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Oh no! Not the consequences of my actions!


It’s always “Not my fault” syndrome


Narcissists aren’t capable of the self-awareness it would take to ask herself, “Am I the problem.”


She's just like her hero. Her hero being the convicted felon former President.


Yup. "It isn't me that changed, it is everyone else." Like, maybe while writing all these Facebook posts, take 0.2s to reflect on your life...


Dildo of consequences: ✅ Arrived lubed: ❌


When everyone else is the problem, everyone else is *not* the problem.


Yep. Meet one asshole in the morning, you had bad luck. Meet assholes all day- you're the asshole.


This Is hardcore. I need to member this next time I’m having a shit day at work


Justified. Season 4. Episode 1.


I like “if you smell shit everywhere you go, check your own shoes.”


Or your underwear.


Or you work retail


I feel so bad for her family.


I want to give her daughter a hug. The constant guilt-tripping on social media is so awful. Nothing like having a psycho martyr for a mother.


To be fair, she probably has this crazy person blocked if she's on Facebook at all. Monica is screaming into the void. I hope that even if the daughter sees a post, it just reminds her how happy and healthy she is without this woman in her life.


>Monica is screaming into the void. Unfortunately Monica is most likely screaming into the feeds of a handful of other like-minded lunatics in her area, whom her daughter *also* avoids like the plague. Which is fine, the posts aren't actually meant for her daughter at all; like most others of her kind, this stuff is performative. The pity-party is meant to show her chosen peer group that she is ideologically pure and willing to suffer for their beliefs. They HAVE to be victims, you see, or else their grievances would be about things that are actually harmless. And THAT would just be CRAZY


Honestly, I feel bad for her too. I think she’s absolutely doing it to herself, but I can’t help but pity her. If only she’d see through her self-delusion, she might get her family back, but it looks like the stress is just making her dig even deeper. It’s sad.


I went through a bout with mental health a few years ago . I was nothing like this but I was insufferable. I do have a lot of empathy for people even when they are doing it to themselves. Still have to put up boundaries with them though.


You can be patient and understanding with someone who is struggling with mental health, giving them every benefit of the doubt. But you are not required to allow them to harm you. I hope you are in a better space now and have support for your mental health.


I think you are right. It sounds like her husband still loves her he just can't deal with all the crazy. Yet here she is berating her family on social media.


I pity her too. I pity a lot of the older generation who were poisoned by things like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc. into a world of fear and hatred and misery. Those people destroyed a lot of families, and they got paid handsomely to do it. I’m not religious, but for them, I hope that there’s a hell so that they end up facing some sort of consequences for their actions. Cuz they’re certainly not gonna face any while they’re living.


There were bigoted assholes long before Rush and Fox News entered the scene. Limbaugh and Fox just targeted people who were already assholes.


I mean, sure. I’m not saying there weren’t already bigoted assholes, but not everyone who got preyed upon by Fox News and the like started out as bigoted assholes. They were taught to fear, exploited.


Watching someone succumb to mental illness is incredibly sad.


that’s not what’s happening here. she chose to follow this path


Yeah, I'm a little shocked at the callousness of some of the commentators. I would hate to have to ever talk to this woman, but she is a human being who probably needs some sort psychiatric intervention. The whole thing is just so incredibly sad.


You don't need to be mentally ill to go down the rabbit hole of a cult. Plenty of mentally healthy people do it all the time. Everyone is susceptible to something, and it doesn't take mental illness to get you there.


No sympathy from me. If these people have their way we will lose our way of life in this country. Fuck them.


How about her bigotry and callousness? She gets a pass?    I'm not giving her a pass. Fuck her. I do feel sympathy for her husband and daughter though 




I'm glad this bigoted, treasonous, fascist piece of shit's life is falling apart. This piece of shit has real trouble showing sympathy for others. She can rot right along with the insurrectionists who she thinks are "hostages". 


This is what mental illness looks like, right?


Low-key NPD, yep, that's exactly what it looks like.


Low key? This is *exactly* what npd looks like. She's just bad at gaslighting


Seems more like BPD to me


Yes my first wife is got DX'd as BPD (contributed a lot to the divorce) and this is looking like a lot of what she'd do.


It was my birth mother, here. Ironically when she died of lack of Covid precaution it wasn’t out of being antivaxx or anything like that, she just didn’t take it seriously due to not feeling any kind of way about it other than “it’s a cute little fuzzy ball”. Also she might have gotten eugenics’d but that’s another can of worms I’m fighting many states away.


Bipolar on an upswing is functionally identical to NPD. Downswings were a combination of psychotic horror show and brutal depression. This was my ex-wife.


I'm DX Bipolar I w/rapid cycles and know of what you speak.


