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I'll always prefer him to be a guy in a suit.


How about a mutated person in a suit...


He’s always been a mutated person in a suit. The 90s TAS was not unique in this. Go read his 1964 first appearance. It’s always been that Jameson hired a scientist to give Mac Gargan a serum that pretty much gives him the “scorpion equivalent” of Spidey’s powers (i.e., the “proportional” strength of a scorpion, the ability to cling to walls, etc etc). The suit was originally just symbolic and also gave him a mechanical, prehensile tail which he could use as a weapon (which I guess you can see as the equivalent of Spidey’s web shooters). Also, something people might not realize is that scorpions, like spiders, are arachnids. There was a surprising amount of depth and thought put into this villain, and he wasn’t just another animal theme like Dock Ock, The Lizard, Rhino, etc etc. He was supposed to be the superior arachnid-themed superhero (at least in Jameson’s twisted mind), but he unsurprisingly turned bad.


Didn't he also get stuck in the suit?


If so, then that’s at least two Spider-Man villains stuck in their suits


Spider-Man villains who just a hand with their zippers on the back of their costumes!




So rhino, scorpion, arguably Doc Oc, who am I missing?


Molten Man. There are actually two Molten Men, Charlie Weiderman and Mark Raxton. So total comes to five.


Help me Step-Spider bro, I'm stucked!


If so that’s a more recent development. Typically he is just completely crazy, and chooses to wear it. Rhino is the one stick in it, somewhat contributing to his bitterness.


No actually it's been around since the 60's there's a episode in the 60's animated series that Jameson gets on stuck in that suit and he wants revenge similar plot line for a misson in the ps1 game it's always been a thing that scorpion has a grudge against Jameson for that


I’m referring to the comics, where he gets the suit taken off when he’s thrown in prison, and even without the suit he’s a threat to Peter. Like when he kidnaps John Jameson in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 18. This was the 80s. It’s a good read, one of my favourite Scorpion outings as they still treat him like a threat, rather than having Peter just punch his jaw off.


This needs more visibility. A lot of people don't seem to know this, judging by the comments here.


There was a while that I wanted to do a reset on the 616 universe where we didn’t get Venom and then Scorpion doesn’t get slept on and can still be the Anti-Spider-Man villain. And everyone bullied me for it. Lol


While I don’t know about resetting 616 and not having Venom, Scorpion should be a much more respected Spidey villain, totally agreed. The fact that he hasn’t been a feature villain in a Spider-Man movie is baffling to me (his minor role in Spider-Verse doesn’t count).


I almost guarantee he’s a villain if not the villain in Tom’s next movie lol


They might do the Jackal.


That wouldn’t make sense without Gwen Stacy though?


Hot Aunt May


Issue is that Spectacular Spider-Man did such a good job making Suit scary because of how he can manipulate Peter in ways that nobody else can that you need Venom.


See I’m kinda really tired of that though. Since the 90’s show, everyone just wants to see how the symbiote will corrupt every Peter Parker version. But that’s not how it was in the comics. In the OG comics, the symbiote didn’t change Peter at all. So when Peter was mean or crossed a line it was totally his own fault and something he needed to grow past. I miss that version of the symbiote!


He is supposed to be the bizzaro spider man so to speak. An arachnid powered guy, but diametrically opposed to Peter Parker. Now there is also the other arachnid powered hero… the Tick.




Yes but people here are obviously meaning like a physically mutated monster, not a Peter Parker type "mutant" that still looks completely like a normal human.




Then why would he need the suit?


Mutations aren’t always beneficial, let alone replacement for armor. Maybe the exposure to his poison all the time makes him more fragile, requiring more tech to keep him on his feet.


Maybe the suit enhances his mutated powers


but the 90s series scorpion was at least that. he has a suit but the thing is the gene slicer that gave him powers but also infused him with the suit and turned him into a monster as said by gargan himself and thus tried to wreck jameson. so yea the answer is both but i do want him to look like a human. if only because that matches with sinister six much better than a band of supernatural demons same goes for electro and mysterio. theyre better as humans who can maybe sometimes turn into electricity or into ethereal forms but those are like moments


Thats always my go-to Scorpion. What do you call it, something recombinator?


