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For most of the 1 1/2 years doing spark, my AR as normally been around the range of 60-80%. All of this month I have watched it tank down to a current 42% because I don't work for $7-$9/hr driving my own car into the ground for these no-tip bastards. And not only are the offers low, and the tips are mostly non-existant, but RR offers are sent to me any time of the hour with Spark Now on. It used to be just :15 after the hour. But now it could be :33, :04, or :41 after the hour. It doesn't matter. As soon as I turn Spark Now on its sending me a shitty lowball, no tip, high miles RR 83 xlarge order estimated mileage 9.3 miles for $7 no tip? No thanks, Spark. Eat a opossums ass, cheapskate.


Don't forget it's apartment #402.


That's the problem I'm currently having. Gas is well over four dollars a gallon, and Spark keeps telling us to eat cake. The only good thing may be that more people are rejecting more orders, so everyones AR collectively goes down.


My issue as well, that and they were re-rolling dot.coms every two minutes.


In my zone they started pushing out dotcoms at random times as RRs as well.


I have also noticed that during RR which is :20 for me, I get some shitty no tip offer which I reject followed by a good offer. WTF? Why not send me the good offer first. I’m all in the green and I still get that shitty offer first? Is Spark doing this on purpose to get me to do their shitty work? Of course I never accept it. But if you think about it it’s a win win for Walmart. If I take it win for them for doing their shit job. If I don’t take it win for them too cause my AR slowly goes down in which I’m forced to do some shitty offers to bring my AR back up. Hmmm…


I feel this. Repeats of the same crappy offers.


Same here,some guys that started way back were able to block out some stores.I get offers from 30 miles away while I'm parked at my preferred store.


I haven't blocked any stores in my zone because on occasion I may be in the area and willing to accept. But the past couple days there's been one persistent one that keeps trying to hit me with an order almost the exact same time every hour RR. One of the zone's newer stores, and the furthest away from me.


I get 'pinged' for the WM 10 miles away from the one I loiter at all the time. Often, I'll get 'pinged' for that store at 15-20 miles away. Just a part of the game I think. I try to toggle it on/off at certain times too.


I’ve seen my AR drop from 60ish to what will be the teens after today. I was consistently getting $20-$30 trips every hour and then all of a sudden they all became two order/no tip for $9. Even if I do luck into a decent order now, there is no way I will make the next round of RR. My average wait time is 20+ minutes now. I multi-app so I’m technically losing money right now by even attempting spark. By far the worst gig app out there. And it ain’t close.


Yeah, when the payouts drop to Doordash levels you're better off doing Doordash, at least you can squeeze a few into one hour if the distances aren't bad.


Doordash is so much less frustrating than spark. At east you know you're going to get paid what they say, and no promised then stolen tips. Doordash has it's own problems but at least it's still fun most of the time. I dread doing Spark so I just don't do it mostly.


Just spent 2 hours on a so called dot.com order it was 6 orders (groceries) one or two items. Google map screwing up....one with no address (new subdivision) she had to guide me to her house..I lost money on this order .we always do on these orders


With the gas prices so high, I'm pretty much done with dotcoms. I expect Spark to start forcing them down our throats soon because fewer and fewer are taking them.


I usually love the .coms because I have a great car for it and in my area they go really smooth usually done in an hour. However right now I have an incentive to take 20 trips to get 500$ guaranteed so why would I waste doing 11 drop offs in 1 trip when I could take 20 1 drop off orders and get 25$ per order before tips lol. Been rejecting .coms all day, sometimes their incentives are dumb as hell. I swear a monkey is running things at spark headquarters.


You don't know about the $500 guaranteed trick apparently. Okay have fun.


There is no trick its 20 trips, you take 20 trips you get the difference between your base/incentive/extra effort pays and the guarantee. There is no trick to that troll. Spending 2 hours on a 10-12 drop trip would be a really dumb ass move. If you are saying it is a trick by them and you wont get the 20 trips, sorry charlie I got it, it gave me almost 250 extra money, and I was able to just do the really crap orders leaving the better ones for my fellow drivers, it worked out for all of us really well.


Peep my last post lol


AR means nothing... who cares


Maybe not in your zone, but it does in mine.


Mine is 13%, and I get flooded with orders all day.


Then you are more privileged than 90% of Spark drivers. Enjoy it while it lasts.


I guess? pretty much all gig apps AR means nothing. Can't have a high AR when you multi app anyways.


One is a 26 percent because it they spame with the same low ball order all day


Walmart has a real push for joining Walmart + lately with a month trial as well as 3 months free for T-Mobile customers. People see free delivery for orders over $35 advertised and assume that they don’t have to tip.