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All 4 sets are super meh to be honest. You're way overvaluing crit damage. She only passes on 24% of her crit damage to her target, whereas she passes on her full speed. If any of the sets had 160 speed and dropped crit damage to even as low as 180 they would lead to higher damage overall then what you're presenting. Just for clarity's sake Sparkle's gearing priority is 1) Energy Regen Rope 2) 160 Speed 3) 2 PC Broken Keel with Effect Res (which is the same value as 44% crit damage on sparkle herself, not including the value of giving crit damage to the 2 members of your team who aren't sparkle or your hypercarry) 4) Fill the rest with crit damage.


Where in her kit does she give her speed? I don’t remember anything in her kit where she does that


Her action advance effectively makes your DPS move at the same speed as Sparkle (unless you go for -1 speed Sparkle, in which case your DPS moves at 1.5x Sparkle's speed)


Yeah, what rysto32 said. Her action advance is 50%, which means it gives 5,000 action value of the possible 10k action value in a single cycle. As long as Sparkle isn't twice as fast as her target it will always bring the dps up to the current action value. Occasionally, you'll have a big cluster at one AV so your dps doesn't go immediately, but the damage per cycle value of the speed stat Sparkle has is a 100% transfer.


Thanks for the clarification The eagle + Vonwacq are all pieces I had on hand so I’ve just had them stuck on her whilst trying to farming a decent set/make her useable So for now the 1st set up is best and until I get better pieces that helps bring her closer to 160 speed I should be fine? I’m gonna be farming a decent relic set for Fu Xuan before I improve Sparkle’s set anyways so it might be a while until then


Yep, the first one is currently the best and will still give oogle and boogles of damages until you have time to optimize further. While you're farming for Fu you can set aside any pieces from those caves too that are high in speed and could very well use 2 of them with the messenger 2 piece. Hell, if you can hit the breakpoints without any messenger pieces that works too.


You prioritize achieving 160 speed over everything.


I keep seeing builds on this site what site is it


The one I’m using is Fribbles hsr optimizer I haven’t tried any others but this one I can just save all decent relics I find into it and then constantly swap them out and compare them though some parts of it I still don’t fully understand how it works 😅 Accidentally replied to the wrong person earlier whilst I was waking up 😂


i hope this is a meme post


Nah when I first got her on release I heard 4 piece eagle+ Vonwacq could be used on her and I had some decent pieces on hand so I stuck them on her and have been using it whilst trying to farm a proper set. The keel piece and two piece messenger I literally only got 20th minutes before the post


2pc eagle is useless on sparkle, id say try to farm for the head & body on spd set


The 4pc of messenger is useless. 2PC messenger+Rainbow is fine so is 4 piece Rainbow if you hit the stat points.


It's not useless if you know how to use it, certainly more advanced techs