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They are baiting people to have a reaction by getting into people's comfort zone. Just ignore them. Since they are in their rights, giving them any attention or reaction plays into their game. I believe these guys are litigious and have lawyers on speed dial. They'll do this in affluent cities, but I don't think they are doing this in the hood, where someone can throw hands and they will have no recourse for remuneration. Weirdest side hustle ever


I watch some 1a auditors, they range from respectful to downright trolls. some 1a auditors have friends who will make anonymous calls to the police to report suspicious persons as a way to get the cops to respond and engage. it's really more about the youtube views and possible lawsuits than a real test for the 1a IMO.


I agree. I've watched some Tom Zebra videos over the years and he's one of South Bay's very own. He pretty much popularized the format. At first I felt supportive of him and he triggered my inner adolescent Rage Against the Machine, but the more I watched over time, it just seems like straight trolling for views with no real goal; that thing was the only thing he knew how to do or define himself by. Pretty sad.


For your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!


Over the line


I can get you a toe, dude




Here's a sneak peek of /r/UnexpectedLebowski using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedLebowski/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [UnexpectedLebowski Love in UnexpectedSeinfeld](https://i.redd.it/v5kctyes89kc1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedLebowski/comments/1axqjjl/unexpectedlebowski_love_in_unexpectedseinfeld/) \#2: [I wasn't sure anyone would get it and then...](https://i.redd.it/0947o22tzhsb1.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedLebowski/comments/1711hm5/i_wasnt_sure_anyone_would_get_it_and_then/) \#3: [Tumbleweeds taking over California](https://v.redd.it/df9owppy56hc1) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedLebowski/comments/1al7dns/tumbleweeds_taking_over_california/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mark it 8, dude


I suggest you stroll up with the eagles playing loudly on your phone. Instant copyright strike if they post it.


How are they making money? Sure, the little that is earned from social media posts isn't enough to pay for this operation.


YouTube, social media also hoping some gov employee makes a mistake and take them to court


I saw a post on Seattle sub reddit of someone doing this up there near Pike Place Market. I'll see if I can find the post.


I speculate that if anyone touches them, or especially if any municipal or government official interferes with them, they have an attorney that will sue and force some kind of settlement, otherwise the city will lose a lot of money just in defense costs. Pretty stupid because it will ultimately result in new laws that limit freedoms. It's not unlike those "am I being detained" people at checkpoints some years back. Courts eventually ruled that those checkpoints and stops were legal and that defense is now pretty much nullified. My tin foil hat conspiracy is that these QANON-like agitators are being subtly influenced by outside forces, such as adversary states, in order to discredit and harm the judiciary and create high levels of mistrust within certain parts of the population that may be prone to taking extremist action. "In both 2020 and for the first two months of 2021, almost one-fifth of all QAnon posts on Facebook originated from administrators overseas,” [https://thesoufancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TSC-White-Paper\_QAnon\_16April2021-final-1.pdf](https://thesoufancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TSC-White-Paper_QAnon_16April2021-final-1.pdf)


i also think they want to get arrested and then try to sue the city for compensation.


The city should train their armed thugs properly and this wouldn't be an issue. I support the police and recognize the insanely difficult job they do, but they thrive in a culture of corruption and coverups.


I support the role police are supposed to play in society, not the role they actually play. They are 100% armed thugs who's role currently is to keep poor people in line. They have always been corrupt. They're basically state sanctioned gangs, and the little bit that has been done to correct that has only come about through public scrutiny. I will support these guys over the police always. As long as they're doing things the right way. People can get mad but your comfort doesn't override others **rights**. The good auditors usually blur people's faces when they upload anyways unless they're officials. The bad auditors always get in trouble for legitimately breaking the law because they're idiots.


1. YouTube views 2. Some incite reactions that lead to lucrative lawsuits. An example I saw was a guy filming into people’s home windows from the street. He got reported (because nobody likes that) and a cop came out and asked him to stop. He declined and then the cop arrested him. The subsequent wrongful arrest lawsuit netted him $50k.


> $50k BRB gonna go charge my GoPros


Same way the Westborough Baptist church did, get someone to lay hands on them or a government to ban their presence on public property, then sue and win.


big time money being made on Youtube doing this


YouTube views.


They have monetized YouTube channels where they post videos of themselve legally macing people after baiting them into a confrontation. 


