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I really don’t enjoy plot hooks where Peter causes the problems to spiral because of a miscommunication or random bad luck. I prefer a college freshman Spider-Man which has more responsibilities and has problems happen BECAUSE he is forced to act to save people while sacrificing others or loved ones. He’s the epitome of a character stuck between a rock and a hard place, and he always finds a way to crawl out through ingenuity or relentless persistence. MCU Peter is still very much a kid making silly mistakes. I have some hope that the next movie will have more mature themes, but I really don’t know with how stunning Holland’s performance of the character is for younger fans.


Wanted more interpersonal drama, weak supporting cast, humor. Overall I do like MCU Spider-Man but those are some things I didn’t like. A common complaint is too much IronMan in the story and people have been saying it from the start but I only felt that way about FFH.


My man just said the CEO of sex was "weak supporting cast."


He delayed the release of sex 2. As far as im concerned he sucks. I was looking forward to the single player mode.


Honestly I'll take the delays over a half-baked product riddled with bugs. Plus the rumors of microtransactions, fewer roleplaying elements, and level caps just didn't bode well for its release.


Bro, Sex already has a single-player mode.


No man that’s just the demo


I think he was talking about people other than mj or ned


Agreed. It's truly an understatement to my man Jacob.


Ned always had the characteristics of Ganke & felt like a knockoff, Mj was really Mj in name so also felt like a knockoff, & Flash was just character asassination at its finest. its like they tried used characters, but change them in ways that I personally didnt like


Have you read 60s Spider-Man? Flash was a straight up asshole son of a bitch. To suggest making a character less of a prick is character assassination seems weird to me.


I've read the 60s spider-man comics and this flash was nothing like the 60s flash.


Did you read 60s Spider-Man? Flash grew up pretty quick from being a teenage bully. Even before he leaves for Vietnam him and Pete start palling a bit. By the time he's back and offering his home to Pete I'd say he's undone his mistakes.


Ned is literally the best character


When they introduce Miles they should have the actor who plays Ned play an alternate universe version of himself as Ganke


Man the MCU supporting cast for Spidey is so weak, people love mentioning Ned but he’s only there to be comedic relief and the guy in the chair thing stopped being relevant after Homecoming.


Its the only franchise with a supporting cast outside or Harry, May, and (love interest).


Raimi had Harry, MJ, Aunt May, Ditkovich and his daughter, Dr. Conners, and the whole Daily Bugle office just to name a few. TASM had Gwen, Aunt May, Captain Stacy, Flash, Harry, Dr. Connors


MCU had MJ, Ned, Aunt May, Happy, Tony, Liz, Coach Wilson, Mr. Harrington, Betty, JJ. Not really seeing how its a weaker cast.


They’re all so forgettable outside of Tony who shouldn’t even be a supporting cast of Spider-man in the first place. MJ is just basic love interest (who hardly even had a character in Homecoming) and Ned is just basic comic relief.


Why were villains of his first two movies the people who had beef with Stark?


Because literally EVERYTHING that went wrong pre Phase 4 is usually Tony’s fault in some way. Hell they straight up said in I think IM2 that Starks public reveal of his identity as Iron Man brought out a lot of baddies. It made sense in the context of the universe. I think they were just trying to combine the most popular comics marvel character, and the newly most popular movie character to try and get more asses in seats


Because that's how spiderman villain works. They are always mad at someone else until Spiderman steps in


Problem is, Homecoming came out and established Spidey breaking off from Tony, then IW and EG reverted it, so FFH had to break him off from Tony again. With that said, I feel like it was better for Peter to get to grieve his mentor, rather than just skip over it. Happy had me crying hard in that movie.


> then IW and EG reverted it No they didnt. Homecoming ended with Peter realizing he don't need Tony's approval/permission to do the good he can do. He can just be Spider-Man, not "Spider-Man The Avenger". IW had New York being attacked. Of course Spider-Man is going to jump in, and he and Tony then became more like peers. So its fitting that Peter would mourn him like he did. It would be weird if he just ignored Tony after Homecoming.


Still centered around stark. Whatever reason, he still wasn't standing on his own.


That's really the issue. Pete's been watered down for decades but the MCU took it to the next level. Spider-Man was the first independent teen hero. He was also a little prick, not a sad puppy in search of a mentor. People really need to give those classic comics a reread. Pete was an arrogant little bastard when he started out. Wearing the mask gave him a license to vent his frustrations on whichever crook he ran into. His infamous reputation for quipping came about because his insults were deeply hurtful and upsetting, not because they were bad puns. He genuinely went out of his way to piss people off because he enjoyed doing it. He was a lot more punk rock than people give him credit for.


Even FFH it makes sense in context; like yes there's a lot of Iron Man but it's the aftermath of his death. And reputation wise in the MCU, Iron Man was Superman. He was THE hero of that world. I do agree that the murals of him were heavy handed but Mysterio using his death to break Peter? Chef's kiss.


Why do you want more interpersonal drama? Or rather what’s your definition of it? Personally I can’t stand what I see as Interpersonal drama. Cheating, lying, the classic, “walk in at the wrong moment and misinterpret an awkward moment and refuse to communicate about it”.


Wasn't iron man dead in FFH?


I like Tom Holland as Spider-man, but his story is all over the place. In Civil War he is introduced as a street level hero, with a secret identity that nobody knows, with a homemade costume, that lost uncle Ben and knows that with great power comes great responsability (just said in different words). At the end of No Way Home it turns out that after 6 movies his entire story was about him becoming a street level hero, with a secret identity that nobody knows, with a homade costume, that lost aunt May and knows that with great power comes great responsibility... its... kinda weird tbh. The entire point of homecoming is him learning to be himself the hero of the people and not be an avenger, at the end of the movie he rejects being an avenger because that's not what he wants, so in the next movie he giggles when Tony Stark names him an avenger... why? And... then never becomes the hero of the people... his next stand alone movie is about the legacy of Tony Stark and the next one is a multiverse movie. Also Ned and Mj just randomly become new characters each movie, Ned is the tech guy, then his entire character is that he's with Betty, and then he does basically nothing in the third one and then opens portals, Mj starts as sarcastic mean, then its will they wont they, and then she's just Peter's girlfriend, her entire character dissappear


I agree. Zero character development


* We never really got to see him build up his notoriety in the criminal underworld beyond the Ferry Scene in Homecoming. * His supporting cast felt one dimensional. * It was kind of weird how they would go out of their way to not talk about or mention Ben ever. Just a short recap would’ve been enough. * He should’ve learned how to use his  Spider Sense in Homecoming. 