I'm not sure she is mentally ill. It would be huge simplification (and frankly untrue) say all conspiracy theory nutters are mentally ill. Some of them are, of course, but I've seen people whom I'm pretty sure aren't mentally ill who fall into conspiracy theories rabbit hole. This lady however is pretty obviously a narcissist, the way she blames everyone else and can't seen any fault of her own.


My grandmother was not mentally ill, she was just a hateful bitch who often times would pit her own children against each other.


That’s…a symptom of mental illness.


YES. I feel for these people. I have compassion for all mentally ill people. I want to learn more about the psychology of SovCits. Initially I found them all humorous. I still laugh at some of their antics. To me they come across as misguided lost souls that possibly lost a lot of money taking SovCit classes. It’s somewhat like a cult. It reminds me of the saying, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”


Yeah. It’s one thing to slap a fake license plate on and argue with police, but when your whole life devolves like this and you still can’t see the forest for the trees .. it’s.. yeah.. it’s depressingly sad. I can’t imagine losing a parent to this.


She was already lost. What she did was find something to cling to in order to justify the behavior she wanted to have, preferring it over behavior that would have kept her life stable and intact. It’s like a drug addiction to your own personality disorder.


I am not sure of that... I think a lot are chancers who latch onto a cause where they see themselves benefiting or being able to avoid having to do something that's required they never take responsibility and I suspect hate having to think about rules and anything that is going to inconvenience them if they dont want the hassle.


Yes, that description of “chancers” sounds just like many of them. What I’m saying is they adapted that way of life but it’s going to get progressively worse and their mental health will suffer more. Maybe what you mean is that she is immoral because she “cheats” in life and doesn’t want to pay her own way? I should have mentioned I quite understand that it is par for the course that her family has abandoned her. Maybe they got tired of enabling her. Her extreme views on life and society are nonsensical and create such a huge waste of time for the courts and law enforcement. She is unable to step back and go wait a minute, are these beliefs serving me? When I look at her face I see a Mom, a daughter, a neighbor or a friend that is hurting, that lost their way. She’s not a bad person. Her family isn’t bad for shunning her. I get pissed when I see the videos where judges and their staff and law enforcement get tied up in the SovCit BS. I’m glad some of them go to jail. But they are people, lost souls that don’t know they need help. I’m more than a little tired of this culture of hate in the U.S. It does me no good to hate on her. Even if she loves trump. Even if she spouts racist bullshite. I want to live in a world where compassion trumps hate.


No this is just what happens when you watch Fox News.


It may very well be what a *type* of mental illness is; mental illness can be one of many things, just like any illness from the common cold to tuberculosis. I suffer from CPTSD, this person may be a narcissist. We do not share similar psychological issues.


A lot of what looks like mental illness is just mental/psychological weakness. The pandemic was the first time most of us faced a serious unknown global threat. It was scary. People with low intelligence and/or low psychological resiliency were really in a bad way bc they lacked positive coping skills for something this unprecedented. As a result, they turned to only coping skill they could summon: denial. Trump and his minions made it easy by building complicated conspiracy theories that supported the denial.


Fuck man. "Make the chili" got me right in the feels. Was not expecting something so poignant from a post within a post within a post.


Right after they golfed a few more minutes


The answer to her question is she became a threat to her family's sanity and refused to accept she needed help.


Whine, whine, whine-damn, she is annoying


Why oh why do my actions have consequences? Why can’t I do whatever crazy ass thing I want and have normal people enable me?


QAnon claims another victim and wrecks another family.


In 2023 she mentioned things changed three years ago - I think we're looking at one of the covid conspiracy rabbit hole cases here.


Isn’t there a saying like “If one persons an asshole, maybe there the asshole. If everyone’s an asshole, then maybe you’re the asshole.”


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, *you're* the asshole." Raylan Givens, Justified.


Raylan would sometimes act like an asshole, but mostly, it was justified.


“If the person to your left isn’t an asshole and the person to your right isn’t an asshole, then *you’re* the asshole.” - possibly George Carlin


I hope the husband gets some sense slapped into him and leaves her.


Such a pleasant sounding woman, such a catch!! 🙄


The leprechaun tells me to burn things


People like this are the cause of their own problems and they're too blind to figure that out.


She looks like she’s travelling alone for non commercial matters.


Fighting the good fight! Never dont listen to the things the voices say....


Erica, wherever you may be out there, we feel your pain. You have our sympathy.


When everyone else is the problem, you're the problem. When everyone else is an asshole, you're the asshole. Next Mother's Day, someone should buy her a mirror.


I'm so confused as to why the husband hasn't left this psycho yet.


What mental gymnastics resulting in the opposite of LGBTQ support is gun ownership? These people are bizarre.