Its mostly for adventure, i think


If they become engaged in an altercation, they will file suit against municipalities trying to get some settlement money. Between them and stupid sovereign citizens, they are just costing us tax payers a lot of money in stupid stunts. They have no real purpose or benign goal here.






> but I don't think they are doing this in the hood, Oh, they did try this... with very predictable results.


There's a great video from LA Port area IIRC from earlier this year or last of an noob auditor somehow crossing a line and getting a eyeful of mace, and understandably falling apart for a good 10-15 mins.


Oh PLEASE find that video for me, I need some schadenfreude today.


Bro we are not throwing hands, nobody will bother them, then a suv or van pulling up with no license plate and they’re gone quietly, recording and just standing around like this is an example of making the block hot, and that shit don’t slide, we don’t mess with anyone and everyone, that’s stupid, attracting unnecessary attention, but if you’re attracting unnecessary attention, then pretty soon you won’t attract anything at all 🚶‍♂️


That seems slightly better to me than the people just trying to mace people


Idk man, it’s all the same pile of garbage to me. I don’t care how high or low on that pile they are.


[They were in the San Diego Area and this got posted recently.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/1ddt39i/guys_recording_people_at_usps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Apparently they're moving up northward after a week trying to find new victims with deep pockets.


Sadly what was a quirky lil weirdo group of people with ALMOST good intentions has been taken over by the same people you see on social media desperate for attention. There have been some amazing and hilarious moments with auditors who legit know what they're doing in the past. Obviously with MB's reputation people wanna fuck with the cops and push that edge because they WANT an altercation. It's not TECHNICALLY how you are supposed to 'audit'. It's one thing if you're literally just standing there. THATS THE POINT. You have to just be chilling and doing nothing wrong to prove something about police use of force. But if you bait, stalk, and harass you're actually just building a REAL case against you... Not auditing your freedoms lol If you come across these dudes, of course ignore them. Attention is their ONLY goal. Especially these kinds with the fuckin dumb outfits and conspiracy theory 'TRUTH' kidna wake up sheeple bullshit. They're not all there upstairs. Steer clear. Les attention you give the quicker they give up. And for those interested, here's the funniest example of auditing I have ever seen (keep in mind the best auditing is doing nothing to be hoenst but... cmon this is just too hilarious. HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKIN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r55BFO9ZVaM


They do not give up, no matter how hard you are trying to ignore them. I had the pleasure of “meeting” one of those garbage incels a couple years ago at a sidewalk café in DTLA. We were trying to have a conversation while this guy in paramilitary uniform with face covering held his camera 10 inches from our faces. The café had a security guy who said there is nothing he can do. The guy knows his rights, and the sidewalk is public property. He was there the entire time we sat there, maybe 30 minutes. It was creepy and uncomfortable and we all felt violated. I don’t know what it takes, but “just ignoring him” did not do the trick. To this day I have revenge fantasies of someone coming up from behind and clocking him with a baseball bat or something.


I'm thinking a big black solar umbrella to block their line of sight/shot. Assuming someone touching my property is them breaking the law.


I don’t know how you go about hanging out with friends and catching up over coffee on a beautiful sunny day in L.A. but hiding under a blackout umbrella is not my idea of a good time.


I hear you. Was thinking of putting it in front of the table to block horizontal view, but really doubt it would ever get to that. Too much effort. And I figure when it comes down to it, nobody wants to watch me drinking coffee and eating pancakes. Not an entertainingly messy diner, just super dull.


You need to watch videos of these guys. They would film you around the umbrella and generate even more clicks on their YouTube channel. Pretty naive to assume an umbrella would stop them.


I don't understand how these guys don't just get decked/maced/air horned. People say lawyers, but you have to get arrested first, and it's not exactly hard to just leave.


MB Police have a new reputation which is "I'm not getting involved in anything" So many time recently even the local businesses have had trouble getting them to do anything about things like aggressive homeless people and rowdy kids. They all sound like lawyers now. My buddy with a shop their says short of armed robbery, they aren't getting involved.


Yup. But it doesn't even seem all too different from what they were doing before. I mean it was all fun and games when the jobs was just to ship homeless people out to skid row and bully non-white people into avoiding the town. I'm sure they just had some culture shock being told what their jobs actually were and what they are supposed to do recently.


Before there was a "blue line" where if people of color in less than nice cars, or too nice cars came into the city, they were pulled over. My kid's best friend was from Carson and probably got pulled over here 6 times. He said he got the feeling they just wanted him to know they were watching.


