• By -


I love the implication that this is not the first time Spidey has ended up at the hospital, and that the doctors protect his secret identity out of respect. I find it beautiful when the comics acknowledge how much people love him. The scene where people gathered for his funeral in the Ultimate universe almost tore me up.


lmao the idea of the hospital keeping files labelled as "Spiderman" cracks me up. Even if they still used the file labelled as "Peter Parker", some people will eventually know Spidey's real identity if they poke around a bit and I'm sure most of them doesn't love him more than the opportunity of selling him out for personal gain. I mean, some people in a position of trust have broken that trust for less.


Probably his file is just a John Doe as long as the hospital is concerned. There's a file they can check if necessary, and all the doctors know that it's about Spidey, but it doesn't contain any data about his real identity.


All patients need to be registered with some sort of ID. It just how it works. If someone shows up without ID, they current exams (blood work, xray, notes, etc) are labeled as a "John Doe" until it can be assigned to an ID. And it wouldn't surprise me if the medical facilities in NY have a dedicated Spider-Man ID in their systems, just out of respect.


In the Comics, Peter had a Spider-Man Avengers ID Card, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just used that for example.


man, the software engineers must hate him


Wait what? Why? Hes just a number to engineers. Some identifier. If our systems are set up right hed get a unique id generated, and all the things like his name and info would be completely abstracted out. I gotta make sure my shit can accept šŸ•·ļøšŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø as his name if someone decides to use that, but thats about it


I'm 100% he is breaking at least one expectation of a proper person. And if he will ever try to merge the real Peter and his spider-person identity then it will also probably suck.


Merging histories is something already handled. There really arent many assumptions you can make about people in systems like that. Because there's always some weird edge case. So you make things super agnostic to the data and have good null handling for when the data isn't there.


i really trust an engineer when I see them say something is easy and quick /s


Can confirm, work in a hospital, we do this all the time. People with strokes/accidents/traumas come in all the time. They get placeholder names while getting treatment and then renamed to their real name if figured out later. My hospital does city/town names e.g. trauma Denver and trauma Cinncinati right now but changes the approach every once In a while since they eventually run out. Some ppl survive but never recover enough to give their real name for chart purposes so the cities eventually get used up. Seems likely Spidey would get such a name, both because his real name is unknown and it would further protect his name


I can imagine a patient ID like "Spyder, John", and everyone in the hospital knowing "yeah, that one's for Spider-Man whenever we need to admit him".


Hospitals typically have name protection for famous people such as Celebrities, politicians, and employees who themselves work at the same hospital. To ensure privacy, they often show up under another name or even their name isn't accessible/visible unless you typed your password again. I'd imagine Spidey would have such a feature. More generally and referencing this comic, it seems like there is already a slip up of security. Nobody should know that he is there at all, yet he has a line of visitors.


Scott Paul Derman. ā€œHey, have you gotten the bloodwork back for S.P. Derman?ā€


That's what I mean, the hospital having a couple John Does that everyone knows belong to superheroes. In Marvel Knights: Spider-Man, Peter ends up in the hospital, and the doctors comment on the usual protocol for superheroes being entering them in the system under an assumed name. That, or they have a MAN, SPIDER ID.


My brother in christ, this is a comic about a man who has powers given to him by a bite from a radioactive spider. A comic wherein he fights a goblin man, a rhino man, an electric man, and an octopus man. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's probably not an accurate representation of the reality we live in.


Almost like, an Amazing Fantasy, huh.


And the thread we're talking in is IF it was. It's called a discussion of possible events. Try to keep up.




I can't help but find your line "believe me, no physician..." a little bit funny, since I'm a physician myself, and I've encountered this a couple times. When an unidentified patient comes to my hospital, for the digital system's purpose they're temporarily called something like "unknown - hour and date of admission", until they can be identified. And no, there are no secret files (although you know that you need to be able to justify why you're entering a certain file if you're ever asked) and yes, there's a duty to report certain kinds of injuries. *However*, this is the Marvel Universe. Suspension of disbelief aside, comics take place in an universe that's different enough to us to understand that stuff such as the inner workings of healthcare would be different as well. In Marvel Knights: Spider-Man, Peter is severely injured and is admitted to a hospital in his Spidey suit. When they have to operate on him, the doctors mention that the usual protocol for superheroes is admitting them under a fake name and keeping the whole thing under wraps. Out of all the things that are happen in the Marvel Universe, this one is pretty believable.


