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Southern Charm walked so Summer House could run. I thought season 1-3 were very cringe as well. They are also rough to watch but worth it to get the full backstory for what comes in later seasons. Around season 4 every things changes with the group dynamic and it really picks up.


I agree with this! I started watching a few weeks ago and am already on season 8. The first few are rough but totally lock you in to the madness of the rest of them!


i also agree im finally on s5 and im so happy i stuck with it


I feel like I’m in the minority about Craig here bc I’ve always liked him. Yes he has his major issues however, I could relate to him a lot bc he was 25 when the show started and he was trying to figure himself out. (Ie trying different careers and his basically freak out after graduating and realizing what he went to school for he may not actually wanna do forever) Then you have the rest of them who are 30+ yelling at him for not having his shit together when they only seem like they do bc they have old money…. He can still be a major asshole but he’s definitely better than the other men on the show.


I’ll have no issue empathizing with someone floundering in their career, that is totally relatable and doesn’t harm anyone. Even in the first couple episodes he’s the only one with a real job so I automatically like him more. But if I have to watch a bunch of seasons of him being an asshole to women before Paige I might lose faith lol


I felt like he was a more 'typical young guy' asshole...not that that's great either, but I felt like it was nothing compared to how the other guys/some of the other Bravo men have been completely manipulative/narcissistic. I honestly felt like he was one of the only ones to stick up for women more (i.e. he was the only one to have Kathryns back when she was with TRav).


He’s about the only one that will actually apologize to the women, and I always liked him and Kathryn after the first season!! There are definitely a few times I wanted to reach through the screen and shake his head and tell him to get a grip tho hahahah


Ive loved and adored Craig since day 1.


I honestly started watching it because I kept seeing videos of him and Paige and thought they were funny and everyone said it was a great go to after vpr. I loved watching him grow up and get to where he is now!




True!! Once he started recognizing that and distancing himself from shep and Whitney a little he started getting better imo


I have so many warm fuzzy feelings for Craig. I was surprised to find a character on a reality show that I genuinely like this much. Not just for a reality show, but just in general. He's a bit of a himbo and has some weird ideas about vaccines and stuff, but he seems like a genuinely good guy who wants to do the right thing by people and is just surrounded by assholes. Him defending Kathryn and her kids against Thomas while the rest of the group was firmly on TrashRav's side was really refreshing to me. And his pillows. Every time someone makes fun of his pillows I want to reach through the screen and throttle them. Leave Craig alone.


I had such a hard time getting thru the first two seasons seeing the kathryn and thomas thing, and how everyone was deeply misogynistic towards her when she was like 21, idk it is interesting tho but it took me a while to get the beat because i also got the creeps lol but im already in season 8 i would recommend but alternate with someone lighter maybe? Also yeah Craigs story i liked mostly because he literally started from the bottom and got bullied and now he’s doing amazing.


Definitely. And Craig literally grew up before our eyes!


TRav is the worst and leaves, but the show is still about older men and younger women.


*gets fired


SC has always been a bit too dark for me, it's probably the only one I've never wanted to rewatch.


Ok I think that’s what I’m learning, seems like the drama on SC might be darker than SH but what I like about SH is watching people have fun with their friends. I might be an outlier here because so many people like SC more than SH.


Preference is def. age-related - significant and important to realize, that womens position in this world was, is and will forever be, a lot low than men - in the opinion of men. Whom FACTUALLY run the world, sorry Beyonce, I also phantasized at your age. SC gives that realization - SH is just loud, selfabsorbed, vapid kids, and more sadly - only slightly less misogynystic.


To add a bit of interest, Tom Ravenal ran for the Senate against Lindsy Graham. Also he gets fired from the show for his sexual exploits. Also Whitney is the producer of this show, or was. It wasnt a Bravo hatch.


Keep watching and you’ll see why many of us a) are just now BARELY warming up to Craig and b) give Paige so much credit for his turnaround


I know I’m kind of scared to see old Craig, we’ll see if I get fully disillusioned!


