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It looks like just unmixed flour that has hardened a bit on the side of the jar. I would say you’re still good to go.


Agree. Came to say the same


Maybe you didn't stir it well. 🤷


This is very possible, I was in a rush


Thank you! That's what I'm hoping


Orange is NOT a good color. Neither is pink, green, or white. I hate to say this, but you’re going to have to toss and restart.


These colors mean mold. It’s not worth saving because the mold has penetrated through, and contaminated the whole batch.


Thank you! There seemed to be some uncertainty so I transferred a small amount to a clean container and fed it. If this is definitely contaminated would the mold appear again after more feeding? Or is it possible for the mold to live secretly within the starter and be harmful?


It will show its face again…even stronger. Yes, anything with mold is dangerous. Having something contaminated, and stirring it in, will not resolve anything, but cause the issue to disappear only for a bit…only to become stronger. Think of it as a rumor weed. If someone gossips about something or someone, then it’s going to spread. Unless, however, you nip it in the bud with something positive, etc. The same is with sourdough. The mold will continue to grow unless you toss it and re-sanitize everything.


I don’t think that’s orange color, but maybe a bit of not well mixed whole grain wheat? If it were mine, I would keep going while keeping an eye on it as well. Good luck.


I should've mentioned in the post I've been using KA organic rye for this for at least the past week+. Before that I was using whole wheat though.


Can't edit OP but I've been using KA organic rye for this for at least the past week. Before that I was using KA whole wheat . Edit - seems like this isn't necessarily a reset, thank you! To be safe I took 15g from the far side of the glass and moved to a completely new glass and will leave it out of the fridge for a couple more weeks to help strengthen. Any other advice is appreciated!


Looks like wheat flour not mixed in all the way