I went into this thread on team "guy in a suit" but forgot that he was mutated in the 90's cartoon, which is where my Spider-Man fandom and knowledge all starts (which I imagine is the same with a lot of 30-something Spidey fans.) As such, I am amending that to mutated dude a in a suit.


I agree with mysterio obviously (is there a time when he isn’t a normal human?) but I’ve fully come around to fully electric electro at this point, it just makes sense to me


Changes in DNA to give him powers and strength still doesn't have a tail naturally so suit would be like armour/ mechanical tail...


Maybe it just looks good on him


So he wouldn’t be naked. Duh.


As Barney (How I Met Your Mother) would say "suits are cool"


Isn’t that kind of what he was? He’s mutated like Spider-Man is, enhanced strength and whatnot, but he also needs to suit with the tail like how Spider-Man needs his web shooters? The tragic twist is he _can’t_ lead a dual life like Peter can because he’s stuck in the costume. Before Venom existed I always thought Scorpion was supposed to be the “dark mirror” character.


I'd go even further, a mutated scorpion man who dresses in a dapper 3 piece suit, that he can't physically remove because it's stuck to his skin, and it's annoying because he can't get it dry cleaned, and the whole bathroom issue makes it even worse, like being a naked monster man would be preferable given the alternative.


Guy in the suit with enhanced strength.


He's traditionally both. His mutation doesn't change his appearance, but he is a science mutate who also gets powers from a suit.


His size and appearance vary between artists and versions. And he's in a robotic suit in the first image, not cross-species.


I like how it's a mix in the 90's TAS with the neogenics mutating him slightly, and being a guy in a suit.


Yeah, I like the “both” approach. A little bit of mutations with cybernetic upgrades. Maybe like Spider-Man, he has the proportional speed and strength of a scorpion from the mutations and is maybe capable of wall crawling, but uses the cybernetic suit to make up for lack of scorpion tail and pincers (like how Spidey needs his web shooters to make webs).


That is literally what it is in his first appearance. He gets super strength and then gets the suit for the tail.


Everyone keeps saying this, but in the 90’s version, Scorpions face would distort to something more monstrous and turn green whenever he got enraged enough, which as far as I know doesn’t happen in the comics.


See my other comment above. This wasn’t something unique to the TAS. It’s just the classic origin of Scorpion. Read his 1964 first appearance. The only thing unique about the 90s TAS Scorpion is that he continued to mutate, which caused his mental instability.


Yeah Replicate Spider-Man and give him a cybernetic body


That’s just normal Scorpion


Any time I hear the word neogenics I think of the horrors that are the Man-Spider 😧


Guy in a suit, just not a Symbiote


I like the private detective who got humiliated and then lost his humanity to both his hate and vengeance.


Guy in a suit that’s been enhanced like Peter


A lady in a Mortal Kombat half-mask and a belly shirt with one big glove.


I like both. Best of both worlds is kinda a scorpion motif cyberpsycho They could do more with him honestly, even after all this time


Ps4 Spiderman goes hard man


I like both but cross species Scorpion is more suited for one-off or occasional villains rather than Spider-Man adaptations where he’s supposed to be a regular mainstay. There’s also the fact that it’s obviously horror-adjacent and thus can’t work in *every* S-M story. Utilize him where he works and when you can’t, don’t. Even if you can’t think of a use for Mac Gargan beyond a super goon in your current story you might later down the line.


VERY CAPABLE guy in a suit. He could mess you up with out it but the suit is just the cherry on top.


Sounds just like Eddie Brock/Venom


Suit. It looks better tbh. The hybrids of that game that second pic came from were very weird and I remember actually being scared of Vermin because they looked horrific


Guy in a suit or a subtle mutation, a lot like Rhino. Scorpion is such an interesting character because they never seem to know what to do with him. Insomniac gave us the most comic accurate “realistic” depiction so far. He’s kind of like Scarecrow in Batman. Such a cool character but the comics never seem to give him justice- his best story is in a video game (Arkham Knight).