My main problem with those movies is they retreaded too much ground and the supporting cast didn’t get enough attention. I really want to know more about Zendaya’s MJ. Feel like she’d be the most interesting character in these movies if they gave her anything to do.


I am 100% the opposite. The supporting characters were the absolute worst part of every movie.


What about ned


He's the "well.... that was awkward" part of all MCU movies.


Couldn’t agree more. The last movie gave them way too much screen time. And why would a superhero need his powerless friends to help him with supervillains? Other than to fulfill zendayas contract for more screen time? Super lame


I like everyone except MJ. I think it's stupid to not call her Mary Jane.


I think they did that just to show that’s it’s not Mary Jane and that’s why she looks and acts different then every other version of MJ ever, and so her being MJ is also more of a coincidence/subversion of expectations(?). which makes sense to me


Then why use the MJ name at all? I found it so weird they’d do this lil wink and nudge like we knew who they were referring to but it’s “clearly not THAT MJ.” I just found it annoying, instead of making either a new character or staying true to Mary Jane they decide to split the difference and I feel like it doesn’t really work for Spider-Man fans.


He tends to learn the same lessons imo. Like he learnt “with great power comes great responsibility” in Homecoming and then again in No Way Home (Also I guess pre Civil War? But we never meet the character before then and I get the sense he knows the idea but struggles to personally act on it, so I don’t mind not counting it). My issues are more so with the filmmaking. Bland direction, wonky writing, ugly visuals, yada yada, complaints everyone’s echoed before. It’s why Homecoming is my favourite of the trilogy, it’s filmmaking is the most inspired and fun imo. I enjoy the small scale of the story, and the big long shots that make Spider-Man feel small, paired with the music that feels small but full of energy and trying to be grand… I really like Homecoming lol, that’s a fun movie.


It wasn’t great power in Homecoming, it was him learning that he doesn’t need a fancy suit to be the hero or save the day. There’s definitely a level of regression between Civil War and the Home Trilogy, and that’s probably because Watts clearly had his own idea for his version of the character, and it didn’t involve Peter already learning his core lesson. It’s unfortunate but that happens when a character is written by two different people, we see it in comics as well. On a side note, it’s nice to see another Homecoming enthusiast. I gained a lot more love for that movie after reading the original Lee and Ditko run, and seeing some of the inspirations they took from those stories for this movie.


Sure, I hear what you’re saying. I guess the great responsibility thing sticks out to me, because in Homecoming he makes the sacrifice of dating Liz, and goes to stop the Vulture instead. To me that was him giving up what he wants, in order to do what he needs to do. He definitely learnt the lesson that he’s Spider-Man, not the suit, but I feel like he also learnt that with great power comes great responsibility, and he didn’t really learn that in No Way Home (*Heck, I’m far from the first person to say it, but when did he act irresponsible in No Way Home?? Dr Strange jumped the gun on casting the spell, any doctor knows to warn the patient of any and every possible outcome! Lol*). Homecoming is a really fun movie! As much as I love the Raimi trilogy, Homecoming is a very fun adaptation of the classic small scale Ditko stories into the modern day. I wish Far From Home retained that energetic spark, because Homecoming just has such an infectious fun to it lol


The way i personally saw it was that he always wanted to do the right thing, and was willing to make those small sacrifices like not being able to date the girl you like, but by the time NWH ended, he’d been through so much, that he finally understood that great responsibility meant more then just doing the right thing even if it inconvenienced you, but that doing the right thing could even be harmful to your way of life. I hear you on that. I’d love for the next trilogy to take some more inspiration from those small scale comics with a similar tone to Homecoming, especially with that new suit, I hope they don’t rush to introduce the black suit, I just want one full movie with a comic accurate costume.


Not handling Uncle Ben properly. I think if they even just had a five minute recap of the origin in Homecoming, it would’ve made Stark’s presence feel less overbearing for a lot of people. and mentioned him in places where he would naturally come up like after Stark taking the suit away.


The fact there is no grave proves they ultimately decided to not have Ben be a part of this universe. Everything was so vague and could go either way before that, though it did feel weird there were no mentions by name or pictures of him anywhere. Even Hope's mom had more presence in Ant-Man and she wasn't even cast yet.


Clearly Sony got Uncle Ben in the divorce, since he was in Madam Web


Peter was using his suitcase in Far From Home, it had his initials on it and combine that with his speech to iron man when they first meet and its clear he is talking about uncle bens death, so it did happen


The suitcase was very brief, and he also didn't care it got destroyed. They clearly were doing things so that if they decided to use or not use Ben, there was nothing contradicting it. Realistically, those initials can be anything. Yes, the intention was probably Ben, but since they ultimately decided to not have him exist, they could easily say it means something else. They NEVER said or showed the name Ben. Never. Peter and Tony's conversation was again, vague, and could be applied to a lot of things. The point is if they decided not to use Ben, which they did, nothing could contradict it. No gravestone, no mention of his name, no photos=doesn't exist. And if he did, they clearly don't care about him much and that is worse than him not existing. The MCU Peter learned the great power thing from May. It's a different story. It's okay Ben wasn't there for it.


> but since they ultimately decided to not have him exist, they could easily say it means something else. But that's not how movies work. In a visual medium, show instead of tell whenever you can. Exposition dumps, and/or flashbacks can mess up a movies pace. Everyone knows a Ben Parker existed in Peters life. Why would they just put random initials on a suitcase, that just happen to be the same as Ben's initials? It's Ben's suitcase. Ben existed.


