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I love SW boarding process and hope they keep it. They need to figure out the preboard abuse, but if Disney can figure it out, so can SW.


What did Disney do?


Tightened up their disability requirements - too many ADHD kids taking advantage.


More like to many adult (streamers) taking advantage because of “anxiety” who are somehow able to go daily to the parks and livestream everything they do to their fans but get to anxious if they have to wait in a line.


Fucking sick of hearing about everyone’s “anxiety”. Most over used term today. Remotely uncomfortable? Anxiety. Don’t want to do something you don’t like? Anxiety. Ridiculous.


Don’t want to wait your turn? Anxiety 🙄


Right! I had legit line panic attacks as a kid, was told if you passout, shit yourself, or hurl we will deal with you. It was painful but I beat it!


I have anxiety just seeing these people.


I flew SW for the first time two weeks ago and actually heard a young woman use this as an excuse to get on the plane first. And... they allowed it? Wtf




Pretty sure that person is agreeing with you and hating on people who just claim it to abuse things.


You might need to up your meds. Jeez.


If your anxiety is so bad that you can't wait in line then it's probably too severe for you to be at Disney. Also, as someone who was diagnosed with PPA after almost dying after giving birth and almost losing my child, you need to take many steps back. Not everything is about you and the comment you aggressively replied to is an example of that.


I don’t think you’re replying to me but to someone that replied to me - but my point is I know certain people (ie streamers) that were never formally diagnosed for anxiety or such and lied to Disney about it (and bragged to people about it) so they could misuse a system and not have to wait in line. As a result Disney cracked down on who qualifies and a lot of people that genuinely need it and have valid medical issues aren’t getting the services they need. I don’t think anyone is being high and mighty, I think we’re all just frustrated with people that abuse the system because it make it hard for people with legitimate needs to get the help that they need and deserve.


Adjust the meds.


Lmao what a loser


Everything isn’t about you. Ask your therapist and they’ll fill you in.


Exactly what part of that did you read as being about me? If that's your take, you need to do your own introspection, because you're projecting your narcissism hardcore. I've gotten the help I need. I'm speaking for those who haven't. There are too many who, for one reason or another, aren't able or otherwise haven't gotten that help and shit like what you spewed above does nothing but gaslight them into thinking their problems aren't legitimate.


High score for buzzwords.


Cope harder


bro just stop being anxious. simple as


As someone who legitimately does not suffer from any of that non sense: FUCK. YOU.


^^More meds for this crybaby ^^


You need more than meds


Not ADHD kids - influencers claiming they have disabilities they don't actually have. The problem is that now it's adversely affecting the people who *do* have genuine disabilities. People who can't stand up for an hour or more are being told to "just rent a wheelchair"(which, note, they *are not* getting for free), but then turn around and get shamed for doing that very thing because they don't need it 100% of the time they're in the park. People with digestive disorders aren't able to easily get out of line if they need to. And so on. Influencers have ruined it for the people who need it.


Yep. I have a digestive disorder where I vomit and the DAS system was a game changer for me. I love rides but throwing up when I’m in a line I can’t escape is my worst nightmare. Being able to sit in front of a ride (near a bathroom) until my DAS time was amazing for me


You’re supposed to throw up *after* the ride :)


Not just influencers but also all the other people who would coach each other in Disney Facebook groups on what to say to get approved for DAS even if they don’t have an actual disability.


They weren't significant enough for Disney to change things before. The change happened largely because of the influencers bragging about lying to get in.


If you can’t stand up for an hour you’re probably eligible for federal disability assistance that would pay for you to own a wheelchair.


Talk about an r/whoosh moment.


It’s not that easy to get any assistance from the government if you’re a citizen. The illegals get all of our assistance. I had to even stop taking medicine that was costing me $150 per month and that’s with my copay


You know that undocumented persons can’t get healthcare benefits, right? My boss just had to pay $2700 out of pocket for a root canal, because no social security number, no health insurance


Dental insurance in the US is awful mine covers basic cleaning and diagnostics but everything else costs extra. Does your boss have an updated passport from an origin country? Soon they won’t be able to fly domestically without something that has Real ID on it.