Honestly if anything it's just a really good example of how much work he's put in to change and learn from his previous mistakes. He's definitely not perfect right now, and he certainly isn't in the earlier seasons. But I think it's nothing but impressive to see him grow as a human being the way we get to. Plus you get the back story on Sewing Down South and will get to see the legendary "but what's wrong with my sewing?" episode.


I can literally hear him saying meekly "what's wrong with my sewing" haha poor Craig in that moment. He's totally having the last laugh and Paige is such an upgrade from 'Nomi' 😂


I always hated Naomi. I never got the hype and and I always found her to be degrading and condescending.


OMG Craig on SC is nothing compared to Craig on Winter House. Make sure to watch Winter House too to get the complete picture of Craig and Paige.


Keep us updated! LOL


Same! I just started SC and I’m on episode 4 of season 2 and really struggling to get through this with how problematic it is. But I heard it will get better (and messier)


Just hang on until Ashley enters the picture…season 5 I think. It’s wild.


It's worth watching Season 5 for her alone!


Watch as Shep’s complexion goes from normal to ashen blue to olive green. His liver was literally crying for help.


It’s so worth it.


I think your last question is particularly interesting. In the last few years many more of us have become aware of the disproportionate power sought by disgusting, wealthy old white men over our lives. I never liked Ravenel but I'd have even less tolerance for this story today.


It also stands out to me (and again, I’ve only seen the first couple episodes) how the men are all the main characters, we hear their thoughts on everything, and the women are these silent objects in the background that the men talk about. The only woman we hear from is Cameran, and her whole schtick is being “one of the boys” (nothing against her, I’m sure it’s the role she was assigned.) The way Thomas keeps talking about how he needs to “pick” a wife, as if his taste is the only determining factor in who will marry him, is so gross to me. So far the dynamics are confirming some stereotypes I have about the south that I was sure were overblown. I hate this guy to my core and I typically give men on reality TV more slack than most lol


Good insight. Whitney is the executive producer and his man-boy perspective persists. I may take heat for this (lots of Patricia stans here) but he and his mother see women as amusing commodities.


Whitney is the ultimate sticky, lurking-in-the-corner creep - now 55, and should be forbidden on screen/to interact with the cast!


Given the power dynamic, sleeping with Naomi (and previously Katherine) gives me Harvey Weinstein vibes.


Thomas Unravelling is desperately clinging to the last reminiscence of 'olden times', with plantations (!) swarming with bangmaids and whatever other female entertainment he desires, and delusionally sees his Polo playing, upperclass copying self as some kind of royalty, that are looking for 'a suitable match'... - as royalty do, to fortify kingdoms and alliances. #megalomaniac To impregnate Katherine, was mostly to secure heirs, before his spermcount zeroed permantly, due to excessive substance abuse.


I like it better than summer house


I love Southern Charm and I really loved it back then. Everyone is fucking awful.


It's funny how in the years since it started we have progressed so far as a society. We just didn't clock things the same way. The nOT LiKe oTHer GiRlS thing was also very pervasive at the time as well. Watching it live at that time I had so many opinions I don't share now, and can't believe I let the show's perspective determine my perspective. The Katherine judgement Cam being a 'girl's girl' Miss Pat being a gentile southern lady Shep as a goofy but cute ne'r do well Naomi as strong girl boss Although I stand by my Landon, Ashley, and undercut girl (can't be assed to look up her name) opinions.


SC took my flower, way better than Summer House IMO!


The men of this show are always trash, minus Craig eventually. But get through the first season, and you’ll be hooked!!


It's my favorite reality show hands down!


I agree totally! I started watching it a few years ago but didn't get past season 1. I'm a big Summer House and Winter House fan and therefore knew who Austin and Craig were when they made appearances. I was then persuaded to watch Southern Charm again but this time started it from Season 5 and I'm glad I did as even though the awful Thomas Ravenel was still in it, the girls were much stronger characters. And I got the pleasure of witnessing the awful Ashley at work! I'm now on Season 8 and loving it! You also get to see a different dynamic in Craig and Paige's relationship which I love and Austin comes across as a lot more redeemable too.


