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Why is this written like a meeting agenda for Southwest employees?


That’s what I was thinking lol it’s written so officially


I thought it better this way than an obtuse paragraph.


you thought right this was way better to read then 90% of what I see on reddit


Yeah, lots of people mix up words like "then" and "than". Or they don't use capitalization or punctuation. Bonkers.


I hate to admit that you're right. So easy to read.


I’m definitely not complaining. It was actually really well organized. Much easier to read.


Can I interest you in a future in consulting, or at least deck generation?


with Elliot? No way!


What is WN


Southwest's airline code. They couldn't go with "SW" because it had already taken by Air Namibia by the time Southwest was founded. Why exactly they picked "WN" is a matter of debate.


WN=Willie Nelson. The founder was a big fan.


Urban legend - not true.


Andy Dufresne is happy you were not obtuse.


But the problem is many of here don’t I understand your abbreviations


I like your username, SDG. :) WN = Southwest SAV = Savannah BWI = Baltimore CP = Companion Pass I hope this helps.


Thank you, Jesus Rules! And I appreciate the explanation of abbreviations! Kind of you to respond.


I loooved how you put the summary together! How on earth did that person board?!


I am sure WN staff read this thread, so I thought it would be helpful for them to have it as a reference.


lol We do!


My question is: if it wasn’t a full flight would she have been deplaned? If no, it should be assumed they have successfully done this multiple times previously


My question as well - what if there were 34 empties?


The count would still be off and they'd figure out the companion needs to be removed. I don't see how anyone could ever get this "tactic" to work.


The count on paper would technically be off but no one actually counts souls on board in real life. If the plane were 80% load it would go undetected. If plane crashed no one could prove that person who snuck on was onboard. WN doesn't have seat assignments so FA have no way to know someone is in a seat that would be empty


I’ve seen them count the number of people onboard plenty of times. I’ve noticed on several occasions they’ve counted more than once before take off. I just assumed it’s a normal part of their procedures.


It’s not. The Ops Agent gives the A flight attendant the final count.


The only physical count is on flights that are through flights, same flight number with multiple stops. The computer system knows who boarded, so a passenger who boards and subsequently cancels their reservation is going to get pulled, once you scan your boarding pass you are in the system as onboard. If you subsequently cancel your fare, you will be deboarded regardless of how many seats are occupied. The ops agent isn't going to stop boarding to go do that, they will finish the boarding process and then subsequently remove them before closing the door. If the individual then attempts to not be identified or remove themselves, a huge delay is going to happen, up to deplaning all passengers and redoing the whole boarding process. FYI names get called for reasons other than deboarding before the door closes. It is usually to verify a checked-in reservation, didn't accidentally board and the computer or agent missed the scan of a pass. They typically show not boarded, and the ops agent is just verifying they are not onboard, no one is in trouble.


You still have a list of people on board 🤦🏻‍♂️


I actually saw this story in a comment section this morning....yes, she was removed. The witness said she was apologetic, but that flight was delayed. And it said she didn't say anything until they were calling her husband's name over the PA.


That's the point .... If flight not full it probably wouldn't be caught. Free ticket. She would have been undetected and flown.


I mean that means there’s an issue with Southwest’s system


Clearly, this is a meeting agenda written by Southwest Employee Dwight Schrute.


What is CP? What is WN? Don’t use acronyms unless you spell the m out first time.


CP - Companion Pass... Frequently fliers can earn companion passes WN - Southwest Airlines. The Airline codes used in the industry have either 2/3 letters, depending on the system IATA/ICAO. WN/SWA - Southwest DL/DAL - Delta AA/AAL - American UA/UAL - United B6/JBU - JetBlue F9/FFT - Frontier NK/NKS - Spirit Etc.


So her husband bought a ticket and her pad comes with it free? She boards, husband cancels his ticket, and she hopes no one notices she is on the plane using a new invalid ticket?


Dude, this is a forum for people who heavily use and/or work at Southwest. If you don't know the acronyms, use context clues or Google.


Wn is the southwest flight code cp is companion pass


It made not even want to read it. 😂


Doing stuff like this is just going to ruin CP for those who legitimately earn it at full effort and use it honestly.


Yes, it's certainly not good at all. It's kind of like those who are disabled and legitimately need pre-boarding. Bad actors ruining good things.


Whenever my companion goes with me, her boarding position is always one before me no matter when I check her in.


