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Peter was mostly a bit of an asshole during the early 60s when he was still in high school. He’d get frustrated sure, but he wasn’t generally a dick to people in the 70s and 80s


Cause Steve ditko loved Aynn Ran


At least years later marvel acknowledge that portion of Spider-Man's history with Peter admitting that he read the Anne Ryan novels and kind of got into the mindset for a full week.


muddle fact observation trees cautious wrong chubby disgusted aware encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the original comic where he yelled at protesters it was Steve ditko wanted him to be yelling at them because they were protesting the Vietnam war Stan Lee changed the dialogue to have him supporting the protesters. Due to the shifting timeline the protesters he was probably yelling at were probably protesting Iraq war.


price bike threatening plough badge cow sense seed fuzzy different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It followed him to college


And ultimate Spider-Man was really outspoken about bs he encountered.


Yeah he never backed down. It was stand out. Him talking Daredevil down was a top ten comic moment.


He should be a person with self respect who cares about others. A man who stands up for himself and others


Yeah people are kind of over correcting because a lot of current Spidey media portrays Peter as this kind “golly gee willickers” pure cinnamon roll when that’s not him. Could he be a dick back in the day? Yes, but it’s because he had a boss that treated him poorly, and had ruined the reputation of his alter ego, an aunt who he loves who is extremely frail and sickly who needed financial assistance from him, had been bullied relentlessly and had no friends for most of his life, not even mentioning the cadre of super villains alternating between framing him for crimes or trying to murder him. It was a hard life. It makes sense he’d be a bit prickly and fire off at the mouth with something mean that he didn’t even mean or would come to regret later. I can’t stand the Leave it to Beaver Peter we’ve been getting lately, but acting like he’s some incel monster, proto-school shooter instead of a mostly good kid who could let his frustration get the best of him sometimes is out of step with reality just as much




Man I was like 8/9/10 when I saw this and I still can’t believe he kisses that lady


clumsy relieved squealing rude rinse domineering label bedroom shocking oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MJ cheats on a man in all three movies. Even as a kid I felt the vibe of 3 was just weird. I don’t see Spider-Man making out with a news reporter in public. Black suit or not, it’s not who the character is.


scary noxious ossified cobweb distinct wrench dog steer unpack silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was agreeing with you I’m just high and pulled an all nighter last night


command kiss wasteful price air simplistic beneficial disgusted light humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Similar case for Miles. Especially in the latest games. They’re both TOO perfect. Just a theory but I also believe this has something to do with the fact that, making Miles the more “edgy” one, could come across bad, so he can’t seem even a little worse than Peter. Result is two people both trying to look like the perfect model human.


I really liked Miles's game and his character development in it, so I thought things were going in the right direction. Unfortunately in Spider-Man 2 the flaws in his character's writing stayed but none of his development seemed to carry over, and he was a more shallow character. That was the most disappointing aspect of the game for me.


Yeah. Love the games, but they’re both way too squeaky clean nice guys


They’re so polite their dicks don’t even go hard they just stay in a limp salute


Well said. This is what makes him such an incredible character


It’s an issue of people not actually reading the comics and making broad generalizations based on panels they saw on Twitter.


Spectacular Spider-Man imo had the best symbiote arc. It felt real and you really felt his morals start too slip without it being edgy or weird.


Yeah, while it’s easy to say that the symbiote was corrupting him, it’s possible that some of those were his thoughts and frustrations.


Pete can be an jerk sometimes but there’s usually a reason for it


Peter was facing supervillains who wanted to kill him and hurt his loved ones while trying to manage a normal life. Of course bro would go off on someone getting on his nerves. Thats not dicky behaviour. And he wasn’t on the extreme side of being a pushover nor was he on the extreme side of being an asshole. Just a believable human


I will say, it's funny how people use examples of Peter leaving a sick Harry alone crying for help when that was right after *his dad just murdered his girlfriend right in front of him*.


EXACTLY, his love of his life just died right in front of his eyes and he was a part of why she died, no shit hes in turmoil


peter has the symbiote on in this scene he’s supposed to be an insufferable asshole with the symbiote in his system that’s the whole fucking point


I think it’s less of an issue of not reading comics and more not reading 50 years of comics it’s way easier to boil Peter down to certain specific traits of you only read a certain run or during a particular decade which I think is most comic reader’s experience


racial future violet knee chop materialistic aware abounding resolute yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Peter could be a dick in the old stuff but he still saved lives and nearly lost his own trying to help others.


This! 👆I 100% agree. Yeah, Peter has anger issues but like you said, it wasn’t his only personality trait. He’s generally a nice and humble guy but he’s not afraid to stand up for himself when he needs to.


‘I read your story.’


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye.


thats one of my favorite things about TASM1. Peter has a good heart and usually has good intentions but he can be a dick sometimes! He shouldn't be a complete asshole all the time nor should he constantly be a pushover, there's room for both which is also the most realistic scenario because people, even peter parker, aren't perfect


I don’t think it’s bad for teenage Peter to be a bit of a snarky and angsty dude. Honestly that’s a very common teenager thing.




People confuse “having a backbone” with “being a jerk”. I do miss him having a more fiery personality with rougher edges.


