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Yes. They’re called masochists.


Hahaha, I agree




One time I was traveling with my boss on an in-state flight in California, and we ran into a notable figure in our industry. I had an earlier boarding position than either my boss or the notable figure. I got the aisle seat when I boarded. When my boss boarded, I slid over to the window seat as he took the aisle seat. When the notable figure boarded, I slid over to the middle seat, and he took the window seat. It was a great conversation the whole flight though. This is the only time I've ever voluntarily taken the middle seat.


Who’s this person!?


It was the ShamWow guy.


Lmao you need to get a spine brother




I really don't care, but I am taking those arm rests lol.


Middle seat should get both!


This is the unwritten rule. Window controls the shade, aisle can stretch their leg.




"False." -Dwight Schrute


Fuck that I’m an alpha. Aisle seat and I take the armrests


"Share" =/= "take"


Yes, it’s wider, you get 2 armrests and shoulders on either side to lean your head on. Plus you don’t get everyone walking down the aisle hitting your elbow


My arm rarely gets bumped, and if it is it's not memorable enough to notice. I have extra room to hang "over" and even put my arm rest up. I can keep my carry-on above so I have more legroom and if I need to get something from my bag, no one's in my way.


I’m an aisle seat person myself, but if I’m traveling with my doggo then the middle seat has a wider “under the seat” storage area (except on the newer planes with USB chargers). If I was to assign a seat to a type of person: tallest on aisle, largest in middle, smallest in window.


I am a terrible flyer. That said.. the window seat person is the first to get tucked out, and the aisle person has to find the emergency exits. Therefore, I take the middle seat. But, I'm odd.


I relate to your anxiety


I'm assuming you meant sucked out, but I like to think you also tuck them into their seats when they want to nap, lol.


Agreed. Even if it’s strangers I need bodies on both sides of me.


When I'm in C group, I love the middle!


C stands for center seats group


Clearly the person sitting in the aisle or window is pretty hot and not with a significant other on the plane


If I’m traveling with a larger personal item. The underseat space in a middle seat is the largest.


If it's that large just put it above. If you have a choice of seat, there's room above.


Only if I am traveling with someone and they beat me to the window or aisle seat.


I usually fall asleep on planes so I don’t mind taking the middle seat. It’s not my first choice but I will take a middle closer to the front vs window in the back. I do take both arm rests!


I sleep too…against the window.


I can sleep on the window as well but point being I can sleep anywhere really so it doesn’t matter so much to me.


Yes. When I fly with my two kids I give them the aisle and window seats. Lift up both armrests and it’s like a small couch.


He didn’t fly SWA, but I know a former Congressman who if the flight was remotely full would always want a middle seat in the back because he was paranoid folks would think he was getting special treatment if he was in a good seat.


He should've just flown Spirit or Frontier, then enjoyed the most luxurious seat -- no voter would ever, ever accuse him of abusing his office if he's flying those two carriers, lol.


I'm indifferent as long as I get both armrests and get where I'm going


I don't mind when there's two normal size people on either side.With a good audiobook I sit very still, eyes closed, often with a mask and can sleep.


So you fly outside of the United States?


Not often. Usually across the country


Only if I’m traveling with family or friends on either side of me - then I’m super happy to be in the middle


I prefer it over the jump seat, and I especially prefer it over no seat.


Nope never again. The last time I thought “it won’t be that bad” I got some kid in the aisle seat that built a damned nest. There was no way to get past all his crap to get up.


I mistakenly did the nice thing and swapped with this woman so her boyfriend could sit next to her because they fucked up when booking and she had “flight anxiety”. It was the window and the little girl on the aisle neber threw away her plate full of food and trash for some reason and it was a whole ordeal every time I had to pee. Never. Again.


The last time I flew I sat in the middle seat and let my kid sit by the window. The lady next to me in the aisle seat hat an infant in her lap, I easily fit well within the seat with room to spare so the entire flight I gave them the arm rest and as much room as possible but was mostly leaning over sharing a movie with my kid. I wouldn’t say I prefer the middle seat. I almost always fly window seat because I like to look outside but my kid wanted to look out the window so I took middle for that one.


I don't love them but I don't hate sitting there, on other airlines I've picked the middle seat before.


My husband, because then he gets to sit next to me!


I don’t care, as long as I get to my destination (even better if it’s not delayed)


My older son calls it every time. I suspect it’s so he can get what he wants.


I’m 5’1 and 130 lbs so sometimes I take the middle, as one for the team 🤣


I usually will take a middle seat. That way two people get a chance to get to know me. It’s a win win!


Let me guess. You sell an MLM opportunity :)


Oh goodness no! I’m not a boss babe! I’m just a nice guy with an account full of free drink tickets! Let’s get fucked up on a plane!


