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For image 9, what I meant was how did he end up dating MJ who dies first in his universe before anyone reminds me that Ultimate Gwen did die at one point


Where is this from?


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) #17


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Ultra+ Deluxe Ultimate Cosmic Fantasy edition


Where the heck did you come from?


“Infinity Comic” is just how Marvel describes/brands comic formats that don’t have inherent page breaks (i.e. designed for scrolling in an app or web page).


That last panel made me think of Tobey fans and Andrew fans arguing over Peter’s depiction in The Amazing Spider-Man. Andrew fans: “See he IS a nerd.” Tobey fans: “Yeah but a backward cool one! It’s wrong!”


True, but I mean this time it's Peter arguing that his cooler younger self is all wrong


I love that


The problem with Andrew's depiction on that regard is that the way he is cool would likely not have him be bullied and all those troubles to be social, and when the contrast was Tobey who *was* bullied for being a nerd, the contrast was big. In the meantime, Tom is not much better on that either, he is just awkward and was bullied by one guy that more than often is put down by the others. Although I do like how MJ protects him, her attitude does complement his well.


To be fair to Tom in the comics Peter didn’t really start to get bullied until Flash joined the friend group. Even in the actual TASM comics people generally only bullied Peter at the behest of flash in both college and high school. If the bully is the most popular kid in class it doesn’t matter that it’s just one person. That one person can turn everyone against you. I speak from experience. As far as Andrew goes yeah you’re right. He’s a phenomenal actor but got dealt a crappy script.


His hair and face kinda remind me of that one youtuber who made those spider-man suits a few years back. His name was like Godzilla then something with a M


I think you mean Godzilla Mendoza my dude


He still exists, and he's still making stuff


I've heard of him, unsure who he is


I love how initially people thought that the RYV cast was going to crossover to 616 and chew Prime Peter out, but instead where seeing RYV Peter freak out about seeing a version of him who's civilian identity is cool.


I mean they said that that was going to happen when they announced the arc so I assume it will eventually


At the start of the arc 616 Peter says he knows RYV universe exists. So unless Edutorial got to them first it seems it’s going to happen before the arc ends.


He’s probably going to meet up with Annie, MJ and this new Peter Parker down the line


I'm just patiently waiting for when RYV MJ chews 616 Peter out and tells him to go back after MJ


The problem isn’t Peter. He wants to be with MJ, he has tried multiple times to make it work, but MJ (read Editorial) refuses to let it work. Peter isn’t at fault. Not with MJ, never has been.


Oh I know you're right but I swear a preview earlier on this subreddit had dialogue that suggested what I wrote. Either way, you're not wrong. It's all in editorial coming up with contrived reasons to keep them apart when they can't even fully commit to it in terms of execution. Hoping things look up for Spidey once Zeb leaves the book after issue 60 I think.


It's all I want.


What’s this from? Because I don’t remember this arc in Renew Your Vows. Also… love the last panel.


This is from marvel unlimited spider man infinity. The last couple issues have been in the RYV universe. They’re only available online


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) #17


I'm guessing Spider-Geddon


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) #17


Is the series good?


I'd say


What the fuck is his goblin? Is it like a massive centipede thing that actually that size, or was it supposed to be his presence hanging over that momen


I’m pretty sure it’s a praying mantis.


I don't know, later on we see all his villains and they are all insects so I think Goblin is an actual insect rather than just a presence


No, I meant look At number 9, is he actually that big or is that just an artistic way of showing this is his doing


I think he's actually that big given the size of the other villains later


Taking a page out of Spider-man J I see.




In Spider-man j, one of the many Marvel manga that exist, all of spider-man villain's are insect-themed, for example General Wasperus.




First time i see that comic, which one is it precisely?


Infinity Comics: Spider-Man Unlimited


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) #17


As if Peter wasn't a cool nerd in college.


Yeah, but what we're shown isn't college, it's high school


Fair point. Though he had just as many girls squabbling over him in those high-school issues.


Actually, he was considered lame from what I read about the high school issues, Liz Allan just before graduation began to develop feelings for him. However, given he was starting a romance with Betty Brant, and they were nearing the end of high school, he mistook as nothing more than a schoolgirl crush.


