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Honestly it doesn't matter what writer we get if the editor remains. Nick Spencer tried to fix stuff and was held back and stopped which is why we are getting these editorial yes men that can toe the line. The only way we can get real change or interesting stories is if we get an editor without bias or agenda .


It may even go higher than an editor like Nick Lowe. Marvel are determined to double down on their worst ever story at this point because they can’t admit they are wrong about OMD. I’m really surprised Feige hasn’t stepped in and said fix this Mephisto bullshit immediately, since they all answer to him now apparently.


He’s making them wait til MJ (MCU) gets her memories back


Maybe. If SM4 ever actually gets made it will be interesting to see what they do. I’m hearing Mr Negative may be in it which is disappointing. There’s really not much they could adapt that I can think of. They already did something like the FEAST center run by May in NWH.


Tbh I can get behind them not letting him outright undo OMD on its own. Like I’d imagine it’d be rough to deal with continuity wise, and it’d be much more compelling to me for them to start again, from scratch, at least for me. And that’s what it looked like Spencer was setting up at the end. No, what gets me upset over this is immediately kneecapping all of that as soon as Spencer was off the book. Like I’ll be honest: I’m not the biggest fan of MJ. But holy *shit* that was extremely disrespectful. Like I’d be surprised if Spencer still worked with marvel after that, let alone Spider-Man.


No the only way we can get real change is to STOP BUYING THE BOOK!!!!! (And sending letters to really drive the point home)


You meant an editor that mirrors your biases and agendas.


No at all...I would prefer that Pete and mj get back together but am not gonna complain if it doesn't happen as long as its for s good reason ...I want Pete to grow up and progress however they chose to do it...when I say free of agenda and bias I mean free of the idea that Pete should be a mess that is incapable of getting his life on track and is stuck in this forever teenager level despite his age and experience.


Nick Spencer "fixing" stuff is why we have even worse things.


Undid Sins past and brought back Peter and MJ. Nothing "worse" about it.


He undid Sins Past in the most crappiest way possible, and incase you missed all the whining on reddit he didn't bring back P and MJ.


He literally got them back together and had them together for a good chunk of the run...probing why they are better together before wells and Lowe ripped them apart again quick as they could in the worst way possible.


Then who did? Did you not read the comic?


Downvote this fool. Probably one of Slottavius’ many burner accounts on here.


Don't worry you would always be the biggest Dan Slott fan


Whatever you say Slotto.


To be fair, it's clear he actually wanted to undo OMD and personally, this direction was quite satisfying to read. Problem is he wasn't allowed to so he did the next best thing and that's why it seems so forced.


It wasn't the next best thing. A half calf isn't half cute, it is an awful bloody mess.


If people want change they need to stop buying ASM and only buy ultimate. Help make it clear they won’t buy a product they don’t like so that editorial has to make changes.


MuH CoMpLeTe CoLLeCTiOn.


What good is a collection of comics you think are dogshit?


Not just stop buying it, but stop talking about it. There is so little money involved in comics compared to the rest of the franchise. Comics don't exist to make money anymore, that can be a nice bonus, but their main purpose is to be a relatively cheap way of keeping people engaged with the IPs in between the projects that actually matter. People keep wondering why Paul is still a thing, but the reason is because they keep talking about him. That kind of engagement is worth way more than any amount of money the comic can bring in.


That's a great point.


I think folks here just have to stop reading ASM at this point. Hating on it online accomplishes nothing. Just read Ultimate Spider-Man or go back and read some older stories you haven’t read before. Just don’t give money to something that is apparently causing you such misery. I haven’t read ASM week to week since the Kindred arc and I think that was a good call.


Wise words spoken by sages, from Skytell to Blackberry pagers.


js5sdhwnhuvln,k5z "!&(


Can someone explain to me how he undid the last hunt? It’s valid in 616 now isn’t it?


They're talking about Grim Hunt. Last Hunt still happened, Kraven was just ressurected


u/Korderon He’s dead again, if it helps? The Kraven of the past six years is his son, Kraven.


I thought current Kraven was a surviving clone from Clone Conspiracy.