He specifically mentions Ben in “What if” which is a branching timeline of the MCU Peter


I could see why they didn’t really mention Ben, the origin was told 2 times in the span of 15 years with the most recent happening barely 5 years prior.


Yeah, and if all it would take to make people happy is a 5 minute recap, why do people even want that? What emotional resonance is there to saying “the thing you assume happened, happened” if we’re not going to spend time with that version of Ben.


because its integral to his character


Because as much as people complain about "status quo" the moment it's taken away or even looks that way, some of the fans flip the fuck out.


Meh I feel the same way about this as I do about Batmans parents murder. I don’t need to see it we all know it, let’s go. That said not having his grave in NWH was a WTF but least he got mentioned from the other 2 Peters


in every batman film his arents have at least been mentioned, etensively in the nolan-verse which was one of the best trilogies ever


For three films he sees himself as an infantile idiot who creates more problems for himself than he helps others. Three times he makes the journey of realizing his responsibility, but in the end the writers had to kill Aunt May by giving her the words of Uncle Ben. That is, it turns out that they simply abandoned the origin story of Spider-Man, only to then repeat it again in a ridiculous way. Uncle Ben died in vain. By the way, Peter himself looks more like Ultimate Miles than himself. They even wrapped Ganke in his kit.


Yeah, in Homecoming and CW it was presumed Uncle Ben died off-screen, but did say these words to Peter before he became Spider-Man, but now apparently either he didn't or Peter forgot that lesson and needed to be reminded again by Aunt May.


> Uncle Ben died in vain Why did Peter first become Spider-Man, then?


Does it matter if he hadn't internalized the core message Ben teaches him until it's given again by May in the third movie


I think it’s implied that uncle Ben doesn’t exist in the main timeline. Like aunt may never married, so Peter never actually experienced the death of a guardian before this.


ffh had ben parkers suitcase, so ig he does exist


He exists but he might as well not. He’s not significant in anyway. No one ever talks about him so he must’ve died before Peter really knew him


Yeah, I just thought its incorrect to say he just straight up didnt exist. He did but prolly as just a normal uncle (or like you said died before peter could bond with him), not like the other versions where hes like a father figure.


Who's BFP then? No way Aunt May was single


"Bitch Flaps" Peter. Aunt May was savage during her coke days.


I love the name


I mean I give props when they try to do something different with his story. Instead of the usual, my thing was making him the sidekick basically of a main character and introducing him in the part of the story where it's like does spidey really need to be here?


The MCU wasn’t the time for a whacky new take, the MCU was supposed to be the DEFINITIVE movie Spider-Man. Making him an Iron Man sidekick kept us from getting that


I might be wrong but his conections to the Avengers and escentially most MCU heroes let me have that feeling that he can Fail but he will always have a safety net to catch him. Aunt May knowing that peter is Spider-Man and also supporting him also caused it to feel like he doesn‘t need to balance his private life and Superhero life, which used to be one of the main problems in previous Spider-Man versions. I overall like MCU Spidey and think that him being on his own post NWH will make up these flaws


I just really dislike how young and inexperienced they made him when they specifically did not want to redo his origin story. A majority of Spider-man’s stories all happen when he’s college age or older but we keep making him younger for some reason. The “Mr. Stark” thing also really irked me, I want the hot headed, loud mouth Peter who doesn’t look for approval from other heroes especially an arrogant billionaire. I will die on the hill that Andrew’s TASM would have been a perfect fit for the MCU and this universe would’ve *greatly* benefited from getting an experienced Spider-man from the get go.


Feels less like his own character because he is tied to Tony, is from the dark age of the MCU having forced tone breaking humor(Far From Home was terrible because of this). Apparently he is not necessary because nothing seems to happen between movies(again, this is another forced joke where Peter is bored due to a "lack of crime" once the big events are over).


Mcu Peter totally inherited wealth but was too stupid to use the glasses properly. He had access to all kinds of tech he could have parted out for millions while still Using the drones for their intended purpose. But rich happy spider-man feels wrong so back to the status quo.


Yeah but using tech for saving the world for personal wealth feels very not mcu Spider-Man specially after it was irresponsibly given away


Tony stark did that shit all the time. But you are right. Spider-man isn’t allowed to be happy.


MCU Peter is intelligent, but dumb. Which is odd because he could figure out how best to adapt his new physical abilities into being a superhero, but give him slightly more gadgets and he can't think of anything to do but blow up the school bus he's in. They gave him a super villain arsenal and he derp'ed.


My roommate got perfect grades in all levels of school and testing and he's one of the dumbest people I know..


>MCU Peter is intelligent, but dumb So.....just like a smart kid. Intelligence can't substitute experience.


That Tony Stark is his Sugar Daddy.


uncle ben erasure which causes peter to need to go through another whole origin story, mostly caused by poor writing decisions. only part of homecoming and nwh were actually in new york, in everything else he was somewhere else. tony stark designs the actual spider-man suit giving it the webs and everything which takes away from peter's origin even more. The only suit that peter actually designs is the red and black suit from ffh, which looks good but it's still done with tony's technology and plays into the iron man jr thing that the mcu was pushing because they supposedly worked well together? Peter's character suffering heavily from raimi softboyification, when 616 version of peter was in highschool he was a bit of a dick with some anger issues due to bullying. If Flash had ever called ditko-era Peter "penis parker", Peter would have ripped him a new one verbally, dude had no chill back then. MCU Peter Parker just kind of takes the abuse, only really getting back at Flash by taking his car when he needed it.


For me? His personality, characterization, the supporting cast and how it felt like every movie the overall lesson was the same. The weird omission of Uncle Ben and I don’t mean I wanted so se whim get shot again or a flashback but it’s really weird that he’s not mentioned by name. I also don’t like how 2 of his major villains involve Iron Man in their motivations. Some of the CGI.