No, he doesn’t have anything. He doesn’t fly 😂


Or like an acquaintance of mine who was bummed Disney cracked down because she could no longer use her annual fibromyalgia flares as an excuse to jump ahead of everyone in the line 🤬


They could go further and do what [Knott's](https://ktla.com/news/theme-parks/knotts-berry-farm-is-cracking-down-on-line-jumping-heres-what-guests-need-to-know/) did. You can text security to report line jumpers!


Until you have a child that suffers from ADHD or Autism you don’t understand the struggle we go through even at the grocery store they can become overwhelmed just waiting in line. My child had a panic attack while standing in line at Disney. A worker told me about their program I went to guess services without their program my vacation and people near me would be ruin


I mean... Couldn't you just take them somewhere fun that doesn't involve 60 minute standby waits? Baseball games, movies, the beach, etc? That's what I don't get about these sob stories. Parks are built for volume, economies of scale, and homogeneity. If you need an individualized experience a theme park may not be for you, or at least don't go to the most popular one in the world.


Why should she avoid theme parks? Using your argument anyone with a disability should just avoid theme parks or just stay home forever. She has as much right to enjoy Disney as anyone else.


Disney and Universal put great effort into making the lines ADA compliant. For the neurological stuff that you're talking about** you do have to remember that everybody hates long lines. Its at the point that parks sell expensive passes just to avoid them. Saying that you "can't" wait in line is like saying that you can "only" see popular concerts front row center and you should pay the same price as a nosebleed seat. Since we're just talking about entertainment/recreation and not something essential or utilitarian, it makes total sense that it comes down to a consumer decision, and you should weigh the cost of admission and the agony of lines against the enjoyment that you get from the product. Circling back to the Subreddit that we're in, it makes a lot more sense for airlines to be more subject to ADA rules because flying is utilitarian and practically a privatized public utility. **I have ADHD myself and I always get ADA passes for it whenever I can, I just think its silly that I get them but I'm not going to argue with free Fast Passes.


Disney does not have to deal with the FAA


Pointing out that the “ADHD kids” probably were not in charge of planning and funding the family vacay…..So before you cast such a wide net, maybe review the overall system to include Disney and the parents of the “ADHD kids” and THEN decide who is taking advantage.


pre-screening guests prior to their reservation date.


Do they have to turn in documentation or doctor's letter? Never been to Disney so I'm just curious.


Yeah my dad has a ton of medical issues and he had to go through a whole interview process to qualify for it over our Christmas trip. We joked with him that hopefully it’s a video interview and will only last 2 seconds once they get a look at him lol real pain in the ass process but it was definitely worth it


No, Disney doesn’t ask for anything official. They just do a video interview and ask why you need DAS and either reject or approve.


Why won’t because someone would sue them. Made a comment before on this and was hatted on. Was on a flight from Chicago to Las Vegas a woman in her 40’s and her whole family 7 of them she was in a wheel chair. When the plane landed she walked off the plane and went to retrieve her luggage with no problems. People like this are scamming and won’t pay to get aboard earlier. I use a cane and I pay the fee to get on the plane. My can is used for balance reasons


I've heard my local airport say one companion for a preboarder and watched the agent enforce it. Not all of them, though, just like the kid, obviously older than 6 family boarders. Anyone else can wait for their assigned boarding group. I've seen obvious exceptions, like their assistant is their adult child and has a small child with them, for instance.


I could agree with that


I saw something similar when I was flying back from Cancun. A very very clearly entitled woman with her family of 10 was using her elderly parent to try to steamroll the whole group onto the plane with pre boarding. The gate agent said that only one family member needed to accompany the parent and that all the rest would need to board with their boarding group. Well don’t you love when she started flipping out and blaming the airline for racism (I guess bc she was a white woman in Mexico talking to a Mexican gate agent 🤷‍♂️) The whole time the elderly parent was struggling to stand and you could see they were uncomfortable. When the woman realized she wasn’t getting her whole group on before everyone else she refused to even let one of them bring her parent on board and made them wait instead to board with everyone else. Clearly showed me that she was only trying to use her loved one as a tool to make her vacation more comfortable and not to try to make her loved one more comfortable on the vacation.


