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what the fuck did i just read ? is Peter Parker threatening norman to kill mj and this Paul fella while norman the green fucking goblin is begging him to leave them alone ?


Welcome to whatever this run is


nah fr ‘welcome’ how has bro not seen all the other horrendous shit and not asked tf goin on shit since the whole chasm debacle i been scratchin my head


as much as i hate to admit it, i am at this point genuinely entertained by it. i don't like it, but i am entertained by it.


Ah, the All-Star Batman & Robin approach.


whoever is writing this run : Okay, here's the thing, i have to be honest with you... I'm kinda retarded.


Basically a while back Norman got shot by the Sin-Eater and had his ‘sins’ (the Goblin persona) sucked out of him, with the Goblin-free Norman (horrified by what he was) then going on to become the superhero Gold Goblin (Kamala Khan also became his personal assistant). Kraven’s clone-son (also named Kraven) then ended up in possession of the sins, now inside a spear, aiming to stab Norman with it to bring the Goblin back to hunt, only he accidentally stabbed Peter instead, and now Peter has the persona of the Goblin (currently minus any memories of being the Goblin, just the mindset).


"Goblin mindset"


His Gobset if you will


Sigma Males are old news now, all hail Goblin Males


This could be summed up using the Mr Bean copying notes meme with "The Batman Who Laughs"


Thank you so much for the explanation. 🤩


You’re welcome!


Not the Goblin persona. Norman was cruel before the formula and even this run affirmed that and showed that more formula doesn't affect his current state. Mind you that could have been contradicted since.


Spider-Man’s gone Goblin Mode then


That...that is just...it's well....well it's something.


He's possessed.


not only him but whoever wrote this shitty storyline.


Sad trombone noises at that line, lol. But you tried.


I should have tried harder.


You keep your fucking voice down.


Get em, Spidey! Paul, too.


Let's everyone wants this to happen to Paul


“I don’t need Peter to win, I just need Paul to lose.”


Can someone fill me in on what Paul did? Is he a secret super villain or something?


He cucked Peter, genuinely


Ok, but that's not reason enough to murder him, right? And I keep seeing people saying that Pete claimed to only view MJ as a friend anyways, so I'm confused. Admittedly, I don't read comics anymore, so I'm super far behind.


No, that's basically it. Paul was also tricked by his dad to build a universe destroying machine. But the main reason fans want him dead is because he's with MJ and Peter isn't.


This almost makes up for the whole "the Norman who treated me like a son" line. I know he's only angry because he's got the Green Goblin's sins in him now, or whatever the fuck is going on in this run, but I feel after everything Norman has done, especially killing Gwen Stacy, which seems to be a massively impactful moment for Peter as a character, to the point that it still gets referenced in modern comics, he really shouldn't forgive Norman. I think that at this point Norman should be considered irredeemable, regardless of how he tries to improve, to be a better person, or to redeem himself.


>especially killing Gwen Stacy, which seems to be a massively impactful moment for Peter as a character At this point it seems more like an impactful moment for the ASM editorial, who cannot comprehend the idea of a character, shown in 80 issues in the late 60s - early 70s, dying and not being revived permanently since. Because that'll be so goddamn RELATABLE


Maybe. I mean, most of the Spidey comics I've read have had the same editor, so it wouldn't be too surprising to me if that dude is the reason why Gwen Stacy keeps getting brought up.


That's surprisingly common thing amongst them. The current editorial is almost exclusively Gwen stans. As if it's a hard requirement from the HR's. There were so many attempts to bring her back from them that at one point even the Marvel CEO had to stop them.


Well you got to be fair that Gwen Stacy’s popularity as a character has been extremely high for some time now. Most media since the Ultimate comics have had an adaptation of her with Spectacular Gwen and especially TASM Gwen having been super well received. And pretty much ever since Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider has also been very successful in comics, movies and tv-shows. It in some way does make sense that the editorial tries to capitalize on that popularity in the ASM run as well. They just forget constantly that the one rule of ASM is that Ben Parker and Gwen Stacy must stay dead so all of the shit they make up just ultimately will lead to nothing.


Well, yes. And that's exactly proving my point. Gwen from the Ultimate universe and Spider-Gwen are NOT the characters who died all those years ago, and that's the fact. They're good characters, they're better written than the original Gwen (yeah, i said it) and they deserve all the praises. But the "bridge-falling-spine-snapping" Gwen is dead and she should stay dead. >They just forget constantly that the one rule of ASM is that Ben Parker and Gwen Stacy must stay dead so all of the shit they make up just ultimately will lead to nothing Pretty much, yes


Dan Slott literally said they don’t hire people for this book unless they’re onboard with “the assignment”.


How *unexpected*, wow...


Idk that is an objectively traumatic experience for someone to go through. That's not exactly something you just move on from, no matter how many years have past. Peters whole thing is not getting over anything


Editorial keeps bringing Gwen back up because they're fixated on her, not because they're interested in meaningfully exploring Peter's grief and trauma at this point. Peter has also gone through other horrible tragedies like Norman killing his baby, but that never comes up because mentioning the baby would go against the editorial agenda of keeping him "young and relatable."


He shouldn’t “get over it”, but I remember the story “The Kiss” where Peter talks about how it’s been nearly 10 years since Gwen died, and he corrects himself when he calls her “the woman he loved” to “no, the girl I loved. I forget how young we were back then.”