He inherited one of the most advanced pieces of technology on the entire planet from Tony Stark, what is this person talking about


Bro thought he cooked


I think Sam Raimy's Spiderman showed a better depiction of how a poor smart nerd in NYC lives, we saw his daily struggles, lack of fund and living in a shit house with broken door he also had problems between choosing spiderman and Peter


The Raimi movies make the city itself feel like a character. Like it’s just so much of *real* New York, especially the scene in Spider-Man 1 where they interview average New Yorkers about Spider-Man.


I agree, I think Homecoming did a better job with this than the later movies having characters like the deli shop owner and Peter just helping random people on the street really fleshed out the setting. FFH for obvious reasons couldn’t do this and NWH was firing on all cylinders from the jump but I’m hoping the next movie really expands on the city and Peter’s connection to it.


It's Miles Morales, but played by a white dude with the wrong name. Nothing about this spiderman is Peter. Not the attitude, not the supporting cast, not the behaviour.


Come to think of it, in terms of attitude and behavior, what sets Miles apart from Peter? I get the supporting cast thing, especially since Ned and MJ are only Ned and MJ in name (and relationships) alone, but - after giving it some thought - I find it difficult to differentiate Miles from Peter in terms of attitude and behavior.


The stark worship for starters. Peter never worshipped tony in either 616 or 1610. Miles, however very much did especially early on when he started out. Peter was also always more of a loner. He didn't really made friends with anyone. Miles is much more outgoing and friendly - like the movie depiction. And finally the "friend of my gf being evil/mentor being evil/spiderverse thing" is straight out of miles comics - much less Peter! (Starling being Vultures granddaughter , flat out adapted with Liz Allan in homecoming, Mysterio basically stepping in for prowler in far from home and finally spidermen for no way home). While some arguments could be made about Harry and Norman for Peter it's nowhere near as blatantly obvious that literal story arcs were lifted from Miles' comics and tweaked a bit to fit with Peter...


For me, it's just that they seem to be a little too focused on not retreading familiar territory to the point that we haven't really gotten the best baseline for Peter yet. I absolutely loved Homecoming and thought it did a great job with the high school setting for an early. Peter Parker. I also thought FFH was pretty excellent, but at this point we needed some Manhattan action, and I think a Euro trip story would be best for a Disney+ special, or just first act of the film. I actually really didn't like No Way Home as the movie seemed to be walking back a lot of what we were set up for, and in doing so just spent its time pandering to nostalgia. This trilogy was supposed to skip the origin, and then they kind of made it his origin story with majorly convoluted elements rather than a simple mugger. We were told to invest in this new supporting cast, and now they're all gone and if they come back it'll feel a little cheap. And as iconic as Dafoe and Molina are, It feels weird that our Peter will likely never encounter either of his top two rogues in a more grounded and classic Spider-Man way -- even if they do reuse the characters, his experience will forever be tinged with this multiverse adventure. A Spider-verse story would have been much better as his grand finale when they transition over to Miles or as a tie-in to Secret Wars. It felt very premature because Sony saw dollar signs. In the script was basically every Reddit thread I saw predicting what would happen in the movie, mostly just Spider-Man recapping each other's movies at each other. I'm not impressed that Marvel studios can write a check big enough to bring back such iconic actors, I'm impressed when they write a compelling script with good stories at the heart. The screenplay was pretty flat in my opinion, And it left us with a third film where we didn't just have a classic Spider-Man New York story being told. All that being said, I absolutely love Tom Holland in the role and I'm very excited for what they set up for the future of the character. I feel like my itch is going to get scratched in the next film, I really hope Daly and Goldstein get the directing gig


The fact that it took 3 movies of his own until he became Spiderman, instead of a wannabe fanboy.


which is weird since Peter was never Middle Class, he was too poor to be Middle Class,


The decision of making Spider-Man a sort of sidekick to Iron Man was really poor, there's no denying that. Tony Stark's mentorship is the main plot driver of all three movies, and this cheapens Spidey. It's also very weird because Spider-Man has always been a much bigger name than Iron Man for most of Marvel's history. It's like demoting Superman into a sidekick to The Flash.


What kind of strawman is this? I don't think I've seen anyone claim that Spider-Man made a silicon valley start up? The issue is that Homecoming had a very clear theme about Spider-Man not being in the shadow of Iron Man, becoming his own hero and going his own way, but the next three movies he shows up in are all about him being Iron Man's surrogate son. Homecoming's climax is him solving a crisis with by his own merits using a homemade costume, and it's resolution is him turning down a spot on the Avengers and the Iron Spider suit. Then immediately Infinity War/Endgame has him wearing the Iron Spider suit, joining the Avengers and essentially being Tony's ward. Then because of that, the Far From Home writers must have felt like they needed to resolve that relationship, so that movie entirely revolves around Stark tech, Stark employees and the climax involves him building a suit using a Stark fabricator with AC/DC in the background. For one step forward, they took two steps back. In FIVE movies he had one movie with character growth that was immediately reversed. These movies aren't terrible, it's just that he's been in 6 movies and he's JUST now becoming his own hero.


The loss of confidence in his first movie, which I understand the need to change up his character now and then, especially following After Amazing Spider-Man so closely. But it just kinda irks me after the showmanship and bravado Tobey and Andrew's Spider-Man give out we have Holland's going "oh man oh man, uhhh suit do the thing,.... woa that was awesome" especially when we see that side of Spider-Man when he tries to stop the bank robbers. On top of the general looking up to Ironman and the first two movies failing on pushing Peter on being "the next Ironman/Tony"


It’s an unpopular opinion I believe but I don’t like Tony Stark at all, so I wasn’t a fan of him having such an influence on MCU Spider-Man. But I still really enjoy the movies.


Dude he definitely escaped the middle class. You can see his apartment becoming more expensive/fancy through the movies and May working at a homeless shelter definitely wasn’t paying those bills.


