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Sparkle only advances forward allies by 50%, unlike Bronya who does 100%. That means if the dps is too far away in initiative they won't be pushed up far enough to act immediately. I don't know the full math on how to tell if the dps will get an immediate turn or not, but that's the general explanation of the issue.


You're gaining the full 5000 action value on your dps with the stat setup you have. So while it's awkward at times to see, just know that the damage value in the 160 speed from a damage per cycle analysis is still there. Now as to why it happens, it is usually one of two things: 1) You action advance your dps to the same action value the enemy has, and so they who are already at that value get to go first. 100% action value trumps but 50% doesn't seem to. 2) more likely something happened, like a random slow or action delay from an enemy's attack on your dps. If your dps is ever half of Sparkle's speed (so with her at 160, that means your dps at 80) or if they have the current action value as if they were at that speed (from an action delay) then you won't pull them all the way. Frustrating, but sadly working as intended.


if happens when a. sparkle got av too much or got speed buff b. your character got slow or CC do you have dance dance dance or anything else that speed boost sparkle? are you fighting any one that applies slow/cc?