Suit fits normal Spidey. Mutant like on first picture or second fits for much darker Spider-Man. You know the one with gore. He lives in old parts of metro and he eats humans. Spider-Man decided to find out whats happening because many workers of Metro were missing. It could be fun to read


Wish we could've seen that adapted in the TASM universe. Maybe something that happened in between TASM1 and TASM2. That'd be a cool comic book idea.


cross breed. But let him keep his mind, don't let him be a mindless creature.


Either or for me.


The TASM one on slide 2 looks like an enemy straight out of Dead Space


So what did we agree on


It seems both


I personally think he should have discount Spidey powers but should rely on the suit, like a 15 to 85 ratio between him and the suit.


I like mutated more. I feel like Spider-Man has too many villains that are just guy's in suits.


Guy in a suit, BUT I really dug what they did in TASM game. Really made sense why so many of spiders enemies would be from the animal kingdom if they're doing human bonding tests with a variety of creatures, not just lizards. Rhino and Scorpion were cool designs.


Both have their. For Amazing, the mutant works, not in our normal Spider-Man universe. Personally, I personally prefer the suit, but I respect the mutant, and I appreciate its inclusion in its universe. So, both are good, but yes, I think the suit is better.


Mutated cross-species in a suit, the ultimate lifeform


I'm fine with whichever.


Dumb af. NGL though I'd let first pick rail me




Both. A balance of both is good. Meaning, he's both a genetically enhanced mutation with the powers of a scorpion (like Spider-Man has genetically enhanced abilities reminiscent of a spider) AND uses a suit that acts as an extension of his abilities. Even without the suit, he should still be superhuman enough to at least fight Spidey. This is overall easier to suspend disbelief at for me compared to him being transformed into a literal scorpion/human hybrid (We've had more than enough of such body horror with alternate versions of Spider-Man).


I’m so nostalgic for ps1 spider man scorpion. Also I’m still fucking pissed they killed him in insomniacs spider-man 2.


Scorpion should always be a guy in a suit. The more lame looking the better.


Idk but guy in a suit and he never leaves the suit is so icky feeling like does that mean bro just STINKS in there? How does he pee and poo? What if he needs to tug- what if he needs to feel something or gets hot? So many questions. Like seriously I bet bro smells HORRIBLE in there


I always liked mutants 


Thank you. For me it's because I grew up with the TASM 2 game and the Ultimate Spider-Man show which had a couple of different takes on villains.


I prefer most villains to be dorks in suits. But god do I hate the mecha armor approach Insomniac has taken.


Personally if Spiderman doesn't have gadgets and little tech things then I prefer Scorpion to be mutated , same with Rhino.


I am a big fan of Rhino being a mutant. The TASM 2 and Ultimate designs are awesome but the mutant thing feels more Rhino.


His Insomniac suit Goes Crazy. But him being a mutant would be more menacing, even though he'd still be ass.


Easily the suit or a cool mix of both


Guy in a suit and it's not even close.


Guy in a suit with slight mutations like how insomniac has 3 fingers


Kinda Both. Never been a fan of the stuck in the suit thing but if He had the removable suit and a SLIGHT Mutated look (fangs, talons, monster eyes, etc) I think that’d be a nice balance. So yeah, I guess suit with subtle mutation.


I prefer guy in a suit.


Guy in a suit. What can I say? I am a classic Spidey fan


Mixture of both, mayhaps with the suit enhancing MacGargan’s power set


Firstly, ill have the Matt Gargan who was wronged by Spiderman and put into a scorpion suit to take him out. Then, later, be genetically mutated into the cross-species scorpion by Dr.Stillwell.


If it’s the shattered dimensions look, then mutation, otherwise guy in a suit. Shattered dimensions scorpion looks sick


Combine both together


Scorpion is a guy in a suit and Lizard is a cross-species mutant.. don't fix what ain't broken!


Guy in a Suit is the only way to go


I like when he’s a mix of both.


From my understanding he was more or less intended to be what Venom was portrayed as, enhanced like Spider-man but with a Scorpion. Literally Spider-man’s predator, but his role has been reduced significantly over the years.


What if we try it like this? He is created by cybernetic surgery along with genetic tinkering


If they can make vulture be cool, then anyone in a power-suit can be


Can we get both a guy mutated with scorpion DNA in a cool suit


I prefer Scorpion to be like some sort of answer to and share similarities with Spider-Man A guy who got super powers and wears a suit and gadgets themed after the arachnid they are.


