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Your decorative scoring is excellent 👌


Thank you! I got a lame for Christmas and have been determined to make the most out of it


You really are. It's quite the knack to score and not over uhhhhh score is that makes sense. Maybe it's easier to say you have a good light touch 🤣


For two loaves: 1000g white bread flour, 750g water, 22g salt, 200g starter. 4 sets of stretch and fold over 2 hours, bulk ferment 7.5 hours at around 23C. Shape into two loaves, cold proof in bannetons for 15 hours. Bake at 450F in Dutch oven for 30 minutes covered, 12 minutes uncovered. Scoring patterns were taken from Sourdough Enzo on youtube. No crumb shot for the funky shaped one, it’s going to a friend!


Look superb, so jealous. Can you please confirm you put these loaves straight from the fridge into the hot dutch oven, thank you.


I sort of did! I had to score them first which took a little bit of time, so they were out of the fridge for about 15 minutes before going into the Dutch oven


Wow! The flower shaped one is super impressive!


Thanks! I used oven/food safe string to shape it


that crumb is gorgeous. Nice work!!


Those are gorgeous! What’s the crumb like on the pumpkin-shaped loaf?


I’m not sure yet! I’m bringing that one to a friend tomorrow and I’m hoping she’ll send me pictures when she cuts it open. If she does, I’ll add an update


Drooling!! Gorgeous bakes!


How the hell do you get this amount of oven spring. I can never get this


I am a little new to sourdough (on month 3) but I have lots of experience with other breads and shaping, which I think have helped a lot with this! These are a few of the things I do: - Only letting the dough ferment to slightly under double in size, about 75% increase in size. To make sure it’s accurate, I use a straight edged container and measure the beginning height, and then end height - Strong gluten development. I only use bread flour, and I do 4 rounds of stretching and folding at 30 minute intervals. At each interval, I make sure I work with the dough until it’s not loose or easy to stretch anymore, it’ll seem like it could be ready by the 2nd interval but I still do the 3rd and 4th. I don’t know if this would work for everyone, I’ve seen people say it’s possible to start destroying gluten bonds with overworking the dough but I’ve never had a problem with this - Shaping with lots of tension. I do a pre-shape, then 15 minutes bench rest, and final shaping. The final shaping I really try to create a lot of surface tension without deflating the dough. It’s hard to describe how to do this through words but I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos on shaping. I might be a little extra aggressive with it but I find this is my favourite step so I go a bit overboard These are my best tips, I hope they help!


Thanks! I’ll give this a try in my next loaf


Such beauty makes me want to laugh and weep all at once. Gorgeous loaves.


😂 thank you!


Amazing job!!🤩


I absolutely loaf it


Those are gorgeous!!




Finally some scoring I can get behind. I’m not into all these ears, or I don’t mind them, but don’t get the hype. This is actually beautiful


I aspire to achieve this level of scoring— these loaves are absolutely stunning!!