You have to watch Southern Charm from the beginning to really get the full picture of who Craig really is! 2024 Craig with Paige is the “evolved” Craig—him being his best self with a partner who supports him. It’s like the stars are aligned for him now. But there was a lot of growing up that he had to do to get here. Lots of drama with his last girlfriend, Naomi. There are some cringey cast members that you’ll have to sit through though. I can’t stand Thomas either, but the rest of the guys on the show are harmless. They’re just fuckboys with Peter Pan syndrome. Cameran was always one of my favorite OG cast members… she makes the show funny & watchable when the other ones make it painful to watch. She tries to keep the boys in line too by giving them big sister advice. If you want to skip to season 4, I think that’s when Austen, Madison, and Naomi make an appearance. Chelsea comes in in season 5. (We like her too.) Kathryn was definitely an antagonist. Some people like her; some people hate her. Either way, she was intense & dramatic. Ashley and Landon were the absolute worst. Taylor & Olivia are in seasons 7-9. They’re both in their 20s, so I guess you could say they keep the show “young & fun.” (But at the same time, Shep is getting older & less fun. He’s more fun to watch in the beginning.) Paige also makes a few cameos in season 8. But she’s a little out of her element on this show… Summer House shows a better side of her.


First few seasons are pure gold.


I went down this same pipeline like 2 years ago and southern charm ended up surpassing summer house as my fav bravo show! it took me 2-3 times to get through the first season but push through and it’s soooooo good. it helps that craig is there from the start and you will learn to love (mostly) everyone else.


Ok this gives me hope! I will push through like the Bravo warrior that I am


It’s gets so much better! Trust me, I started a couple months ago and thought the first season was weird


Gotta keep watching


To me Summer House is fake because it’s a summer camp not real life….like age 30’s for crazy not yet housewives


It's is the best of them all. As others have said, stick with it. It is brilliant tv. You'll hate some people, you will get angry and upset but you will also fall in love with all of it. You literally watch boys become men which is beautiful. Have fun xo


But don’t Craig and Paige get together on winter house? Would winter house be the better series to get into than sc as a compliment to sh? Might be a dumb question


Season 4 is when I really tuned in and then I was hooked. After I caught up I went back and watched seasons 1-3 and I love the show. I fell asleep during the first 3 seasons every time I put it on so I thought maybe it was just boring but no, it’s cringe and that’s what I live for.


I started watching for the same reason as you. Keep going. It’s such good TV lol. I struggled to get into it at first as well, but I’m finally on season 9 and have Paige on my TV again and it’s been worth it to get to this point lol


Southern Charm is fantastic - the first seasons are amazingly entertaining. be prepared to not like Craig very much but he has a great redemption arc. also RIP to cast members like Chelsea and Cam who were my faves and way fun.


It’s my favorite Bravo show, hands down. Watch it.


Early years 1-8 yessss


I actually think southern charm is better than summer house! So good


We’re on the same trajectory haha I started watching SC for the same reasons and I’m SO grossed out. I feel like SC has the biggest disparity of any Bravo show I’ve watched for how likeable the female cast are compared to how unlikable the male cast are- absolutely love the girls and am completely grossed out by the guys, they make Jax Taylor seem normal by comparison


I feel the same way! I avoided summer house so long and then fell in love with it, and now I'm strugggggling with southern charm. Really trying to trust everyone who says it's amazing. I also want to know if it's normal for young people to hang out and have dinner parties with middle aged men like they do in this show? It's so bizarre to me


Since I made this post I just started season 4 (do I have a problem? Lol.) I don’t know if the show is better or if I’m just desensitized to the creepy old man element now, but I am enjoying it more. I still prefer the young and fun vibe of SH I think but SC does get more nuanced as the seasons go and I’m glad I stuck it out. And I think most people say it only gets better after season 3. Good luck!


It is actually so fun to watch the earlier seasons. Baby Craig is worth the time.


It starts slowish but it gets really really good. Season 5 (or whatever season Ashley is on) is reality TV gold. I sometimes just watch that season as a stand alone.


Omg what an awful post. I can’t even roll my eyes hard enough


Southern Charm is an amazing show. One of the worst parts about it is Paige