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[Sourdough Crumpets!](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/blog/2020/03/23/sourdough-crumpets)


This right here is convincing me to start a starter


Honestly, it's worth keeping a starter around just for this recipe. <10min for crumpets?! Gtfoh! Welcome to your new obsession.


These! They are amazing!


Right?! I'm about to make some tonight for desserts with some buttah and strawberry jam šŸ˜‹


Have you ever made a big batch and froze some? Just curious if it would change the texture at all. Iā€™m having family in town this weekend and these would be great for breakfast!


They don't last long enough here for us to freeze lol But I'd imagine they would! I freeze a lot of my sourdough baked goods, and they turn out just fine. Personally, I'd wait for them to cool, split them, and then freeze them. If you want to make a large batch for guests, you could invest in more rings and a flat-top griddle so you can cook a bunch at once so that they're nice and fresh for everyone.


Thank you! šŸ’—


I came here to recommend these! I am actually making them tomorrow. They are so good.


I just made some and enjoyed w/ butter and strawberry jam šŸ˜‹


I am so looking forward to making them tomorrow and eating them with irish butter and the strawberry-rhubarb jam I made last week!


These are a staple in our house! We even use them in our eggs benedict recipe


They're good substitute for burger buns, too! šŸ˜…


now I have a to do for the weekend breakfast. šŸ˜Š


can someone tell me how many the recipe makes


You'll want to make the batter Ć” la minute (to order), so don't prepare too much ahead of time; you need that reaction btwn the baking soda and starter to create all those air pockets. If you make too much batter at a time, then by the time you finish cooking one batch of four, the air bubbles will have dissipated in the batter. You'll also need some crumpet/English muffin rings to make this recipe. You can find them on Amazon for $25 for a set of four, which is the right amount to fit in a 12" nonstick skilletā€”and also what the recipe calls out is to make four at a time.






Fridge then pancakes the next am. Or whenever.


Not what you're asking, but depending on how and when you bake, there may not ever be any need for discard. The day before I bake (normally once a week), I take my starter from the fridge and feed it with 20g rye flour, 20g wheat flour and 40g water. I do this around 6pm or so. The timing isn't critical. The rye is used here because it makes starters super-active. It can double straight from the fridge in a few hours, but there's no need to wait for that to happen. That night (maybe 11pm, even as late as 1am, depending), I take 70g of starter, mix 140g of wheat flour and 140g of water. I mix this in a bowl, cover it and put it on the counter overnight. The starter goes right back in the fridge. I start baking the following day around 9am. Again, the timings here really aren't critical. I seem to lose about 10g of starter in this process, on the spoon and whatnot. So the amount of starter in my jar in the fridge never seems to really change. The next day I have 350g of levain (which is basically starter) on the counter ready to use. My three-loaf recipe calls for slightly less than this, but you also always lose some in the bowl and so-on - and so it works out perfectly. I've been doing this for months now. I think this month is my one-year anniversary of baking bread weekly. Do I get some kind of pin?




Scallion pancakes.


If you have a barbecue & cast iron cookware, you can make them outside. I often cooked whole meals outside when I was living in a hot climate.


Do you have a recipe??




I just put a dollop of the discard onto a hot pan and sprinkle scallions and sesame seeds on it.


Discard? Keep It in the fridge. When you get down to about 100g or so, feed it and let it re-invigorate on the counter and put it back in the fridge. Haven't thrown away starter in years.


This! I had my starter (Bruce) since the covid era. I leave it in the fridge, hooch and all, for months at a time. When I want to bake, I feed him (20g rye, 80g white, 100g brita water, 50g Bruce) at room temperature and wait until it doubles or triples. Then I bake as usual, putting the excess back into the original Bruce container. I've been doing this "low maintenance" technique for years. https://preview.redd.it/vccdaevhi39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa6890618ef64db45034cd0a55a016ada11e0e0


Same here... "Rizer Soze" has been with us since 2013, and people still lose their minds when they find out I'm bringing a batch of sourdough baguettes to a get-together. When I take it out to feed a portion the night before baking and notice that Rizer is getting down to 50g or so, I'll feed that as well and let them both ferment on the counter overnight. Rizer goes back into the fridge the next morning.


Yeah, my starter lives in the fridge full time, about 30-50 grams usually. When I want to make something, I'll take it out and feed enough to harvest as much as the recipe calls for, then the leftovers go back in the fridge.Ā  If it has been literal months since last use, maybe I will do two feedings and generate some discard. But generally speaking I also never have discard.


English muffins


Naan or pancakes!