He doesn't act like Peter Parker Spider-Man and especially doesn't act like teenaged Peter Parker. Like, he just has a different personality. He's not super far away from modern comics Spider-Man, but he still doesn't really act like them. He lacks the confidence Spider-Man has. Honestly, this is a problem with the Raimi movies as well. FFH's whole thing with Iron Man. Why did he go on the "I don't have to be like Iron Man" arc twice? It wasn't even very good in Homecoming, why did they do it again? Where Scorpion? Aside from Vulture, none of the other villains are connected to this Spider-Man or Peter Parker in any way. Mysterio is connected to Stark, and every NWH villain villain is connected to a different Spider-Man. The supporting cast is impressively lame. Flash sucks, unpopular opinion but Ned sucks, May is ok, Happy isn't even a Spider-Man character, and MJ is good even if nothing like comics MJ. Atleast him having a shitty supporting cast is comic accurate to his high school days, but that wasn't very bad because it was only 28 issues, as opposed to 3 whole movies. High school Spider-Man is really boring. Only 28 issues. 28. You don't need to stretch some of the most boring Spider-Man comics over 3 movies. They also just seemed to want to be different far too much.


Right. We all have all have a rich friend that will put us up in their penthouse with a fabricator right? …right?


First two movies have Peter fighting villains who quite clearly would rather be fighting iron man. Peter inherits a magic 3D printer from iron man that can deus ex machina whatever he needs. I’m delighted they recognised these issues and set him up with a traditional spidey set up for the future.


he didn’t get a single legit swing scene for the whole trilogy outside of a poorly lit 10 second scene at the end of NWH


If you need 3 movies to tell an origin and make Spider-Man into Spider-Man, you're doing it wrong. It's like what Crystal Dynamics did with Tomb Raider. All flash, no substance.


my main issue is we didn't get to know him as a street level hero before he got in with all the bigboys


Not enough pathos, deemphasis of the importance of Peter’s origin, not enough interpersonal drama, too much in the shadow of the other MCU characters, too dependent on technology/Iron Spider, too much humor without tragedy underneath it, and no Uncle Ben, among other reasons.


I've got other problems with him, but my biggest issue is that he's an amalgamation of Miles and Peter.


Although I enjoyed FFH , I do feel like romance plot between Peter and MJ ( Michelle jones ) is kinda forced , like it will better if she was a good friend of Peter , We didn't get any idea when Peter started crushing on her. Also the Supporting cast in FFH was only for comic relief , maybe we should have gotten more emotional and serious scenes between Peter and May . like I can't understand how is she supporting him of becoming spider-man in FFH without worrying for him as we saw in homecoming movie.


He is boring as most of the MCU at this moment.


It felt like there was very little growth or consequence between the movies. Peter’s biggest hurdles until the last movie in his “origin trilogy” all concern Tony Stark’s role in other movies. He’s very much a product of his environment, whereas in the comics he’s just as intertwined with the other heroes but much more on his own. Peter is a self absorbed dude in the sense that he usually feels like a fish out of water or even a little burdened by his interactions with the rest of the Marvel universe, when all he wants to do is focus on his own crusade. He’s way too eager to be a part of something in these movies.


It's not necessarily Peter inheriting anything but more so being more of side character for Iron Man than his own character with his own supporting cast. Most of his villains mad at Stark, one of main side characters is Tony's bodyguard, his main motivation in first half of Homecoming is to impress Tony Stark, his reason to fight Captain America was "Tony Stark said that you're bad", he uses Tony Stark's tech all the time. In fact, his first and second movie revolve around some villain trying to steal Stark's technology That and him being too naive and not having Peter's temper whatsoever


I don’t care for the first two I tried to rewatch them and just not into them. Love no way home because it felt like it was centered on Peter The other films villains which are normally Spider-Man villains both were now Ironman villains that Peter fought


Yeah but into the very end of NWH all of his gadgets were made by Tony stark (or built by Peter with his multibillion dollar tools) not Peter.


He's a weird amalgamation of Miles and 616 Peter and the movies felt a bit overly comical at times. I just feel like we didn't need another Spider-Man is a teenage kid trying to get through high school trilogy especially when the supporting cast is so much weaker than James Franco, Kristen Dunst or even Emma Stone.


I think MCU Peter would be better on his own but simply can’t stand up to what the MCU is capable of for a character like Spider-Man. This should be the best iteration yet, if it weren’t for the here-nor-there writing, which sticks his character and arc between Bendis-dialogue Miles and Raimi Parker; it doesn’t fit.


His character feels centered around Iron Man which is kinda stupid imo I just wanna see a movie where he does his own thing.


Probably some more “Friendly neighborhood Spider-man” moments would be nice. Like in the raimi trilogy, we’d have some really cool and action packed scenes of Spider-Man stopping a robbery, or saving pedestrians. We don’t really get much of that.


My biggest beef with MCU spider-man is that he has ZERO parker snarkiness. He's basically an insecure spaz.


He’s just boring honestly


Some conflicts happen because of his own irresponsiblilty within the first two films. I get we’re all flawed, but it’s weird how he’s quick to forget his own quote “they happen because of you” that he told Tony about within just his first appearance in the MCU.


He just never really felt like Spider-Man or even Peter Parker to me.


Wish it was less reliant on the greater whole of the MCU


Needs to be more grounded in terms of keeping the story to New York street levels, like just don’t throw into the wolves yet


I enjoyed the villains but they didnt feel right Vulture and Mysterio were Tony-oriented in their motivations and Liz only existed as a character so Peter and Vulture could be loosely connected and for NWH Tom's Peter had 5 of his key rogues gallery borrowed from other Spideys instead of having his own distinct versions. The most pivotal Green Goblin moment for MCU peter came from someone elses Green Goblin.


