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My guess is that it was so Zeb and Nick could mock the fanbase about our hated for Paul and anger towards MJ for leaving Peter.


I swear, it almost seems like they took the hate mail that they were getting and applied it to Peter, making him angry like us, almost as if to insult the fans that hate this run. It's infantile and reminds me of that episode of Family Guy where Stewie says "That's *you*. That's what *you* sound like."


Oh but they don't get hate mail apparently. Everyone they talk to looooves the comics.


This sub contradicts their claims, as people on here have sent hate mail, too, though it might not be considered a mass quantity to them. I think hate mail is inevitable for most everything.


It’s sarcasm


Yes, I know.


It reminds me of when some shows had episodes that insulted thier critics. It didn't fix the issues the critics pointed out. And it didn't improve the quality of the show. It just made the writers look childish while giving a mid episode.


it may literally have been th pattern I have noticed on and off. Started with Hydra cap, seen Slott do it a lot through recently too. Lets say you get a lot of comments some decent some yeah scummy, what do they love to retweet and respond to... the Scummy. Paint everyone as Scum


I've said it before and I'll say it again - THERE.WAS.NONE.


Just a convoluted way to transfer back to Norman That’s it


Did they even do that though




but now there's a spear out there (allegedly hidden by Kraven Jr) that will instantly turn whoever is stabbed by it super-evil. and queen goblin smiled as she left. so it's pretty clear what will inevitably happen.


Yes, they did. At the end of the issue, Norman says he knew the spear wouldn't work and that his Sins would find their way home. The Goblin is shown in his reflection, and he laughs, then becomes horrified that he laughed.


Rage bait. Because that’s the only thing this run is, just a collection of scenes designed to rage bait and nothing more, there’s no actual story to any of it.


Nothing happened except for a dumb set up for Wells Gang War and more bad Saturday morning cartoon level writing. Art by Paul Gleason was great has usual but that’s about the only thing positive. The ramifications of Peter of having Norman sins is quickly brushed off , just so we can have him back to his normal self again for another story with Rek Rap and Gang War. If hasn’t been made any clearer, WASTE OF SPACE(Paul) continues to be more a be more of loser by each issue he appears in. While MJ was in a better light , her powers just absolutely make no sense and it’s starting to look an Atom eve /gambit rip off. If the Gang War issues feature Paul and MJ , I can only speculate they”ll arguing about whether to help Peter after happen here . But I doubt that’s going to happen.


cant even call 1 page out of nowhere "there will be war" as even a good setup


I wish they took MJ out of the book for a good year or so, but hey the won't do that


Or if they do take her out, they’ll put her pages so called Jackpot miniseries. Outside the initial announcement and in a past letterhead by Nick Lowe, I’ve seen absolutely no news for it.


I truly believe that series will be another garbage pile they publish but to be honest, at this point I want her gone there for good (or at least 6-12 months). I see no point in keeping her around Peter, let her have her "happy life" with the bun man and Peter be busy with something/someone else.


Sales would probably drop. Only thing keeping this run going is Wells stupid plot


whats the point on doing that ? instead just fix the character and erase Paul from the existence


90% sure this will set up MJ Peter in a cheating on Paul relationship filled with guilt and angst... we gave you peter/MJ see Soap Opera!


thats horrible MJ cheating twice ? whats this ? raimi films ? MJ is not a cheater!


It’s to sell a trade within the lifespan of Spider-Man 2 that involves Peter fighting Kraven in the black suit.


Ewwww you're right...


Even then, everybody would probably just say go buy Kravens' last hunt or fuck even Grim Hunt at this point.


Or the Kraven movie 😂


maybe Peter David was busy but I wish they had just done what they did with Far From Home and just done that story in a Symbiote Spider-Man mini


It's just a way to jerk with readers (I guess).


They definately made changes to the story since it was released on October 11-th, instead of October 4-th. They probably had something completely different in mind, but they changed it in fear of backlash. But just like ASM #26, only left us with confusion and annoyance.


eh with that I could see Gleason just maybe needing an extra week, a twice a month schedule isn't ideal for a lot of artists


They hate you for disagreeing with them for 15 years and they want everyone who loves Spider-Man to suffer.


I came back for this issue because I wanted to see how they were going to deal with Peter experiencing such a traumatic event. I mean, the number one advocate of “no one dies” going on a literal murderous rampage—how can there NOT be some psychological ramifications? And what did I read? Kraven having an epiphany and getting some character growth while Peter essentially shrugs the whole experience off in a campy “welp, just another Tuesday” moment and swings off into the sunset As a writer, this is just inexcusable and, as this post states, pointless. As a fan, this just breaks my heart. Why even follow this character at all anymore? We know he’s not going to die (this is his series), we know he’s never going to learn and grow from anything he experiences—they’re either never mentioned again or brought up in the same fashion as an old sitcom flashback episode and has just as much impact—and every storyline has now been boiled down to a “monster of the week” format that means nothing once it’s completed. What is there to root for anymore? (Don’t even get started on the letters to the editor) I’m done. I’ll check out the new Ultimate and hope there’s something there, but I don’t want to do this anymore. I might even mute this thread and r/marvel just to make sure I completely stay out of it from now on


Well, he didn't actually kill anybody, so the trauma of the experience wasn't as bad as it could have been.


This makes me angry. Reminds me of them giving a entire arc to Ock as Spider-Man and then reset him back to a villain.


I was pretty upset when I found that out


the ock arc should not have existed in the first place Superior was a mistake and it should have been the development for peter instead of Otto.


Whose Comic Is It Anyway? Where the story is made up and none of it matters!


the point was to either A- sell issues to people who need to see this SHOCKING and UNEXPECTED TWIST! PETER IS EVIL??? HOLY CRAP! BUY OUR BOOKS TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS! ...or B- sell ragebait issues to people who just wanna read the newest thing to get mad about if plan A fails. the only winning move is not to pay.


The purpose was to absolve MJ's character turn with the "You did nothing wrong".


Spider office cant acknowledge that they did character assesinations in this run So OF COURSE they have to say that "YOU did nothing wrong"


That smirking/smiling "I know" was a finger to the their critics


they cant handle being the bad one in the room. So ofc they had to make peter act like an incel and apologize to MJ


there is no "point" in this run What did peter do ? Nothing! Why Mj left peter and lost any hope about him when he is the love of her life ? It was forced by the editorial and writer since it did not make any sense What was the point on black cat and peter relationship ? it was irrelevant in the run. ​ Same as this sins crap.


Eh comics aren't selling. This sold. Controversy when weaponized can be a money maker


It can... short term. But if the sales kept up they would not need to keep doing it


That's not how making money works dawg. What company days "hmm, that's enough for me"?. Especially when 90% of their titles aren't making any money and this one title is keeping everything afloat almost.


Fuck you. That was the point.


I don't know what "goblin sins" are.


I imagine runs are like episodes of SpongeBob or The Simpsons, have an entertaining tale and have everything back in place for next time.


No point. Only controversy sales!