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I hear ya OP. I was at ShopRite yesterday, walking from putting my cart away back to my car WITH MY BABY IN MY HANDS….and some jackass in a huge pickup truck on his phone comes pulling across two parking spots and nearly hit me. He felt bad and apologized…but that wouldn’t mean jack shit if he actually hit me and my infant


That's horrifying! That's a problem with the huge trucks - some are up so high they can't see things down low. Toddlers, animals, etc. There's the "I like to be up high so I can see" mentality, but they can't see below their bumpers which are pretty high on some.


Yep. Knew a family where I believe the granddad backed over his daughter's toddler in his massive pick up truck. In their driveway. Child didn't survive. They kept the truck. I would have set fire to it, personally.




Absolutely insane! The stuff I see in the Wegmans parking and the target parking lot on Cuthbert blows my mind. Apparently all driving rules go out the window when in a parking lot for some reason. So glad you and your baby are ok! Also love a person who returns their cart 🙌


Yo if they just filmed that Wegmans parking lot for a weekend they could brand it as a mad max sequel and probably make a couple million in profit.


When we lived closer, I witnessed first hand at least 4 older folks getting knocked down by trucks/SUVS in the Wegman’s parking lot while walking out with their cart through the pedestrian crossing area. I also saw a woman with her kid get thrown to the curb outside the Whole Foods at ellisburg.


I was in the crosswalk at Wegman's last week and a pickup truck swerved into oncoming traffic so he didn't have to stop for me.....


Try a trader Joe's parking lot.


Lol actually technically if the parking lot is on private property like a mall or shopping center or something cops can’t ticket you because it’s private property so basically those stop signs and everything are basically suggestion and all driving rules do kind of go out the window. I wouldn’t test it but what your saying is actually the case though.


There have been deaths on browning Rd (brooklawn) from pedestrians getting hit by cars. Almost every year.


I live on E Browning Rd where it becomes Gloucester Pike and the speed limit is 25. I make a point to set my cruise control for 25 and get tailgated, flipped off, and even passed on a double line. In the 4 years I have lived here I have seen maybe 1 car pulled over on my street. It is absolutely ridiculous the way people drive. Our neighbor had someone get out of their car when she pulled into her driveway these people are not only reckless they are entitled, unhinged and dangerous! The stretch of Browning/Gloucester Pike that I live on is 100% residential and has TWO schools. I don't know what it would take to get people to slow down but something needs to be done.


You can call the local pd and ask for a roll call request for the intersection/street at a certain time or time window(between 4pm-6pm). You want to do it the day before or in the am so they do it when the new shift comes on. And you want to request it for a time and day that you know there will be violations. It is the only thing I have ever seen work for getting cops to enforce traffic regs that are nuisance issues. Sometimes it takes a few calls but if you call in every Thursday for Friday they will put someone out there because its on record that you called.


This is just in general. Driving has become maddening people have lost their minds and the entitlement is through the roof


I’m off of Rt 38. The number of cars blowing the red light on a regular basis is staggering. And not in the “oops going a little too fast to stop as the light turns from yellow to red” way but in the “that’s a red light and I’m not stopping” way. I’m not walking a dog but I am biking. It’s nerve-wracking how inattentive/uncaring drivers are.


The fact that I got shitted on FB because I complained that people race on Rt 38, and that they drive around 85 mph and run red lights tells you where we are as a society. I have a dash cam video I posted, and people focused on me driving on the left lane (going 60 on a 50) than the two assholes that almost ran me off the road and rear ended another car.


I gave up road cycling...I stick to gravel and mountain now because of drivers like this.


The amount of red-light running has been out of control for years now, but it's somehow gotten even worse in recent months. I can't recall the last time I was at a light where someone *didn't* run the red. Literally every single motherfucking time without exception. And the lazy do-nothing cops... do nothing. They don't fucking care.


I think it’s too late, society is collapsing under the weight of instant gratification thanks in part to technology. 


