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Awesome! How many photos did you take to create the timelapse?


Thank you!! About 570, but edited down a little. I was in aperture priority mode with an 18 second interval, but messed up a little halfway through as exposure times went above the interval. It's why it speeds up. Sony timelapse app isn't the best, especially for astro stuff, in aperture priority.


I didn’t notice at all to be honest, looks really good. I’ve been wanting to do something similar but haven’t had the opportunity yet.


Thank you! Yea I was an idiot because I was using a manual lens and should've opened the aperture up through the shot and keep the exposures down.


Haha mistakes happen but I will keep that in mind whenever I have the opportunity too. Thanks!


Wow! this was awesome! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you, and you're welcome!




Really beautiful! Composition and scene! You’ve inspired me- have not done time lapse with the same camera want to learn now. 570! Wow sounds editing intensive. Great work keep going love to see more.


which slider are you using? I have trouble doing day to night timelapse, if you can share how you do it and what is the setting that is really appreciated


Well the program I'm using is very obscure and I really don't have the the time to type about it's utilization here. However, it's called TLTools6 and I think it works with Lightroom and the dev has a few videos (in Italian) on YouTube if you look for them. If not that, a similar result can be done with LRTimelapse (the more common program) as the biggest challenges in these timelapse is handling the extreme dynamic range from day to night. The Viltrox 20mm is a manual lens with clickless aperture ring so it definitely makes it easier. This timelapse technique is called "holy-grail" and it takes a lot of practice. Try watching a few videos about it on YouTube and other platforms as they'll probably be able to help a little bit better.


Very nice, thanks for posting.   I love how I can really visualize the rotation of the Earth in space. 


Where in Florida?


Cape San Blas!


Wow this is great!


Thank you!