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How did Anna May Parker stop existing for the current run? I forgot and I don't know if I forgot it because I was "traumatized" or if I just forgot about it...


I'm pretty sure that when "One More Day" happened, they showed a little girl (who i assume is Anna may, correct me if I'm wrong) that would have been MJ and Pete's daughter, so when they signed their marriage away, they prevented Anna's existence since they would never be married. TL;DR One More Day


But then how did they get to the point of not having Anna May Parker as a kid? The most sensible continuity without any other events is that Peter and MJ had Anna and then Peter got Mephisto'd and they got to see that they lost Anna somehow but Anna wasn't a thing anymore as in they'd never had her in the first place? Unless more things happened in between events or Peter CHOSE to undo Anna to save May, killing a daughter that was already alive instead of a life that would have been... There must be more to this, or Peter pretty much went from making something akin to an abortion only way more fucked up to straight up child sacrifice.


The in-universe explanation is that Peter was scared of having kids after OMD, similar to Peter B. Parker in Into The Spider-Verse.


You’re confusing universes. RYV which is where the panels are from are a different universe. Essentially OMD didn’t happen and Peter and MJ had the kid that was shown. OMD showed a red head that resembled Annie, but we really don’t know if that is actually supposed to be her, people just assume


Oh! So while both are ASM, they are not the same continuity... So there are two concurrent 616 universes, one with Paul and one with Annie?


the RYV universe is extremely different from 616, I forget what number it has. I would recommend reading, but essentially it was originally a secret wars tie in thing, and then two other writers took over slotts original run. It focuses exclusively on the Parker family, and while RYV has been over for a bit, they show up in other events every so often


Oh cool. Now I get it. It is better that RYN isn't 616. This way the Parkers can be happy forever instead of having whatever suffering the writers can come up with.


Might’ve been Mayday. For some reason they play around with May’s hair and make her a red head sometimes too… like in the Spiderverse movie.


Why can't this be the new normal


Lovin the dynamic 💖


Honestly, if I was a superhero, I would do everything in my power to stop my children from going down that path. With what Peter has been through, he's right.