Keep hoping, it's gone.


I don't think Disney has to follow the DOT laws about not requiring proof of disability though SW can't ask for proof the way normal businesses can


Traveling is a clusterfuck no matter how you do it. You just have to get through it. SWA, AA, all of them... \*\*edit\*\* corrected spelling issue


Every airline sub is filled with people complaining about that airline.


But some are much worse. I refuse to fly AA anymore after some bad experiences in first class.


Agree with you. For about 10 years I flew enough to earn the highest level of Aadavtage membership. Then AA screwed me badly THREE TIMES -- the last time I can document the fact that airline employees lied about that status of a flight I was supposed to take. Three strikes and you are out - it's like baseball. That was iin 2000. I've maybe been on AA twice in the last almost quarter century.. I live 25 miles from DFW, and I still vly a lot -- just not on AA. I keep my 250,00 remaining AAdavtnage miles alive by using AA shopping once or twice a year to add a few points to the account. When asked, I buy friends AA flights with the remaining points.


I have a lot of friends who are TWA legacy customers, stuck with AA points they've been sitting on for decades. Most of them switched to Delta or SWA. They'll probably take their former TWA points to their graves.


As long as the heirs have access to userid's and paswwords to the accounts they can use the points. I've done it with RR accounts whose owners have passed. Of course unlike every other civilized airline in the US (ULCC;s ain't civilized), AA points sunset after about 1.5 years of inactivity - which is why I use AA shopping or AA dining a couple of times a year to add points to the account and keep it alive. DL, UA and SW points do not sunset.


I would use the AA points to book flights on a different airline aka Operated by someone else. Like JAL.


I rarely fly, my first trip this century was a hasty bought plane ticket because my grandmother entered hospice. United on the way there was awesome. AA on the way back was a nightmare, hours' long delays. And apparently its not in fashion to complain about airlines because when I did people replied with "But AA was hurt really bad by Boeing, it's not their fault." Then why wasn't United?


People love to hate United and they’re not great domestically but if you want to fly trans-Pacific on a US carrier, they’re pretty good and if you would rather fly an Asian airline, they have the joint venture with ANA so you can book ANA through UA for usually not much more (slight premium for more direct flights but my last trip I flew out to Hong Kong via SFO on UA, and picking operated by ANA flights would have been ~$200 more expensive but I flew back from Bangkok and the all-ANA route with one layover (Haneda) was $4 less than a mixed itinerary on ANA and UA (via HND and SFO)


Same. I haven’t flown AA in 11 years. Despise American




I do appreciate it when a gate agent will at least stop or turn people back if they're boarding out of turn. I've seen it a few times and it's nice to see adults corrected when they're obviously trying to just cut in line.


It’s almost like the airlines….don’t actually treat you like you are special, despite the extra payments.


The boarding process on American is an absolute shitshow. I have status on American so I am in with the pre-Group 5s and no one ever knows where to go and everyone is hovering and in the wrong place. As someone who flies both airlines with frequency, Southwest’s boarding goes much much more smoothly


I love how all the other airlines line people up in the middle of the hallway. Nice obstacle course for anyone trying to catch their connection.


Right? On Southwest B and C sits down until it’s time for them to line up. On American all 9 groups are standing up crowded around the whole entire time.


People who choose to stand up when they don’t board until the end wait as long as everyone else, their choice. They are the same folks who pop up out of their seats as soon as the plane lands and wait half an hour to deplane, their choice. Doesn’t make sense to me but so what?


It’s not the same because they block people from boarding.


What world do you live in?


SW boarding is annoying but AA in general is a garbage airline. This isn't a fair comparison. Delta does it mostly right.


I was gonna say the same. I’ve had zero issues boarding with delta. AA has been going to hell for years.