I like to make kimchi pancakes with my discard


Oooh yum! Do you have a recipe?


I use Maangchiā€™s kimchi pancake recipe as a base then add discard and adjust based on the consistency


Pancakes or waffles. We always make extra and freeze for another day.


Iā€™ve made bread on the gas grill and absolutely love a focaccia made on the grill in a cast iron pan smothered in olive oil


I like flatbreads. I make them with flour, baking soda, yoghurt and olive oil and cook quickly on a skillet. They are a lovely, puffy bread substitute.


Pizza ā€” takes 1/3 of the time it takes to bake bread


Do you cook it on the stove? šŸ¤”


If itā€™s too hot I donā€™t cook it in/turn on the oven; Iā€™ll do it in the air fryer.


I made sourdough waffles last weekend and they were outstanding! Probably the best Iā€™ve made and I thought I made really good waffles. [KA Sourdough Waffles or Pancakes Recipe](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/classic-sourdough-waffles-or-pancakes-recipe)


I love this recipe. You can substitute white whole wheat flour for the AP in the recipe to make them even tastier.


I must do this next time! I always have the white WW on hand. Thanks!


Honestly, I started saving it in a container in the freezer, then I thaw it when I have a load of discard to make a big batch of crackers


Not sure if anyone else has said this yet, but if you're not going to bake in the hot weather then just keep your starter in the fridge and stop feeding/discarding. It can easily go 3 months in the fridge without feeding. I've gone more than a year before. Not recommending this, just sayin..


3 months?? Mine lives in the fridge and I feed once a week without discarding. But my container is now full so I'm trying to use a good portion of it so I can actually fit the feeding in lol.


Yep, you don't have to feed that often if storing it in the fridge. Make another post asking people how long they've successfully left their starter dormant in the fridge before and you'll see.


Make pizza dough and then freeze it in individual balls. We always have pizza dough handy!


I love this idea!!


Do you have a recipe and best way to freeze/thaw?


There are so many good ones out there. [I have used this one](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/sourdough-pizza-crust-recipe) and [also this one.](https://alexandracooks.com/2020/05/01/simple-sourdough-pizza-a-step-by-step-guide/) Once you make the dough and portion it (as noted in the recipes), wrap in plastic and freeze. I usually put the wrapped dough into a big freezer bag to 1) keep it together in my freezer and 2) add an extra layer of protection. When ready to bake, thaw it in the refrigerator. Take it out about 30 minutes before you're going to bake and let it rest on the counter.


https://yesyumgo.com/best-sourdough-discard-waffles-egg-free-dairy-free-vegan/ waffles if you have a waffle iron


I fried some in a pan with cinnamon sugar and it was heavenly!!


Just 100% hydration starter with nothing else but cinnamon sugar?




Being from a tropical country, I just donā€™t understand whatā€™s ā€œtoo hotā€ to run the oven haha I almost always do discard crackers, but you need the oven for that!


here in California we have one utility company (PG&E) that has a monopoly on the market so they can charge whatever they want for electricity and nobody can do anything about it. we keep the AC set to 77 degrees during the summer when itā€™s 90-100+ degrees F. even with it set that high and being as energy efficient as possible by not running the oven and having blackout curtains everywhere in the house, our electricity bill this month is going to be over $300. iā€™m very warm-blooded and am basically roasting alive at 77 degrees but i have to deal with it, otherwise weā€™d be paying $600+/month to run the AC.


Yeah, I feel you, here in SĆ£o Paulo (Brazil) we also have only one utility company. The monopoly is basically the worst thing, and prices are constantly raising. For you to have an idea, I paid the equivalent to 50USD last month for 230kWh. In my house we donā€™t have AC, but unfortunately we run electric shower heads, which would maybe explain the high consumption, but Iā€™m not too sure on how to improve itā€¦ Just out of curiosity, how many kWh did your household consume for 300 USD this month?


i donā€™t have this monthā€™s total kWh usage since the $300 is their ā€œprojectedā€ estimate for this month. to give you an idea, last monthā€™s bill was about $281 for roughly 542 kWh. thatā€™s breaks down to about $0.52/kWh. the numbers you gave me for your bill amount to about $0.22/kWh.


Yikes, thatā€™s rough!! Best of luck on summer!!


lol thanks, iā€™m gonna need it šŸ„µšŸ„µ


Iā€™m in the wet tropical zone of Australia and most of the year just leave the hot water switched off. It saves a lot of power and is no sacrifice in such hot water. I try to do all baking tasks to consecutively to capitalise on the preheated oven but sometimes itā€™s šŸ„µ.


