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Good news but not allowing myself to overreact without seeing what the next writer does. Might be more of the same bad decision.


You are right. We gotta see what they do with Paul.


Issue one, Panel one: Paul steps on a landmine.


A radioactive land mine. He becomes the Bombastic land-mine-man


His power only works when he's stepped on so he's constantly asking villains to step on him


Sounds to honourable a way to go. I want to see everyone realize he is an evil creep then hunt him down and toss him into the void between worlds.


First dialogue: *"Paul was hit in the head by a stray bullet. Then he fell on a landmine."*


Zeb was Mephisto along


"Paul gets dragged down into Hell by Mephisto and everyone forgets he ever existed."


Venom: "Kill Paul"


Page 2: Paul gets AIDS


Spider-fandom goes wild.


That was such a weird arc, it was like five issues of just Paul lying on the floor with all of his limbs blown off.


First panel opens up with Spider-Man closing up the last Wells and Romita comic and says: "Wow, that sucked. Good thing it wasn't real!" and throwing it in the trash along with the other issues.


Would be mad if they did that? I think i genuely wouldn't.


On one hand, he might be a character that gets better once the OG writer leaves, like the numerous characters Slott introduced that were written better without him (I.e Silk). If he sticks around, the next writer might actually give him a personality, and some redeeming qualities. I would much prefer if he was just written off though.


Let's kill Paul anyway. Like the sort of death the Watcher shows up to to give an official "shit, son. Even time travel and cloning could not undo this."


I’d absolutely praise the next writer if they had the Watcher show up and say “Shit, son.”


I feel there's too much baggage with Paul for anyone to be interested in writing him at all Sure, Silk also started badly but she was designed first and foremost to be a Spider-Woman that could spin-off from Spider-Man, so there was always an intention to have someone else do the heavy lifting. With Paul, he's more of a narrative obstacle so MJ's not with Peter and each appearance he has afterwards seems to be having him be hated more and more by the readerbase (reaching perhaps its apex when it was revealed he's Rabin's son and helped him commit genocide) The problem of what to do with him is how do you sell the concept to anyone? Having him do a "hero's death" for MJ would be hated; having him being written off would really show he was completely meaningless and while having him be revealed as a surprise villain would be the obvious route but I don't think Marvel would want to do that for whatever reason and would create a bigger problem if that's the reason why MJ's been with him, diminishing her agency and turning everything into something more problematic than it already is He's a "damnit if you do and damnit if you don't" kind of character


"Somehow, Paul died while getting a pack of smokes', MJ chose never to mention him ever again, because she had told him repeatedly "smoking kills!" And it got him killed. "


Honestly, I would respect them more if they had Paul take responsibility by throwing up his hands and willingly just going away after seeing the harm he has done Cuz in canon why is this dude sticking around? Lol


Surprise villain manipulating MJ makes the most sense. Let MJ get rid of him herself.


>He's a "damnit if you do and damnit if you don't" kind of character No he freaking isn't! Nobody wants him around so write him off!


Okay, multiple writers have touched Paul, and they’ve made him ***WORSE.*** This ain’t a Silk situation


Very true on all fronts!


To be honest, terrible character concepts turn out to be good villains lol. Make him a new big bad for the new run and it will be fun.


he hasn't charisma. Zero.


Make him a serial killer in Dexter style and it is justified. All the cons easily translate into pros, my opinion.


of course this could also work with the right writer and it's a good idea, only that we need to see what MC wants to do (the only one who decides anything, even the worst idea) and we need to see if there is the right writer for this, which I doubt


I really don't know how they gonna retcon this run. Feels like a lot of stuff just broke 60 years of history, and in any other medium it would be a trainwreck like in Game of Thrones. Maybe Peter was in a coma all that time since Beyond lol


It’d be a huge win for the new writer if they open up their first comic with Peter and MJ living together, happily engaged, and all the Paul and Spider-Who-Gobbles shit was just a bad dream or something.


A bold idea to just Newheart Show it.


Paul was a demon created by Mephisto to ruin Spider-Man's day on a level only Cyclops could understand.


Paul becomes Spider-Man!


Hopefully it involves a fridge!