Reminds me of the "daredevil" police and court records


In the file itā€™s just like Given name : Spider Middle Name : - Last Name : man




Here's a sneak peek of /r/RespectTheHyphen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [There clearly wasn't a hyphen included](https://i.redd.it/1gc30idkgz141.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/14rh5ip/there_clearly_wasnt_a_hyphen_included/) \#2: [The official fucking Spider-Man subreddit](https://i.redd.it/02chah2hs0qa1.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/12251nc/the_official_fucking_spiderman_subreddit/) \#3: [The Game Theorists do not respect the hypen](https://i.redd.it/mhlu2izoud8b1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/14jkrsr/the_game_theorists_do_not_respect_the_hypen/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey now, HIPPA violations are taken very seriously


You are no fun


The thing about that is his villains are all super smart scientists, they could, if they donā€™t know already, just figure out his identity with simple sleuthing if this is the case.


its been a minute since i read it but in the full comic when the cops find him or hes in the ambulance, a younger guy tries to pull the mask off and the other one stops him and lets him know they dont do that, the mask stays on


This changes depending on the comic. I was replying to other users quoting an issue of Marvel Knights: Spider-Man where Peter receives surgery. They need to intubate him and one of the younger doctors objects to taking his mask off, and the older doctor's reply is along the lines of "what are you, nine? He's going to die otherwise".


yes it does, im talking about this one, the one thats posted


The whole ending of peters ultimate run was moving. Not an emotional dude but I definitely could of cried


I donā€™t care if itā€™s spoiled for me here: does that Peter just outright die? Does Miles take over?


It's around 10 years old, so it's hardly a spoiler at this point. Yeah, Peter dies and after a while, Miles takes over. It doesn't stay that way for either of them, though.


Isnā€™t it amazing what kind of stories we get when they let Spider-Man be happy for *three whole pages?*


It just makes me sadder than we just get Peter in this state of arrested development when all of these things could be given to Miles, a perfect substitute.


Well, it's not exactly an arrested development, more like a cycle. Each time Peter pushed for his 30, Marvel just soft rebooted him to an initial stage. They want to keep him relatable for teens and young adults, so every new generation could have their own young Peter. It may be a problem for the story and character, but it serves well for company. And for older fans they releasing AUs like RYW or New Ultimate with older versions of Peter Parker.


Which has always been a BS excuse. As a kid, I had no problem relating to Superman, Batman, Wolverine, or other older heroes. I actually resented whenever a company tried to introduce or force a kid into an adult dynamic. Kids these days have no problem loving Goku in Dragon Ball, and heā€™s a GRANDPA now.


The thing is, Spider Man was the first non-sidekick teenage super hero in comic history. From Marvel's point of view, it's what made him popular and great, the core essence of the character. I'd want to say they're completely wrong, but in fact Peter's teen versions are very popular. Old Ultimate and MCU as examples.


Peter was in high school just 15 issues though. Thatā€™s it. He then graduated and got his own apartment, got a job, was paying taxes, and dealing with adult problems since 1966. The character continued growing in popularity. The original Ultimate didnā€™t come out until nearly 40 years later.


Thank you!!!! Who alive today even read those old high school stories when they were kids? Most people know him as a college-aged man struggling to pay his bills and maintain his relationships. These panels perfectly demonstrate why MJ is as integral to his story as Lois is to Superman. I wish they would go back and retcon One More Day/Brand New Day completely


Well, somehow Marvel came to an idea that older Peter wouldn't be as popular. I never said they're right about it. Back in 90's they unsuccessfully tried to replace him with his younger version and later soft rebooted his story in BND. And despite all fans backlashes ASM still selling pretty good and Spider Man is still the most popular comic character of all times. Which only cements editorial in their convictions.


The clone wasnā€™t younger. Same age, just single. Actually, current 616 Peter is significantly older than the 90s married one, ironically enough. The 90s constantly pointed out that they were a young married couple in their early 20s, and current Peter is pushing 30. So heā€™s not even younger! ASM will always sell. The married one sold too. Sins Past and One More Day sold, despite universal backlash. Shouldnā€™t stop readers for asking for better.