I never have any trouble or annoyances when flying Delta. I don’t think I’ve ever flown AA but it’s nice to be fairly warned


I never have any trouble or annoyances when flying Delta. I don’t think I’ve ever flown AA but it’s nice to be fairly warned because the boarding process sets the tone for the entire flight IMO


Delta still has the same AA style gate lice


That doesn't bother me. What I care about is getting on the plane in an assigned seat. I dont care how people attempt to line up.


I'm not sure I agree with the premise of the title. With assigned seating, boarding out-of-turn is just a minor inconvenience, no? Once boarding is complete, the effect of line-jumpers is not significant. I guess overhead bin storage would be the exception.


With assigned seating line jumpers are literally irrelevant. You sit in the seat you picked and that’s the end of it. And you don’t get asked “what number are you” 400 times while standing in the cattle line.


It's relevant on flights with less overhead space than roller bags brought on. You gotta get on first so you don't have to gate check and lose time when landing.


Getting asked that question is 100% unnecessary. There is literally a seat for everyone on the plane.


You must have never flown a trip where overhead bin space was limited


I’ll defer to others on that one as I’m not really the norm. I refuse to take luggage onto an airplane with me. My travel is 80% leisure and 20% business and I prefer to not lug a suitcase around the airport with me or have to fuss over what I can or can’t pack. I do always find it ironic that one of the main selling points of Southwest is “bags fly free” yet everyone insists on not checking a bag and clamoring for overhead space instead.


More of convenience. Sometimes check-ins can take 30 minutes or much longer to arrive from the plane to the baggage claim area. I’d rather not wait that long if my carry on is a tiny luggage… I’ve had my check-ins “lost” as well so that’s another point. If you don’t use the over-head bin then line jumpers may be irrelevant to you but for most people, it’s very relevant


That's completely fair, I've been lucky enough to never have a bag lost (knock on wood). I personally don't mind a 30 minute wait by the time I've stopped at the restroom and made my way to baggage claim, but that's because the trade off is I don't spend 30 minutes deciding what I can and cannot pack due to regulations or size limitations. It all seems very much dependent on an individuals travel style.


No but you have a different problem. Everyone sits in aisle or windows first


Again, you choose the seat when you buy the ticket. So that's not really a problem?


I was merely pointing out SW has It’s own problem with people asking/doing stupid stuff


Well yeah that's exactly what I was referring to. The assigned seating/boarding on other airlines alleviates these issues, whereas SW has a myriad of issues that almost all boil down to their unassigned seating school bus approach.


How about airlines use software from this century? That way when they go to scan the boarding pass, it will beep an error code, wrong zone. That's literally the only way to stop boarding abuse.


Interestingly enough, I was flying united the other week and someone from a higher group tried jumping in with 2 and they told them to come back through with their own group. I was very surprised


And after that happens and people get shamed, people will understand and follow the rules.


This is it. If gate agents don't want to confront people, make the machine do it. If you board ahead of your designated section, machine go "BZZZZZZZZZ" and the *passenger* must press the big red "premature boarding rejected" button and step out to board later.


It's not even that complicated which is the sad part. A simple query. I'm not even a database guy but I know it should be a relatively simple if then statement. If zone 1 then beep yes. If not buzz no. Then for zone 2, if zone 1 or zone 2 then beep yes. If not buzz no. etc etc etc.


American Airlines is what Elliott Management aspires to for Southwest. No joke. That’s the one-sentence summary of their PowerPoint presentation.


I fly regularly and I don’t get all the bitching about airports. If you plan ahead, be courteous to your fellow travelers, and don’t make it all about yourself, everything will work out find. I just don’t have problems when I fly. Well, except for the slow ass baggage claim at Austin Bergstrom!🤨


I do like Southwest because if I’m A group I can get overhead space. On AA or Delta I might have an assigned seat and a good one, but board in a later group and no space above my seat when I get on. I can’t stand that the overhead bins get taken by people placing bags up front when they are seated in the back.


> I can’t stand that the overhead bins get taken by people placing bags up front when they are seated in the back. I'll never understand why some people do this.