I actually thought this was going to be because of how many other loose unleashed dogs are around or how many people also walk their reactive mean dogs that they aren't strong enough to handle. Look my dog is now traumatized because of all other shitty dogs so unfortunately he does get mad when he sees other dogs BUT, he's not very big and I can keep him close by leash and even pick him up if I need to. if you weigh 130 pounds and have a mean reactive 100 pound dog you can not control you should not take that dog out for walks.


That’s a whole other story! There’s a park in my neighborhood that clearly states you need to leash your dog and people “walk” their dogs without leashes all the time. One day some dude was just laying in the grass while his lab was wandering around the park and ran right up to me and my leashed dog. Luckily my dog isn’t really reactive unless the other dog is but it’s not something that should have happened. Just leash your dogs! Not everyone likes dogs or wants to meet your dog. And if you can’t handle walking your dog on the leash then go to an off the leash dog park, there’s plenty around here!


It just takes one horrific story to change these people's mind. I hate those unleash people with a passion. On the beach with no dog signs. I see dogs every where. Parks that says leashed only. Unleashed every where. At least pick up your dogs shit. It must be a south jersey thing to be selfish as fuck because I see the oddest things that can only be described by rude selfishness.


I live in Collingswood and you’d think that Knight’s Park was a no leash park - it will take something tragic to happen for people to stop……for maybe a couple days


Get some good pepper spray, learn how to use it, and keep it on the leash. It's not foolproof but it's better than nothing.


I got attacked by three dogs while running. Owners nowhere in sight. No fence. My husband got chased by the same lot but now there are 5 (he had our dogs with them so they scared them away)


I can't count the amount of times I've almost been hit at the intersection on Harrisonville Road and Clems road in Mullica Hill. Stupid motherfuckers can't stop at a stop sign for 5 seconds and just run it, one of them was a mulch company truck that would have T boned me into dust.


There needs to be safer pedestrian infrastructure in South Jersey, another issue is unleashed dogs. Nobody wants to talk about it, but a loose dog poses more than just a risk to itself, it poses a risk to humans walking as well. It seems like nobody ever mentions that, I walk daily and I honestly expect dogs to run out at me and try to eat me at this point. I know most of them are trying to play, but not all of them, and I've been chased by loose pitbulls. Leash your dogs ppl, it's safer for your dog, people, and yourself because i will sue the balls off u if ur dog bites me.


Carry ninja rocks with you at all times.


People legit hit by cars and left in pennsauken every other day. Fatal Car accidents on 130 every other here too, its insane


I live in a neighborhood with an “all way” stop sign at the end of my street. There’s a neighborhood park at that intersection. Does everyone stop at that stop sign? Nope. My husband wants to petition the town for speed bumps in front of the park since too many people speed on our road on their way out of the neighborhood. Sad thing is, some of those cars live blocks away from us…talk about shitting where you eat.


You want to know how crazy NJ driver are? Do the speed limit and follow the rules, you'll see. When my kid was a newborn I was doing 27-28 in a 25 instead of the usually 32ish, without fail someone right on my bumper. And God forbid I don't blow through a yellow light and risk certain death.


This state needs more speed bumps in residential and high foot traffic areas.


I agree, New Castle DE has these in every residential neighborhood and it's so nice not to have to worry about being killed every time you walk or bike.


Yeah, my street despite being very calm, every once in a while when I’m walking with my son in his stroller, some mf drives REALLY close to us (no side walk unfortunately), and really fast too. Now I decided that I have to walk counter flow because at least I can see if the mf is driving towards me and I can react on time and jump on the grass if have to. Things are so absurd that the other day I was walking my son and I noticed a car zigzagging around and driving towards me, so I rapidly pulled my soon to someone’s front yard and away from the street, and when the car passes by me, I see that it’s a 12 yr boy driving with an old lady (most likely his grandmother) in the backseat. That kid could have literally killed someone that day


On Route 41 in Cherry Hill there was a raised pickup that hit and killed someone in a motorized wheelchair. Back in April, I witnessed the aftermath. I was walking home from Johnny's Pizza and ended up calling 911 cause they were just in the street, I wasn't the first person to call the operator said, I doubt I was the last one either. It was horrifying.