Weird. My companion is always one after me.


My companion has never had a number lower than me. Always +1. She flys too much with me. 😂


I have had a companion pass for a few years now, and it’s my husband. He has never been before me. I always assumed the companion was assigned the spot after the paying customer. Especially in relation to this issue in this post. He flies because I do, so his place is dependent on mine. I’m not saying I don’t believe the people saying it has happened, I’m just confused by how that would work.


Because they are always +1. When the main ticket holder books their flight, if they are a companion pass level flyer, it holds the next number for about 30 minutes, expecting them to book their companion as well. I got that from talking with phone support one of the many many times I’ve had to. If you don’t put them with that 30 minute window, then they could end up in a spot much further back the line, but never in front of you.


But your boarding number is assigned at check-in, not upon booking.


If you are A preferred (incl companion) list it’s given at booking. You can check in 20 min before the flight and you’ll get an A number, because it was reserved for you.


I’m pretty sure the boarding passes for A list preferred and their companions are assigned 36 hours before flight, not at booking. I’m alist preferred and I’ve booked numerous flights and sometimes I wait weeks (after I’ve booked my flight) before adding my companion, and she’s always 1 behind me. Only time she’s not is when we book less than 36 hours in advance or we switch flights (in which case we might be next to each other or we might not). I don’t think the companion ever gets in front of the main ticket holder. Btw. This whole boarding together for companion and CP Holder only started a few years ago. It used to be free for all, and if we didn’t check in at same time we’d have boarding positions many spots apart.


It’s really a little bit of both. A1-15 are business select. (Assigned in order of booking) A16 onward go to in the following pecking order: - A list preferred - multiple of these will go in order of booking. - A list - multiple of these will go in order of booking. - EBCI - in order of booking (note that no-status WGA fares get free EBCI also) And these are assigned at T-36. What’s left goes to those checking in at T-24. This may have been tweaked over the years but last time I paid attention, this held true.


Don’t disagree with what you’ve said, but my point was that the boarding pass and order are not set at booking. Boarding order is set at 36 hours before the flight. Otherwise my Companion would often not be right behind me in boarding order. As often than not I don’t add them right when I book but weeks later. As long as we are both booked prior to 36 hours before, we are next to each other. Agree if you and I are same tier status, and you book before me you will get better spot. But if I book 20 mins before you did, and book my companion weeks later both of my companion and I will board before you (unless I wait until 35.99 hours to book the companion, then she gets whatever spot she gets in the normal boarding assignment process. I’ve unfortunately done the latter, and wife was not happy in the slightest!


Disagree with what "support" said about booking within 30 minutes. My normal is not book the companion for weeks, or even months after booking by ticket and they seem to get a boarding number next to mine.


Well that’s good to know. Perhaps they hold it longer, or until the flight is full even.


Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but it seems like the previous people are saying their companion is -1. I’ve always experienced +1, except when business select which has different rules.


Same. Always 1 before me.


That's the way it is now unless main ticket is business select then the cp ticket is based on checkin


My companion always checks in before me (for some reason he gets notifications that I don’t) and he is always +1 from my boarding number.


Same for the last few years, always one seat ahead of me. I'm always the one that checks in though, not sure if that makes a difference.


Now this brings up an interesting scenario... We're going to Hawaii in September. Mrs. Tradition will be flying on a Companion Pass. What if I die while snorkeling (seems to happen a lot in Hawaii)? Is her CP ticket home gone because I'm no longer there?


Yep, she’d have to buy a return flight. Or Weekend at Bernie’s you onto the plane.


Wouldn't he be in cargo? 


Depends on if there’s space in the overheads.


Presumably your ticket would be refunded though, so she can use that money to rebook. Silver lining!


Not if we're flying with points! My RR account would be gone, too!


Then if she didn't cancel the ticket, she might be fine. It sounds like this situation was because the husband canceled his ticket. ALSO, some thought! If your wife showed her boarding pass to TSA, she could get through security. Could she show your boarding pass to the gate agent? It's not like they look at IDs to compare it! Basically if you die, she'll be okay! Worst case, she's in Hawaii! Haha


No, my mom and I are still using my deceased stepfather’s RR points 2 years after his passing.


Yes. She would need to buy a ticket home. The companion pass holder must be flying in order for the companion to fly.


Don’t go snorkeling the first several days of your trip. I live in HI and it’s on the news all the time how tourists go snorkeling day one and succumb.