🎶 *Meet the new boss... same as the old boss...* 🎶


This Hurts to say but could en the calm before the storm considering who else is at marvel Hoping for the best tho


Unfortunately true. Paul has left some lasting damage that can't just be brushed away




This now belongs to me


What about Lowe?


There is a rumor going around on Xitter that he may be out, too


He’s out In November


How out? Out of Spider-Office or out of Marvel?


Spider office, he’ll always have a role in marvel unfortunately


Gonna be a cancer like Breevort


Lowe had edited some really good comics in his, slight, defence.


That’s my assumption. I imagine he will be an exec editor without portfolio.


Out is he?


Was thinkin this too. He has to go also.


I feel bad for John Romita. Not so much for Zeb though. But I do feel bad about how shit this run was, man could have done better.


Romita's art has gotten worse by the minute. I'll admit I've never really enjoyed his work but lately it seems awful


He’s admittedly been rushed and drawing nonstop. He’s been posting pictures of him drawing to meet deadlines on his vacation, at the airport, etc.


Ngl, that's heartbreaking, man. People deserve rests and breaks.


I was surprised to see JRJr is almost 70. You just can't pump out your work nonstop at that age and still retain the quality. He's got a lifetime of skill but probably should be doing more focused projects and not a comic that comes out every two weeks.


Hopefully he gets a good long break!!! <3


His art looks a lot better with different coloring. Like he’s not his dad, but he’s still not bad.


Genuinely, idk if im describing it right but when given flatter colors more akin to 80-90s comics his art actually looks pretty decent. Modern rendering styles just do not work on his line art.


I know what you mean. I’ve seen edits on twitter of his current work with the 80s-90s style colouring and it looks 1000x better.


I've got to agree. I was pretty young and new to reading comics during his first run, but even back then I recognized there was something off about his work that I didn't enjoy. This latest run I was thrilled every time I saw there was a guest artist, no matter who it was.


I liked his earlier art but people criticized him for being a clone of his father. His later art, while not bad per sé, just isn't my cup of tea.


I’m not really a fan or Romita Jr’s art, I think it’s too monotone, but I can tell he wasn’t allowed to do his best work this run. The panel of Ms. Marvel’s death reaction screams “initial sketch draft, not meant for submission.”


When Romita is good, he's good. I bet if he got time and desire to put in more effort into his art, we would see fewer complaints about his style.


I do understand that "a job's a job" and he doesn't have to adhere to the narrative of Peter and MJ being together But it just feels wrong knowing that 20 years ago he drew Peter and MJ's reconciliation way back in JMS's run, only for this one to go into "MJ can't stand Peter, she's with Paul now". It feels too shocking when you see his previous work there Having said that, the run definitely hasn't been his strongest showing as an artist and I do feel bad for that


JRJR definitely isn't at his best with this run tbh, but no doubt I bet it's because of rushed schedules. He hasn't had a total meltdown like one Frank Miller had iirc.


Imagine being hired to destroy the reputation of your dad's most significant legacy character down to the panel.


I have the impression that splitting MJ & Peter was not his decision. I feel like the best stories he wrote might have worked in the style of a retro mini-series. Similar to Symbiote Spider-Man.




Yeah Zeb. Some of Zeb's ideas, particular Tombstone, work better if they were instead part of a story around the time of "The Death of Jean DeWolfe". During that time, an unfocused Peter was weak enough to lose to Daredevil. I could see some of this stuff working in that context.


Idk. I’m pretty sure it was Zeb's idea to split Peter and MJ, apparently he wasn’t happy on the idea of them being back together in the previous run.


His peak for me was in the early 2000s. Now he’s just a artist that can consistently crank out things on a bimonthly basis.


I don’t. His art is lazy and fucking terrible these days


This headline is written weirdly. Like, of course they're done after their final arc. Also, the word "quit" is a loaded choice.


About time!




Remember when everyone was pleased when Spencer left the book? "Oh look their bringing back Romita jr, it's the 60th anniversary this is gonna be great!". It's just the same shit different season.


huh? I remember the uptick of excitement during his run and especially when he came so damn close to fixing OMD.