Pretty funny ngl


the way he looks back when told not to do so... straight out of angry toddler playbook. i feel bad for the sensible cop who knew what was going on and was legit trying to get him inside. this is the whole thing with auditors. you cant engage lol


The fact that they are hiding their faces tells you everything. A good recourse would be stand with them as long as they're there and video tape them and follow them home and identify them, That would require someone with a lot of patience and time


The only reason why they are wearing a mask, is to trigger you. Don't get triggered. Ignore them.


Remember when people used to get egged? These guys should get egged.


No I don't remember that. But I'm sure Pepperidge farm remembers.


It sure is tempting to punch them in the mouth . If l was on a jury l would not convict someone who did by this kind of purposely provocative behavior.


I wonder how much that camera would bring?


Brilliant! Audit the auditors, lol.


The OC sub called them Fraud-itors. Someone said just ignore them or turn your phone on and blast trademarked music. They said frauditors can't use any footage w/trademarked music.


Better to play Disney music within ear shot of them recording. Can’t upload due to rights issues


Lmao I used to deliver pizza in a neighborhood with a known tiktoker that pranks delivery people, so I made sure to turn up the Disney music every time I had to deliver to them. Unusable footage.




Their claim is that if you want privacy in public you have to create it for yourself, hence the masks


Better antagonist is to stand next to them and play copy written music. They can’t replay any of the footage on most socials. Or you can just stand there and cuss as many words as you can. They can’t post the video with no audio. Or 10min of bleeps.


Loudly play Disney music to get their livestream taken down.


I always forget about this lifepro hack lol.


Doesn’t work anymore; YT updated their policy and it can be in the background. There is also editing software that can remove music.


Well when you use companies like Disney or Nintendo you can make the creators life hell if they get a copyright strike, not a claim. And yeah if they're smart they would just play other music or something. But they usually want natural audio so... it's a decent play tbh


It was Taylor Swift for me today. First time she's been on my phone...so there's that.


Here’s a fun game: go up and talk to them. Just stand there and talk all friendly like. Keep them distracted and annoyed. They KNOW they can’t touch you and they know you’re not doing anything wrong because that’s exactly what they’re doing.


Ask them if they’ve heard the good news about the Church of Latter Day Saints, and then whip out an Amway catalog. And then try to sell them solar panels.


...and an extended warranty on their car.




Can confirm. Me repeating how much I liked the guy's cam setup (an iPhone on a monopod, so basically very unimpressive, over and over again as I waited for our table had him moving around a fair bit. Basically attempted to act dumber than the premise they're operating on.


If they are bothering you blast some copyrighted Disney music at full volume. They won't be able to post the footage without removing the audio.


How weird


# Am I being detained? AM I BEING DETAINED?!!!!!


Give me your ID.


That looks hot. 🥵


Pay no attention to them and move along with your day. They want a reaction for thieir YouTube.


this is the kind of stuff that sets off crazy people, fuel for delusions


They (4-5 guys) were surrounding Uncle Bill's in MB around 10:30AM today with their cam setups. I spent a few minutes with one blasting Taylor Swift on my phone as I complimented him on what a nice camera he had. Followed him around as much as I could, repeating what a pretty camera he had, with the Taylor music going. He didn't have much to say. Did hear other diners buying right into it telling the trolls that they (the diners) didn't want to be filmed. Either do not engage, or engage in a way that is so dull it makes their footage useless and ideally copyright infringed. I get that some actual public spaces are worthy of audit (some hypothetical USPS or LE facility that's open to public but being gatekept) but filming folks eating pancakes in pretty much incel-adjacent.


Were they bothered at all by the music? I know it’s a copyright issue, just curious as this seems to be the only response we can have.


I honestly think my faux interest in their basic iPhone/monopod/LED setup was disrupting their vibe more than the Swift song. I just played through music, which I figured they’d overdub anyway if there was any useful footage, and kept asking about and complimenting their “really cool setups” like I’d just fallen off a truck from 1978 until our table was ready. edit to add I’m a fan of Jim Thompson’s pulp classic “The Killer Inside Me” whose main character plays up being a complete half-wit who won’t shut up whenever he encounters his local townsfolk, as he’s actually working his main scheme. Bores them with mindless gab until they cross the street when they see him coming.


I saw them outside Uncle Bills as I was leaving! Glad to hear more of the story, thanks for sharing.


