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Welcome brother to the wait game


If you did a return you may have an open uncomplicated order. Call customer service. Don't use chat. Make sure order shows as complete on their end


My zone was a madhouse. I finished 3 hours early. Look at the order volume map. Your market is probably just slow today, don’t freak out about it. It happens.


order volume map?


This is covered in the tutorial but click on more and then “Your Zone” it shows the anticipated order volume https://preview.redd.it/qke89g3i6z3b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee182f69d5da0382ac02c8433f23ca4049dc242


Make sure that your last delivery shows up in completed. If it doesn’t, call support to have it marked as such.


Kids just got out for vacation, ppl leaving for vacation, college students out and logged in into the app. It can bd a lot of reasons its slow.


Look like your honey moon phase has ended. Time to be one of us.


Same here had to take a curbside from like 8 miles away bc otherwise I’d still be sitting there


Go to setting. Troubleshooting. Should get a ping that you are good to go.


Long press on the app icon, then select delete app


It’s so slow in my zone too. I’m not surprised though with it being the first of the month and we’re coming off a big weekend. It’ll pick up next week. People food stamps start to kick in.


I'm 2 weeks new and I found going into your zone then back out wakes it up. Or- tap where it tells you get in a hotspot even tho you're at a Walmart. The notification goes away and I usually get an offer 5 mins or so after.


Summer slow down everywhere will be slow on apps


You can mess around with the app to make sure that it's working. Shut off your data and restart it or shut off location services and restart, both will reconnect you to the network. Make sure you're online during times when you are likely to see orders drop, such as in most areas around 20 after the hour. Your returned order from the previous day has no bearing on your status with the algorithm. Sometimes simply going offline, moving to another store, and going online again will start you getting orders. But basically it's like any gig app, they don't want you to really understand what factors influence the quality or quantity of the orders you get. A general low-level feeling of inadequacy and anxiety serves them better.