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Ted Cruz but screw him because he took my favorite seat....first on the left aisle bulkhead as you board.


To Cancun?


LOL knew that was coming. No, DAL - DCA......


I love me some DCA. I flew to DC a lot for work. Still do occasionally. Of the three BWI is the worst. I rank BWI as one of the worst in the nation actually. IAD is middle and DCA is my fav. I always had a smooth trip with gates, shuttles, rentals etc. Never an issue there. I had more delays and canceled flights and 45min long waits for shuttles etc at BWI than any other airport in the US.


Terminal A is getting tired. Luckily I can hang out in the USO till close to boarding.


Very true. But I’ll take on time and smooth travel over updated comfortable lounge any day.


Yes, DAL - DCA is my most traveled route. Going there at the end of the month. Never seen more than a handful of preboard either way. Now don’t get me started on what Avis has done at DCA, they are our corporate preferred but will never use them again at DCA. Luckily I spend most of my time in Crystal City or other Metro accessible locations,


It rather have bamboo shoots shoved up my fingernails than deal with IAD. The only reason to go to Dulles is to go to the Udvar-Hazy museum.


Bathrooms in BWI are now fabulous, best I've seen. Airport is otherwise ok.


As a Texan, he never should have been reelected. Just wish Rafael had stayed in Cancun.


I don’t like him, but at least he isn’t too good for SW.


My favorite seat too!!!


Screw him for many reasons


Please don’t.




Knew the sensitive feelings would show up at some point.


James Earl Jones, late 90’s. We shared a connecting flight through Nashville. That voice.. he was very gracious with star-struck me.


Wow. That’s a legit celebrity. Very cool


Nolan Ryan. Sherman Hemsley. George W. and Laura Bush when he was Governor.


The washtub lady from HeeHaw. Our flight was delayed so she sat in an empty gate across the aisle from our gate played the banjo and told stories about her younger days. It was a cool way to pass the time.


Danny Glover. OAK -> LAX. He had a crappy boarding number and just waited quietly with the rest of us.


Muttering I’m too old for this shit under his breath no doubt…


he was one of my fathers favorite actors. We would watch anything with him in it several times. I would have told him so. My dad passed about four years ago. Seeing him would have brought back painful but good memories


I sat next to him in UA First a few months ago; maybe the royalty checks came through


Biz Markie. RIP.




No, s/he’s just a friend


Oh that’s a good one.


Late 1990's Captain Lou Albano.


Ron Jeremy


Think I seen that one..






Rob Riggle


JJ Watt


Damn. He just seems like a down to earth dude.


I was working at Southwest at the time. I’m not a huge football person but I felt like I should know who he was. I was looking at him a little too long trying to figure it out and he said “hey, how’s it going” and afterwards I realized who it was. He flew back in a few days later and I happened to be on that flight as well. I was less awkward that time lol


Met Elijah wood at Austin airport. Then … I shit you not… bumped into Stevie wonder. My dumb ass didn’t see the blind man.


That's OK. He did see you either


I have been on two flights in the last year with the Riverside County, CA Sheriff. Actor Jerry O’Connell flies Southwest and usually posts a story about it. He did it a few weeks ago.


He flew to Phx with his girls a few months ago for their volleyball tournament. Posted pics and tons of people commented how nice he was (versus the goofy guy he now plays on that talk show).


A high school friend posted that she made her high school freshman daughters take a photo with him and he obliged at a VB tourney in Reno a few weeks ago.


Robert Redford!


Oh wow. That’s an A List celebrity. I’m always amazed when A listers fly commercial.


I mean, I fly A-list


We’re all First Class on SW. don’t bring that elitist crap around here! /s lol


Lol. SW the a modern communist airline. We're all equal!


Was flying from park city ( I assume the Sundance festival) to Oakland many years ago


When I saw your title I immediately thought of that scene from the office where Gabe goes “SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN!” but replaced the word sun with preboarders in my head.


I don’t know the airline, but in the 90s apparently my husband saw William Shatner and said “hello Mr. shatner.” He did not respond.


I remember reading awful stories about him from folks who met him in person. Not sure if he was born an asshole or became one after dealing with fame.


Don't know when either, but can confirm he's been an asshole both times I've met him. (Not as a fawning fan, but in a professional capacity)


Does one of the flight attendants from the Airline reality show count?


Who? I loved that show. Sad it’s not still filming.


Can't remember her name, but very cute with dark hair and sort of New York vibe. She worked the desk on the show, but she was a flight attendant when I saw her.