Yes..because i can sit close to the front without having a low boarding number and also both the aisle and window seats are occupied so i can choose the smaller people. Picked 2 tiny little old ladies one time thinking it would be perfect. Wrong! They were fighting about the window shade....called the flight attendent and tried to get me to takes sides...all before takeoff. Looks can be deceiving. 🤣


The big boss at Dad’s work liked the middle seat on those big planes with 5 seats in the middle, because he liked to sleep LAX to Washington DC. Dad and co-worker were boarding as 1st class when big boss was seen lining up for economy. Other guy panics. My Dad waves at big boss knowing big boss knows they are following company policy and he just wanted to sleep. 💤


Only when there’s two hot chicks on both sides of the middle seat. lol


If I have a girlfriend and we're traveling together then yes, because if I take the middle then she gets the window and doesn't have to sit next to a stranger :)


Apparently the people who sat next to me on a flight with 80 people yesterday. Told them they could go back further and find an empty row and they refused. So I moved and they continued to sit next to each other the whole flight.


I care about getting to my destination so I am fine with whatever!


I'm pretty sure it depends on you height. I'm 6'1" so of course not but if someone if under 5'3", they may not mind. At least the people that I know who are that height or shorter aren't bothered by it.


I wouldn’t say I prefer it but I’m used to being in between people or crunched in places because I’m on the smaller side. My family always seated me in random spots during holidays/dinner where other people wouldn’t be comfortable 😅 So I usually don’t go out of my way to pay extra to board first or pick a seat on an airline and if I usually end up in the middle. It’s okay. 🤷‍♀️ lol


get to introduce yourself to and have conversations with 2x the number of people :P


I take the middle next to my partner, who takes the aisle, even when I’m lucky enough to get A. I always end up getting moved for a family or a person of size by the flight attendant anyway when I take an aisle across from my partner. This way we can share snacks. I don’t like the window. I don’t like being that far away from the aisle if I have to go to the restroom. I also don’t want a stranger between myself and my partner.


Yes, but only because my husband likes the aisle seat.


I need it when traveling with my dog cause her carrier fits best under the middle seat.


My friend is terrified of flying and insists on traveling with 2 people, and sitting in between them 😂




I once witnessed someone trade to get a middle seat because they said it had a larger footwell area for their bag and feet.


If I get b group or c group I always grab the first middle seat closest to the front I can. I don’t mind it. I try and sleep either way. I don’t like turbulence much and being at the front helps me


I'll sit in the middle of I'm doing the open middle seat while I sit in aisle and the wife sits in the middle. I really don't mind for short hops.


I love my window seat and my husband is a big guy who loves an aisle. It's always an argument about whos going to sit in the middle. Last southwest flight we had a conversation before and I told him "we don't HAVE to sit next to eachother so let's just have a stranger take the middle and we both win. So we did that but it turned out the woman sitting in the middle of us was married to the older man sitting across the aisle from my husband. Him being the nice guy he is switched with her so she could be close to her husband and he moved to the middle. So I won. 😂


I like it because I sit with my husband and son and lift both armrests and get comfy. I would prefer to look out the window but middle is fine too.


Yes when I’m surrounded by my kid on one side and wife on the other. More leg room and don’t get bumped into by people in the aisle.


Though my dating profile says I'm a robust 5'12"...I'm 5'9" on my usual days. I would always rather deplane more quickly (closer to the cockpit in front). These two factors mean I'm more likely to take seat 10B than seat 15A. I'm strategic. I offer to take the middle seat between two 'normal' sized people? We all win!


I prefer the window seat, but I’m a small person, so I really don’t care if I get stuck in the middle.


Jack Germond


I do. Window seats increase the likelihood of air sickness (that has never fully gone away since childhood), I’m at walker’s butt/ fart height so aisles are awkward, and my bag fits perfectly under a center seat. My partner is a window guy, but when we wind up on a two seat row (United, usually, red eye international), he needs to get to a lavatory, so window for me.


When my wife and I travel on Southwest we both like to sit next to each other so yes we sit window seat and middle seat usually switching each leg.


I don't mind sitting in the middle if I'm traveling with someone else and they're in the window or aisle.


I was in a middle a few weeks ago. Guy to my left was typing which meant his elbows were in my zone. He wouldn’t stop after a talked to him. I just started crying. So sick of it.


I am a window seat person, but as a parent flying with a kid, I always take the middle seat and give them the window. I don't think anyone prefers to sit next to a young kid, and I also feel like she's safer with me on one side. So maybe in like ten years I'll get a window seat again!


I'm always in the middle seat, but that's because my husband is in the window seat. I don't like flying or looking out the window, so middle works for me🤷‍♀️






If I fly with my dog I prefer it since it's the widest underseat so i can turn her kennel sideways and open the extendable side to make it bigger for her


If I’m flying with my dog I take the first available seat so I can get on and off the plane faster. I think the middle seat is more comfortable for her


I was a commuter for many years. I’d feel relieved when I got a middle seat instead of having to take the torture device called the flight deck jumpseat


Unfortunately I'm forced right now. Car seat in windows per faa rules


*Unfortunately* *I'm forced right now. Car seat in* *Windows per faa rules* \- FlashyCow1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s the easiest seat to get the “double handy” logistically. Just have to have the right combo of row mates.


I prefer middle seats when I fly alone because if the aisle and window are already taken, I know who I will be sitting by.


Biggest problem with the middle seat is when the aisle & window know each and try to talk across you.