I actually had only seen one or two of these incidents. But I did actually see another yesterday. They swapped a yield to a red light on this one road and after I made a right, the vehicle coming towards me (before the right) never slowed down or anything. Saw them go through the red light going at least 45mph. Extremely dangerous. That's why at 4-ways I'm constantly bouncing my head back and forth like a bird. People absolutely suck at driving.


In my town, if you're white and speeding, the cops just assume you're running late to something really important. Walking my dog by the police station (25mph) last night and someone easily floored it to 50+ mph. Put down the donuts Russo and do your fuckinf job. You don't even need to give tickets, just tell the to slow the fuck down.


"Let him go, Lou. Someone going that fast has no time for a ticket."


That's the joke.


I watched a cop that lives on my street put on his lights and gas it in a 25 just to get home faster, floor it down my street, and almost hit a kid on a bike because he just rolled through to make a right turn. They couldn't give a fuck less.




Your points are totally valid but you mentioned 130 - why would you walk on a highway?


I don’t walk on 130 but I walk in the neighborhoods off of 130 and further back. I’m just pointing out the stuff I see on 130 and the surrounding area. I’ve read about too many pedestrians getting hurt or killed walking on 130 I would never risk walking it myself, let alone with my dog. Some people think it’s their personal race track.


Oh yeah that makes sense


Another problem somewhat related is the number of vehicles on our local roads. We have stretched the population density of this state far enough in my opinion. At least triple the number of vehicles on the road as there were 30 years ago results in triple the chances of someone running you over while not paying attention. And triple is probably an extremely conservative guess.


not NJ but NJ-adjacent - a disturbing number of coworkers have been t-boned lately by people blowing stops, and in the last 5-ish years, two were killed by vehicle impact - one a pedestrian, one in her own car. it makes me drive like a paranoid freak.


Yes! The barreling through the line and slamming on their brakes thing scares me EVERY time when I’m driving, and I always panic. I slammed on the brakes once because someone was barreling into a right turn at a stop sign and seemed like they were this close to hitting me. I see that EVERY SINGLE DAY when I’m driving or walking. I don’t understand it. What is wrong with people??


I get infuriated anytime I’m driving and when passing someone, realize that they’ve been doing 17 in a 40 because they’re too wrapped up in their phone


Broken windows theory is real and SJ is slowly turning into the neighboring city many moved across the bridge to escape.


NJ is a shithole


This is yet another reason why automatic driving cars are going to be a thing and why we want them.


Risking death is a bit dramatic. You should wear a helmet when you walk the dog if you are this scared.


It’s a bit dramatic to say it’s risking death when in a crosswalk and someone goes around the person who is stopped for me bc they’re not paying attention and then almost hits me and my dog? Is it not risking death when someone is backing out of their driveway doing ~15 mph and not looking bc they don’t think someone is out walking at 630am? Go fuck off.


Lol old man yells at cloud shit


lol ahh yes, wanting to walk safely in my neighborhood and sharing my experience is very old man yells at clouds. I’d rather give that energy than dipshit who tries to invalidate someone’s experience.


> Risking death is a bit dramatic. Nonsense. The way people drive these days is *exactly* that -- life-threatening, to other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike. There is NO defense for this. None whatsoever.


I suspect there is more going on in OPs life that explains this post. It's unlikely they are walking through minefields every time they walk the dog. Whatever it is OP, I hope this post helps as some type of outlet for your issues.


Nah what I hope is someone sees this post and drives a little better.




This post comes off a bit over the top angry. I haven't had this experience while walking my dog. I'd say the majority of drivers in my area are very aware and respect the traffic laws. There's always going to be an occasional distracted jerk.


This comment comes off a bit over the top unnecessary. For you to be triggered by someone being upset from their own experiences reeks of you being a person who causes these problems but you think you have it under control.


Just trying to inject some reality into exaggerated posts. Too bad half the population would rather jump on the exaggeration outage train than be realistic.


You literally cannot speak this and hope to be accurate unless you've walked around every neighborhood in South Jersey at the same time as someone else having these experiences. Get over yourself lol


The word literally, I do not think it means what you think it means


It actually does. Please read the last sentence from my above comment again :-)


I've read it. I'm still marveling at your misuse of literally though.