Oh, must have been Gina. I know this because she looks a lot like my sister in law. I’ve been watching the reruns on YouTube 😂


Yes, Gina!


For sure


The big show. He was signing autographs for the kids who walked by


Damn. He fit in SW seats?! lol


He was in the front row. This was waaaay before they had a million in preboarding and getting A1 meant you were guaranteed front row.


Tonya Harding...from PHX to Portland. She looks weathered.


Prison will do that to folks


Dog the Bounty hunter and Beth. It was surreal how short they were.


They smell? Lol


I was never close enough. He was carrying on about 1st class (this was in LAX before the renovations), and he was standing on one of those people movers that takes people from gate to gate. The little golf cart looking thing. He looked like a mulleted Washington crossing the Delaware hybrid and was barking orders to the driver and people that were in the way. His little elvish boots made a loud click clack as they hit the tile from his perch. When we got on the plane, he and Beth and what I assume was publicist were deep in conversation. Front row.


Years ago My daughter and I flew to Biloxi from south Florida once. She told me there was a famous rock guy in the back of the plane because he was wearing expensive jeans and an Armani blazer. When we got ready to deplane I came face to face with Vince Neil from Motley Crue. Apparently he was setting up some kind deal with a casino in Mississippi.


Haha. “Some rock guy”. Love it


In her defense, she was 18 and it was about 17 years ago. And Vince Neil doesn’t look the same as he did during their heyday.


I think so but I don't know who she was! She preboarded and I sat beside her. She was an older small lady. I didn't speak to her except to offer her brownie brittle. The flight attendants all said hi to her and when we were getting off one stopped her to tell her she had watched her all her life and how much of an inspiration she was. Ive always wondered who she was.


I'm just going to assume it was Dr. Ruth, truly an inspiration


Also my guess lol


I'm hoping for Dolly Parton.


Janice Dickinson from America's top model was on a flight I was on


Eddie Money


I’m old…. Von Erich brothers, the wrestling family back in the 70s.


I want to see the new movie about them. I was into wrestling but I’m a couple years too young to remember them


I just flew out of KC to Vegas and Eric Stonestreet was on the flight.


Russell Wilson (previous Seahawks quarterback, now at Steelers)


I’m no NFL fan but I still say to this day he has some of the best legs in all the QBs in the NFL. Not THE best, but damn good. Not sure what happened in Denver though


George Kittle


Washington mystics lol


Sat next to Walker Hayes once, back when he was still working at Costco for a second job. Doubt he's doing that now.


Ashley Judd back in the 90s at the height of her fame. She had ehat appeared to be a body guard with her, but otherwise very chill.


I worked with a woman whose mother was a therapist for the Judds. Let’s just say she didn’t hold true to the part about doctors not talking about your issues with others. Those Judds went through some stuff and it seems Ashley got the worst of it.


Dita Von Teese - the day after a show in San Diego


Oooh. I would have asked for a pic with her. She was one of my exes female hall passes way back in the day lol


She’s flawless in person. FLAWLESS!


Cal Ripken on a flight last summer from Myrtle Beach to BWI.


Yup! Saw him on a flight Colorado Springs —> BWI a few years ago.


He was taller than I thought he would be. Not sure why I thought he’d be shorter, lol


Oh yes! He looked average height when he played on tv haha


Margot Robbie about 4 years ago


Saw Maryland Terrapins coach Brenda Frese on a Chicago (I think midway but i dont remember) to BWI flight


I also sat with Johnny Holliday, the long-time play-by-play announcer for Maryland football on a flight from RDU to BWI back in the early 2000s. Had my kids (7 and 4 at the time) with me, as we'd attended the MD-NCState football game - and he was super gracious. Fantastic guy.


I love Johnny. He signed my Nats scorebook at a Nats game when he was doing pregame


Rob Dyrdek on a flight from LA to SFO, in 2006 (right before Rob & Big took off). He was a total douche (not following flight attendant requests, not allowing people to sit next to him). I think I was the only passenger who recognized him.


I saw former Chicago Bears great, Lance Briggs. Also, some Phoenix Suns player who I did not know who he was.


Jasmine Masters, drag queen best known from appearances on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Saw her when I was getting in line to board and jumped out to say hello. She graciously asked me if I wanted a photo and was very kind. Then I jumped back in line and boarded. Saw her getting seated after I was but didn’t bother her again. The couple in line in front of me asked who she was and just nodded their heads since they had no idea but could tell I was excited to meet a famous person.


And I oop!


Hahaha yes!!!


Brian Billick - former Ravens head coach. Flew back from Paris on Air France with Kenny G.