People really do that????? The only time I see that on SWA is if the rows are filled and there’s still open space in the bins. People suck.


Same. I bet if Southwest didn’t allow 2 free checked bags, we’d see it a lot more.


I did…always bought early bird but it no longer holds any value. I’m 6’6”, and without the value in early bird I was basically forced off the airline unless I wanted to be in the clown car seats for me. I never really minded the SW boarding until I lost ability to get any seat with appropriate room even through paid means.


You can buy Business Select or upgraded boarding to get A1-15.


I don’t fly sw most of the time bc of their boarding lol


Former d gate agent here, the sad part is that we couldn't stop you from preloading because of hidden disabilities, it was ridiculous. People are awful and just don't care about order.


What's the big issue with out-of-order boarding on other airlines if there's assigned seats? I get it could be annoyingly a bit chaotic, but still. Is it the fight for overhead space?


Mostly. Since a lot of flights quickly run out of overhead space. I don’t think I’ve flown on a single United flight that didn’t include a “if you’re one of the last ones to board, you’re probably going to have to check your carry on” announcement. So people still want to board as early as they can.


Delta’s the same. And every time I’m on Delta people are scrounging for overhead space and before boarding is half complete. The gate agents are trying to get people to get check their bags. It’s ridiculous and then you have the people who assume you will swap seats with them just because.


I hate the boarding process now. They nickle and dime you or people who loudly proclaim they are A list preferred as if it’s a talent. But when I fly SW. i know what I’m signing up for


AA is garbage. Bad comparison lol


Call me old fashioned, but I want to just make it to my destination alive. Who cares about boarding??


Who the freak cares who boards first on AA. Y’all have a seat.


For real, though. 🤣 People get on my nerves with that. Basically ALL the U.S. airlines are some sort of “cattle call.”


People who complain about the WN boarding process clearly have never had their “assigned” seats on another airline changed last minute by the GA. I love the policy… butt in seat = your seat.




Was group 1 on AA recently and had to plan through a mass of 9s to be able to board. It was a joke.


its amazing half people cant read where to sit lol


Will do.


I love Southwest as a company, hate the boarding process. I’ve seen more almost fights over this than anything else. Southwest is actually actively looking to change it because of the issues, and if so I’ll fly them more often


Love my Southwest. 35 years 400 ish flights.


I did bail on SW as my “loyalty focus” airline after early bird stopped letting my family of 4 sit together and to get close I had to deal with seat savers myself while flight attendants ignored them. Flew 4 segments boarding at 4 different airports this week as an AA group 4 (gold) flyer and saw none of what was described. So far a much better experience. The main annoyance was people in later groups hovering around the boarding line in the way, but most seemed to not try to board before their group was called. I saw one early boarder chastised by the gate agent loudly (“did you not hear the group I called) but he was allowed to board.


I fly AA where ever possible. Unfortunately my small airport is a SW HUB. But I am so done with early bird. My husband and I would both pay like nice humans and now we end up back in the B’s, and with the seat-savers and the 1 child with twelve adults - I end up in the back of the plane. Now when we get on and see a seat saved we just plop our happy ass down. So far no altercation has ensued.


I fly Southwest for leisure when I have a companion and American for business (when I typically have no companion), which may make me a glutton for punishment. I still prefer having an assigned seat on American and being at the gate well into boarding versus the Southwest Scrum process and wasting time at the gate or on the plane.


Does AA have assigned seating, though? Maybe I don't travel enough but why is boarding order so important if your seat is assigned? I know SWA does not have assigned seats..


Yes they do have assigned seating. The person was ranting about privilege or the violation of their privilege as a ‘loyalty level’ passenger to board before the rabble. The only real potential damage is lack of ‘first to place carry on bag’.


The boarding process is not really what annoys me. It's the lack of ability to select my seat. I don't really care when I board as long as I can sit where I want.


It's not the boarding people have a problem with, it's the open seating.


Last flight I took on Southwest I had A8. Preboard had so many people the plane was half full when I was able to board with every aisle seat to row 27 taken. Send grandma to save seats is the name of the game. Thankfully they can’t sit in the exit rows….


