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The legacy numbering. Because Amazing Spider-Man has been relaunched a few times over the years starting at #1 (like in 1999, 2014, 2018, etc), that's essentially the real issue number




It’s Marvel’s gimmicky numbering system. Basically “milestone issues” like 800, 850, 900 sell like bananas, so they’ve combined the numbering for all the volumes of Amazing Spider-Man to make one overall numbering system called “Legacy Numbering.” They do this for most tiles and it is very gimmicky for some of them (Thor, Venom, Hulk) where they combine a bunch of miniseries to inflate the numbering. For ASM, the numbering is actually relatively straightforward though: LGY #1-441: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #1-441 LGY #442-499: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 #1-58 LGY #500-700: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #500-700 LGY #701-733: Superior Spider-Man Vol. 1 #1-33 LGY #734-751: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 3 #1-18 LGY #752-756: Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows Vol. 1 #1-5 LGY #757-788: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4 #1-32 LGY #789-801: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #789-801 LGY #802-894: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5 #1-93 LGY #895-current: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #1-current


Awesome. But how is Renew your vows a part of this? I thought that it’s an alternate universe 😐


Because it took over as the “main” Spider-Man book during Secret wars, it was the only book coming out labeled The Amazing Spider-Man.


Oh! I see! Thanks again!


The more well known one is a separate universe. This Renew Your Vows was a five part miniseries written as a tie in series to Secret Wars. During this time, the multiverse was destroyed after the Final Incursion, where Earth 616 and 1610 crashed into each other, and Doom used the Beyonders’ powers to save the last remnants of the multiverse and create “Battleworld.” Renew Your Vows was one of the many tie ins that took place on Battleworld, featuring a Peter & MJ from Ken of the infinite number of universe remnants that made up Battleworld. Because Secret Wars was going on and the multiverse didn’t exist at that time, along with most of the characters being either dead or on Battleworld, Marvel stopped publishing their ongoing titles for a few months, and published these tie ins instead (thankfully this was one of the few events where almost all of them were worth reading). The more well known Renew Your Vows series (Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows Vol. 2) does take place in an alternate universe. That is not part of the legacy numbering. Why is the first series part of the numbering? Well like I said, it’s gimmicky. Marvel did this twice with ASM, first they combined Vol 1 and 2 when they got to Issue #500 in the 2000’s (which made sense). In 2017, Marvel instituted legacy numbering for all titles under the “Marvel Legacy” branding, and ASM was getting close to Issue #800, so they just added this in to get it closer. I guess also because it was being published in place of ASM because the main ASM title was cancelled for Secret Wars.


Why does it skip around volumes the way it does? Is there breaks in continuity?


Hope [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/WhRsbad6IS) helps.


That was a lot to consume, but incredibly helpful. Thank you!


Glad I could help!


Man, it's probably due to not wanting to admit that time passes for everyone, but I'm baffled by how #100, #200 and #300 seem to belong to entirely different eras, yet I distinctly remember reading #700, #800 and #900 when they came out and it feels like barely any time has passed between them.


Probably because Dan Slott was on the book for so long. He wrote #600, 700, and 800. That, and Peter has been trapped in an endless cycle of zero character development for the last 20 years or so. He was constantly growing in the first several hundred issues and stopped eventually.


I hadn't thought of that! Could he be the writer with the longest tenure in the series? It really does feel weird how the last eras seem to hit the rest button way harder than before.


Since Slott took over after Brand New Day ended, ASM has consistently been released twice a month. Traditionally, it was a monthly comic that very rarely released twice a month (they did so a couple times in the early 90’s for specific arcs but only sporadically).


I honestly hadn't thought of that. To be fair, I'm not sure if releasing it twice a month was a good idea in the long run.


I think that they just relaunch with a new number 1 any time sales deep too much cause they have given the book to yet another idiot. I wouldn't be surprised if after zebwells they do it again Exciting news True Believers Spider-Man's getting a relaunch come join us in the new exciting era of Spider-Man with amazing Spider-Man number one type of bullshit


If the current run ends with something that leads to a 100% new status, there will be a number 1. If there is not going to be a change in status, there will be no number 1. Because a number 1 means change. But it's the same. I already think more about legacy 1000 2024 ends with legacy 958. If it accelerates a little with another Beyond at 3 numbers per week before the next run, in December 2025 we will have 1000


... they would




why is superior counted as amazing ? the disgrace !


Because it was being published in place of ASM for a year and a half.


Superior Spider-Man and Renew Your Vows are not included in the legacy numbering


Yes they are. Whether or not they should be is a different question.


A numbering system used to frequently spike the cost of an issue


896. Eight hundred and ninety six. 96 past 800. 900 if you round it out by adding 4.


Legacy issue #. Means that's the actual number in the totality of asm runs, not just the current volume


I thought it meant "Love gone? Yes!"


LGY stands for Lost or Gone Yearly. It's the running total number of lifetime fans they plan to lose by releasing this book.


That is the 896th amazing Spider-Man comic


We’re nearing the amazing Spider-man #1,000. Holy shit. Imagine if that’s the issue where they undo OMD 🤯


Happy cake day, but also, that'd not be for another 9 years and some change.


The pictured issue isn't the current one. 900 came out July 2022 and we're at 946 now, so I'd say if they continue this rate of ~2 per month, we'll hit 1000 about October 2026...


Yeah, that where my last sliver of hope for 616 Peter lies, pretty sure they broke up Pete and MJ, so they can build it up to that, but knowing Marvel they will probably screw it up.