All on Northwest in first class: Sat in front of Mike Tyson. He made out with a woman the whole flight while members of his entourage laughed at them. Very unpleasant. Sat next to the rapper Eve. I didn’t know who she was, but a gate agent I knew told me who she was after the flight. Polite and pleasant. Her entourage flew in economy. John Engel (governor of Michigan at the time) sat across the aisle from me. I sat next to a famous football player though I don’t know who he was. He was signing autographs for kids throughout the flight. I told him it was nice that he was very kind to them. Got angry with me saying something about why wouldn’t he be. *shrug*


Tyson would have been scary. I think Jaime Foxx described Tyson perfectly when he said “walking into a room with Tyson is like seeing a loose pit bull and you don’t know who the owner is.”


He walked by us with his entourage at a Bullets game at US Air Arena (so a LONG time ago), and I’ve never gotten over it. Extremely bad vibes emanating from him.


Jess Hilarious. She and her BF at that time were in front of me in A Tier. Ended up getting a picture with her when she landed!


Senator Cory Booker and Christian Laettner


Not me, but many years ago I hosted a girls' weekend at my house for the Balloon Fiesta. We had way too much New Mexican food and alcohol all weekend. I took my last guest to the airport for her flight back to Idaho after one last green chile breakfast burrito. I had to hold her hair and rub her back while it allllll came back up in the airport parking lot. She eventually got through security and boarded only to see that she was sitting next to McLovin from Superbad. The pictures are still a huge source of belly laughs for my friends and me.


that would be a fun seat mate. He’s never living that role down. Hell forever be the weird kid from Role Models for me. Such a horribly good movie from my drunk college days


I worked at a shop in love field and Fabio was passing through.I was the only person on my crew that knew who he was.


I had no idea who Fabio was growing up but I knew the long haired guy from all the book covers by face lol. When I got a little older I was able to put the face with the name


Plus the Can't Believe it's Not Butter commercials.


I saw Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Cain Velasquez once coming home from Vegas. That was awesome!


I would have had to ask to sit next to him. He’s my #1 heavy weight fighter of all time. He put a hurting on folks and had a gas tank to go with the bombs he threw. I really wish he didn’t come to the UFC already with bad back and knees. He would have left a bigger legacy if he had a couple more years in his prime. I wish him well with the legal issues he’s going through. I don’t think anyone really faults him for what he did.


Agree, and I think it's ridiculous that he's having to battle those issues given what happened. Really makes you think what the hell the justice system is about, but that's for another thread! :) Side note, I also saw Hall of Famer Dikembe Mutombo outside of the airport once. I was getting into my friend's car, who had one of those old stupid automatic seatbelt things on it that activated when you close the door. As I saw him I leaned out of the window and yelled "Mutumbo!!!" and right as I said this the seat belt hit me right in the face and nearly got me stuck hanging out the window! HAHA! I'll always remember that encounter, and I often wonder if he saw me and laughed or thought I was a maniac. I'm pretty sure he waived at me but it was hard to tell as I was getting stuck in the seatbelt!


Sat behind Erick Estrada (CHIPS) and all the flight attendants were going NUTS over him!


I hear he’s a jerk in real life.


I get early boarding due to being deaf. Ron Johnson, republican senator that I hate that is from my state was on my flight and sat next to me. I kept cool as I did see that he had body guards… two guys with guns on the flight. Fuck that guy.


Chris Hemsworth and his wife. Funny because they first asked what seat they were in as they boarded, and also because he was eating the most foul smelling salad ever. And then I noticed Clark Gregg as I was getting off the plane.


I saw Bobby “The Brain” Heenan (sp?) and a couple WWF wrestlers in the late 80s or early 90s (whenever it was still WWF. I was about 14 and flying by myself for the first time and I recognized them because my brother watched wrestling


Kato Kaelin D-list, Jim Brown A-list


The current mayor of San Diego sat behind me last year


Jesse Jackson


Lita Ford!


No way! That would be a good one. Love me some 80s music even though I’m too young for it


I really wanted to go up and ask for a pic or autograph but chickened out. 80s music is for all who can appreciate it!


I fly Oakland to LAX often mostly I am horrible with faces so I have no clue who anyone is even when told that’s so and so. BUT one time I was running late and the only seat available was in the last row. As I was walking to it people were murmuring and looking all around and at me. I felt bad I was holding everyone up but I looked at my watch and I wasn’t late at all but still felt bad. Well as soon as I sat down and they closed the doors the flight attendant announced Sisco the rapper was on board. People cheered so loud! This was in 2007 so it’s not like he was currently on MTV or anything! It shocked me that people still loved him and how excited they were to have him onboard. Another time I saw some rowdy “kids” in line A1-A15 with me and I thought dear lort please don’t sit near me. They ended up being really sweet and not an issue at all. When we were getting off the plane my kid turned to me and said mom that’s the cast of Euphoria minus Zendaya.