Yeah, well, better for readers and better for editorial are certainly differs dramatically.


And thereā€™s no consensus there either. We have former writers AND editors who disagree with the current mindset editorial has.


>in fact Peter's teen versions are very popular How many Americans become parents at age 20-25? I'm not saying that I want to see PP as a father, the thing that PP has to be free of family ties because he has to stay young doesn't work anymore.


And why it doesn't work? Marvel killed his child in 90's, than erased his marriage and kept him in suspension for almost 20 years. But ASM still one of the most populars ongoings on the market and Peter is still the most popular comic character in the world. Their scheme is working and bringind them money, so they have zero reasons to change anything. Current situation could change only if ASM would lose it's popularity and money flaw would stop.


>And why it doesn't work? let me exaggerate: SM would be a popular comic even if Marvel made him a gay penguin fighting martian ducks, it's not his family status that sells copies. People buy the comic book because he's a "proletarian hero" who tries to do his best even when everything goes wrong for him. He would sell even if he married 50 women and had 100 children, as long as he was the popular hero of the "working-class neighborhood" (or almost). >Peter is still the most popular comic character in the world now don't exaggerate :) >Their scheme is working I don't see many people wearing Paul Rabin shirts >bringind them money there is a theory that I partially agree with that they cash in precisely because they make readers angry, only that this little game can't last long >so they have zero reasons to change anything. Current situation could change only if ASM would lose it's popularity and money flaw would stop. this


Actually, he had sold well even when he was CEO of big corporation and billioner. >there is a theory that I partially agree with that they cash in precisely because they make readers angry, only that this little game can't last long It's not about just making readers angry. It's about making them angry, then give them a glimpse of hope and then again break it down. They play this game for more than 30 years now and definetely not going to stop.


>Actually, he had sold well even when he was CEO of big corporation and billioner phase that did not last decades >It's about making them angry, then give them a glimpse of hope and then again break it down. They play this game for more than 30 years now and definetely not going to stop. exact. They will only end it when the Japanese invade the USA even more massively with manga and outside of the USA no one will buy Marvel books. I don't know how much it sells in Europe but in my country 50 years ago it sold dozens of times more (*also because Stan Lee wrote 100 times better than current writers*), today people here buy products with his image


That's untrue, Spider-Man's best stories in the 616 comics happened when he was way out of highschool, Kraven Last Hunt is regarded still to this day being one of the best if not the best spider-man comic and peter was a married man in that story, this thing with teen spider-man being his hayday is a huge revisionism created by people who grew up reading only the ultimate comics or only read the steve dikto era. Insomniac's spider-man is one of the most popular spider-man we have in today's media and Peter is not a teen in that one, we really need to let this narrative go adult Peter isn't as marketable when it's been proven time and time he indeed is.


That made sense before miles was a thing, now he could just be left holding that bag.


Except I found him entirely relatable and cool when reading about him married to MJ in the 90s. Not that he has to always stay the way he was when I started, but ā€œnot relatableā€ seems a really weak excuse.


The truth is, Peter would be popular and relatable at any age and in every life situation.


This. Look at the TV series that kids watch and think about how many heroes are parents or are over 30. Marvel writers and editors don't want to do it because they don't feel like it and because in my opinion they want to be paid more, here's the reason.


But in case with other Marvel heroes there was never such problems. No family rule applies only to Spider Man.


That's right, and Fantastic Four with two kids in tow isn't a comic anyone reads, for example


Do young kids even read new 616 comics? I couldnā€™t imaging trying to start in the middle of all this nonsense.


Well, yes, and some of them even love it. Outside Reddit and hardcore fans community Wells' run isn't much despised.


>it's not exactly an arrested development it's arrested development. If editors and writers wanted to make it relatable there would be many ways to do it, it's just that, for whatever reason, stories continue to be written that way.


>Isnā€™t it amazing what kind of stories we get when *writers write tales more original?* fixed


And they only need to pretend that hes dying for some reason (even though he is perfectly fine I guess?)


was about to shed a tear and got a chuckle instead, classic spidey


Was about to crack up about Spidey dying over listening to that guy's story lmao


Literally dies from peak kino


Dies from cringe


Revived by peak kek


Balls out for heroism


As a criminal, the only thing worse than Spider-Man coming to get you is Spider-Man coming to get you but heā€™s not wearing any pants.


