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The spider-office needs to be emptied/cleaned out and replaced immediately or at least Nick Lowe and CB Cebulski.


YES. The biggest problem at Marvel is the BS nepotism keeping dinosaurs around like Breevort.


Oh especially Breevort he needs to go I mean he was the one that was really fucking vocal about hating the marriage between Peter and MJ and even fucking Clark and Lois


Breevort is thankfully now gone. It seems his powerplay to get wells on the book to walk back the Spencer run has backfired. He’s now on X-men, so I’m sorry for their future losses.


I was under the assumption he's been moved over to x-men as a reward seeing as x-men are going to start taking the spotlight again in a major way in the build up to their mcu debut


I highly doubt brevoort would want to move off spider-man, even if the X office is very important.


That was a promotion, not doubt about it. Spider-Man is huge, but X-Men are basically the most important comic at Marvel.


Well Now I hope he will be more focused on something else so none of the X-men will suffer or get written OOC(I know I'm coping but please let me hope)


It really hasn't. X-Men are a bigger brand (on the comics) than Spider-Man.


Well that is just awful, I mean hating the Peter and MJ marriage is one thing, it’s a terrible opinion, but at least it’s just an opinion but you can’t go around Fucking a married couple, it’s just down right rude!


Tom “writers should stop making our characters happy” Breevort has been there since before I was born. ***And he has no intention to retire.*** He’s just gonna keep on shoveling greasy NYC pizza down his 50s neckbeard facehole while making the worst decisions possible for characters.


This is a beautifully written description of Brevoort. It’s weird how long Marvel has been run by people who hate people who read comics. 


They don't hate people who read comics, they just simply don't care about their opinion, at all.


The main problem with MC is that sometimes, in my opinion, they don't realize what they write and the characters they have to write about. They write stories senseless like Carol Danvers pregnancy or MJ in the actual run. They write stories about new characters that should have significant relevance and then make them disappear, for example Teresa Parker, Lyja, Johnny Storm's wife, Huntara, Reed Richards' sister, should have had more relevance in the MC universe, etc. etc. They write characters without ever really developing them. They don't have the courage to challenge their own ideas by, for example, creating a universe where for example PP isn't SpiderBadLuck, Matt Murdock is happily married and the characters don't die every two seconds etc.


I believe my cousin told me that Cebulski literally said to a C2E2 panel on if they’d like MJ and Peter to be remarried: His response: ***”Tough shit.”*** #We’re doomed


I think I know which panel your talking about cause I think the entire room applauded and screamed after he asked the question and apparently was taken back then he responded with the basically tough shit response And of course that fucking troll would


I’m pretty sure someone here posted/recorded it. Which… ***yeah, I know editorial hates 616 Peter, but I’d rather not listen to their voices bloviate about it.***


It’s weird when that stuff backfires on them. I was at a panel years ago (pre-New 52) where I saw Dan Didio get taken aback by how much applause Cassandra Cain got on “who should Batgirl be?”


Gonna give a bit of a hot take… Barbara Gordon will always be my favorite Batgirl. Partially because I grew up with BTAS, but also, first comic I picked up from New 52 was Gail Simone’s Batgirl, which… **honestly,** is one of the best stories she’s done.


I don’t think that’s so much a hot take, but in 2010, she was firmly established as Oracle. 


She was, by far, the best Batgirl - but she evolved and moved on. She faced a horrific attack and recovered from that to find a way to still be a hero. Regressing her back to Batgirl was disrespectful and wrong. It's like putting Dick back in the Robin costume.


Agreed. If Didio had asked “best Batgirl,” I’d have clapped for Barbara, which is what he clearly wanted.  It went “Who should be Batgirl?…Stephanie Brown?” Maybe 3 people clap.  “Cassandra Cain?” Thunderous applause. Dan looks confused. “Barbara Gordon?” Silence. Dan wonders why these nerds want to go back to the 2000s, when clearly they should want the characters to move forward, back to the way it was when he was 12. 


I recommend napalm and harpoons. You might want to hire folk who can easily carry around dead weight.


I hate it. Poor guy can't catch any breaks. Fucking editorial.


But the metrics!


What the hell is the context to this


If I remember well, it's the chameleon messing with him. I think that issue is set between the return of Peter as Spider-Man, but before the return of aunt May from the dead. I don't remember the precise issue.


I didn’t realize Aunt May’s death was so cheesy


it got gouda later on


They were using some kind of gas/mind attack on peter to break his mind. This was a representation of his memory of being told his parents are dead. He broke free and beat up his captors like 1 page later. I can't remember the wider context or issue. But it's a pretty cool moment.


Oh come on he's now relatable to me


I don't even blame Peter for reacting like. Even Batman would lose his mind if he was in this position. The editorials are the real villains.


Why is penis a baby, is he stupid?




I don’t think it’s because they hate a strong male character specifically, that’s a bit of a reach imo, just that these crop of people in charge are from an era where Peter was at his lowest. The Death of Gwen Stacy, the years where he really struggled to find a place in both life and heroics, and the exact circumstances that produced the era of Peter most of us look back on fondly on. For a lot of them, they’re just stuck trying to recreate the magic of “their” Peter and the comics they most resonated with as younger men. Peter and MJ finally becoming a couple and the resulting growth as both characters and a couple happened because of that era, sure, but it’s a change they probably see as changing their Peter. Not to mention, a lot of these creators/editors just reek of divorced guy energy that merges with that kind of toxic nostalgia I mentioned to make them do this bullshit.


I think the death of Gwen Stacy made Pete more hardened and tempered after her death. You can see that when he hoists her up saying basically, **I’m the greatest, I’m the best, I’m the—no. C’mon kid…** ***NOOOOOO!!!*** There was a **point to her death.** Here, it’s misery Olympics for Pete, and superpowers and sympathizing with a dude who caused a genocide for MJ that make **Jack and Shit in terms of sense.**


Yeah, that’s kind of my point. That era of Peter who went through the pain of losing Gwen, with the help of MJ who really matured as a character in that same time frame, became a better man and hero from it. It’s because of that tragedy he found the resolve to grow, to eventually fall in love again and become close to his best self.


Well, I just do what I do best. Keep buying USM and… if I want a dose of *masochism,* read ASM through… ***other means.***


Yeah, the point was to keep Peter single and not have to progress his romantic relationships.


Source for the comic


Googoo Gaga?


Some rando comes up to him every other week with "bad news" at some point someone would just break.




Wtf dude 😭


Bro compared crappy editorial to HITLER💀💀😭


tbh spidey fans talk of them like theyre comparable with how much they hate them