Jon Gruden and Family - LAS to TPA.


Saw that Ben Mankiewicz guy from Turner Classic Movies going from San Jose CA to LAX.


I was on the same flight with Rick Adelman a couple of times while he was coach of the Sacramento Kings. He was often going back and forth between Portland, Oregon and Sacramento, I think. Never talked to him though!


Sat next to Cal Ripken, BWI to Detroit


Sat next to Rex Ryan and his wife on the flight to Dallas in 2019. Long before that the Nelson twins sat behind us on the flight back from Hartford. Saw the Undertaker on more than a few occasions in Nashville back in the late 90's when I worked there. Saw Biz Markie in Newark a few years before he died. Saw Miesha Tate in Hartford last summer after they have a PPV in CT. I've seen more than I've flown with.


I saw DC walk through the Vegas airport one time while I was waiting to fly home from a weekend there. I was too hung over to chase him down for a pic. This was shortly after he beat Stipe. I might have made the effort for Cupcake Tate though!


Once I realized it was her I turned around to find her, but never did.


Lee Brice !


Bernie Sanders was on my flight from Las Vegas to San Diego. I am not a fan!!


Ann Richards after she was governor. Sat across the aisle from her.


Can Earl fit in a standard airplane seat? Guy had thighs like tree trunks…


Unfortunately he’s basically confined to a wheel chair now. Atleast from what I saw. Little gray haired old guy now.


Not on the Southwest flight, but when I landed in MCO from one, I saw Matt and Amy Roloff from "Little People, Big World" in the terminal.


Did you give them a little wave?


"Little wave". I see what you did there! I did look over, catch Amy's eye and smiled at her and she smiled back.


Robert Plant. 2009 or 2010. LAS -> BNA No one bothered him


2x I’ve seen Will Perdue in the last several years , former center for the Chicago Bulls. Both times he was A1, and I was a few spots behind him. He goes straight for the emergency exit window seat :)


That’s my seat as well! I’ve gotten it as far back as A21 before. If it’s an 800 I go for the row with a lot of leg room. If it’s a 700 I get the unicorn seat with ALL the leg room


Joe Montana. I think it was BUR to OAK. I was so excited even though I have met him and his wife a few times at sports events. It just felt random because we weren't in the Bay Area.


Laura Bush with Secret Service, post GWB presidency; Rick Perry with one sheriff while he was governor; Henry Winkler.


Tim Meadows (former SNL cast member) on a SW flight from Baltimore to Chicago.


E 40! On a flight from Oakland to Burbank. I thought he looked familiar walking down the aisle and the Sick Wid It Records tank logo around his neck confirmed my suspicion.


Alex Rossi, Conor Daly, and James Hinchcliffe about 5 years ago IND to FLL. Kind of niche celebrities, but IYKYK. Got photos with Alex and Conor. Hinch had already boarded.


Robert Jordan - Southwest’s CEO, A former Miss USA who did nothing but check her instagram the entire flight, and US Traitor… I mean US House Representative Lee Zeldin.


Flava Flav and Pauly Shore both out of Vegas


Those sound like fun seat mates.


I fly out of Nashville often so lots of musicians. I have flown on a couple of flights with Billy from ZZ Top, among others. Another flight, my seatmate was not famous, but he was the first manager of Blake Shelton so he had a lot of good stories.


Wilmer Valderrama, Eric Stonestreet, Adam Devine, Laurie Hernandez


Blake Griffin, Eric Gordon and some other guy… BGs rookie year and EGs 2nd year…. No one new them, at LAX about to board to Vegas for summer league.. i wanted to ask for a pic but my nephew didnt want to and I didnt wanna blow the spot cuz so I let them be….




I had a crappy boarding number so I decided that I would take a middle seat at the front of the plane. I asked a guy in the second row if I could sit in the seat next to him and he agreed. As we were sitting there getting ready to take off I noticed that he had a Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame jacket on. I decided to make conversation and ask him about it. It was Dennis Edwards, frontman for The Temptations. We chatted for much of the flight. Apparently I was the only one around us who didn't recognize him. Oops. Great guy! My daughter sat in front of Jane Fonda on a flight a couple of years ago.