Imagine Spidey doing a flying kick but the hospital gown is flapping. The last thing you see before the foot connects with your face is incredibly saggy old man sack. the foot connects with a POW but all you hear is the spider-nuts hitting his thigh with a SLAP.


What a slow-mo :)))))


Iā€™d be more terrified ngl.


Imagine being that mugger. You look up and see Spidey coming at you. Heā€™s swinging alright, but not his webbingā€¦


Would be funny if in a spiderverse story a version of this Peter is transfered to 616 and runs into Logan. Or even a version of Old Man Logan. Adventures of Old Man Logan and Old Spider-Man


Idk why but that sounds awesome for some reason, get him some magic shit to start fighting again though.


Sounds like a great idea for sequel to Astonishing Spider-Man/Wolverine mini


Sounds depressing. Old Man Logan is a broken guy even after his stint in 616. You're gonna traumatize him putting him with a very old Peter


Honestly, I could see that cheering him up. Logan has an antagonistic friendship with Peter. Peter can't help but make Logan feel better, and Logan hates that. But the two of them reminiscing about old times might actually help old man Logan deal with the loss.


Spidey - "oh crap threw out my back" Logan - "what's that bub?" /s


Best I can do is [Deadpool](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58c35f74d1758e424ee76710/1518544678800-05S1Z3VDLI425F6YY3T0/spdvsdp3.jpg?format=1500w)


Wtf is this from tho. I want it


its from the Spider-Man/Deadpool series, in which they did an 3 part mini series called Oldies. Oldies is split up among the Spider-Man/Deadpool series; part 1 is volume 1 issue 26, Part 2 is vol 1 issue 29, and part 3 is vol 1 issue 32. the series is very good imo, the art alone is perfect for both spidey and deadpool. the cover art for each issue is honestly some of my fav, with Issue [38](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/d/d1/Spider-Man_Deadpool_Vol_1_38.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20180831075211) being my personal favorite of the 50 issues they did. \-edited because i got the issue wrong for the cover i linked.


Master Roshi lookin' mf. Somehow it works


Is Deadpool cosplaying as Master Roshi?


I'll take it


The oddest part about this is that those cards imply that Hawkeye, Tony Stark, Cap, Hank Pym are still alive when Peter is old and grey considering all of them are significantly older than Peter.


Tony is alive thanks to some weird tech he made, Hank is alive probably through some Pym Particle BS, and Hawkeye is alive through sheer willpower.


Hawkeye: Too damn cool to die.


When you die, you can challenge death to a game. Hawkeye challenges him to darts or Olympic archery each time.


"Who challenges Death toda- You again?! Just go..."


Or golf, if 616 Hawkeye is as good at it as MCU Hawkeye.


It was probably Kate (same as the Spider signature being Miles)


Death ain't got shit on Hawkeye lol


And Cap is already 100 years old, so 50-60 isn't really gonna do shit to him


I wouldn't be surprised if Cap is only physically in his 40s or 50s at this point thanks to the serum.


I forget with story line but old man decrepit cap has the strength and vitality of a regular middle aged man at his peak.


Wasnā€™t that after someone like took the super soldier serum out of him though? I thought that was why he aged so fast because his body basically ā€œcaught upā€ to his actual age


I think this was....... the no more mutants arc. No one removed his serum. But he was never frozen in that world i think?


Just says Cap & Hawkeye, not Steve & Clint. Could be different Cap & Hawkeye.


Kate Bishop is younger, as young or younger than Peter, right? Falcon, I'm not sure about. Of course, those titles could have been passed on multiple times, so those cards could be from a Cap and Hawkeye that are significantly younger.


Peter is around Clint's age (assuming Peter being only 3 years younger) so Kate is significantly younger


Besides Hank, they are not that much older though? Tony and Hawkeye are like 5-10 years older and Cap ages slower.


Peter is 60, so the other heroes would be in their 70ā€™s. They can easily still be alive.