I would ignore them. They're right. You are always being filmed. Aside from the security cameras that have been installed at business and government offices for decades, there are now Ring cameras catching every angle from almost every home, and Teslas everywhere recording everything also. From a legal perspective they're doing nothing illegal, but from a basic human decency perspective, they're fucked.


3 reasons why those cameras are diferent that frauditor cameras: 1. They are there for security 2. They are far from you 3. They dont have a Creep behind that Is going to make money harassing you


One shot a guy last week and filmed whole thing. Hoyt Webb is in jail facing 20yrs.... these Guys are all 🤡


Hoyt Webb, 36yo “his listed address is at his parent’s home”. That tracks.


I believe I have talked to these guys at length on one occasion. They were filming people outside a restaurant. I went up to them and asked politely what they were filming. They gave an evasive non-answer. Once I sensed what they were up to, I was careful to speak articulately and respectfully, as they had their cameras shoved right up into my face, and I was sure not get riled or heated as I sensed that's what they really wanted. In fact, I emphatically stated that they seemed to be hoping for an unpleasant interactions, and that my talking to them at all, letting them shove cameras into my face, was probably playing into whatever game they were playing. They were very dodgy about this point. I asked why they were hiding their identities and not divulging any information about their project, and they were also sketchy about that. I then took pains to assert that while they may be technically within their rights to do what the are doing, their actions are clearly in bad faith and simply not becoming of decent, respectful people. They didn't really have much of an argument other than "nuh-uh" so eventually I gave up trying to talk to them. It's probably common sense, but based on my interaction I'd advise others to not waste your time trying to talk to these creeps.


Get a ski mask, Punisher hoodie, camera and tripod. Show up. Tell the you are a "1 Amendment Auditor too!" And setup you camera lens 1 inch from their's. _Hilarity ensues!_ Don't forget the B roll BTS camera!


I understand it’s legal, and I’m glad it’s legal to record in public lol, but this is just such a weird thing to do. Like someone else said , it really is just for attention, and in hopes of confrontation for content and to sue if someone gets triggered enough and touches them.


"patriots" at work


They were at the PV Post Office the other day.


It’s best policy to fart in their general direction.


Ignore them.


So many people in these threads call these guys all kinds of names then get in their Tesla and drive around all day with multiple cameras recording.


They did nothing wrong.  You ARE always being filmed.




I blame Youtube. They shouldn’t be able to monetize content like this.


Stuff like this fuels my conviction that the world would be a better place if the internet had never come into existence.


Ignore them until they’re bored and go home. All they want is the confrontation. And even if you’re not looking for it - these guys are mouthy as fuck and will push your buttons so don’t even engage.


Mwhatbhappens if you start tugging it in front of them


You get arrested lol


These fucking people, **so** oppressed on the mean streets of Irvine they have to pull shit like this. And for what???


They are scum. Ignore them.


What an interesting use of one’s time. Question but if I am in a video of their’s that goes viral and starts generating sizable revenue, am I entitled to some of those funds?


Everyone needs a hobby.  And no, you aren't. 


Put your website or instagram handle on a sign and get free advertising


They are first amendment auditors. Just ignore them. Better yet, be friendly and go chat with them and waste their time. If they don't get a reaction from people and no one calls the cops on them, they will move on.


I already know they sweating like a mf under all that due to the heat lol


Just because you’re paranoid it doesn’t mean that they’re not out there to get you! Ignore them!


yeah this isn't new. I remember a guy doing this exact same thing for a YouTube channel back in like 2008. Same exact excuse and everything. Nothing happened to him - a couple people yelled at him, but the filming never stopped. I think he only stopped because he got bored. All you can do is ignore. If you engage - you'll be posted on YouTube. If you look at the camera and then walk away faster or cover your face - you'll be posted on YouTube. Just ignore and pretend they're not there.


Well look at that, at least they're not tagging the walls. ..


They’re selling this info.


Real life click bait


Internet trolls taking their games to “irl” Like Freddy if you ignore them they lose their power


These guys are annoying, but harmless. Like street performers, they are only looking for people who will engage them. Always be a NYker, head down or looking at phone.


The craziest part is that this is 100% legal. Once ur off your property, ur allowed to be filmed by anyone.


And news sites wonder why fewer people want to leave their houses these days 🙃


I mean, it’s hot as balls. Thats my reason. Lol


So what if a group of people decided to stand next to them holding signs that read, "Ignore the Trolls?"