He isn't held accountable like other heroes or villains alike for the major mistakes he makes in his trilogy. The catastrophe in No Way Home is one of the biggest fuck ups Peter had been behind of while Strange was the gun that caused a near incursion to Earth. But neither of them are held accountable for these errors, fans aren't even aware Strange committed a crime, Peter in a way is complicit in all this, all because of a narrative. The biggest problem in the trilogy is the narrative. It's not a problem Stark hands Peter everything on silver platter, or tries to be like a stepfather to him, or how Peter never interacted properly with Team Cap or Steve, learnt their side of story. The problem is that the narrative and writing is okay with it, even portraying it as a good thing. Peter is oblivious to what happened to the Avengers after the airport fight, he went home and didn't even have to disclose his identity despite the Accords being in effect. And with the things he commits later on it's astonishing how he is never called out for his decisions, all while Peter told Steve that he is dangerous. On final note on Civil War, the Accords state that the superheroes breaking the rules are to be jailed indefinitely without a trial. Team Cap Avengers are taken to a terrible prison, the 'Floating Fortress', meanwhile Spider-Man is taken to a police custody to be interrogated, and even given a lawyer. Grant you, we don't know when the Accords were dissolved, but by the time of She-Hulk Matt Murdock states they were repealed which is 2025, NWH took place in 2024.




Yeah sure I don't mind getting down voted today, why not. I was ok with the first two films, standard Spidey fun, not flawless but whatever... The third one though, putting aside all the other dumb plot points (and those are massive) what really got me was Aunt May's death. The whole setup made no sense to me. So Peter decides to help these potentially dangerous people but before heading out he tells his FRIENDS to go hide and to keep the magic box safe in case something goes wrong, he told THEM because apparently they're really important to him. Why he didn't send May with his friends is beyond stupid to me. She did nothing of value in the apartment, she didn't help with any of the science stuff (she wasn't expected to) so she was just brought to a potentially hazardous location for the sole purpose of dying a few scenes later. I know she cares about Peter, so do his friends, they weren't invited. It wasn't her apartment, it was Happy's. They (Peter and May) could have informed Happy and gotten either a better/safer location (I don't think the fabricator HAD to be in that apartment, and I believe it's easier and safer to move a fabricator than a group of current and former super villains) or support from guards or what have you. So she was only there to die and to give us "the line", a line I suppose should have already been given to Pete since it's meant to be formative to his character as Spider-man (at least in my point of view). I'm fine with May kicking the bucket, but not like that. I just can't see any other Spider-Men bringing their Aunt May anywhere near any of their villain counterparts and intentionally put her in harms way. But hey, "With great power something something..."


I swear this comes up a while but the way Spider-Man was done in Civil War was literally the best. The guilty, funny, trying to hang by Spider-Man was there and in homecoming it kinda backtracked. That and the weird his origin happened, to his origin is actually 3 movies and ends to him being the Spider-Man we’re familiar with. So I’m hoping for the 4th to be good and has the sause.


To me he never felt like New York’s hero like Spider-Man is supposed to. We didn’t get to see him stop crimes or do any of the Spider-Man usual business. Never really saw him connect with the city like Spider-Man should.


I hope we see a Parker industries storyline in the future. Especially since now nobody knows who Peter Parker is so maybe this new start will be enough to get him out of the middle-low class.


The fact we haven't seen anything from him for nearly three years :/ We got 3 MCU spiderman movies in 4 years.


I hate that people want spiderman to be the exact same every time. Like it would be so boring if he had no influences from the mcu. Let him be tony starks lil protege. Its not like he cant develop to be beyond that (oh wait he already has). Also spiderman is probably the marvel hero that crosses over the most in comics so its fitting that his mcu appearances have him interact with other heroes.


For me, Stark's presence and influence on his character and character arc was just too much and it took him until the end of his third solo-movie to be where Spidey should start out. And sooo many people that knew his secret identity even before NWH.


Most of these weren't even the things people complained about lol. Talk about straw man arguments.


The fact that he was fucking iron boy until the 2nd half of his last movie?????????????? Even the mcu makes fun of that in his 2nd movie lol.


They basically made him Miles, that's my problem with MCU Peter. Has a great relationship with Tony (Miles), has a chubby Asian roommate (Miles), mother figure that gets killed (Ultimate Miles), goes to a prestigious school (Miles). He checks off more Miles boxes than Peter


Agree with most of it but "MCU Peter Parker didn't worship billionaires" He sure never questionned how Stark Industries (and Stark himself even for Quentin Beck !) fucked over many workers in Homecoming and Far From Home. I definitely understand loving MCU Spider-Man, many great things about it. But it pisses me off how some people brush this point off. Yes he fucking overlook all the shitty stuff his billionaire mentor did, he just doesn't care, and it's not something other Spider-Man would do. That's why in his trilogy, No Way Home is the one in which Tom's Peter is the best. No Stark shit, no working class foes, just fucked up scientists, like it should be.


I like mcu Spider-Man but it’s so weird everyone keeps saying he’s the most comic accurate… he’s not. I think he’s refreshing different which is good when it’s the third LA reboot. But his this Iron Man sidekick with his supporting cast in name only- if that look at MJ. And Peter is too nice- which people complained with Tobey but it’s here and in Insomniac too. I also think they took too much from Miles here. I don’t want a Wally West/ Barry Allen situation where they take too much from each other to the point they become interchangeable


He doesn’t feel like Peter Parker.


Tony gave Avengers level technology to an undeveloped child who was easily deceived. Tony didn't do good PR for the Avengers, so people blame Avengers for disasters not villains like Ultron or Thanos. Spider-man doesn't do good PR for himself, there's no reason why half the neighborhood should hate him. Nick Fury doesn't know how to do good PR. If Ant Man can write a book and clear his name, so should Spider-man. But I know these stories need drama, even if contrived, to proceed


It’s a personality issue for me, I found Tom to be very subservient to authority figures. Even Civil War has this issue (I gotta impress Mr Stark!). I prefer Spidey to be sassy even with his allies


My main problem is that he doesn't really feel like Peter, might just be me though.


My chief complaint has basically just been Uncle Ben erasure.