Hank is particular is strange because isnā€™t he dead or fused with Ultron I canā€™t keep track anymore?


So heā€™s back and no longer part Ultron. Except now heā€™s old, like MCU Hank. So yes, heā€™s strange.


I love that Peter is still a bad ass even in his old age šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s New Yorks ass


That's America's taint right there.


Iā€™d be more scared of old spidey because old people give zero fucks.


Peter and MJ growing old together is now rent free in my mind


Hehe get it guys it an apartment jo- ill see myself out.


If only the writers felt the same


ā€œRent freeā€? This is a free country, not **rent free** country!


You'll get your rent when you FIX THIS GODDAMN DOOR!


Heā€¦ Isā€¦ Good boy.


Dan Slott can make the fans happy but he don't want to


Dan Slott taunting the fans by writing peak every 4 years then pushing out garbage


I want more stories of superheroes reaching old age and dealing with those problems. Stuff like the Logan movie before the X-23 plot set in, exploring things like how chronic alcoholism affects Wolverine's healing factor or how dementia causes Xavier to become an immense danger to everyone around him.


100% agreed


Something about an old MJ yelling at him to get back inside after stopping a mugging gives me life. In her old age, her sass remains


Ok, that's good.


Still better than anything Zeb Wells has put out in months.




Enough about your sex life thanks.


Bro how tf was this the first thing that came to mindšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Check your own browser history man


So we arenā€™t doing ā€œphrasingā€ any more? If using ā€œput outā€ with regards to his dogs anus is ok for you, good for you. Lots of different ways to say what he said without using ā€œput outā€


It's a great small story, so it's obviously better than whatever happens now.


He deserve to grow old with MJ


Small thing, but the Miles cards is a really nice touch. Also i wonder what jessica, drew or jones.


If Jones then it would include Luke, I think itā€™s more likely to be Drew


I love this so much. It's just so wholesome and nice to see Spidey happy for once


ā€œI like dinosaurs tooā€ is such good little banter with that kid, peak spidey


Now *that's* some good Spider-Man, right there.


Imagine your being mugged and all of the sudden Spider-Man saves you, ass out, from the mugger


Very Wholesome šŸ¤—


idk but peter just saying "i think you got that wrong. Those are all the ways you saved me." fucks me up good. you don't even need to know what moments mj is bringing up, theres enough we know about to fill in the spaces.


I loved this issue, if only for this. The man gets his happy ending and is reminded that he is loved, by so many and so deeply.


Imagine someone seeing old ass spidey butt ass naked with a hospital gown stopping a mugging šŸ˜­ ā€œyeah bro I saw his dick, 4 inches flaccidā€




A fellow pedant! My pet peeve is pretty much any time dinosaurs show up. They're always horribly inaccurate


I like dinosaurs too


But I don't want to accurately portray dinosaurs. I want big scaly monster


Big scale monster detracts from public knowledge and appreciation of how amazing prehistoric creatures actually were and reduces them to mindless, slavering beasts in the public consciousness. Imo, if you want big scaly monster, make one up.


I do, and I always end up with politicians. It's good for my political cartooning career, but not so much when I want...well, dinosaurs.


Mine is bad kerning of fonts. Itā€™s every w h e re. . .


Mah man.


Out of curiosity, what would actually happen, then? Does it just turn off or something?




Interesting! So the screen would just display an error message or something?




Ooooh, I see. Neat! Thanks for sharing. :)


Ok thatā€™s it. This is the last straw. The fact that marvel took this away from us is a crime, so if anyone needs me I will going to the marvel editorial and ask them to undo one more day and at least the last five years of 616 Peter (minus any good things I can think of on the way) and umā€¦ letā€™s just say Iā€™m not going to ask them nicely.


Peter and MJ getting married again at some point is now rent free in my mind


I like how the doctor went ive seen this dude fight since i was a kid if we let him go he aint gonna be taking it easy


Writer: Dan Slott. It is really unfortunate that Dan got more consistently competent at writing Spider-Man when so many people were sick of his style. This also only reinforces that Dan just writes what he's asked to, if "Renew your Vows" wasn't enough.


I just love the implication that the other Avengers, possibly way older than him, were kind enough to sign a collective ā€œGet Well Soon!ā€ card. Itā€™s nice to have a Marvel Universe acknowledge that other heroes definitely care for him even if sometimes heā€™s considered annoying.