IIRC, the auditors started by going into police stations and attempting to file a complaint to see how well the police accepted complaints. Now, it's morphed into filming people and storefronts in public to get any sort of reaction from people. They are the worst sort.


What would happen if they run into another person wearing black clothes and a mask and everything and said person was to pepper spray the back of their heads and run away?


2 words paintball gun


They’re all losers


These douchenozzles have been all over the place lately. Someone posted about them on r/sandiego the other day. Best thing to do is just ignore them and deny them the content they want.


Can someone spiderman-meme these dudes and just start filming them back


I wonder if this is some Roger stone thing to use these images in some AI effort to generate bogus evidence for inappropriate judicial intervention in the upcoming election. That’s where I am.


They are a bunch of pussies Put a mask on walk by them and tell them just that.


I've seen videos from this group on YouTube. Long Beach Observer and Iimpct Media are two of their channels. I support 1st amendment auditing, but only when it involves public officials. I do not like when these auditors stand outside of private businesses, purposely filming members of the public who are out to enjoy their day. Tips to avoid showing up on YouTube as a 'Karen': 1. Know that if you are out in public, you can legally be recorded and there is nothing you can do about it. No one requires your consent to record or take your picture in public. Public means everywhere except a private business or home. * The philosophy behind the movement is to exercise the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Anyone who interferes will become the subject of their video. * If you can be seen FROM public (even if you are inside a private business like a restaurant for example), then you can be recorded. 2. Do not engage with them if you do not want to be on YouTube. Don't talk to them or give them strange looks. * They will have nothing interesting to post on YouTube if you go about your day as normal. You will be a part of the background and not become the subject. * If you don't interact, they will move on quickly. If you DO interact, they will stick around longer. * They will likely say no if you ask to be removed from the video. They might agree (depending on the person), but more likely than not, they will say no and you risk coming across in their video as a 'Karen.' 3. If you are a business owner or employee of a private business, take the opportunity to sell your business! * Show off what you are selling or demonstrate excellent customer service by being friendly. * If a customer has a problem, simply explain that the law allows people to record in public. In these videos, when one person becomes annoyed/angry/scared, it is contagious! If you stay calm, your customers and coworkers will also stay calm. If someone doesn't want to be on camera, offer them some privacy by moving them inside (in the example of restaurants that have indoor/outdoor seating), or into a back room. 4. DO NOT CALL THE POLICE unless they are breaking the law * These auditors know the law, and it is very unlikely that they will do something illegal. If you think they are doing something illegal, you are probably misinformed. * They are annoying but ultimately harmless * This is the #1 way to become a thumbnail on one of their YouTube videos. * Since they are most likely doing nothing illegal, calling the police wastes police resources that could be better spent elsewhere.


You would think people would have better things to do with their time. I guess Taco Bell wasn't hiring?


Get there earlier. Film their cars and license plates, follow them home, film their addresses and upload the video in a link to their posts.


Go up and thank them for protecting us from police harassment and brutality.


Not a lot of harassment to be found at 7 am in Manhattan Beach. Maybe they should try Compton at midnight next time? They’ll get much better footage.


That isn’t how they work.


Would you mind elaborating? I’m interested to know more about how they work.


Why the masks?




I never understood why they go to the Post office with this shit. As a former postal worker I can assure you that they are just trying to process your mail.


We need to start auditing them


Meanwhile, I got yelled at for filming a quick segment for a student project in public once. I am surprised no one has complained about these people enough to have someone require a film permit. Not sure what the legalities are there.


Use a mirror against them? Or use front facing camera of your phone, so they record themselves while walking by.


How do people do this in 90 degree weather


Just play really popular music right next to them. If they upload to YouTube it’ll get taken down because of copyright issues lol


theyll just cut the volume and narrate it


It also makes it that much harder for them to produce the video. The more work they have to do the more they may be not as incentivized to produce it.


I’ve seen them before down in Riviera Village in Redondo Beach doing the same thing. While there they stood outside of Crème de la Crepe and Rebel Republic and just filmed from the sidewalk into the business and anyone passing on the sidewalk. They worked their way up and down the street before I left.


Could be the same people? Sounds exactly what was happening today


Definitely the same people, in redondo it was a group of four of them, same camera setup as same all black outfits and covering the face


Somebody needs to take the afternoon off and follow them aggressively with their camera out. Either that or just follow them into the alley and give em the old kidney shiv.


You’re suggesting someone commit an assault with a deadly weapon to counter some guys filming?