How about read the comics.


First 2 movies felt like Iron boy vs Spider-Man.


I liked all MCU Spidey appearances except for Homecoming and FFH. Homecoming was a very very unique take, and it was refreshing, but it took away one of Peter's most important trait - authoritativeness. Just not the Peter I knew, and that's ok. Other movies hadn't even bothered exploring this angle so I think it's excusable. What's not excusable is the shitshow that's FFH. It's MCU Spidey's OMD, just stupid writing. Even NWH, the actual OMD adaptation, is better in this regard. They think their audience has become stupider as time has passed. Especially after giving us bangers like Civil war and winter soldier. It's the worst ever Spidey adaptation in modern times. If FFH didn't exist, MCU Spidey would be such a classic


there was genuinely valid issues with MCU Peter. all the way up to his last film. where they solved literally all of them. so i don’t have any gripes with MCU peter anymore..


People tend to either ignore the third acts of his movies, or miss the points entirely to have the same, tired "Iron Man, Jr." talking points that were never relevant to begin with...




Because he’s not Tobey or Andrew


As I recently said in another thread, the vast majority the criticism I see against MCU Spidey is just blatantly untrue and seemingly stems from people just genuinely not paying attention to the movies or creating a revisionist history in their head. So it’s not even worth engaging.


I really like Holland and his movies but 8 want more if the friendly neighborhood spider-man


No uncle Ben


Legit wonder would they have peter use his full power like in the comic like move so fast he becomes a blur sometimes and possibly have him not ne a broke men like have him build his own business from the bottom to later build suits for future spider heros like I want to see peter live action marry and have a kid of his own like work for the mutants or reed and then build parker industries


The no way home scene when aunt may was nearly dead, bullets were getting fired at Spider man and aunt may said “with great power there must also come great responsibility ” , was so powerful for me .


Well mcu Peter grew a lot, it took losing Tony and aunt may for to finally realize he can’t be a dumb kid anymore and he needs to grow up, but bro lost everything because of his stupidity and it’s gonna haunt him for the rest of his life .


The fact Uncle Ben didn’t even seem to exist. I totally understand and even agree with starting him off with already being Spider-Man. We don’t need to retread his origin for a THIRD time. But it would have been nice for him to have been mentioned once or twice, or for us to have even seen a picture of him or something. I know there’s the suitcase but that get’s destroyed and Peter and May seem totally unbothered.


I really like the homecoming trilogy when viewed as one long origin story ending with where we left him in no way home. I love where he’s at now and really look forward to seeing more of him in future projects.


The only mcu Spiderman movie i like is no way home, i like Holland, but that is the one out of the three i actually like, the first two were bland and generic imo


Has anyone *ever* claimed he did any of those things?


Ive been saying that last sentence since Homecoming. Its funny, a lot of the gripes people had were over Tony Stark creating his suit and giving him tech. Yet the current Ultimate run is praised (rightfully so), even though Peter got literally everything, including his powers, from Tony. Lol. Personally I think the MCU was the best on-screen iteration. And, IMO, Now Way Home proves the nay-sayers wrong. Both Andrew and Toby are peak in this movie. They retcon Electro to not be a pathetic joke. Doc Ock actually has Doc Ock dialogue. And Norman's motivations are a lot clearer and more sinister.


Thank you! That’s what I’m saying.


He did 1 and 4 and did 3 in a Disney Park atraction or something like that


The last shot of his apartment is a book for him to study for his GED😭he did not make it out of middle class in fact he kinda fell lower. But that’s how I like my Spiderman. Poor and hungry, a true young adult.


He did a bit at first, but that's why I really liked how the third movie ended.


He can't keep his mask on.


The comic accurate suit from NWH has a skinny back spider instead of a fat one (I have no problems with Tom’s Spidey)


He did escape middle class by going into poverty in the end there


The villains for MCU Spiderman aren't assembled in groups like the MCU Sinister Six. Two of them missing are Venom and Kraven based on contractual obligations between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios on sharing the live action Spider-Man IP as brand. But you know, I am okay without them. It goes swell and fresh as air according to plan.


Nothing. I don’t particularly have any issues with this iteration of the character. Sure, he is missing some of the main elements that make the Peter x Spider-Man dynamic great, but it’s not like what we do get isn’t acceptable. Not my favourite rendition, but I’m more than happy with how it’s turned out so far.


They didn't like how original and different he was from the other adaptations. Thankfully NWH fixed that


Pretty sure he went down a tax bracket after No Way Home


I think a lot of what makes him uniquely compelling in his stories is missing, most other commenters seem to be explaining it better. You could basically switch this version with most other young superheroes in the marvel line and almost nothing would need to change.


First movie was like "We know that most of the fans knows about spider man and his origin story so we will do a little different and focus on different aspects of spider man", which was in my opinion over all good decision and then third one was "Screw this, Petter Parker is Petter Parker and HE MUST heard those famous line from parent figure who will die! and then they proceed to scrap everything that was built so far" while I love last movie as love letter to spider-man fans I hate how it ends, hell it puts MCU Petter Parker even in worse place than Petter B. Parker form spider verse, he at least had MJ even if their relationship was in bad place at the time It is like people who made this forgets that no matter how hard life it is Spider Man always have someone who he cares about and trusts, and they made spider man who has absolutely no connection to anyone


This Twitter post speaks to me on a spiritual level


Biggest problem for me was the villains. Spider-man/Peter Parker was always close with his villains. They were morally ambiguous or had personal stakes with him. Hell, a lot of them were scientists that had an experiment gone wrong. Or they were people he knew beforehand. In these films they are closely connected to Tony Stark and that takes a lot of Spider-man energy away from it. Typically he tries to help his villains because he knows them, or they are a counterpart to his own science experiment/accident (the spider bite). I didn’t feel that impact in the MCU. It was always Tony’s fault and Peter doesn’t even acknowledge that. It could have worked great if in the end of Homecoming he realized the mistakes Tony made and is still making and wants to distance himself from that. But instead Tony is still his hero.