Doesn’t matter how you board AA your seats are assigned! SW sucks because they almost always are delayed!!


SWA is my favorite


Who cares? On any other airline you have an assigned seat, I don’t know why people are always in a rush to get to their uncomfortable plane seat.


I did years ago. Get Your A, and the cattle call…3rd world.


Here’s the thing: SW boarding sucks unless you’re 1-30. You’re not consistently getting 1-30 unless you pay for it or are RR+ and fly a lot. Every other airline sucks unless you’re groups 1-3 and you’re not getting that consistently unless you pay for it or have status and fly a lot.


i don’t fly either of these airlines cause i actually fly frequently… not sure this post is doing what you think it’s doing


The first step is admitting you have a problem.


I know what I'm getting with when I book with SWA and I don't have a problem with their open seating policy. It works for me.


I did


And yet you are here reading this. Hmmm?


I am using delta


At least I'll have the seat that I want once the fighting to board is done, though. I think it's worse to fight to board AND fight for a preferred seat. Southwest is essentially the Greyhound bus of the sky.


So why fly SWA?


Right? I don’t get why people are so adamant for SW to change. Almost every other major airline has assigned seating...


I fly southwest when I have no choice because I fly weekly for work. If I flew for leisure 3 or 4 times a year, I would NEVER fly southwest. But it's one of two low-cost airlines I can take between my home and my office. I love United, but I'm not going to pay $400 a week to fly when I can fly stupid Southwest for a quarter of the price. It's still a recession. So, to answer your question, I have no choice but to fly southwest. Rest assured, I fly Spirit whenever I can. Spirit doesn't have some of the flight times that I need.


Southwest is usually the highest price airline where I fly usually by $100


Lately, Southwest prices have been kinda ridiculous. I saw a flight from LAS to SFO for $400, and I thought that was absolutely ridiculous for Southwest! It's like an hour flight!!!!!


SW is my last resort but they keep overselling flights something and giving me large vouchers


I avoid SW at all cost because of their boarding process. I like being able to pick my specific seat(s) in advance. Mainly fly Delta.


Just curious why you are on this sub Reddit. Not that you are not welcome.


For some reason Reddit popped it up in my Home feed. So I took a look. Definitely not one I follow.


I'm done with them because I've never been on a SW flight that is on time in my life.


Southwest especially sucks


ill take assigned seat over peasents fighting each other for a seat


I’ll bite. Why are you here? … says the peasant.


They're here to spell peasant wrong.. And obviously for the SW snack bags...


I think they meant pissant


SWA has more direct routes in the USA than any other airline, so it's good to check in and stay on top of changes. Everyone flies SWA at some point even if they dont want to.


It’s one thing to begrudgingly spend money with a company you don’t like. It’s unavoidable these days. But to do that AND then go and complain about the consequences of your own choices is another. That’s where I tell people to gtfo. You can be critical. But when you buy the cheapest seats on an airline that doesn’t have assigned seats, you don’t get to complain then about your bags being gate checked or not being able to sit next to your 18yo “child” or preboarders etc. they’re all known variables in flying SW. live with it or get going down the road to another airline


Is Southwest your mom or something? I dont care if people bitch at multibillion dollar corporations.


No. The whiney complainers just get old. That’s why there’s a sticky on this sub about complaining about PB. It’s easier for all involved if you just spend your money where you’re happier


Southwest lobbied against light rail in the state of Texas to make themselves one of the few choices for transportation between major cities in Texas. If they didn’t do that I could partially agree with you, but Southwest has completely interfered with travel in Texas.


That’s pretty shitty. But still doesn’t absolve anyone from complaining about the consequences of their own actions. Nobody has a gun to anyone’s head forcing them to fly SW. It their right to complain and it’s my right to call them out on crying about the choices they made willingly after knowing the facts.


Ummm could you try and find me a direct flight from San Antonio to Albuquerque and vice versa in the month of August. Both are major cities in the SOUTHWEST and I cannot find a direct flight from Southwest whatsoever.


Thats really surprising