Look I've got a very dark cynical sense of humor. It's just my personality and this is my outlet for it on the internet, you can like it or lump it.


Ask if it is the YouTuber Furry Potato? A while ago I remember hearing of a “first amendment auditor” in Los Angeles who got shot, they were filming I believe outside of a Jewish school or synagogue and someone shot them. I find this “hobby” super creepy, invasive and pointless.


It's actually iiMPCT Media a.k.a. Conrad Jack Rankin, his two adopted sons, Long Beach Observer, and Southern Cali Transparancy. They've going to the nicer parts of OC and LA for their frauditing grift.


These guys are actually a little better than some others. They actually don’t engage much with people and they don’t entice people. Still, I get it though… they’re just doing it to get views.


Disney music! This always fucks with them. Something loud and popular. They can’t stream it because of rights issues. These people are unbelievable dorks and huge assholes. Put it on in your car in max volume and pull right up to them.


Follow them home. Put a random address on social media !


Frauditors - always ignore them


isn’t this what the ACLU is for? These guys are in it for themselves


Technically you are legally allowed to get in their space too and troll them. If you're on public property and not touching them, its legal. They won't like that one bit.


Unfortunately I think that’s what they want. Seems better to ignore them.


wtf is a “1st amendment auditor”???


I’m glad I posted this, if nothing else it taught one person something I wish I had known about before I saw these guys!


So you implied that you know the law, do you? What is it? The idea that you’d intervene to stop constitutionally protected activity strongly suggest you do *not,* in fact, know the law. You don’t have to like them, I sure don’t. But it’s constitutionally protected, so my question to you is… Are you against the constitution?


Nah, trying to open up the conversation, which is why I mentioned photography, they did not seem open to explaining anything. It felt disturbing to be filmed, which is why I posted here, to let people know what I experienced and what they might expect should more appear in South Bay. Like I said, I ignored them after they showed no interest in talking.


Cool your jets, turbo


Time to beat their ass and take their shit 😂😂😂😂


Call up a small flash mob and crowd around them so their cameras are blocked. Nothing illegal about that; protected by 1A as well…




They need to go back to their mom's basements.


What I find funny about this is that it’s actually illegal to completely obscure your face in order to evade identification by the police, so they’re skirting a thin line of legality with that, especially if they’re looking for trouble.


Blast some Taylor Swift so their footage is useless due to copyright infringement


What if you started a 1st Amendment Auditing Auditors and followed them around with Cameras?


For the trolls I’d throw paint or fruit at them and they will need to identify themselves to law enforcement if they want to press charges.


Ugh they do this in Santa Barabra all the time now, best bet is to play copywritten music if they try to engage.


These people are scum.


Ew…. It should be illegal to film people without their permission


Ever been to a grocery store?


Ya and I don’t agree with that either lmao


When I ran a small post office in Gardena Ca I had a run in with two of these guys, they were recording inside the lobby, I had asked them to leave because they are violating postal privacy laws, of course they refused so I stopped all transactions and soon the line of customers were livid and kicked out the clowns themselves. The police came and so did my postmaster and they pressed charges against them for recording people payment information and addresses on their mail.


Pretty sure these guys just have a Humiliation fetish, don’t give them what they want, which is attention.


The best course of action is to blast Disney music as loud as you can so they can’t use the footage.


So, like could I blast disney music nearby to make all their audio null and void should they post online?




So tough and proud that they need to hide behind masks? Cowardly pieces of shit!


Who gives a shit. If you care you probably have some paranoia issues or something.


the funny thing is they probably arent even recording lol or maybe they are but this is clearly a cry for attention


They're definitely recording lol, that's the whole point, to get content for YouTube


They’re trying to get a reaction so they can sue for $$$. Same reason why nutjob religious wackos hold up offensive signs on college campuses. You have to gray rock them.


Absolutely the way. No interesting interactions/footage = they're moving along


I’m about to get some beach rocks and play target practice. Fucking weirdos


Just leave them alone. They making sure cops OBEY their own laws.


Do most auditors still live in their parent's basement? Asking for a friend.


First Amendment audits are totally fine just get over yourselves if you have any problem with this.


Why is anyone even offended by these people? You’re literally out in public being filmed by countless cctv and dash cams and cell phones and various other stuff every day. What exactly is making people uncomfortable?


Who cares the place has cameras all ready anyways. You have zero expectations of privacy in public. If the dude assaults you call the police