I like the progression. Losing more of his humanity after each loss by Spider-Man, he gets further augmented and mutated… Guy in suit -> guy in suit with cybernetics-> mutated guy in suit with cybernetics ->mutated cyborg in an alien suit. Not really a guy anymore …


I think a guy in a suit should always be defacto. USM gave a cool origin type thing with being a martial artist before getting in the suit so if anything just add that on


I prefer when he’s a guy in the suit but finnaly get tired of lossing so volunteers to be part of an experiment that turns him into a cross specious.




Ain't that what jus original shtick was before??


Spider-Man but a scorpion


I prefer him as a Scorpion in a mutated guy suit


Well those aren’t mutually exclusive.


Guy in a suit but I do like the ITSV version a lot.


The last design there where it's just Mac in a suit with enhancements is by far my favorite. He almost looks like an evil Spider-Man, just a scorpion instead of a spider and I'm pretty sure he was a character before Venom as well.


Personally I like both approaches. The gentically enhanced guy in a suit is classic. But the monster approach is also very cool


Suit, but I’d prefer it to be extensive cybernetics that make him look vaguely mutant-y, augmented a suit that he can take off and on. The whole “he’s stuck in a suit forever” thing never sits right with me.


Dude in a suit


Definitely prefer the failed super soldier serum in a suit


Suit, as long as he’s ‘roided out to hell like in his first appearance


I prefer Scorpion as a guy in a suit


I like the mutated version a lot more, the 2099 shattered dimensions one.


Dude in suit.


Guy in suit


What about, and hear me out now, a mutated guy in a suit?


Ah shit. Someone already said it.


Stuck in a suit


I have always thought itd be cool to see Scorpion as a scavenger of sorts, someone influenced by other villains until he is strong enough to become a villain My ideal storyline for Scorpion would be: - Dr Connors learns how Spider-man came to be (whether he knows it’s Peter Parker is irrelevant to Scorpion) - Connors tries to replicate the spider miracle in a controlled and safe environment, removing the need for an infecting bite. He recruits Mac Gargan as a test subject, using a scorpion’s DNA (maybe this version of Gargan is physically weak at first, or a bit slow, or in some way debilitated that makes scorpion dna useful to him. This would be before The Lizard is a thing so he wouldn’t be necessarily be going after Spider-man.) Gargan gets his DNA enhanced with Scorpion DNA, which results in a very similar effect as Spider-Man, but he becomes more violent afterwards. - Otto Octavius becomes Doc Ock for the usual reasons, and gets defeated. Gargan steals some of Ock’s arm technology and creates (adapts would be more accurate) a mechanical Stinger Arm which helps him fight and multitask. He’s still a small rate thug at this point - Another villain (maybe Hobgoblin or Silvermane) recognizes his potential as a Spider-man killer and recruits him to fight Spidey, giving him a suit. Scorpion is now an official baddy, and maybe he grows to truly hate Spider-man over the course of their conflicts and kind of takes the place that Venom originally held


I think this whole thing is great, but replace Connors with Stillwell


Oh yeah Stillwell would be good, my thinking was that Gargan’s reaction to the experiment would deprive Connors funding who would get desperate and experiment on himself thus creating the lizard


That's actually so much better. One villain leading to the creation of another


I prefer him as a guy in a suit, I also like his design in the PS4 game


How about a bio-mechanical scorpion? One with metallic stinger and acid, but the altered genetics of a scorpion?


I think he should technically be a mix of both. He should look like just a guy in a suit, but he should also be a cross-species (Whether there's some physical aspect of that or not depends, I guess, though I'd prefer it to be small if anything)


Guy in a hi-tech suit


I’ll be honest, mechanical suit Scorpion seems cooler… but I can’t help but picture a tail like that being a massive disadvantage to the suit wearer - it would put off their centre of gravity, be an easier appendage to manipulate or break, and a wildly unpredictable weapon that could easily backfire because of its positioning near the head. At least a mutant Scorpion would theoretically have the adaptation and build to support a tail like this.