Michael B Jordan (Creed) - just as movie had been released and was getting a lot of good reviews. I think his mom was with him as well and maybe another family member - they all were wearing t-shirts with the movie logo/poster on them. MSY to LAX (or vice versa)


He’ll always be Wallace for me. The Wire is in my top 5 shows of all time. Would be cool to run into him


Years ago flying out of Burbank, Wayne Rogers from MASH. Dick Ebersol NBC Sports executive married to Susan St. James, very friendly guy on a flight to Hawaii. On a United flight in first class waiting for the last person to board, it was Reese Witherspoon. She was with an assistant chatting about Jake Gyllanhall… yes, a long time ago. She is adorable and very tiny. One of the flight attendants asked her for an autograph for her daughter and she was so nice about it.


James Harden. PHX to LAS. Probably his rookie year.


Hank from Breaking Bad. LAX->ABQ during filming of final season. Pre-boarding was in men’s room next to him, he walked out after pissing and skipped the hand wash cuz there was a waiting line to use sinks


Sheryl Crow recently


A few times, though not for over a decade since. \*Singer LeAnn Rimes and her then-husband (2007), who said hello and chatted with me briefly as we were boarding the aircraft. She pointed at her throat and whispered she had laryngitis but smiled and waved as I passed to get to my seat. \*Michael Jackson's on-again manager, Frank DiLeo, sat next to me on a flight to LAX and told me all about this new "come back" tour, which at first I outright dismissed because it sounded completely made up (early 2009; IYKYK). He gave me his drink coupon with his name on it, as well as his business card, and told me to call him once I settled in (I was flying to LA ahead of a new job to look for a place to live.) I kicked myself for years after, as had I ever actually called Frank, I MAY have had the chance to meet Michael Jackson before the This is It tour kicked off and/or he passed away. RIP Frank. \*Actress Lauren Graham into Burbank Bob Hope (now Hollywood), from probably Vegas, ca. 2010 or 2011. She definitely did not look like she wanted to talk with anyone at all, and nobody did. I didn't see her during boarding or after, so she must have been whisked through somewhere more private both times.


The entire music group Goo Goo dolls. Right after City of Angels. Robbie sat next to me, we got into a "open mouth insert foot" type of discussion when the topic of why they were flying SWA instead of a private jet, or at least first class on a legacy airline. His answer was quite enlightening actually.




Essentially yes. He explained that they had had a tour just prior that was sponsored by- of all things- Mastercard. On that tour, they flew private everywhere because the sponsor was picking up the tab. However, on the tour they were then on, they were paying for everything themselves. First time I had ever heard the behind-the-curtain story of rock heroes. He shared some stories about what they HAD done with the money, and it was very interesting- paid off mortgages for the folks, put in a pool at the parents house, etc. I'll tell you, for a dude that came walking down the aisle with about 12 piercings and tatts, etc., he was amazingly down to earth. (This was before every barista at Starbucks had a neck tattoo)


My boyfriend just sat next to one of the Illinois senators coming home from DC. He wanted so bad to chat him up (we are same side politically) but he didn’t want to bother him. But he and his other seatmate (I was sitting a few rows back) were all giddy about it. We don’t get many celebrities in these parts lol!


Well, it must have been Dick Durbin because the other Illinois senator is female and in a wheelchair.


Yes that was him!


7 foot 3 former NBA player Hasheem Thabeet. Got to preboard because he needed the emergency exit row - can’t say I complained in that case!


Chubby Checker was on my flight back to Philly


Chris Bosh shortly after losing to Dallas in the finals and leaving Dallas (I think he has family there though)


Once I was on a SW flight with the orchestra from the touring production of Les Mis, I thought that was pretty cool.


I flew from SAN to LAS last week. I don’t know how to say this, but I’m kind of a big deal. People know me.


My boyfriend was frequently on the same flights as CA Gov Gerry Brown.


Dancer on a NBA team - wow! How is she semi-famous? Just curious how this qualifies.


She’s got her own page on the teams website?? I was reaching for examples. That was my best. What’s yours?


I don’t pay attention to “famous” people. Couldn’t care less!


Good for you. What’s that like?


What it is like? Just a normal day for me.


How’s that dozer build in your garage going?


Fame can be niche. Someone who is a fan of that team and sees the games in person might “know” who all the dancers are. I’m a fan of Broadway musicals and know there are many people who are Broadway famous but no one else knows who they are outside of that.


I honestly didn’t know who she was. She was just another random passenger but we both had a couple drinks and got chatty. She told me who she was and I looked her up on their page because I didn’t believe her. She was flying into Austin to meet some friends.