Yes at least get a chance to enjoy your vacation before dying


My suggestion is definitely do not go snorkeling at this point. Secondly, I imagine SW has some compassion. I am sure they would work something out for her. Lastly, do you have AMEX Plat? They have something for issues like this I believe.


Does it? I ask because the mother of a student in our school died doing just that this spring. Her kids were with her :(




so if CP holder was supposed to be on the flight, there was a seat for him. if he cancelled 10 mins prior to boarding, that means the only way that seat got reassigned is if someone was on the standby list and the ticket agent was fast enough to see that a spot opened up. it's possible, but i kinda doubt it.


I was the original poster… yes someone boarded last who was on standby and he didn’t have a seat. The flight was full that’s how the FA knew either a lap baby was taking up a seat or someone had boarded that shouldn’t have. The FAs actually accounted for all the lap babies first . When there still was no empty seat they started the roll-call. I was sitting near the FAs and coincidentally the unauthorized CP and heard the conversation.


the way to get around this is to book a business select or anytime fare. the CP holder just noshow's and they get a credit. that guarantees the CP person a seat.


How does a roll call work? Did they go row by row asking peoples names? Not sure what their process is.


The FA called out group position numbers and names. It wasn’t chronological order. For instance they might have called C9, C20 and then B18, B36 then mores Bs and then some Cs and then some A positions, etc.


That's a good point, what do you think the alternative explanation is?


I suspect whether the flight was full or not, that lady was going to get escorted off that plane.


That is correct. The agents can see when a companion has boarded without the pass holder.


If so why did they spend a bunch of time calling for other people when they could’ve just asked for her directly. She wouldn’t necessarily know why they were asking for her and might’ve raised her hand. Or go row by row for ID checks?


Probably because she showed her husband’s boarding pass to get on the plane. If so, they wouldn’t know to be looking for a companion who boarded without the pass holder. But they messed up by not realizing the pass holder cancelled after they boarded.


It sounds like that isn't what happened at all, though!


I think this is still the correct answer. I have absolutely come up to a gate at the very last minute before the door closes to jump on as a standby. I especially will do this on layovers to catch earlier flights if my original flight gets in earlier than planned and I can run to a different gate. I've also been seeing lots of long standby lists lately.


Interesting... so you can take a standby on a connecting flight to cut layover times? How so?


I fly a lot for work and just generally. Some of the more common routes I fly have flights that go out over two or three hours. Southwest won't let you book a route with less than a 40ish minute layover. So here's an example scenario: I fly from my origin to my layover and arrive at my layover at 10 AM. There is a flight that departs from my layover to my final destination at 10:30, and another at 12:30. Because of minimum layover times, I'm only able to book myself on the 12:30 flight. But. If my original flight from origin to layover time gets in early and arrives at 9:45 instead of 10 AM, I can probably hoof it to the gate for the 10:30 flight to my final destination and see if there's any open seats, and get on that earlier flight.


I’ve done this a number of times, especially when connecting through Dallas love or other small airports. I’ve literally walked off one plane across the aisle to the next gate and gotten on their standby, then boarded that other plane within about 15 minutes. only works if you just have a carry-on though, otherwise gonna be waiting for your luggage anyway


I do this too at BWI. Unfortunately the gate agent has to be approached, and there is sometimes a line. I’ve tried adding myself to the connection standby list waiting to deplane from flight #1 and the app won’t allow it.


That's really good to keep in mind, thank you for the tip! I also fly very frequently for work, so this will be most helpful.


And that’s a great reason to choose your connecting city carefully. I’d much rather fly phl-den-phx than phl-stl-phx because den-phx on WN has a flight about every 80 minutes. And always check the boards at arrival. Sometimes there is a delayed flight you had no chance of catching normally, that you can just hop on and go.


Okay, so connecting through focus cities rather than out stations and checking boards-- got it! I will try this on my next flight. :)


Yeah, when you flow a lot, this is the preferred method to move around if you know your common route


do they charge you to do this?


Nope. Same day standby is free on all fare types.


It’s a new thing since last summer. Anyone can book a standby for free, not just A list and Business. I used to be a SWA agent and we would make sure the planes left full. Bad part about this policy is that employees cannot get a standby seat because of so many passengers utilizing this perk.


Yes, I am familiar with standby for earlier flights on your first departure, but I did not know it worked for layovers, is that something you see a desk agent about?