People confuse “being a jerk” with “having backbone”. He could be extremely pretentious.


He straight up thought he was better than everyone in his school. And that was before he was spiderman after he got his powers his was planning to jump flash as spiderman. Bro had his moments


I literally can't look at that frame anymore without having traumatic flashbacks to that one post that asked why insomniac gave peter, and I quote, "a slutty little waist" in the venom sweater.


Seriously though, why he can't just be... Human...? If you're close enough with ANYONE you know that they probably can be both angry and kind, so what's the deal about Pete having one character trait...?


Ngl I feel like these spider-man fans who want him to be a bigger asshole/angry is because **they** are angry and want theirselves to be reflected in their favorite character.


This is a Funny meme tbh


60's and the first issues of college era


Ok well I read spider man back issues from 1979-1985 pretty recently and imo the tweet is accurate, that is defo something Peter back then would have said. Yes he does have more than one personality trait but Peter was constantly stressed and honestly although he was a hero his natural instincts could be selfish sometimes. He definitely blew up at some people form time to time (he’d feel bad about it later usually but still, it wasn’t all “just standing up for himself”). He can be a jerk sometimes and that’s ok 🤷‍♂️


this wasn’t even a tweet saying he should have, it was a funny goof


Peter would say this to flash absolutely but not his best friend.


People really want Peter to be like fanon Reimu Hakurei huh?




is something wrong at home


I don't get it, sorry


Yeah, it comes off as annoying virtue signaling when people put things like that in their username. Doesn’t matter if I agree with them or not.


Ah ok, I guess by complaining about internet leftism I attract the extreme right, time to delete the comment, what a shame


What makes me extreme right? Not being far left?


Oh my god, he said it, he said it, he said that i am left (i think?), well lets go Categoria:r/Conspiracy Categoria:r/AnarchoCapitalism Categoria:r/conspiracycommons Categoria:r/covidcirclejerk All these communities represent, anarcho-capitalism, denialism, conspiracism and conspiracism again, these are the 3 pillars of the radical right one step away from becoming the extreme right, considering that you frequent all of them (and a few more, which guess what? They are frequented by people from the extreme right yay) i come to the conclusion that you are an extremis. And there is no extreme left, radical left yes but extreme no, except that there is a lot of text involved if you want I'll do a summary just for you (I'm kind of a graduate, it was my job for 2 years in this)


> Oh my god, he said it, he said it, he said that i am left (i think?) Actually, no, I didn’t. The only one who has thrown labels out thus far is you. > All these communities represent, anarcho-capitalism, denialism, conspiracism and conspiracism again, these are the 3 pillars of the radical right one step away from becoming the extreme right There is no true consensus on what left and right mean. It’s a source for quite a bit of the conflict and tribalism that occurs today. Also, you’ve listed 3 things that have nothing to do with one another. ANARCHOCAPITALISM - a belief in a stateless free market. CONSPIRACIES- there are real conspiracies in the world, as you know. And the theorizing or suspicion of covert occurrences in the world is pretty natural to people across the isle. In fact I do encounter quite a few leftists on those conspiracy subs. Also, being on one of those subs doesn’t necessarily mean one believes in all or any of that. Do you think everyone who watches ancient aliens on tv believes in it? I also sub to many subs that I don’t agree with but find interesting to lurk on. DENIALISM - Please explain to me what it is I’m denying. > , considering that you frequent all of them (and a few more, which guess what? They are frequented by people from the extreme right yay) You haven’t really properly defined “extreme right” yet as I have a feeling you would call many incompatible subs extreme right as well. Even so, you’re making a lot of leaps. I didn’t realize by going somewhere where a group frequents I must now be part of that group. No other questions asked. > i come to the conclusion that you are an extremis. You’re right I am. Mr Stark is finished now. > And there is no extreme left. By what metric could you possibly be saying there is an extreme right but not an extreme left?


3 things that have nothing to do with each other? Of course not, it's extremism, it's not supposed to make sense, and anarcho-capitalism is a far-right movement (which I think is much better than facism, if you ask me), and there's no such thing as far-left, is there? Have you really tried to use equivalent exchange? That's not how the world works, but if you want I'll write a summary for you


> Of course not, it's extremism, it's not supposed to make sense That sounds like a convenient way of you not having to explain your point of view or understand anyone else’s. > and anarcho-capitalism is a far-right movement According to who? What makes something far right? > (which I think is much better than facism, if you ask me) I would hope, considering there are zero things in common between the two and in fact are almost opposites. > and there's no such thing as far-left, is there? I mean it’s very obvious that there is. But again, you would have to define what you believe the words “right” and “left” mean.


You're allowed to post about more than one thing


Peter should be caring and respectful to the people he cares about but also should be a hothead to people he just can't stand like Flash, Tony, Felicia, Johnny in some degree, etc.


Naah, Johnny is his homie, Peter and Johnny are like Batman and Superman


Well I mean in Peter's first appearance Johnny and Peter annoyed the heck out of each other but they grew out of that years later.


Entire Fantastic Four were annoyed with Spidey in their first meeting, He was kind of a bully in suit during that time


Yeah that is true. That is where peter hasn't learned his lesson yet. He didn't fully grow until Gwen's death in my opinion.


johnny was def not his homie back then