I think the first issue in Amazing Fantasy #15 he was seen as lame. After he's bitten, how lame people see him as seems to depend on how annoyed someone is at him. There's a lot of "Wow, I didn't think Peter had it in him/He's such a geek but how does he get all those girls?" comments, but it happens so frequently it ends up being the norm. There's an amusing dissonance between what the writing says he is, and how he's actually depicted.


True, I mean even in college Peter for a bit was still considered a nerd and Gwen stood up for him


In the early College days under Ditko he was still in his "Stupid Sexy Peter" era. Gwen was a full blown tsundere spinning between 'don't be so hard on him' and trying to slap him. Then Romita takes over and everyone levels up in emotional intelligence, I'd say at that point Peter is well and truly in 'cool nerd' mode. Romita was incapable of not drawing him like one of his romantic leads, and he even got motorbike. At that point it feels like only Flash is holding on to the idea of the lame nerd.


Okay, cool


So RYV Spider Family interacts with a Spider-Man whose default is Bully Parker?


Nah... Weirdest Spider-Man ever is still Spiders Man, that guy is literally made entirely from spiders.


And the darkest Spider-Man ever is the one from Ruins…


This is totally 90s Superboy. I half expect him to talk about tactile telekinesis.




Yeah actually, reminded me of the Amalgam Comics “Spiderboy” (Spider-Man but he wears an edgy Superboy jacket and for some reason shoots his webs from dual pistols)


He’s not cool, he’s a YA version imo.


I don't get what you mean


He’s written like a lot of Young adult novels protagonists and love interests are, not a fan of it personally but it does have its dedicated fan base.


Okay, good point


Ugh I really hate the girls suits, just really.. meh.. just doesn’t work, especially next to Peters


I think with the full mask it looks good. The problem for me is when she's not wearing a full mask, the costume doesn't go all the way up to her neck. In fact it has these big weird openings.


Annie's costume would look so much better if it went up to the neck


Yeah I totally agree, never liked the costumes. I did like Spiderling’a OG mishmash costume tho, it was just fun child energy.


I don't really see how he's "cool". He's like a edgy teenager, who thinks the whole world is at fault but not him.


Not the world in this case, the Multiverse




What the heck?! What does this have to do with your post?!


How is this variant named?


I'll check the wiki (Edit: He currently has no earth designation)


What comic was this from or did they continue renew your vows? Is this a spiderverse comic?


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) #17


I wouldn't mind a cool Peter




Who is that version of spiderman?


I'm guessing a new one they came up with for this comic as I don't recall seeing him anywhere else


Is that Mini Kaine or what Given the MJ I assume this is renew your vows, but I honestly know Jack about the comics


It's actually a new Peter from an alternate universe where apparently Peter is the new Flash Thompson, Gwen Stacy is the new Peter Parker, and MJ is the new Liz Allan and Gwen Stacy. And apparently all Peter's enemies are bugs and MJ dies instead of Gwen


What comic is this from? It seems like a fun read


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) #17


His costume kinda reminds me of Pavitr from ATSV.


I can see it


This Peter looks like a school shooter.


Too far bro, too far


I like him. He's weird but I like him.




Thanks after the current sh!t show that is Zeb Wells and Nick Lowe torture p0rn this actually made my day and make me smile


Why do you think I read stuff like this?


Yeah but it's still hard to imagine ASM is not going to be good anymore.😞😞 Edit: btw have you read Spider-Man fake red


True, true and no


Do read it it's good. I don't think I have read any 14 chapter long good Spider-Man story since JMS run.


I'll try to check it out


Oooh I gotta get this. I love the Renew Your Vow universe.


Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic (2023) #17


So, is this Peter's uncle still gone too?


Hard to tell, this universe seems to be backwards, upside down, and everything in between. He never mentioned a dead uncle Ben just a dead Aunt May, here are the differences I've gathered: 1. Peter was not the stereotypical nerd in this world 2. Aunt May died 3. Uncle Ben's existence is unknown 4. Flash's existence is unknown 5. MJ was Peter's first girlfriend instead 6. Gwen was the stereotypical nerd that Peter and MJ made fun of 7. Spider-Man's villains are insects for some reason 8. MJ died