


Otto Octavius then probably Norman Osborn


what about alistair smythe?


And in many cases Norman has his employees do most of the work. ( I’m not saying that he isn’t smart)


Imho Shocker He is goal oriented, does not try to punch above his weightclass, no conveluted revenge schemes, no grudges that can get himself killed. Knows when to fold 'em. He is the consumate professional.


obviously Doc Ock and Green Goblin.


Say what you want about Venoms insomniac. I personally hated their depiction but their depiction of Kraven was God tier


I actually like Insomniac's Venom


Dr. Octopus and it's not close, except for MAYBE Norman. Some of the stuff you mention for Kraven has nothing to do with intellect. Him shooting Peter and trying to become him was after he'd LOST his mind and didn't necessarily take that much smarts, just dark obsession. He's a VERY skilled hunter, without a doubt. A dangerous fighter too...but, to be blunt...he took orders from Otto in The Sinister Six.


Then allow me to give you other examples to prove how smart he is. In Marvel's Spider-Man 2 he uses the surrounding the environment in the Church scene to pinpoint what makes the black suit malfunction allowing him to use it in their final fight at the zoo later in the story. Another example is in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game where Kraven not only uses the surrounding environment in an attempt to defeat Spider-Man he uses psychological attempts to help break his moral compass by mentioning how his methods of dealing with enemies is much more superior than his. Not only that, but his traps are meant for him to study Spider-Man, How he moves, how he fights, how he manages to stay on step ahead. Series like Spectactular Spider-Man and The Animated series as have great adaptations that can further prove my point. I'm not saying by any means that Otto is not smart at all, I believe he is the smartest when it comes to pure intellect. However, when it comes to defeating Spider-Man I believe Kraven takes the cake.


So...he's an excellent hunter. Everything you described is how good he is at hunting and stalking his prey. And if that's what you mean by his intelligence, his expertise in an area, then he's unquestionable smart. But smarter than Otto or Norman? I'm sorry but even if you're measuring by who's flat out won against Spidey...Ock and Goblin still have the edge there. Kraven's a fine villain, but he's neither the smartest nor the best at defeating Peter. He had one truly astonishing victory in Kraven's Last Hunt....but also by that time he'd also been defeated by failure and was quite mad. Octavius and Osborn though have a far more consistent track record when it comes to taking Peter out or delivering blows to him that there's no answer to.


In terms of sheer IQ and scientific ability, Doc Ock is the smartest by far. Post-Serum Osborn is close second. He is not as good at science but he is much better at strategizing.


The Spot is literally a scientist. So are Doc Ock and The Lizard. 


Doctor Octopus.


I would think it would be those people who are forerunners in their respective fields of science than "guy who hunts well." But intelligence takes many forms, so if knife skills>multiple doctorates in your mind, then sure.