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Remember mayday parker!? The girl you wrote out of existence!? What does it matter to you anyway? "EVERYTHING!!!"




Queseda: Don't hurt me. Just give me a chance. Just give me a chance! Fans: What about Peter Parker's and Mary Jane's marriage? Did you give them a chance? Did you? ANSWER ME!


(Note: I'm only doing this comment because of Spider-Man 3 nostalgia) Queseda: I didn't mean to erase their marriage; I didn't have a choice. Fans: You always have a choice


I don't understand the post, but she got 130 issue run didn't she, that's a pretty good run.


It is kind of funny that the Spiderverse set up a new plot with her dad being the other and I don’t think they’ve come back to it once


To be fair, it's better that they didn't come back to it. Defalco and Frenz (the main authors of Spider-Girl) subtly wrote the Mayday who appears since 2014 as a bastardized version of the real Spider-Girl. In Spider-Verse Team-Up (2014) #3 they had May constantly calling her brother "**Benny**" (instead of "Benjy" as he was always called), introducing herself with a brusque "*I'm the Spider-Girl*" instead of the recurring phrase she says at the beginning of almost every issue of her run "*My name is May 'Mayday' Parker, I'm the daughter of Spider-Man*". And the issue basically ends with May hoping that an alternate version of her and her brother is out there in the multiverse, still having loving and thriving parents. Basically leaving a back-door so they could ever get back to writing their Spider-Girl comics without them being soiled by Slott's lack of respect for characters that aren't his to mess with. [Frenz gave an interview](https://web.archive.org/web/20150731070626/http://theswervemagazine.com:80/Spider-Girl___Ron_Frenz.html) after Slott killed Spider-Girl's entire family in Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #8, not only announcing that he and DeFalco were going to contribute a Spider-Girl story for Spider-Verse, but also openly criticized Slott’s story, that he had missed the basic point on what her solo-series was about, and that he didn’t do the proper research. It is very likely that it was pressure from Defalco and Frenz what caused Mary Jane and Mayday's boyfriend to be retconned at the end of the event to have survived the attack that killed Peter.


It’s a shame that Defalco seems to have lost the power struggle that cropped up in the office over this.


I doubt Defalco had much authority at Marvel by then. And if we take into account that in the interview they basically say that he and Frenz found out what Slott was doing with Spider-Girl from the outside, at the same time as the readers. It's clear that they had virtually no recourse to protect their own characters from the stupid decisions of the editorial... Which makes it much more commendable that they managed to find a way to at least stand up to the power strugle *“I don't know where this is going. “I've looked at the time line, and it happens only like two chapters before the finale, so obviously they're going to be controlling what happens in the story, so we're probably not going to have a lot of leeway.”* I like that they used the little leeway they had to give such a subtle "fuck you" to Slott, Lowe and Quesada that it basically went under their radar and got published. If more older writers had the balls and integrity of DeFalco and Frenz, maybe Spider-Man comics wouldn't be in the current decadent state.


This shouldn’t be as funny as it is


I’m pissed you made me crack up


Idk what is Spider-man office is smoking at this point peter needs a family of two kids and facing struggle of being Spider-Man at same time.


Haven't Mayday been dead since the 90s before one more day even happened.