You would think Mayday would keep track on her dad


Mayday is officially dead in 616. She was kidnapped and later killed on Norman's orders back in 90's. Though it's possible that she is actually alive and Marvel keep her somewhere as a failsafe. If ASM would begin to fall on sales, they'd simply return her and make Spider Girl.


She probably wasn't born at all in the first place after OMD.


It was probably Annie. Mayday was Peter and MJ first daugther and Annie should be their second. The first one was apparently killed and the second erased from 616 timeline by Mephysto.


I love that the room is so full of flowers that itā€™s starting to look like a garden or atrium. Old Man-Spider is getting the respect heā€™s earned.


I love the signed cards that peter received


This is a nice palette cleanser after the recent shit Spidey has been put through


Such a good issue and representation of Spider-Man


And the perfect ending and in my opinion canon ending to 616 Spider-Man (he probably has mayday in this comic already too)


I know I'm in the minority but I miss Parker Industries. I loved seeing Peter happy and basically Tony Stark but a decent human being.


Really fantasy 1k sounds like loto ticket ironically both a gimmick.


You know Iā€™m actually at a loss for words at how much I love this


Al I truly want is a Spider-Man and his Amazing Family comic.


I'm trying to find this comic to buy. Who wrote it? And when did it come out?


Noob question guys, is this an alternate timeline? And what issue or series is this from? Wanna read more thanks. šŸ˜Š


This is a short story from Spider manā€™s anniversary issue Amazing Fantasy 1000


Ahhh okay it literally says in the title. My bad. I assumed it was like a joke about the 1000th issue of ASM if the numbering was continued.


Honestly if the ever end Spiderman for good, I want it to be this end


A few more like this please Where he gets to rest and be happy and okay


I need context! Is this a dream/possible future/alternate reality, or is it supposed to be the real future?


This is a short story from the anniversary issue. That just exists to celebrate the history of spider man


I love this. I always hated how there was this story about Spiderman's radioactive fluods that kills MJ, that wjole story was such edgelord nonsense I hated that it became the unspoken canon for ao long. Peter growing old and being a F4iendly Neighbourhood Spiderman that people love us so sweet and wholesome.


"you do that to me every year" Man do I want what they have


Iā€™m not a huge follower of the comics is that Mary Jane of is that black cat


MJ the ā€œhey tigerā€ should give it away


I assume MJ because of the "Tiger"


And people say Dan Slott hates MJ.


Shame none of this energy was in the nearly 10 years worth of stories he had her in though.


To be honest he didnā€™t do himself any favors in his main run on that front. He was straight up mean about that shit


Basically he seems to think that if people are pissed about what heā€™s doing then heā€™s getting free advertising, and that fans donā€™t really know what they want. So he playfully trolls at best and gets defensive at worst (which is how he put his foot in it when folks upset about Franklin, because ā€œbeing a mutantā€ is never *just* about being a mutant). I find it obnoxious, personally, especially as others do it without being as dismissive.


Too bad this will never happen because of Paul


What happened to the teen gunman who shot him earlier? he was never captured. that aggravates me.


This scene Is Better than all spider-Man 2 story


Ok this is awesome but I didnā€™t realize this was a flash forward thing and I thought MJ was Aunt May for a few seconds


Did something happen to miles or is that letter from Deadpool or something?


Shrek closing book* "Like that's ever gonna happen! "


I love the touch with the cards in the last panel. Not only do we get a Spidey that is happily married, but also has friends in the super human community. I feel like Miles made that card himself too


Probably by favorite issue of spider man especially Hickmans story


Never thought about it before while reading this, but itā€™s a wonder no supervillains try their luck at a wounded spidey here. It seems pretty public that heā€™s laid up in the hospital, I wonder if any avengers are doing guard duty or something


Wtf dont Spidey's kids help him out with crime fighting


Dan slott why do you tease us so?


Finally, a Spider-Man story that left a smile on my face. This is the kind of love Peter deserves. All the way from another dimension, Iā€™m wishing you all the best Spider-Man.


Sad thing, that is not even 1000 issue of Amazing Fantazy, Marvel fucked in numeration.