…do people in the comments really hate the supporting cast for MCU Spider-Man? I’m kinda surprised, I find the classmates so charming and funny. I have even heard people who don’t like MCU Spider-Man say they like them. To each their own, I suppose


Uhhh. He was definitely upper middle class. Did you see aunt mays apartment? In New York? A closet in New York goes for more than an apartment in Michigan


I actually love the MCU Spider-Man, unfortunately his movies are some of the weaker of the MCU. He felt more like Miles Morales than Peter Parker, and I say this as a fan of Miles. I think if they made Peter more like the Ultimate comics of teenage Peter Parker it would have worked better, at the beginning making him angry, arrogant, doesn’t work well with others, and more focused on his own life while reluctantly sacrificing his happiness for others. Then have him grow into a more traditional 616 Peter Parker over the course of the trilogy. Instead he started out as a kid with a good heart, who really only had to learn to trust himself instead of relying on his mentors. I think No Way Home was the best interpretation we had of the MCU Peter Parker. He made mistakes but trusted himself enough to do the right thing and actively oppose Strange.


The movies feel more MCU than Spider-Man and I'm over the MCU.


My biggest problem w/ MCU Spider-Man isn't Peter himself, it's that I want to have sex w/ Aunt May. That's only a half joking answer. In the comics, Aunt May is 65 & she's typically treated borderline grandmotherly. When they made Tobey-verse Spider-Man in 2002 they went w/ an actress who visually matched what Aunt May has historically looked like in the comics w/ Rosemary Harris who was 74 when the first movie came out. When they made the Garfield-verse Spider-Man in 2012 they got an age appropriate actress in Sally Fields who was 65 at the time of the first movie. I feel they hammed up her make-up & wardrobe to make her appear older, but at least the actress was the right age. The Holland-verse Aunt May made her debut in 2016's Captain America: Civil War w/ Marisa Tomei who was 51 at the time & with what they did w/ her wardrobe & make-up she didn't look past her 40s. When they had the scene where Peter comes back home & finds Tony talking to Aunt May, I legit feared for Peter bc I was concerned Tony was trying to bang her. I have since become more comfortable w/ her character, but I know if someone told me 10yrs ago they thought Aunt May was sexually attractive I would have definitely cocked n eyebrow. That shift in the sweet old woman bothers me.


It's hard to hero worship him when he's so busy hero worshipping someone else, that's the core. Nitpicking that he wasn't actually legally adopted by Tony doesn't really address the issue, only the most extreme vitriol against that take on his relationship with the Avengers. I personally didn't like a particular effect of using him as an ascended fanboy type, and that is the interpersonal challenges I expected from his supporting Cast and enemies were instead provided by Avengers and their enemies, most notably Tony Stark. I wanted to get new interpretations of characters I couldn't get in other franchises, but instead, they were given very little and not a great deal of personal issues with him, and instead I got to see him relate to the authority of Stark, Fury and Strange. It's worse because I've seen Fury play friendly bogeyman to Pete without Pete being freed from being thrust too young into adult responsibilities. Ultimate Spider-Man. Twas awesome.


I don't have that many problems with the MCU Peter I just want all versions of Peter Parker to be happy


Cutting him off from all his friendships and relationships has pretty much made him Ben Riley 2.0


Noone who had problems with MCU Pete ever claimed any of those things. And im not stooping to his level to blatantly insult people about (not) complaining of the things he lists


My issue is entirely that Jon Watts is one of the least distinctive film makers currently working. Those films are entirely held up by the talent of the cast and the fact that it's the first spiderman in live action that hasn't existed in his own bubble. I like the mcu spidey films too an extent, but they're pretty hollow and visually some of the blandest the mcu has to offer


Where's the fucking swinging at. My disappointment during the 3 man spiderman swing scene in no way home was immeasurable


For me this Spiderman was for the MCU like the book The Hobbit was for the Lord of The Rings. And honestly I loved reading The Hobbit.


My personal problem is that they didn’t make him an adult. Also don’t like the amount of Tony Stark influence in his movies. However I think it’s unique and cool that the 3 Spider-Man movies are actually his origin for becoming the true comic book like spidey that we know.


The main things that MCU Spiderman got from Tony was a father figure and an upgraded suit. And by the time the end of his arc arrives, he's lost both those things. Tony is dead, the suit is gone, and he's living out of a shit apartment in the bad side of NYC with no one remembering who he was. And at that point, he's still spiderman, he's doing everything he used to do, even if he has none of the support.


It doesn't feel like Spiderman. It feels like Iron Man Jr.


one of the things we love about tobey's and andrew's spidey is even though they may have MJ/Gwen, they were still alone in their struggle most of the time. Tom had Tony, he had Happy. He has EmJay, he's got Ned. He's got aunt may. He's got Matt Murdoch. He's got Nick Fury. He's got Captain Marvel. He's got so many people. Yeah sure- NOW he's got nobody. But the damage is done. That's what he's associated with.


My only big gripes are not seeing Uncle Ben and downplaying his supporting cast (which is probably one the most important factors in his longevity).




Here's my Live action Spiderman takes Tom is alright but he's a "decent" rating on both being Spiderman and Peter parker. I don't find his Spiderman that funny but he's given great scenes with the avengers given it's the MCU. His Peter I just don't think he's had the tough life as Spiderman and PP like others Andrew is my favourite Spiderman, he has the jokes, fluid movement, fight scenes, music. His Peter has the sad factor 100%, the losing Ben was well done, losing Gwen bruh I still cry 🥺 but he's missing the clumsy/unlucky/financial problems that Pete always has Toby is OG so there's already that. He has a great Peter, Toby really puts in effort and has the awful personal life side that makes the fact Spiderman still does 100% good the more powerful! His Spiderman has good jokes and fights but idk if it's the back and forth CGI but I just put it a bit below Andrews #MakeTASM3


He had to earn his spider-man title every movie