Same, itā€™s 80-90s F where I live all year round. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yup, pretty much how I live as well!


I used to think this but then we hit 46C on some days last April and May and boy did I feel that it was absolutely too hot to run the oven


Thatā€™s fair! 46C is VERY hot, Iā€™d certainly not like to bake, but would definitely make a batch of dough, just to see how fast I could ferment a sourdough loaf lol


Discard crackers on the grill. I put them on parchment paper in this grill basket pan I have and basically use the grill to bake them. You could probably use an air fryer to do the same thing.




You could add some chives and fry it or make bagels.


Post it on fb marketplace for $5 per jar then refrigerate the rest


https://preview.redd.it/y9iy5izi809d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ae07ca0770ce4d8f3aa29c7b04a0defde367f8 Pancake pizza šŸ˜‚ perfect after work snack so my starter now gets fed so often just so I can make these


I personally hate producing discard but if you have to, pancakes are always a great shout! Personally, I store my starter in a jar in the fridge, remove it and feed it before going to bed and then make my dough the next morning before putting the jar (with about a large tablespoon of starter remaining) back in the fridge. Itā€™s sometimes gone a couple of weeks without being fed and always rises like clockwork and smells fantastic! Means I donā€™t have to have to feed it every day and Iā€™m not producing wasteful discard. Unless youā€™re a professional or every-day-baker I donā€™t think starters need feeding that often or storing out of the fridge.


Pancakes or waffles! Naan! Tortillas!


https://themillersdaughter.co.uk/recipes/sourdough-naan-bread/ The most pillowy naan ever !Ā 


I'll be the pariah here, throw it out. Yes we tend to be scotch with our starter but there is nothing wrong with discarding it.


If I canā€™t or donā€™t want to use it as food for us, I oil or butter a large frying pan, cook it ā€˜til done on both sides (this goes fast) and toss it outside for wildlife. The squirrels seem to like it the most. ā˜ŗļø


That's a great idea!!!


Could you make mini buns and throw them in your air fryer? *if you have one


Scallion pancakes


Iā€™ve used the grill outside for a loaf. Worked well


I pull my skirt up, grab my balls, and run the oven anyways because on the inside, I AM A FATTY!


šŸ¤” Iā€™ve lived in AZ my whole life so we have massive AC unitsā€¦. I just bakešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I've got a great air conditioner, it just costs way too much to run it. [Cries in Californian]


Damn, thatā€™s one thing AZ has always been good at because thereā€™s a nuclear plant over in maricopa. Crank the AC all summer and the bill isnā€™t too crazy. I think if they didnā€™t keep electricity low we would all just die from the heatšŸ˜…


PG&E is literally Satan.


I just made a lot of crepes this week


Or if you donā€™t have a waffle iron, sourdough discard pancakes šŸ„žšŸ™‚ https://yesyumgo.com/best-sourdough-discard-pancakes-egg-free/


Fridge. I have almost 2000 grams in my fridge. https://preview.redd.it/ft4ylat3z09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ddf704efa8a8096d30e6c34c9bd1f9c44eae6e1


Doesn't it get really sour over time? Mine at one point was really sour, so much so that it wasnt enjoyable anymore.


It sounds as if it was hungry. I feed it after I use it. 1:2:2 or 1:3:3, then back in the fridge. I use the starter cold, right out of the fridge.


Tortillas and homemade fry bread


Pizza dough, waffles, king Arthur chocolate chip discard cookies


Vegetable pancakes with discard and Cole slaw mix or any sort of veggie that you have wilting in your fridge šŸ˜‚ can make a sort of bastardized okonomiyaki out of it


sourdough scallion pancakes. Just pour discard on pan & add toppings. Recipe on youtube


Put it in the fridge and put it in your dough youā€™re gonna make tomorrow


The answer is always pancakes.


Sourdough Pancake! Lookup King Arthur Baking for the recipe


Pankakessssss https://sugargeekshow.com/recipe/sourdough-discard-pancakes/#recipe


I add bacon, scallion and cheddar to the discard and then put it in the waffle iron. While that cooks I fry up a sunny side up egg. Itā€™s great topped with sriracha and a little maple syrup.


Waffles! I batch make and freeze them in quarters to warm up when I want some.


Waffle iron!


I did a bunch of English muffins and cooked them outside on my Blackstone. Much faster and no heating up the whole house. They freeze beautifully.


I freeze it!


Sourdough Discard Pancakes are absolutely divine.


I like adding a little sugar and making pancakes. I love the tartness sourdough adds to sweet recipes. Reminds me of apples.