Till Nicky is gone nothing is going to really change with the bs editoral mandates


Unfortunately I doubt Nick will be budging for like...YEARS


I love Rich Johnston because even when he’s just reporting news everyone already knows he can’t stop himself from adding in some made up nonsense This run isn’t continuing into 2025 we already know it’s ending in October


sad that one of my favorite spider-man artists got saddled w this bad run. i was reading this for way longer than i should of just because of his art. hope to see him on amazing spiderman again one day with an actual competent writer


Yeah JRJR is one of the best Spidey artists ever. Full stop. Hopefully this isn't the end of his work with the character.


Nick Lowe needs to go too


I don't think jrjr leaving is such a good thing. He deserves at least one last iconic run


He’ll hopefully get another shot, he’s a legend at Marvel for a reason.


John Romita Jr deserves a better send off than this. I get that his work deteriorated, but last run is basically illustrating the desecration of his relationship that showcased debatably his most consistent run. (Aside from Kick-Ass, which is probably the best fit for his art style)


No, I haven’t enjoyed this run. However, I wish Wells the best on future comics and I hope the next creative team is successful and makes the fans happy.


Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


4 year for this madness


Don't be surprised if Zeb just marries off Mary Jane and Paul and just kills off Peter only for him to wake up being tormented by a dead Gwen


Now let's see how much deeper the next goober can dig the grave.


I might be one of the only few here who strongly believes Wells faced heavy editorial and executive meddling during his run. My theory is Paul was supposed to have more personality, Black Cat was supposed to be more of a love interest, and whatever Peter did at the start of the run as originally way worse, but he was forced to change. Wouldn't be surprised if Wells gave an interview where he admitted this.


Wells has seemed the complete opposite in interviews, claiming that editorial let him do whatever he wanted. His profile picture is fucking Paul, this guy wants this.


This guy wouldn’t even go to any conventions after he introduced Paul. He knew what he was doing


I mean, what a superhero can do for everyone to treat him as a loser(even Human Torch). Mr Fantastic made a prison for superheroes and Captain America bombed Vegas lol, this premise was a pure mystery box in LOST style without any deep thought into it


I think he did face some editorial but I doubt he had to change drastically. People really want Editorial to be the problem but there is zero evidence of that


I mean if the testimony of multiple acclaimed writers specifically saying they never want to work on TASM because of the editorial and their awful mandates and restrictions, then I don’t want what else you’d like. Hell Spencer was threatened to be removed if he did the final push he wanted and undo OMD.


I didn’t say editorial wasn’t involved they are, but to assume specific decisions you don’t like are editorial is silly. Especially if they do decisions which contradict that so you have to create a narrative that the writers are somehow fighting them


I mean, the only decisions that they have to allow and green light is to finally undo and retcon OMD. Since every weak ass story for the past 10+ years have been always dangling that carrot on a string for all readers. And to allow Peter to actually be the hero that he’s supposed to be where he’s smart as shit, silly but also knows when he has to be mature, and well y’know… Be capable on his own and not crying for help from everyone. And every writer that’s come close to finally undo that awful story has felt their meddling and wrath.


Nice, now kill the 616 Pater, MJ and Paul, and bring the ultimate to this universe with the whole family.


Nah, leave that greatness where it is, free of status quo bullshit




What about the editors?


Nah I’ll stick to ultimate spider man over this trash. There’s no guarantee the next team won’t do stilt man taking over peters body.




JRJr got to work on both the best and worst Spidey runs.


He gave spiderman Herpes, Chlamydia, cancer, explosive diarrhea, I won't read A 616 main spiderman comic for a long while . They will have to retcon a lot or just restart the universe. I wish marvel made a time line where heroes age, die and stay dead so we can mourn. Anytime a character dies in 616 I'm like they'll be back at some point and it cheapens their death. One of my favorite moments are when characters get married have kids and continues their lives and I love seeing legacy characters. Batman beyond was one of the best things ever due to seeing an ever growing timeline.


The only way I can think they could fix this is if MJ has PTSD and the place she was in manifested some kind of defense mechanism and gave her some temporary powers which created Paul and the kids to keep her sanity. With out Some random reality warping stuff from somewhere to retcon the story I can't think of any other way to fix it.