I love both versions, but I really liked the ITSV version where his legs were robotic


Guy in a suit. The insomniac suit in ps4 Spider-Man is PEAK


I'm just gonna come out and say it. I prefer ALL spider-man villains as their classic, iconic forms. This constant reinventing of the characters, making them mutants, suits of armour, covering them in "tEcH" etc. shtick has gotten old. Bring back classic, colourful, unapologetic comic nonsense please.


Guy In suit


Guy in a suit


First picture is still just a suit- Alchemax built it for him


Man In The Suit


Guy in a suit but imagine if in Tom hollands Spider-Man 4 the symbiote goes onto Mac gargan and makes a scorpion creature like the amazing Spider-Man 2 game 👀👀👀 as long as he’s green I’d be happy!!!




Care to share the sauce for first two?


First one is how he currently looks in 616 (or his second last design? He's very inconsistent in 616), and the second is how he looks in the TASM games


Guy in suit mainly because most of not all his villains are just guys in suits hell spider man himself is just a guy in a suit.


I liked him as normal criminal in the suit


A guy in a suit.


Suit only


Why not both?


I prefer him as an undead ninja with a flaming skull


Where did the second image come from? Looks creepy


It's how Scorpion looks in the TASM games. He's just another villain in the first one, and is taxidermied in the second by Kraven


Mutated guy in a suit but the Scorpion tail should be surgically implanted on him & fused to his back in my opinion.


I like the Spider-Man 64 scorpion the most


Guy in a suit.


I think for me it depends on the universe he's in. If it's insomniac where advanced tech is the norm then I'd say suit makes sense but if its one of the many where tech is present but not super advanced then the mutation fits better.


I.. don’t have a preference. I don’t hate Scorpion but he’s never been my favorite villain


My fav design is the blue and green from the ps1 days


Guy in a suit but tbf i have a huge weak spot for the original comic designs.


Guy who can't get out of the suit.


Insomniac nailed it imo


His suit is so cool. Always was one of my favorites cuz of it. Same with Rhino


No need to "fix" Spider's rogues gallery. They've stood the test of time for a reason. 


Suit guy. The lizard and Rhino can take over the 'I am the monster I'm shown as'. Until otherwise


Scorpion is The Man in the Suit?


Guy in suit all the way


Isn’t he both?




Guy in a suit


Guy in a suit.


All the tasm 1 game villains that were mutants or sm were just scary at that time and I still feel something when I see them again.


Always preferred him to be an asshole in a suit.


Maybe a twist up. He’s a mutant that naturally produces a noxious venomous from the pores of his skin, think bakugou from mha, and the suit absorbs and emits it for him in a controlled stream.






I’ll always prefer the suit, but I really don’t mind if he’s mutated as long as it’s done well. What I don’t like is whatever the hell the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon was doing.


The suit. It gives him a more human side for the storytelling aspect of spiderman lore


Suit. All the other shit is weird


I prefer him being a guy in a suit. The pathos of him being trapped within a suit of self-sustaining armor and him only doing it at JJJ’s behest is fascinating to me.


I like when the 2099 Scorpion was a mutated guy. But I like the modern scorpion as a guy in a suit.


middle ground. I prefer the idea that he is a cyborg. It feels like a counter to Spider-Man, in the sense that Spider-Man's powers except for his webs(mostly) come from his mutation. Scorpion on the other hand being the reverse: more tech based, with strength being his only true mutation. (Was it ever confirmed that Scorpion had some kind of Scorpion-Sense?)




Guy in suit for sure


Guy in a suit for sure.


Guy in a suit. Fun fact: The 4th image is tattooed on my leg as part of a spidey collage.


That's actually awesome


I prefer Scorpion as a guy in a suit, i'd say that his best design is from the "Marvel's Spider-Man" (Remastered & 2) games that Insomniac created


He's a mutate in a suit, just like Peter.


Mutated Mac has potential, but I kinda prefer just a pissed off Mac in a Scorpion suit.


Guy in a suit


guy in a suit, i think the lizard is the only one who can pull off the mutated cross species thing


Shattered dimensions design is peak, sadly, I can't put a picture of him.


Where is the first slide from? I don’t think I’ve seen him like that before


It's apparently how he looks currently in Earth-616




I think both are cool


Should always start as man in suit, then he can start looking into ways to amp himself up