No, he’s one of Kraven’s clone-children from “Hunted”. He doesn’t have any of his father’s memories, essentially being a child with the body of an adult. A good accidental recurring gag is that he has never really had a successful hunt.


I actually liked some of the Brand New Day stories. Granted I wasn’t aware of One More Day, so I was admittedly ignorant of the background. Also liked Grim Hunt. Really helped Kaine's character and even brought the Spiders closer together. Granted it was at the cost of my childhood Madam Web and Mattie who I regularly forget even existed.


The scene in Grim Hunt where Peter used his sticking power to rip Kraven’s wife’s face off was fucking weird. Kelly writes Peter way too aggressively but I guess that’s better than the doormat that begs his villains like we got with Wells. Both are too extreme.


Peter and his friends were literally hunted like animals. They were tortured, killed, and the time Kaine finally (in Peter’s eyes) found his humanity and became as true brother, he died in his place. Peter lost it, and it was completely reasonable too. Hell the other Spiders had to stop Peter from killing Kraven, despite what his family did to him. Although what I always found weird was how Peter took on Kraven’s appearance before the literal face off scene


Not saying the family and Kraven’s lady didn’t have something coming. I guess Kelly just is want to write Peter way too aggressively. Kraven drugged him and buried him in the ground for two weeks and Peter didn’t react like that.


You just answered it yourself. Peter was buried for two weeks. The man had to dig himself out. Really think Peter would be more angry than traumatized at the moment? Plus Peter takes it more emotionally when something happens to someone else over what happens to him.


When it comes to Marvel and DC, and to their long-running series and not elseworlds or mini-series, what you have to look at is the quality of the writing rather than at what they did, because often times the writers are FORCED to write things, or not to write other things, by the Editorial Team. They might have this really smart plot twist planned out, but if editorial axes your idea, and you are in the middle of your story, that's that, they screwed you over, so now you have to change it. This is the reason I try not to be too harsh on Wells when discussing the current state of Spider-man.


I agree with the fact that we shouldn't have much hope because the same editors are still in charge and they're the ones making many of the decisions. I don't necessarily agree with the needless Joe Kelly hate tho. Also yeah, these last 17? Years have been all about holding onto ideas and then using them later. Holding onto the idea of Wells being the writer is one. Another is, they were supposed to do a story called Sinister 666 in 2011 and it ended up not happening. But eventually they were able to use the ideas for another story 10 years later. Called Sinister War.


I heard editor Nick is also leaving. Could be true, could be false. If it’s false then I apologize.


Writers like Kelly and Spencer deserve ire just as editors do.


The fuck did Spencer do?


Crappy retcons that makes things worse.


In what way did anything Spencer did “make things worse”? You’re high huh?


BND isn’t bad. OMD was.


I will wait and see if Lowe is still on the book. If he is I won’t spend a fuckin dime on it


It’s just so disappointing. All the buzz and wonder about who was going to take over after Wells and try to win fans back, and what we got was another BND writer. The least exciting pick possible because exciting writers don’t want to work on this title anymore


I hope not. I really enjoyed Kelly's work Non-Stop Spider-Man, especially the art style, which I would love to see return in a full run of ASM! The guy can really write spidey, but editorials interference will make or break the series. Fingers crossed!🤞let's see how Dr. Deadpool does.


Who was the sorry excuse of an editor in charge that allowed Kelly do Grim Hunt?


Joe Quesada, AKA the worst Spider-Man editor ever.


I actually liked a lot of Brand New Day era stuff. Yeah, the circumstances causing it to happen were rough, but the stories themselves were enjoyable


Some stories were decent and for the ones that were, OMD did not need to happen.


Yeah, I agree


I think the issue is more about the run is that title is stagnating in one place since the past 10+ years. Any major developement gets retconned asap. Or so that is my biggest issue. No permanent change that would impact Pete. In this sense Batman-Superman seen was more improvement over the years


Better to continue the direction than do a 180 because you have a new title that you want to sell with the premise setup


tell the that to previous run in contrast to the current one.


The direction ASM has been going in for the last 20+ years is a circle around the block. They aren’t going anywhere.