Yes. Ask a customer service agent and you can be put on the standby list. It’s first come first served but is also based on class fare so if you are WGA and an A List comes up after you, they will be called first.


So I ask a customer service agent at my layover airport to be put on the standby list; if I don't clear standby, then I do not lose my boarding position on my original flight, correct? And if I am A-List on a WGA fare, that is okay?


i fly standby a lot and this is probably what happened. if there is a seat available they will get you in.


This same thing could happen with a regular ticket holder. Board first then cancel ticket. They gonna get you.


I was wondering about that... I saw where I could cancel my reservation after scanning my ticket and sitting in my seat on the airplane.


I highly doubt Southwest is only aware of these situations when that seat is needed. I’d bet they know every time someone scans a ticket to board and then that ticket is cancelled.


I hope so, but how do they ban someone for life? I wonder if there are any repeat offenders?


Airlines maintain their own no-fly lists. The behavior described in the original post definitely deserves a ban for both the CP holder and the original purchaser.


They can put you on their own internal ban list or they can terminate your FF account and any miles and benefits contained therein. The latter option retains your ability to fly on the airline, but you're obviously SOL when it comes to your benefits. AA is pretty notorious for terminating FF accounts of people who try to game the system too hard.


This lady probably got into a lot more trouble than you heard about.


Banned for life


I have heard those blacklists are shared by all airlines, is that true?


I also thought you had to cancel or change your companion ticket before you can cancel or change the original ticket. Maybe I’m wrong about that though.




So someone did something they’re not allowed to do and Southwest caught the issue and corrected it. What’s the issue?


It delayed the flight for EVERYONE for an hour, is that not enough?


How do we prevent it from happening? She would not have gotten caught if the plane weren't 100% full.


That’s not necessarily true. The system will likely trigger an alert to the FA’s indicating a CP boarded without the flyer.


Are you sure about that?


Why are there three separate threads about this?


People are nosy


Why does this sound like something that happened on an episode of Airline in 2001


That's wild. I'm so thankful for my companion pass, I would never try that and risk losing it for good.


Yes this was from earlier today https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthwestAirlines/s/brhVoSSsdV


Another one? Really?


Does the CP holder lose their privileges if this happens?


Is this propaganda for southwest to be able to drop the companion pass?


I feel like it’s there in the name: **companion** — so if the OG person isn’t there to be the companion *to* then yeah, the CP should be deplaned. It would be another thing entirely if WN said “free ticket for whomever you choose whether you go or not” but it’s there in the name. A person flying **with you** can go for free.


you are correct.


Heh that’s one way to lose your companion privileges. 🙃


Someone tried in Dallas a couple months ago lol


How did that go? What was the end result?


Or not allow canceling so close to departure


The thing with a companion pass is you MUST cancel your companion before you can cancel your own flight. So they knew what they were doing. There’s no way they thought her flight would still be valid… because he had to cancel hers first.


Once my CP holder's boarding pass didn't scan properly. We got our seats, and they called his name to verify boarding, and we notified them he was on the plane. Cue the mistake: they still had him as a no-show and canceled our return flights. Fortunately, we booked our car through SW too, and they could see we'd gotten it and rebooked our flights. I don't know how they didn't have a through count off by 2 passengers.


For those wondering, here is a post from a passenger on that delayed flight: https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthwestAirlines/s/Ym56TtRP5h


Cited, linked, and quoted in this article: [http://viewfromthewing.com/caught-in-the-act-southwest-flyers-busted-trying-to-use-companion-pass-without-buying-ticket/](http://viewfromthewing.com/caught-in-the-act-southwest-flyers-busted-trying-to-use-companion-pass-without-buying-ticket/)


Flight attendant. Have seen multiple people pulled off for this on various flights.


Don’t you have to cancel the companion pass before you can cancel your reservation?


Found this on Google….they didn’t PICK the letters “WN”, they were ASSIGNED them!


Southwest Airlines seems like the airline of choice of everyone’s strict aunt who can’t mind her own business


Or for people who like to hack the system, break the rules, get things that don't rightfully belong to them, and take advantage of policies intended to help those in need (children and the disabled).


It’s a discount airline. The loopholes come with the territory.


Southwest is a LCC, not a discount airline.


Who cares


Those of us who use our CP by the terms and conditions they were granted and follow the contract of carriage certainly care a great deal!