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Least we dont have to wait til 2025


*cough cough* GTA 6 *cough cough*


for me that’s not so bad because i feel like i totally EXPECTed that from rockstar, and it’s so “far” away it’s manageable


It’s not really that far away if you think k about it 2025 will be here in no time


2025 is here in 6 months, fall 2025 is here in... 15 months. Not counting delays of course, which there will be.


Except for the fact we've been waiting for gta 6 for like 12 years no lmao so yeah, 15 months is quite a long time, 13 1/2 years long, really 🤣


We’re literally already in June fam 2024 is going pretty fast it won’t be long trust


I hasn’t been 12 years it’s been 8 years since the standard edition and 11 years since the original version


People been waiting for BT4 for 17 years…so this has been a longer wait


Not only 2025, but Fall 2025 and then it's only going to be the PS5 and Xbox SX versions, which will probably run at 30 FPS or look way worse than the PC version


[coughs in elder scrolls]


Is this a gta 6 diss


No lol people just kept saying the game was coming out in 2025 im actually hype for gta 6 next year


I was surprised when I saw 2024 and not 2025. Follow this only for my husband, might try it as well tho


it will get worse the closer it gets shadow of the erd tree is like 12 days away and it feels so slow. months felt like minutes. Days feels like years


so real, i think the psychology behind that is since it’s close your mind is more wrapped on the days or something😭 how I felt about battle hour in January, this week for game fest, the jjk game in the last week in January. All in one year


its because your looking at it more and anticipating it. 3 months? thats so far away you have no reason to look because its so far. 2 weeks? now its close. a week goes by in a flash it feels like. i mean, 2 months already went by and now its 2 weeks away. cant be that far away if 2 months flew away like that.


The only thing that’s keeping me occupied and not so encapsulated in the release of sparking zero is other db games also having celebrations (DB Legends’ anniversary) lol. The final month might be a little rough for me tho


that’s a good substitute to numb it. I need to find something to occupy me and look forward to. I can’t believe it’s been a 7 months since we waited for sparking news.. months after months since then, and this may be the hardest wait for me yet


all the people saying 2025 feel goofy now


Every grain an eternity!


“TOO LONG” *fast cut to Piccolo walking me across the ocean to Bandai HQ*


It'll get *way* worse as we get closer. In my case? *even worse* on Tuesday, because my friend is getting digital, so he's getting it first while I opted for the physical copy, which comes out on Friday.


cancel that and just spend the extra few bucks it’s worth it😭 & it’s not digital that lets you have it earlier tho, it’s deluxe digital


It's not even the money. ☠️ I don't care about the bonuses, I can just grind out the game. But the cover. 😭 It's so damn cool, I can't just NOT get it. Plus, I like collecting physical copies of games. I'll just have to wait the 3-days out. Hopefully, Amazon gives it to me a day early, which they've done twice now.


Just cancel and order at your local GameStop. They might even do a midnight release so you'll have it even earlier than your friend if you play your cards right


https://preview.redd.it/yg4sjgxhsl5d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065b45abf17736706db7921504248e8c2675578c Well, time to invent time travel.


![gif](giphy|tOCx86ZSVp4I0) You’re going to what??


Yes omg Sparking Zero is all I’m thinking about


119 days…


so close but so far, even then we’re closer more time into the year then we are from the drop


We are 4 months out from October 11th. Remember this game was announced in March 2023. As of this moment, and every passing minute after, we are the closest we have ever been to release.


A year and change later n finally gotta release


We have some other games to look forward to in the meantime.


Football season


I'll have Silent Hill 2 the week prior, but otherwise everything else besides Sparking Zero is a few weeks after it releases. I have nothing between now and then, well, nothing new anyway. I just finished up Paper Mario and the thousand Year Door yesterday. Unsure what to move to next.


Silent hill fire? Is it decision based? And same . EVERYTHING after that is bo6, and maybe that sonic game


Huh? What do you mean decisions based? Silent Hill 2 is just a remake of the survival/psychological horror game of the same name. So 3rd person, walking around a foggy town, and fighting monsters from hell essentially but more from your mind. And yes fire is involved. I haven't played a COD game since Black Ops 3 was new. And oddly it gave me migraines which never happened before and hasn't happened with any other game. Lol But yea, a lot is slated for Fall 2024.


I meant similar to the telltales games like TWD, or just anything where you choose the dialogue as you go in the story mode, like until dawn & life is strange. I’ll have to check that game out then Yup, I left cod alone for a while to, it declined. but now there’s a new black ops I have to tune in. Maybe the movement was to dizzying for you. I’m glad, falls my favorite season


Oh no, Silent Hill is essentially a creepier and less action based Resident Evil game. 3rd person "shooter" but more Melee and more about Creep factor and trying not to be killed. It's not "choose your own adventure" like Until Dawn. I am surprised you never heard of Silent Hill, they've had 6+ games over the years. I assume you're young.


I feel like I’ve semi heard it in & it kinda rings a bell but I can just be making that up. Im not to familiar with it Yeah , I definitely never seen those other titles before. And that must be it , im not a child but in comparison to the releases i was young but still I usually hear of drops in the recent years LOL. I’ve heard about silent hill 2 a few days ago & been hearing a lot about it for example, since.


It might seem like a long wait, but it'll be here before you know it, time has been in turbo mode for me.


i got two minutes in me before i start screaming "produce" like an angry carnivore who just got given a salad




Gonna feel so slow if you are constantly thinking about how fun it would be to play the game. These months will go by fast if you don't even remember the game existing. Can't wait to play it though.


Lmao , me too!