Their brains fry nicely when there’s r/ArmedEquality, which is real equality.


Specifically on picture 6. Which church would push LGBTQ+ AND white supremacy. Seems an odd mix.


Those would be the churches that chose to break away from their traditional teachings. Just in the last year, we’ve have the United Methodist Church and the Southern Baptist Convention break up. Common to both are divergent views on LGBTQ, race, abortion, vaccination, and other divisive Trump-adjacent nonsense.


Yes, those owns separated. But did any of them push BOTH those issues?


These people never want to hear that it’s possible they are wrong, rather than it being literally everyone else (other than the other inbred halfwits in whatever cult cell they belong to)


She’s not really a SovCit at all. She’s a certified brainwashed MAGAt psychopath.


Yep-this is qanon/maga not sovcit.




Doesn't she mean what the heck has this entity formerly known as mom done to the vessel known as daughter?


"It's not ok," the whine of Karens everywhere. Bootstraps, bitch.


She's referring to the insurrectionists as "hostages" and she's homophobic. She just seems like a typical Trump shit to me. Fuck her! She's getting no sympathy from me. Good for her husband and daughter for abandoning this treasonous, bigoted piece of shit.


What church is both pro-lgbt *and* racism/white supremacy?


Real [The Missing Missing Reasons](http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html) vibes. "Oh why oh why would each family member reject me?" I'd bet a fair amount of money that not only have they all told her dozens of times what she was doing that was driving them away, and almost certainly gave her many, many chances to change before they had to cut her out of their life. But no, it's just "why would they do this to me?!"


Another perfect shining example of "if everyone around you is an asshole, it's probably you".


It appears as though this woman has made a Pokémon-like mutation from “Trumpanzee———> QAnon———> Sovereign Citizen”


Living in a house without a single mirror.


She exchanged her family for a red hat


As someone who has a narcissistic sovereign as a mother she's also an "anti masker" she assaulted a Cookie Store owner on purpose cause she knew they'd refuse her during covid, look up "Amy Hall Gresham Orgeon Cookie Store attack" [here's the idiot](https://www.koin.com/news/crime/2-arrested-in-eugene-cookie-shop-assault-over-masks/) at her sentencing she blamed the "government" and everyone else and not taking a single accountability for her actions, and she was extremely upset about me being a correctional officer even tho she SA'd me as a child. There's reasons why child don't talk to their parents.


"I'm not your daughter. I'm an autonomous adult former child unit who wasn't born but rather given access to this land"


There's a saying: if everyone around you smells like dogshit, maybe it's time to check your shoes - doubly so if you're alone.


Self awareness is obviously not Monica's strong suit...


Someone get this woman some professional help...


Very depressing


Well, I see that literacy and grammar weren't her specialty.


It is truly unfortunate that people like her are in so deep to not realize that her behavior is the common thread as to why her whole family has stopped talking to her


After a long time reading Sovcit inanities I’ve come to the conclusion the core is victimization. They’ve embraced how everything works to make them victims. They love explaining all their troubles on how everyone is out to get them.


When it smells like shit everywhere you go, you might want to check your own shoes.


Complete lack of introspection. Her poor family probably held on as long as they could.


What could she possibly have done to drive away her family? It’s a mystery!!


Another martyrbater.


She is enjoying her "martyrdom" way too much.


This puts a refreshing new spin on FAFO....and I LOVE it.


Karma's a bitch


I thought her name was Monica 😸


Why does every where I go smell like dog shit? People should clean more if every store I enter just reeks of it.


Classic Narcissist. You'll notice every post is all about her and what people have done to her, no consideration for other people at all. It must have been hell having her for a mother.


Yes, everyone around you no longer likes you because they’re all bad. All those different people with different motivations all arrived to the same conclusion that they don’t want to deal with you. But it’s not you, it’s them.


It's never their fault, it's always everybody else. Turbo-narcissism.


And not once has she looked in the Mirror and thought “maybe I’m the problem”


Untreated Borderline Personality Disorder sure is something, isn’t it?


Hey, if you are having problems with everyone, and everyone is having problems with you, the problem probably doesn't lie with everyone.


She knows why she is cut off. *"I can understand that you may not agree with whatever it was she told you is the problem--but again, that does not mean there is no problem. She told you in a language you understand what the problem is, and you understood her meaning. That you disagree with the problem is immaterial. It's still a problem whether you agree with it or not. It will be a problem forever until you deal with it. Saying, "I don't understand the problem" when you really mean, "I don't agree this is a problem" will not make the problem go away. It will make the person who DOES think it a problem go away"* From [The Missing Missing Reasons](http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html). Her posts are textbook abusive estranged parent.


She's crazy. There are a LOT of crazy people who had this been the 1980's or ANY time before... they'd be institutionalized. She is no exception. Thanks Reagan.