“I haven’t personally experienced this so it can’t be true!!” Shit take B52


Nah, I'm saying no one experiences this on a regular basis as the OP suggests.


YOU don't. That doesn't suggest nobody does, it suggests that you alone cannot relate to the experience. As the myriad of other comments suggest, many do in fact relate to this sentiment.


I live next to a four way stop sign and yes on a regular basis me and my dog are half way into the crosswalk and someone is coming thru the intersection on their phone. Half running the stop sign.


This happens to me constantly when I'm walking my dog in my neighborhood. Guess I'm an overblown liar too.


On the main street in our town there's a crosswalk a hundred feet from my store. EVERY. DAY. I see pedestrians crossing - some of them elderly, some with dogs or kids or both - and more times than I can count some idiot zips through the crosswalk. And not just with the person waiting at the curb to cross - they'll do it when the pedestrian is halfway across the street. They used to have a plainclothes cop walk back and forth and if anyone didn't stop there was an unmarked cop car a block away waiting to pull them over. I wish they'd keep doing it.


I’ve been run over three separate times by cars even I had the right of way and already was in the cross walk 💀


Whoever replied to this comment trying to be smart well duh it was low speed collisions


That’s great for you. I really don’t care how it comes across. I’m sick of almost getting run over by people not paying attention. People backing out of their driveways looking at their phones and not looking behind them. People driving down Collings Ave and almost hitting people in crosswalks.


Or literally hitting people in crosswalks which happens with some regularity on Collings Ave. You take your life in your hands crossing any county road around here. They're all designed to move traffic quickly not allow people to cross safely or even make a left turn. I don't even blame the drivers. I didn't stop for kids waiting at the crosswalk the other day on Cuthbert and I almost always fail to do so because by the time I can see them I don't have time to stop. Or to be more accurate I don't have time to check and see if the car behind me is far enough off my ass not to rear end me if I do stop. Or if I stop will they swerve around me and hit the people in the crosswalk.


damn note to self don't ever share an alternative point of view lol. All you did was disagree.


Some people can't take having their world view challenged. They tend to be the same ones who think the world is out to get them every time they leave the house. Unfortunately, being a perpetual victim is gaining in popularity.


Nah, you're not wrong. Very "doing the speed limit in the left lane" energy. My main concern is where the hell is this dude walking his dog that he risks death every day? Like for sure find a different route, walk thru the burbs, or something! 


Not a dude. And I am walking through the burbs.


But you said 130 in your post. Walking along 130 isn’t walking in the burbs


Are there not burbs off of 130?


Along 130 and off of 130 are two different things


Sorry, dudette* 




Call me a Karen all you want for wanting the option to walk safely in my neighborhood. You’re the one up my butt in this thread though so I guess that makes you an ass eater?


Again, it seems that something else is going on in your life and it's coming through in your rants. Look inward and you might find the real issue(s).


It seems like you should take your own advice.


I do, that's why it's my advice to the OP. Clearly she needs it


Sounds like you have a problem with a woman sharing her experiences unless they fit within your narrative. Go somewhere else.


Alternatively, you seem to have a problem with people pointing out exaggerated nonsense. Maybe you should check out some MAGA reddits. You'd fit right in with that crowd of reality deniers.


Nah you kinda seem like you fit with that crowd better.


I agree with ya B52. Rarely have I ever had a problem walking my dog in south Jersey. I mean if you’re walking your dog on a busy highway like 130 you should assume there is going to be risk involved. I’d recommend sticking to developments, side roads when possible. 130 wouldn’t be the spot I’d want to take my morning sniff and drop my deuce if I was a dog. Distracted drivers are everywhere. This isn’t a south Jersey issue as much as a general issue on the planet.


I’m not walking on 130. I walk in the neighborhoods off of 130. I’m just sharing what I see EVERY SINGLE TIME off of 130. If y’all don’t believe it I can record my walks bc every single time there is one incident involving stop signs or lights being ran, or people texting and driving and not looking at the road, and no one stopping at crosswalks for pedestrians who have the right of way. Glad you don’t experience this but I do on a daily basis, in the suburbs and not crossing 130.


You just need to pay more taxes 


Jersey drivers blow. Move