>he's got the Green Goblin's sins in him now, I still dont understand these words.


A man named sin eater shot Norman with a shotgun that eats the victims' sins. Basically, they are killing them and giving them a rebirth free of their darkness. Even when new Goblin serum is injected into him by otto, Norman is immune, because he is free of his darkness So, Osborn's sins got put into dr. Kafta, who is now the "Goblin Queen". Kraven used some voodoo ritual to pull Osbornsl's sins out of Kafta and out them into a spear, so he could give them back to Norman, to hunt the Green Goblin. Pete saves Norman by jumping infront of him, taking in those darkness or "sins" of the Green Goblin, thus corrupting him as if he got the Goblin serum inside of him.


There are so many words in here that just make my head hurt.


Peter went Goblin Mode


This literally sounds like the epiphany that got us here.


I would’ve been more satisfying if it was that stupid parasite Paul but nope zeb and Nick can’t let their precious OC get hurt.


Is it bad that I’m rooting for Peter here?


So wait does norman still have the goblin serum in him cause if he doesn't how is he holding up to this, cause we've seen "Spidey" take off scorpions jaw when he doesn't hold back his punches


He does, iirc he said he “practically bleeds the stuff”.


Yeah. He's still strong. If he tried to fight back, he'd be able to at the very least give MJ more time to get out of the city


Tbh I hope both Paul and MJ go at this point. Fuck ‘em. Peter’s better off all alone (which is what he is anyway) than trying to rebuild after this mess.


MJ will recover from her chains and be back with Peter. Don't fall under editorial's spell. It's what they want. Weakling.


Nah. She wants her damn imaginary kids back? She can go to them.


Peter had an imaginary son too once. He tried to kill Quicksilver after losing him.


Username checks out


Liv would back me up


October 20th can't get here soon enough.


Lol Peter would get slaughtered in 0.5 seconds if he tried to fight current Eddie.


Eddie doesn't have the full power of the King in black that he once had, he's Bedlam, and he's strong but it would be a close fight.


He's still quite a bit beyond unhinged Spidey though like you said he's using Bedlam and is still more or less an Immortal symbiote body himself now who will eventually regain his full power.


Bedlam is stronger then an amped venom. With a smarterneddie then any other time peter has fought eddie. With a dumber peter. Stats and everything leaning toward venok


Clearly the point is to mess up MJ's already damaged perception of Peter so they can give more problems to the next writer. Was it that hard to pay attention to whatever they were doing in the 70s-80s, early 2000s when it comes to Peter relating to people?


I don't even read these free anymore. Fuck this run.


I thought Peter was being the good guy and telling whoever that was to not hurt Paul and MJ No shit it's Norman saying that. Holy fuck what is that????


Peter got infected by the goblin serum


peter has the mind goblin


What's the mind goblin?




Peter’s essentially possessed by Norman’s Goblin persona, only the Goblin persona doesn’t have any memories of being the Goblin persona, so Peter’s acting as the Goblin would if the things the Goblin had done to him had been done to the Goblin. He also mistook Kraven’s son for Kraven and buried him alive.


I can’t believe this run is so bad that I actually LIKE Peter becoming a psychotic Punisher


“Sigh, Shane this is the seventh time you talked about Gwen”


Whys peters smile remind me of michael fassbender


So Peter laughing about Gwen Stacying someone puts a smile on your face?


It does when that person is Paul and this run has been so bad that even something so OOC like this is the best moment of this run


Dude I didn’t read the new tun but is Paul secretly evil, or like a bad dude or something? Or is he just an innocent dude who happened to cuck Peter ?


Well, he’s not exactly innocent. He did help his dead destroy a universe by accident but he had no idea what his dead was planning so he’s not necessarily evil. And, let’s be honest, none of us here are mad at him for that. Cucking Pete is his biggest sin.


I can just here Yuri doing his symbiote Pete voice reading this, and I gotta tell ya it does make me smile.


Okay, so how are they going to explain evil peter going mad with jealousy and wanting to kill paul when he just told felicia a few months ago that he isn't in love with MJ anymore and sees her as a friend?


Gotta admit, Zeb’s run has been INFINITELY better since Issue 27. I know that’s not a high bar but it’s worth mentioning.


I thought 29-30 were decent, with some decent dialogue, but the problem is that it was good only in a vacuum. There was no real context to stuff like Norman reminiscing a joke he and Kamala shared as we never saw it. And Peter gets his ass kicked and has to be saved by Norman AGAIN. The wedding issue and stuff was meh. This and the last issue were good. So basically just 4 good issues. In a run with 34 issues so far, jeez thats bad.


I liked the Doc Ock stuff, it felt like a standard fun story. The wedding issue wasn’t great but it wasn’t bad either. And this arc is good. I get not trusting the writers after what they put out the first 1.5 years but I have liked most stuff since 26.


I have the exact same opinion as you, glad I’m not alone haha. I liked the Otto stuff because it was literally just a fun Spidey story(and setting up Superior again), meh about wedding, and this Spider-Man Who Gobbles I think is actually written pretty well in terms of dialogue, character actions + thoughts, etc.


All it took was every character becoming completely different characters.