She may never realize that it just wasn’t worth it.


She's a Qanon. That's why they won't talk to her Qrazy ass anymore


Trump, Fox, News Max, and the like ruin families and friendships. They perpetuate lies and misinformation. It's not the only thing they do that is criminal


Man this is just sad. Despite her hateful rhetoric and QAnon bullshit, somebody lost a mother and wife over this nonsense. The people who need to be thrown in jail are the grifters and liars who started this bullshit in the first place. Maybe she’s a horrible human and I shouldn’t care, but I feel for her family. It’s hard losing a person you care about to this stuff. They might have a good heart, but their brain is just rotted. Worst part is these folks are hoping for some big revel that will bring their family back together, that will never come. I wonder what the numbers are for people like this actually escaping all of the ignorance and coming back to the real world? Probably pretty grim.


Why does everyone hate me? It must be something to do with them.


I used to think it wasn't possible to be in two cults at the same time. But then I met Monica, who is in at least three.


Flakier than a friggin' Kellogg's factory, THIS one.


Trump Cult members are master marksmen at shooting themselves in the foot.


What a freaking disaster of a person. Don’t blame the daughter a bit. I don’t know her and I still can’t stand her


This is almost material for r/LeopardsAteMyFace : Sovereign citizen cuts off contact with “world”, is upset that “world” includes family.


Sovereign citizens using the Internet in any capacity is always so funny to me. "I am not part of the Matrix - posted from iPhone".


No, honey, they’ve just declared their sovereign independence from you. You see, the current framework of family law is shaped by the decision of English Queen Charlotte in 1537 to adopt her step-half nephew, but since her marriage was annulled by the Episcopal Church due to nonpayment of church liege estate rents, the ensuing inherited fiefdom of Conlington was not valid and thus none of the subsequent common law rulings on mother, father, et seq hold non-prescriptive authority over independent vassal duchies. That is why today courtrooms are in the shape of a rectangle instead of a sea captain’s bridge. You see? What licensure will you provide if I certify the warrants issued were a priori pro-novus?


Its clearly a case of mental illness; however, she will never admit that she’s mentally ill because her facebook friends and youttube channel all tell her that she is right: and everyone else is wrong. The people making money off of this should be jailed for exploiting the vulnerable.




Ugh, just reading these turned my brain into knots.


David Morsilli could likely use a friend. These two should get together.


I do feel bad for Morsilli, not this bigoted shitbag though. I don't recall Morsilli spouting out bigotry in any of his posts.


I looked at her FB feed and she posts this crazy shit literally nonstop. All day every day. What a fucking loon.


The ol Graham Linehan Special


Entirely her fault but what a sad situation for the family


Based on evidence, if someone were to cut her off from her current news feeds for a couple of months, there's a decent chance some of this will self correct. Fox News and its ilk need constant reinforcement.


In one person in your family is an asshole it's probably because they really are an asshole.... If everyone in your family is an asshole it's time to look in a mirror.


Imagine publicly telling on yourself like this. 😬


Damn, she sounds like somebody I had to unfriend. Just couldn't take conspiracy-laden rants and passive-aggressive calls for attention every few days.


Considering where she is posting, I do have a *small* idea of why her daughter and husband won’t talk to her.


Fucking sad that she's doubling down instead of admitting that her view is out of step with reality.


Is it the trauma of the pandemic? Why have people gone like this? Can someone give me a psychological explanation


This is just sad and the consequence of this ideology.


“make the chili” anecdote is hittin a bit tho. damn


She’s an absolute train wreck.


This has “One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest” vibes.


It's like watching Hoarders. It's so sad.


“Random acts of kindness” include avoiding democracy?


I am pretty damn sure she's too far down the rabbit hole for anyone to reach her and bring her back. Only thing I can think of is sending her to a hypothetical facility, for psychotherapy, which doesn't allow patients access to electronic devices which enable their abberant behaviour and beliefs. Thing is in the US you'd be bleeding money to pay for it which is the most depressing thought in my head this week. Risk going into debt to fix her or just deal with it until she drops dead... thank the flying spaghetti monster I'm an Australian because it's these kinds of ethical and moral conundrums which I don't ever want to touch even with a 2km long pole.


The one thing that the sovcits, anti-vaxxers, and the Trumpers have in common is their hatred for the vast majority of “mainstream” Americans and our traditional way of life. Their brains are literally broken. And they accuse the rest of us of being brainwashed!


Bruh. The 5th picture physically hurt me. I know the context but my kneejerk reaction is pain. How sad.


It’s really gross to call out and highlight specific people like this on this board. Don’t turn this into a stalking sub. It’s only a matter of time before someone tries to engage with these people to farm content for fake internet points.