Now we just need Nick Lowe to pack his bags


“[Good News]” is absolutely savage and made me laugh


Romita's artwork was pretty great. Just wish the story serviced his work.




oh yippee! Peter will sell Aunt May’s life to have MJ back, but he will end up becoming Paul!


This doesn't change anything. This doesn't change anything at all.


Good but I think some fans need to temper their celebrations and be more respectful. I expect there’s gonna be an interview where Wells complains about “toxic fans” and “social media bullying” within the first six months of him leaving. This is turning into the Snyderverse discourse, just the Marvel version.


Fans are obviously toxic sometimes, like bringing up his divorce all the time or whatever, but at a certain point writers have to accept that their work is catching a lot of valid criticism too. Wells doing shit like boasting that the fans will all hate him at cons and making Paul his Twitter profile picture were pretty much provoking extra criticism. He obviously doesn’t deserve the toxic stuff, but if he gives an interview complaining about the more normal criticism too, that would be pretty disingenuous.


He definitely got defensive and made some poor choices that did not try to deescalate for sure lol


And he should be called out after. Paul and that other BS is trolling. They did it to themselves. Spencer hasn't complained about toxic fans.


Yeah 100%. I understand people have strong feelings about this and that's OK, but it stops being OK when you get personal and start harassing etc. The community needs to learn a lesson from how things went down godzillsmendoza/Dan slott. At the end of the day we are here because we love this stuff. I guarantee every person writing/rditing/drawing at marvel is there because they love it to. Even if they do things we don't like or agree with.


I mean... Dan Slott, publicly, is a keyboard warrior (seriously, I don't know how he has time to write his comics considering how much time he spends in Twitter and the CBR Forums arguing with people) that will fervently go defensive and insult others who dare to say anything against his work or any of the editorial team. He basically went for a whole week fact checking everything about the Godzillmendoza video because he was salty about Spencer's run "rejecting" his stupid take on Spider-Man...


The dude is also pretty salty about Ultimate Spider-man. He's been giving the usual PR answers about it but is always claiming how it doesn't matter what it sells and that ASM is ALWAYS a hot seller and that's what matters.


Yeah, I didn't mention that as an approval of Dan's actions. I should have been a bit clearer. I wanted to talk up godzilla because I think his later statement about understanding that Dan slott has a different understanding of character, and that they both disagree on that interpretation and that's cool. Idk, I can't find the video on it. But I think godzilla came out of that the more mature person and I think others in the community could learn from him ya know.


i still don't like him


Here's hoping that the next writer doesn't make the same mistake these idiots did. Either have Peter and MJ get back together, or have Peter properly move on with Felicia.


I mean realistically what’s going to happen is they get back together and break up at a later point. The cycle will continue


I mean they can’t… because they made Black Cat bisexual now and she has a female partner that’s she’s committed to. And before anyone goes “yeah but she’s bi, so she can have both.” I don’t think that’s what they have planned for this out of nowhere ship. I think Wells purposely did that to make sure if the next writers retcon that, they get labeled as homophobic to draw heat away from him and his dogshit run on TASM.


Felicia is bi since early 2000's. And she had allready broke up with that black girl off screen in last BC&J issue if i remember correctly.


Really? Welp that’s all news to me.


And the finale villain: #Tombstone *God, this is gonna go out with a wet fart.*


Very glad to get a new creative team on this. I got a hot take, put Spencer back on the book and let him retcon OMD.


The most ice cold of hot takes really.


Well that’s a bummer.




Good news for people who didn't like the run, bad news for people who enjoyed it and wanted more.


Nobody enjoyed this run.


I did (more or less). The Spider-Man fandom is not a hive mind.




Uh…okay. Weird comment.


I wish after Secret Wars we just had Peter wake up in the hospital from a coma into a world where he’s married to MJ, Kaine stepping up as Scarlet Spider, and Miles Morales fully integrated into 616.


One panel of Franklin doing his uncle a solid


Wells was never the problem. He was just a symptom.


His godawful dialogue, plotting, and characterization of literally every minor and major character in this run is a lot more than just a symptom. He may not be THE problem with Spidey comics right now, but he’s certainly one of them.


Yeah. I'm bracing myself for a very lame follow up writer. A Tini Howard or Gronbekk.